Error during installation of windows 7. If installation of Windows on this disk is not possible. Removing updates from Control Panel

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid Error 0x6 keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Errors made while editing the registry can cause your PC to malfunction and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even a single comma in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [download] (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 0x6-related registry problems. Using a [Download] registry cleaner automates the process of finding invalid registry entries, missing file references (like the one causing your %% error_name %% error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors [Download] can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we do NOT recommend manually editing the Windows registry. Incorrect use of the Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be fixed. Your use of the Registry Editor is at your own risk.

Before manually restoring windows registry. You need to create a backup by exporting a portion of the registry related to Error 0x6 (eg.Windows 7):

  1. Click the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command" in search bar ... DO NOT PRESS YET ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 0x6-related key (eg.Windows 7) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File choose Export.
  10. In the list Save to select the folder where you want to save the backup windows key 7.
  11. In field File name enter file name backup, for example "Windows 7 backup".
  12. Make sure in the box Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your Windows 7-related registry entry.

The next steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they can most likely damage your system. If you would like more information on manually editing the registry, please see the links below.

Windows 7 is the most popular operating system for home and office computers... There are few users who have not reinstalled this operating system on their own. Here are just a few of them faced a problem: when installing Windows 7, it gives an error, despite the exact execution of the instructions on the Internet. Why does this happen? Let's try to figure out the main ones that arise when reinstalling Windows 7 problems and methods of solving them.

Reasons for the error messages

It's not just beginners who have problems installing the operating system. So, if you encounter an error while reinstalling Windows, do not despair - there is nothing to worry about. Perhaps some points were not taken into account at preparatory stage... If during the installation Windows 7 gives an error, then it can be attributed to one of the following categories:

  • Copy problem installation files.
  • Outdated BIOS firmware.
  • Hard drive problems (presence broken sectors, lack of space).
  • Lack of drivers for one of the key hardware components (this happens with outdated disk drives and hard drives).

Problem solving methods

Let's consider why errors occur and find out the reasons for the appearance of certain messages.

File copying problem

This is symbolized by an error with code 0x80070570. It happens that during the process of copying the installation files, the installation process of Windows 7 stops with a message about the absence of the file or its damage. There are several reasons for the problem:

  • damaged Windows 7 distribution media;
  • problems with the file system or memory chips of the flash drive (damaged CD);
  • the image was downloaded with an error;
  • checksum of one of system files in the image is wrong.

If, when using the capabilities of torrent clients, the probability of downloading an image whose checksum does not match the original value is insignificant, then it is not difficult to become a victim of a poor-quality assembly. Here we check the hash of the iso image (using the HashTab utility or Total Commander) and check it against what is on the source (for example, a tracker).

If everything is in order, then we write the image again, having previously performed full formatting carrier. It is the complete formatting that will allow you to check the memory cells of the flash drive for problems. A faulty cell could cause a problem - it contained a file fragment that Windows could not process during installation.

Outdated BIOS

Including the PC, go to the menu bIOS settings and check its version and date last update or release. If it has not been updated, or has been updated in the early 2000s, feel free to go to the developer's or support site motherboard and download latest version BIOS. Perhaps the firmware for the old BIOS will have to be looked for in the archives of the sites or on the forums. How to update the BIOS, you can read in the instruction manual for your motherboard. But the best solution in this would be to replace motherboard to a more modern one.

HDD problems

There are a lot of both problems and solutions here. First, make sure that the system partition there is enough free space to install Windows 7. If you receive errors about the inability to install Windows 7 on the selected partition, format it using the installer.

To do this, select the volume and click on the "Format" button.

Missing floppy driver

If you are using an outdated CD-ROM drive, you may have a problem with its driver. The fact is that Microsoft did not add outdated hardware to the Windows 7 distribution in order to save the size of the distribution and the very low popularity of old hardware (and few people try to install the "seven" on old PCs).

Download the driver from the support site and copy it to the USB stick. After that, we indicate the path to the file by clicking on the browse button.

A similar situation occurs when using the USB3.0 jack during Windows installation. Here it is easier to reconnect the USB flash drive to the old USB2.0 connector.

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Critical errors when starting Windows 7 occur for many reasons: due to hardware malfunction, due to problems with the system itself, or due to crashes software... In some cases, a direct relationship between cause and effect can be traced if the failure occurred after installing an application, driver, connecting a new device, etc. In other cases, the source of the error is difficult to determine.

Hardware problems

Problems that arise before the start windows boot 7 are related to equipment, so there are just a few words about them. Any of the devices can be the culprit of the failure, but most often they are RAM and hDD... The message that is displayed on the screen in case of a critical error will help to understand in more detail.

Every user has ever seen blue screen death (BSOD). We will leave most of what is written there behind the scenes, since only the following is important for us to make a diagnosis:

  • type of error - a line at the top of the screen, written in capital letters through the underscore character (point 1 in the picture);
  • error code - a numeric identifier in hexadecimal form and its additional parameters (point 2 in the picture);
  • the driver or application that caused the BSOD, as well as the address where the failure occurred (point 3 in the picture). In case of hardware problems that occur before the drivers are initialized and in some other cases, this parameter is absent.

The following data may indicate problems with the hard drive or its controller:

  • 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

Memory errors often show themselves with the following messages:

  • 0x0000002E - DATA_BUS_ERROR
  • 0x0000004E - PFN_LIST_CORRUPT etc.

Often, a malfunction of the RAM is manifested by a variety of errors that can occur at any time during the startup and operation of the computer.

It often helps to fix a simple hardware failure bIOS recovery Setup to the default settings or, as they say, reset to default. This can be done in several ways: using your own BIOS option, by switching a special jumper to the mat. board or a temporary power outage of the CMOS chip (BIOS storage location).

To return BIOS Setup to default settings using its own option, you need to:

  • go to the menu by pressing the dedicated key immediately after turning on the machine (F2, F4, F12, Delete or others - this is written at the bottom of the motherboard splash screen);
  • open the Exit tab (usually), position the cursor on the LOAD BIOS DEFAULT option (in some versions it is called LOAD SETUP DEFAULTS or LOAD FAIL-SAFE DEFAULTS) and press Enter;
  • press F10 and Yes (or Y) to exit and save the settings.

Other ways are to switch the special jumper for reset BIOS to the CLR CMOS position (name options - CCMOS, Clear CMOS, Clear CMOS, Clear RTC, etc.) or to temporarily remove the battery on the board. On some mat. boards have a special button for this.

If the method did not help, the failure is probably more serious and is associated with a breakdown of any of the devices. At home, you can try to find a problem node by disconnecting or replacing it with a similar serviceable one. If this is not possible, you need to contact a specialist.

Using Windows 7 Safe Mode

In some cases, a startup failure occurs only in normal mode, and in safe mode, the system boots without problems. If this is your case, we will use this opportunity.

To get into safe mode, before starting windows startup press the F8 key several times. When you see such a list on the screen, select the desired item from it:

After loading the desktop, you need to open Start, go to the “All Programs” menu, open the “Standard” folder, then “System Tools” and select “System Restore” from there.

This Windows 7 tool will help you fix startup errors caused by damage system registry, removal or damage important filesinstallation of faulty drivers, virus attacks, and other system and software related issues.

  • After starting "Recovery" you need to select a checkpoint, which was created no later than the date when the failure appeared, and then click "Next".

  • After confirming the point selection, click “Finish” and wait for the “Restore” to complete its work. This will return Windows 7 to the state it was before the boot errors occurred. Registry, files, drivers, updates, programs installed or modified after this date will be removed or returned to normal. Files in custom folders will not be affected.

Additionally, you can use the system automatic search problems and solutions. For this:

  • boot into safe mode with network driver support;

  • open the Control Panel, select the "System and Security" section from the "Settings" section and in it "Check the computer status".

  • Expand the Maintenance tab and in the Find solutions to reported issues section, click Find Solutions.

In some cases, the system generates error reports that are sent to the Microsoft Support Center. If there is a ready-made solution for your problem, you can use it.

Recovery environment

If the system does not boot into safe mode, if the recovery tool does not find any checkpoints or does not work, there is still another option - Windows RE. Windows RE is an add-on to Windows 7, a recovery environment that works whether the main system boots or not. The tools built into Windows RE enable you to:

  • fix problems that prevent your PC from starting normally;
  • undo recent changes by rolling back to a checkpoint;
  • verify rAM windows tools 7;
  • restore the system from an archived image, if it was previously created;
  • run the sfc system file checker and repair tool, check hard disk, run anti-virus utilities, registry editor, etc.

To get into the Windows RE environment, you need to select "Computer troubleshooting" from the F8 menu.

After reaching the "Recovery Options" window, you will be able to select the desired tool.

Launch recovery

To identify and fix problems due to which Windows 7 does not start, select the first option from the list of options: "Startup Repair". This tool will automatically check and fix MBR (main boot record), the state of those responsible for loading the registry keys and system files. Most often, errors when starting with Windows 7 are successfully solved with its help.

If restoring the startup did not help to solve the problem, you can use the same already familiar tool to undo recent changes - "System Restore". It happens that in a safe windows mode does not see any control points, but in windows environment RE - sees.

The second item from the top is intended to run this tool in the "Recovery options".

If you have an archived image created during the period of stable operation of Windows and programs, you can restore from it right here. To do this, connect the drive with the image to the computer, select the third item from the list of recovery options - "System image recovery" and follow the instructions of the wizard.

Parameter “Diagnostics windows memory”Will help to identify problems with the RAM if you suspect its malfunction. Above, we have listed what errors when starting your computer can be a sign of RAM problems. It is possible that just because of them, your system does not boot.

In addition to memory failures, the hard drive can also cause startup problems, or rather errors file system and "broken" sectors. The recovery environment also allows you to troubleshoot and fix these issues. For this through command line need to run system utility chkdsk with the / f and / r options, which means to search for and fix errors, as well as restore the contents of bad sectors, and wait for the results. No user intervention is required in this procedure - it is fully automatic.

And finally - if you suspect that the system does not boot due to a virus infection, the recovery environment allows you to run antivirus tools.

To do this, start the command line, and through it open the explorer.

  • Enter the command on the command line notepad and press Enter to open notepad.
  • From the “File - Open” menu, start Explorer - note that in the recovery environment, drive letters sometimes do not match the letters when Windows boots normally.

  • To see the entire contents of the directories, in the "Files of type" checkbox "All files".

  • Go to the folder where antivirus program, for example - the CureIt.exe utility, and run it.

Then restart your computer. It can be argued with a high degree of probability that the next Windows stratum will be successful.

Despite the fact that since the company terminated Microsoft support Windows XP has passed more than three years, some users still do not want to part with this operating system. Well, this is understandable - someone is still in service old computer, specifications which is not allowed to install a newer OS, someone needs a fast system, and someone just got used to XP, not wanting to change anything for themselves.

Windows is reasonably stable and reliable system, capable of working without reinstallation for up to several years, but sooner or later it starts to malfunction, including critical ones. An example of one of these failures is the Stop 0x0000007b error that occurs at the time of loading / installing the operating system and is accompanied by the appearance of the traditional blue "screen of death". Most often you have to deal with it windows users XP, however, is not immune from it and the owners of computers under windows management 7.

The main reasons for the appearance of a blue screen with Stop error 0x0000007b

Error 0x0000007b, like a number of others, does not indicate a specific source of the problem, and the code itself may indicate various kinds of problems. In some cases, it is accompanied by the message INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE, which immediately makes the user suspicious of a hard drive malfunction. In fact, this error only says that the boot driver cannot initialize the boot device, that is, the hard disk.

The appearance of a blue screen with error 0x0000007b is often caused by a conflict of drivers for devices connected to the PC, incorrect BIOS settings, damaged system files or important registry keys, virus infection, the presence of bad sectors and file system errors on the disk, various hardware problems (most often associated with disk), problems with RAM, lack of support for the installed operating system SCSI controller or hard disk. We will not analyze all the cases in detail, instead we will pay attention to the most common ones.

What to do if an error occurs while installing Windows XP

The main and most likely reason for the 0x0000007b error when installing Windows XP on a new PC is incompatible BIOS settings. The fact is that on new computers connected to SATA drives the ACHI standard is used, which at the time exit windows XP hasn't been used yet. You try to install the system, but it cannot find a suitable driver and throws you into a BSOD. What to do? Try changing the operating mode of SATA drives from AHCI to IDE.

Go to BIOS, in the Advanced section, find the IDE Configuration setting, in it find the SATA Configuration parameter and set it to a value Compatible instead of Enhanced. In other BIOS versions, the indicated setting can be located in the Integrated Peripherals section and called OnChip SATA Type or SATA RAID / AHCI MODE. Its value must be set IDE or Native IDE.

If your BIOS has a Main section, look for SATA Mode in it and set it to IDE Mode.

Loading drivers during XP installation

The next way to fix the error is to install the missing SCSI or ACHI drivers during the Windows XP installation, but for this you should already have a diskette prepared with the drivers corresponding to your PC configuration. At the very beginning of the XP installation, you need to click F6to install a specific SCSI or RAID driver.

But since this method is hopelessly outdated, there may not be a utility for writing drivers on a Windows XP disc, as well as a floppy drive in your computer. Alternatively, you can use the USB Floppy Drive, but the purchase of this device for the sake of installing an outdated system seems impractical.

Integrating SATA AHCI Drivers into a Windows XP Image

If you consider yourself an experienced user, you can integrate SATA AHCI drivers directly into the installation windows image XP. For these purposes, you need the utility nLite, original drivers SATA with AHCI support for text mode (downloaded from your motherboard manufacturer's website) and the Windows XP image itself.

The algorithm of actions is as follows. Unpack the driver archives and the XP ISO into separate folders.

In the next window, click "Add" and specify the path to the folder with the drivers.

Then activate the "Text mode driver" radio button, mark the drivers you need and click "OK", after which the boot image will be recreated.

If the 0x0000007b error during system installation was related to driver incompatibility, this time it will not occur.

The way is working, but why fool yourself if it is much easier to find on the Internet an image of Windows XP with already integrated AHCI drivers, since there are more than enough of such assemblies by enthusiasts!

How to fix error 0x0000007b when booting Windows 7

As with XP, incorrect BIOS settings can cause error 0x0000007b when booting Windows 7. A system crash in BSOD with code 0x0000007b was often observed after the user enabled AHCI mode in the BIOS, especially when an SSD is installed on the PC. Nobody argues aHCI mode has its advantages, but in Windows 7, simply including it in the BIOS is not enough, before that the system needs to be prepared. Therefore, we restore the previous settings in the BIOS, boot, run the registry editor with the regedit command and expand this branch:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / services / msahci

On the right side, we find the parameter Start and change its value to 0.

We do the same with the Start parameter in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / services / iaStorV.

After that, go to BIOS and enable AHCI. This time the system should boot without error. The next time you reboot, the system will install the appropriate disk drivers. At the same time, we also recommend that you open the Device Manager and check in the disk properties if disk write caching is enabled.

Other causes of error 0x0000007b

The causes of error 0x0000007b given below, as well as the ways to fix it, are equally applicable to both Windows 7 and Windows XP. If before that the system booted normally, but after updating or installing a driver during the next boot Windows gave the error 0x0000007b, the reason is probably that the driver is not working properly. First, try booting from the latest good configuration, for which immediately after turning on the PC, hold down F8 and select the appropriate option.

You can also try booting into Safe Mode and uninstalling the installed software. If that doesn't work, you should roll back to the previous restore point if a safe boot is available. Everything is simpler in Windows 7, in this system you can roll back to a control or full backup by booting from installation disk with a distribution kit.

Disk errors

File system errors, bad sectors can also cause error 0x0000007b. Here the built-in utility can come to the rescue chkdsk... Boot the PC from the installation disk (the same XP) by pressing R enter the recovery environment and run the command chkdsk / r.

Windows 7 uses the same command, but with the / f switch.

If the disk is old and there have been problems with it before, it is recommended to connect it to a working computer first.

Boot sector viruses

It will also not hurt to check the disk for infection with bootkits - viruses that infect boot sector and writing MBR. Naturally, this check should be done using bootable rescue disks like Dr.Web Сureit... Another option is to remove the disk, connect it to a working PC and perform the check from it.

Hardware problems

The appearance of a blue screen with error 0x0000007b may well be caused by hardware problems. If the matter is indeed in the "hardware", then first of all you need to check the hard disk. Also, the loops (are they well connected) and the power supply are subject to revision. Be sure to test the RAM, as there have been cases where error 0x0000007b occurred when RAM modules were damaged.

As an additional measure, you can recommend disconnecting all peripherals (eliminate the conflict of their drivers), recreate the MBR master boot record, update the controller drivers hard drives, clear CMOS, and replace from under boot disk driver files atapi.sys, intelide.sys, pciide.sys, pciidex.sys from the directory System32 / Drivers driver files from a working system of the same version. If you doubt the results of your own actions, it would be wiser to take the computer to a diagnostic center, where specialists will take care of the problem.

Reinstalling the operating system is a common and common thing for many. If there are no problems, then the OS installation will not cause difficulties and will complete quickly enough. However, in some cases, during the installation of windows 7, the system gives an error.

The main causes of problems

Often, problems during the installation of the operating system arise due to the incompetence of the user, because he forgot to format the disc, used a scratched DVD or incorrectly burned the installation distribution. But in some cases, the human factor does not play a role in their occurrence.

The main reasons for interrupting windows 7 installation are:

  1. Equipment conflicts;
  2. Incompatibility of computer devices;
  3. Damaged storage medium (from which or to which the installation is performed);
  4. Issues with built-in drivers and hardware support;
  5. Incorrectly embedded license code or activator in the distribution kit;
  6. Using old software that does not support modern devices.

Almost all conflicts lead to the fact that during the installation of the OS a blue screen appears on the monitor screen with an error code.

How do you know what the problem is?

Depending on at what point in the installation from the flash drive an unexpected error occurred, you can use the exception method to determine the problem for which it occurred. You can also find out the cause of the error during the installation of Windows 7 from a USB flash drive by the code displayed on the blue screen.

If the failure occurred while copying files or before starting to select a hard disk partition for installation, the problem most often lies in the damaged media. Then you need to use the program in order to test the hard drive for the presence of bad sectors. In this case, errors may not be displayed on the screen, and copying and reading information will be very slow, which can lead to the interruption of the process altogether.

Often the reason lies in the recording of the distribution kit or the medium on which it was recorded. This is mainly the case for CDs, as they are often scratched and damaged. As a result, problems with the installation of Windows 7 can arise at any minute, both at the stage of copying files, and during their unpacking and installation.

Often, a failure can occur due to the use of an incorrectly formatted flash drive, for example, if the wrong file system format is selected. Also, errors occur due to the use of USB 3.0 ports, the support of which is most often absent in the distribution due to driver mismatch. That is, the BIOS will see the device and allow it to start from it, but the installer itself will not be launched or will fail while defining the system configuration. If a USB portwe can work in two modes, this also leads to a hardware conflict and the display of blue color with error codes.

Problem solving methods

If an unexpected error occurs during the installation of Windows 7 from a USB flash drive, do not rush to panic. First, try one or more of the following:

  1. If the installation is started from a disk, try to wipe it with a dry cloth or napkin and repeat the operation;
  2. If the installation process is interrupted and the system displays a blue screen error, do not rush to restart your computer, write down the message code. This will help you figure out the details of its origin;
  3. If you use a USB flash drive as equipment for installation, and you cannot boot from it, try using another USB port (black);
  4. If you encounter problems while copying files, when the system throws an unexpected error, test the hard disk for errors;
  5. If a blue screen appears after the first stage of the installation is completed and the system is rebooted, then the problem is related to driver incompatibility. To fix the problem, you need to turn off all hardware that is possible, or use another distribution kit;
  6. When a message about an unexpected error appears, it is recommended to restart your computer and try again;
  7. It happens that a black screen or a window with a flickering cursor appears in front of the user, then you need to wait 5-10 minutes. If the situation does not change, then the system cannot read the settings or drivers of the video card.

If none of the above helps, try resetting the Bios program settings or use a different distribution kit and a different USB flash drive to install windows 7.


If a operating system gives an error when installing from a USB flash drive, this is not a reason to panic. Repeat the operation in sequence and follow the advice. In most cases, when there is no physical damage to the equipment, problems can be avoided or solutions can be found.