From theory to practice. Just one tool can save you your entire advertising budget

Cheating a counter on the site is quite old topic... Once upon a time it was considered "cool". Now, even young webmasters do not particularly strive for this.

What is the purpose of boosting the visit counter?
  • Add the site to the affiliate program (now it does not work much, because any visit counter will show where the traffic was from, as well as the fact that the traffic was only recently)
  • Selling a site is expensive (the more traffic, the more expensive the site, see site sales exchanges)
  • Increase the cost of a link (when buying links, many look at the size of the site's audience, naturally, no one will study where the traffic came from)
  • Show off to friends, family, competitors
  • Others

Types of markups

The cheat can be divided into several types, depending on what exactly the counter is wound by.

  • Bots (a script that stupidly enters the site and follows links). The most useless way that stupidly increases the counter. The counters LiveInternet, YandexMetrica, Top100Mail and top100Rambler will most likely cut off most of the visits, because bots are easy to identify. Such promotion is practically free in terms of costs.
  • Surfing (real exchange or purchase of views). This method, in my opinion, is the best in terms of quality and cost. You will pay about 0.008 rubles per view, which will most likely be displayed in the counters. And it will be a real person, or at least such a visit is almost like a real person.
  • Services for cheating behavioral (SERPCLICK, and PROMOPULT). An expensive way, but due to this you will really promote the site, because all the users here are real. These services are designed to improve behavioral factors.

Services for cheating the counter

I will not talk about scripts and bots, since this is a completely black topic. There are no permanent and stable scripts here. Something new is constantly emerging.

When a webmaster launches a startup, the first thing he does is install traffic counters on the site and literally every hour comes in to see how many new visitors have come.

The only problem is that a young site under the age of one year is in the "sandbox" of search engines and, in principle, cannot get high positions in search results. This means that visitors have nowhere to come from. Unless you order contextual advertising for yourself.

However, mental suffering from wounded pride is the smallest nuisance that comes from low attendance. There are much more serious problems:

  1. A site with low traffic cannot be monetized in contextual and banner advertising systems.
  2. The site will not be accepted in any partnership programs... If they do, they will be the same as the affiliate program itself without traffic and without money to pay for the services of partners.
  3. Finally, even if the site owner is disappointed and decides to sell the site at an auction in order to somehow recoup the money spent, he will not succeed. A website without traffic can only be sold for a hundred rubles. And it is not known whether there will be such people.

What to do if there is no attendance, but you want to start making money on the site right now

After a long search for a solution to the problem and diligent googling, the webmaster finds the best way out - cheating an attendance counter. If visitors do not come to the site, all that remains is to correct the meter readings.

How to practically wind up an attendance counter

Since the problem is not new, creative webmasters have long thought over the situation and invented several effective ways artificial increase in meter readings.

It is important to say here that it is impossible to simply take and change the numbers directly in the counter, since the counter is just a sensor with an indicator. And the real calculator is on the website of the statistical service. So interested partners can go to the site's account on the statistics service and check what and how there is with the visitors. Therefore, it is not necessary to influence the indicator of indications, but the statistical system. That is, there must be visitors, otherwise there will be nothing to count.

So, in fact it comes not at all about cheating traffic counters, but about manipulating metrics. Over the years of intense searching, the following reliable ways have been found to increase traffic without resorting to search engines.

  1. Active promotion systems.
  2. Improvement services behavioral factors.
  3. Special software.

Active promotion systems

Everyone who has ever tried to make money on the Internet is familiar with such services as sponsor exchanges, axle boxes and postal services. The names are different, but the meaning of the services is the same - for a small fee, users view the sites offered by the system.

Where does sponsor exchange money come from? But just from webmasters who want to increase traffic without worries with search engine promotion... For two or three dollars, the sponsored exchange organizes a webmaster a thousand visits by real users.

Sounds good? It is enough to spend a hundred bucks to provide your project with a stable attendance of one thousand unique per day for a month. And you can go with a clear conscience to sign an agreement with Yandex.Direct and Google adsense... But it was not there. Search engines know about these sponsors as well as any user. And algorithms have long been created that track paid visits from sponsored exchanges.

Paid jobs

To simulate natural traffic, sponsored exchanges have created a more complex option - paid jobs. The webmaster can hire employees to visit the site according to an individual algorithm that mimics the natural behavior of users on the sites.

The service is more expensive, but it will be much more difficult for search engines and partners to calculate the markup. Unless the moderators personally come to the exchange and check the lists of paid tasks.

Systems of cheating behavioral factors

An innovative solution. Such services appeared quite recently, after search engines stopped taking into account the factor external links and switched to PF as the main site quality criterion for ranking. In general terms, the technology for improving behavioral factors resembles paid tasks on exchanges, only the algorithms for visiting sites are organized in accordance with the requirements of search engines for PF.

The service costs, of course, even more expensive. Experienced SEOs claim that by improving PF, you can not only wind up counters, but also increase the site's position in search results. And then natural traffic will appear.

Special software for cheating counters

Various algorithms can be used to emulate visits. The most reliable algorithms will connect to high-traffic sites and, in phishing format, create fake referrals to the ordered site. For example, on a porn site, a visitor is invited to watch a funny video. In fact, by clicking on the link, the erotic lover generates a visit to the client's site.

You can develop your site according to our program, for this you need
take a free course.

Today's article will be about ... In fact, I did not try to wind up anything, and I found this method quite by accident, when I wanted to see how the site is displayed in different browsers... Someone may find this method ridiculous, someone useless, but someone may come in handy. In any case, this is my experience and I want to share it with you.

What is the use of boosting the hit counter? It would seem that there is no benefit. After all, not live, interested users visit the site, but just random passers-by or, even worse, some program whose site is certainly not interesting. However, there is still a benefit from boosting a counter on the site.

As a rule, the site visit counter records the number of unique visitors who have come to the site and is associated with the rating. Cheating a counter on the site allows you to advance in the ranking, closer to the first positions. As a result, your site becomes more visible to targeted visitors, and the flow to the site of these very targeted visitors, for the sake of which Webmasters are working so hard to attract, increases. That is why many companies are fighting for good positions in the ratings, and for this purpose both honest and not entirely honest methods are used.

However, if you decide to wind up a counter on the site, do it carefully. The facts of traffic increase are easily determined, and everything can end with a ban, or even exclusion of the site from the rating.

Actually, that's what happened to me. True, I got banned only from Live Internet, my site was excluded from the rating for a day. The rest of the ratings did not notice the markup or simply did not react to it in any way, and the site entered the TOP 100. And this despite the fact that at that time the site was only 2 months old.

Now let's figure it out how to wind up the counter on the website, more precisely, how it turned out to be done for me. There are quite a few ways to increase counters on the site. it various programsand online servicessuch as,,, or similar.

I managed to wind up the counter on the site through the service

How to wind up a counter on the site using service.

The main purpose of the service is to check the display of the site in different browsers, under different operating systems.

We will not delve into the details of using the service, since the article is called “ How to wind up a counter on a website”And is devoted to cheating the counter of visits on the site, and not checking the display of the site in various browsers. In order to wind up the counter of visits on the site, it is enough to enter the address of your site, select the required number of browsers, I counted 181 of them and click the "Submit" button

The check will not happen instantly, but within, some time, perhaps within an hour. If necessary, the operation can be repeated, only for this you need to register.

This is how the traffic graph of my site looked after trying to check the display of the site in various browsers. The race was 238 unique visitors.

I am not a supporter of winding up counters of visits on the site, but if you really want to try, wind it up wisely so as not to incur sanctions on your site.

Successful Investment and success in all your endeavors.

In this article, I want to tell you how the visit counters on sites are winding up, demographics, location and other parameters of monitoring services are faked.

How does the counter work?

We host javascript code that starts sending when the page is loaded http requests to the counter server.

This can be either a one-time request, in the header of which data is transmitted, or periodic requests that send more statistics.

As a test subject, I took a "simple" hit counter - liveinternet.

Parse http

When the page is loaded, the counter js sends a GET request to receive a picture with statistics. At the same time, in the url, it transfers part of the customer data.

If you decode the query string, you get something like this:;r;s1920*1080*24;u;hSite Header; 0.5985211677780615

We see a number of parameters separated by ";", namely: monitor size and resolution, referral page, url and title of the page from which the request was made, and a random number that guarantees the uniqueness of the visit.

Also in the http header are passed Cookie and User-Agentthat inform the server about the demographics of the user (not only) and the browser version, respectively.
All of this data collectively identifies the user.

From theory to practice

You can form requests using Curl, but there will be problems with js, and you will have to write individual requests for each counter.

Do you need a promotion and how to wind up visitors to the site.

Is it good or bad?

Well, I think there is no definite answer. It depends on what situation and why.

How to increase website traffic - this question torments many administrators of their own and not only their sites. Naturally, increasing traffic (traffic) is in many cases the main and perhaps even the ultimate goal of webmasters. Why and what is it for?

Mainly for commercial interests. Sometimes for PR. There are other reasons, and if you are reading this article, then you have reasons.

To extract material profit, the website traffic boost is used in the following way: there are no or very few visitors on the site (targeted visits). But the affiliate program wants a lot. There are a number of limitations. The promotion allows you to show the affiliate program or potential investors that there are a lot of visitors. Or similar cases - so to speak of "dishonest rise of the site's reputation" both in the eyes of potential investors and in the eyes of advertisers, etc. The counter of site visitors is spinning.

Cheat for promotion on social networks

Cheat as a means of promotion in social networks today it is extremely attractive, in demand and effective. The dynamics of the development of social networks is colossal. Every day, thousands of people register accounts, create groups, open their own channels on video hosting. All this contributes to the rapid growth in demand for advertising, PR and promotion services.

Attracting living people to groups and communities is extremely positive for the further promotion of your endeavors. It is this service that is key in promoting groups and accounts. The more subscribers a community has, the higher its chances of getting to the top of search results.

See here: promotion and promotion in any social networks

Promotion of the Vkontakte group and Odnoklassniki extremely attractive. The audience of these social networks today is already over 500 million users, and the daily attendance is close to 100 million.

Promotion of Youtube, Instagram and Facebook will allow you to present your products or services to an impressive audience in terms of quality and in the shortest possible time, tell about your talents and simply unique opportunities. As the owner of a promoted account on Facebook or Instagram, you are establishing an excellent communication channel with your target audience.

Video promotion on Youtube is a truly important component in a full-scale and strategically thought-out PR campaign. The audience of such a popular video hosting is impressive, as a result, the promotion in it is extremely attractive. As part of a comprehensive promotion, your attention is invited to: boost views, likes and comments on the video, increase the number of subscribers on the channel, display clips in the TOP Youtube.

Comprehensive promotion of channels on Youtube, groups and profiles on Instagram and Vkontakte, personal pages on Odnoklassniki, Twitter and Facebook here: social media promotion.

By the way ...

You can buy traffic here. Ask: BUY SITE TRAFFIC

What for? Just one tool can save you your entire advertising budget!

Traffic is expensive these days, the competition is intense, so it becomes more and more difficult to get a plus, and such a phenomenon as investing 1 ruble, and then getting 4 or 8 rubles from it, becomes a rare occurrence. Therefore, I offer you, as my own, cheap and sufficiently high-quality traffic from search engines: See here

So, here are the 4 best systems in runet for automatically boosting site traffic:

1. - Fully automatic surfing system. There is a program that looks at other people's sites for loans even around the clock. The program easily earns for a strong promotion of its site per day of use. Good old autosurfing.

2. - You can run the program on a computer to receive loans, spend the loans on cheating, and, in this case, the cheating will be free. You can even specify real ones in the site promotion settings. search queries, but there are no real visits to the site of search engines on request, only the HTTP-Referer. As, however, in the first case.

But personally, I recommend not to bother with earning credits through mutual viewing, (if you are not schoolchildren, some pimply, who "autosurf" all day long to earn or save 20 rubles) - but just buy visits. Moreover, it is a penny.

So, in order to buy cheap visits right now (Incredibly low investment - from 0.69 rubles per 1000 visits) - here you go: SKYPROMOTION.RU

3. SKYPROMOTION.RU - it is a unique service where you can get thousands of visits to your site at once.

In fact, this is the best option, capable of solving all your problems for a penny.

Incredibly low investments - from 0.00069 rubles. per visit.

Real visits. Real IP addresses. Traffic comes from a variety of sources, such as: software project partners, e-mail mailing lists, social networks: and, pop-under and click-under redirects, news and media aggregators.

Price per visitor from 0.00069 rub. (Upon purchase of 1,000,000 visits). When purchasing fewer visits, the cost of visits is slightly higher, but not much.

I usually take about 100,000 visits for 3 months - 1000 visits per day (it turns out cheaper) - it comes out only 538 rubles for 3 months, 1000 visitors daily. You are here:

The cabinet interface is very similar to, everything is elementary simple, easy to figure out.

P.S. By the way, there is a flip side of the coin - the opportunity to make money for automatically browsing advertisers' sites. The meaning is: you install the program, she scans sites in the background, and you automatically receive money for this. Just don't turn off the computer and all the work. More details here.

4. - This is generally a SUPER-SYSTEM! You can exchange traffic, 1 to 3. That is, you give one, you get 3, but !!! ... If you feel sorry for your site - use a paid tariff (free implies installing a code for which Yandex strongly pessimizes). Better to pay 500 rubles a month for .. attention !!! 300-500 TARGETED THEMED VISITORS DAILY !!!but more on that below ..

These were, so to speak, children's options.

Senior group, it is preparatory. Preparatory for what? Now…

Targeted thematic traffic

These are good sites, the main plus is free. And for free, these are the best options.

But I will tell you one thing, I have been in the Internet industry for 15 years, and, believe me, better than ( but only a paid tariff !!!) - there is nothing.

Why paid? Because you don’t give anything (traffic), you get targeted, thematically interested people. You give 500 rubles a month, you get 500 people a day. TARGET AUDIENCE, not just anyone!

And further… WHY IT IS PAYED, not free and not combined.

The code that will have to be inserted on the free is SO VERY HIGHLY PUNISHED BY YANDEX... Yandex pessimizes sites with this code at times.

Well, probably because these are not just any kind of visitors, but visitors from sites with similar topics and in the history of browsers which have exactly the search queries you need. I personally recommend it. Nowhere else for such ridiculous money you will not find so many, I repeat, high-quality thematic traffic according to your requests.

Of course, you shouldn't get carried away and increase the attendance hundreds of times.

How much (How many times, by how many units) to wind up, everyone decides for himself, but usually, no more than two or three times the actual attendance. Good traffic counters such as liveinternet,, yandex, determine a large cheat and can even reduce statistics and ban for a while.

Also, if the site contains a code from an affiliate program that monitors visitors, then you should not greatly increase the clicks of this particular affiliate program.


If you need traffic constantly, not periodically, take a look here:

Traffic to any of your resources. Professionally, quickly and with a guarantee!

If you need a promotion that is many times higher than the actual traffic of the site, you can order such a promotion from me. We can say: buy visitors to the site cheaply.

What is the plus? I will answer. Living people, from here - really unique visits. If you like your site, people will come back more than once. 50% - targeted traffic (you will not be offered this anywhere). I would not even call it a cheat - it is not here as such. This is the promotion of your site.

What is the disadvantage? Well, everything is simple: not free. 1000 live unique visitors will cost you 200 rubles. That is 20 kopecks per visitor.

If you are just interested in cheating (not necessarily real people - just meter readings) - more details on the page my services, price 20 rubles for 1,000 unique visitors or 2 kopecks per visitor.

If interested - write to me by mail (you can from the form on the contact page).

I also have a VERY INTERESTING traffic offer for:

Yes! And good luck to you !!! Always yours, SergCasper.