Disable automatic updates in Windows. How to disable Windows Updates the reliable way How to disable Update Center

Good afternoon. Most users worldwide global network costs on computers. This is the most common operating system, despite the fact that it is paid for. Most other operating systems are free.

Among Windows itself, Windows 7 continues to take the lead, as strange as it may seem to many users. I think a lot of people know that a significant number of users went back from the tenth system model back to the seventh. There are several reasons for this phenomenon.

One of the most important is rumors about Windows 10 spyware. And a dozen themselves show themselves not in the best light... I read a lot of responses about dozens, incorrect work etc. Therefore, people are trying to roll back to the seventh or eighth model of the system version.

But, many users were surprised by the news that Microsoft in versions 7 and 8.1 of its system also includes a user tracking function. More precisely, the function of transferring information to the Microsoft center, which, you see, is not very pleasant, and even contrary to Russian legislation.

There have been several such unwanted updates since September. I will not list these updates now. We will, however, consider them later. Now, let's talk about how to disable automatic update windows 7 (in Windows 8.1 this procedure is carried out in a similar way).

Although, I will say right away, some updates, mainly in the field of protecting computer security and improving the functioning of the system, are even very desirable. But, since you've decided to disable updates, let's look at how to do it completely.

How to disable windows 7 update via update center

People use this method of disabling updates most often. Although, I will say right away, it does not give a complete guarantee that the system will completely stop updating. This method will disable only minor updates (various third-party software, such as Office or not significant system functions).

But, as funny as it sounds, updates such as system authentication may remain valid. And if you have a pirated version, Microsoft can recognize this and your system will start working with a black screen and limited capabilities.

So let's start disabling updates. To do this, through the "Start" button, enter the "Control Panel". Next, select "Small icons" from the drop-down menu on the right. In the window that opens, select "Windows Update".

We will be taken to the update control panel. In the column on the right, select the "Parameter settings" function.

Further, in the drop-down menu "Important updates" select the line "Do not check important updates." This is not the end of our steps to disable the update. You need to uncheck the two checkboxes above the lines "Receive recommended updates ..." and "Allow all users ...". After that, don't forget to click OK.

Now your updates are disabled, but, as I said, full guarantee that "Major Updates" will stop, this method does not give. Therefore, we will use another method, namely, disable updates through services in the control panel of the computer.

How to disable automatic updates of windows 7 forever

Although, of course, not forever. If desired, we can easily turn them on again. But this method will ensure that no updates are installed when turned on and off. So, double-click on the "Computer" shortcut with the right key and select the "Control" item in the drop-down menu.

In Computer Management, select the function "Services and Applications", then "Services".

Now, we turn our attention to the opened window on the right. In it we need to find the "Windows Update" service. Usually, it is the penultimate among other services (I suspect that this is so that users pay less attention to this service and do not turn it off :)).

The inscription above this service should be like in my screenshot, i.e. Disabled. If this is not the case, you need to turn it off yourself. To do this, click on this line with the right mouse button and select "Properties". We will open a new window where we are interested in "Startup type". Select "Disabled", then click on the "Stop" button. Next, we just need to click on the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

If you don't like the update problem reports from the line quick launch (a checkbox with a cross), click on the checkbox and in the window that opens, select "Open Support Center".

You have disabled windows 7 updates. If you want, you can easily turn them back on if you need new Windows updates. In a future post, I'll show you how to disable updates. windows programs 7. Good luck!

PS. If you have an unlicensed version of the system installed, I advise you to remove the KB971033 update, this update checks your system version for a license.

PSS. Since I am writing this article on Tatyana's Day, I want to congratulate Tatyan, I wish them happiness and prosperity!

Also I congratulate all Russian students! I wish you success in conquering the granite of science !!!

By default, Windows 7 automatically downloads and installs updates at all times. The operating system downloads updates from the Microsoft server every time you access the Internet from your computer. In theory, automatic updates are useful, as they are designed to patch system "holes", modify files and optimize Windows, but in practice there are a number of reasons why you should disable Windows updates. These are constantly annoying update notifications or downloading updates at the most inopportune moment.

For example: you are watching a movie or playing a game online game and then it starts to swing next update... All your traffic starts to eat downloading these updates, as Windows updates have a higher priority than your browser or game and everything starts to slow down! And for some, due to updates, even Windows flies ...

You can only disable automatic windows update 7. In this case, you will be able to download updates manually. To do this, go Start -> Control Panel -> system and safety -> Windows Update ... Click on "Configure Options" in the left menu.

In the window that opens, select "Do not check for updates (not recommended)" and uncheck all the boxes below. Click "OK".

Windows 7 automatic updates are now disabled. For manual loading for updates, you can go to Windows Update at any time and click the "Check for Updates" button.

Now let's permanently disable Windows updates in services. To do this, click Start -> Control Panel -> system and safety -> Administration -> Services .

Scroll down the list and open the Windows Update service. In the window that opens, select the startup type "Disabled" and click the "Stop" button. To save the changes, click "OK".

Windows 7 update is now completely disabled. If necessary, updates can be enabled in the same way.

By default, Windows 7 has the option to automatically download and install updates. The operating system downloads service packs from the Microsoft server every time you connect your computer to the Internet. In theory, automatic updates are useful, as they are designed to patch system "holes", modify files and optimize Windows, but in practice there are a number of reasons why you should disable Windows updates. Let's consider the main reasons:

  • There were cases when, due to updates or because of critical errors during their installation, failures occurred, which led to the inoperability of Windows;
  • Over time, there are more and more service packs installed, and free space on system disk less and less, which can lead to violations windows work in the case of a small C drive;
  • During the download of updates, the Internet speed may drop dramatically (especially noticeable to users with small Internet channels), and some users may be hit hard by updates (if the Internet is limited or a pay-by-traffic package is connected);
  • Many people are annoyed that during the installation of updates, you cannot turn off the computer and sometimes have to wait a long time for the process to complete;
  • Using pirated version Windows can limit the functionality of your operating system when trying to download updates;
  • There is still a whole list of less significant reasons, which I will not consider in this article.

Let's go directly to the ways to disable Windows 7 updates.

How to disable Windows 7 update completely

To completely disable Windows 7 updates, you need to get into control windows services... To do this, click Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Administrative Tools -\u003e Servicesor Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e System and Security -\u003e Administrative Tools -\u003e Services.

Use the mouse wheel to scroll to the bottom of the list and open the Windows Update service. In the window that opens, select the startup type "Disabled", then click the "Stop" button and only then the "Apply" button.

You can close all open windows. Windows 7 update is now completely disabled. If necessary, the update can be enabled in the same way.

How to disable automatic updates in Windows 7

If you do not want to completely disable updates, you can only disable automatic updates for Windows 7. In this case, you will still be able to download updates manually. To do this, go Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Windows Updateor Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e System and Security -\u003e Windows Update. Click on "Configure Options" in the left menu.

In the window that opens, select "Do not check for updates (not recommended)", it is also advisable to uncheck the boxes below. Click "OK" at the bottom of the window to confirm the changes.

Windows 7 automatic updates are now disabled. To manually download updates, you can go to Windows Update at any time and click the Check for Updates button.

Automatic updates are an important feature of any operating system. Thanks to her, the computer receives important updates on time, making the system more stable and secure. In Windows 7, the function is activated initially. This means that if there is a connection with Microsoft servers, the update service checks for fresh packages, downloads them and installs them. Usually, all processes proceed virtually unnoticed by the user, but when constant offers to upgrade to 10 appear, this is already overkill.

Theoretically disable automatic download updates are not worth it. It is useful because it closes security gaps, optimizes the OS, adds new features to it (with regards to "dozens"). There is also a list of reasons why the auto update service should be disabled:

  1. The user does not like that during the update the Internet speed drops and / or the PC cannot be turned off for a long time.
  2. On the computer, expensive or limited wireless Internet.
  3. Problems after starting the updated OS.
  4. Failures during the installation of service packs.
  5. There is not enough space on the system volume to increase the volume of Windows 7, which grows with each update.


However, before you turn off Windows 7 update, think about whether it is really necessary. In addition to deactivating the service, it can be switched to the following operating modes.

  1. Fully automatic - operations proceed without user intervention, only notifying the latter about the completion of package installation.
  2. Search and download of fresh patches on a schedule, and the user installs packages.
  3. Automatic check notifying the user when updates are available.
  4. Self-updating is disabled. Everything is done manually.

Options are selected in the Update Center component.

Disconnection methods

Settings any windows are stored in its registry. You can get access to the key responsible for the update center settings in several simple and a couple of more complex ways. Let's consider all of them.

Changing the Update Center settings

Let's start by customizing the service for ourselves. To access the configuration interface, open the "Update Center" using one of the following methods.


  1. Across context menu Call my computer "Properties".
  1. In the left vertical menu, click on the corresponding link located at the bottom of the window.

  1. We go to the "Control Panel".
  2. We open the section "System, Security".
  1. We call the element of the same name.

If the control panel elements are rendered as icons rather than categories, the link to the element will be displayed already in the main window.

  1. So, after getting into the desired window, click "Parameter settings".
  1. Move to the "Important Updates" section and select the appropriate option from the drop-down list.

Only stopping the service will help to completely disable receiving updates on a computer with Windows 7.

Disable the service

Services in the "seven" are managed by:

  • direct editing of registry keys, which is very inconvenient;
  • third-party programs for setting up the OS (we will skip this option);
  • snap mMC console;
  • system configuration;
  • command line;
  • editor group policies (present in Windows 7 Ultimate, Enterprise).

Removing a service from autorun

The fastest way to disable updates is through the system configurator.

  1. We execute "msconfig" in the command interpreter window, which will open after pressing the Win + R keys or clicking on the "Run" button in the start.
  1. We go to the "Services" tab.
  2. We find "Windows Update" (maybe Windows Update) and remove the checkbox next to it.
  1. We save the new settings.

Until the end of the current session, the service will work, properly performing the tasks assigned to it. To apply the new windows configuration 7 needs to be rebooted.

Let's use the MMC snap-in

The system console snap-in of the same name provides access to the management of all services on a PC. It starts like this.

  1. Open the context menu of the "My Computer" directory.
  2. We call the command "Management".
  1. In the left vertical menu, expand the "Services and Applications" item. Next, click on the "Services" link.

More simple option calling the same window will run the command "services.msc" through the "Run" dialog.

  1. Scroll through the list of services to the very end and open the "Properties" service Windows Update.
  1. In the drop-down list "Startup type" select "Disabled" instead of "Automatic", in order to say goodbye to automatic updates forever. If you need to disable the service now, be sure to click "Stop". Save the new parameters with the "Apply" button and close all windows.

The PC does not need to be rebooted to apply the settings.

Group Policy Editor

Customize any system parameter Another MMC snap-in called the Group Local Policy Editor will help.

It is not available in the home edition of the Seven!

  1. The tool is launched by running the "gpedit.msc" command through the "Run" window.
  1. In the subsection "PC configuration" expand the "Administrative Templates" branch.
  1. We open " Windows components"And looking for an update center.
  2. In the right part of the window, we find the parameter, the name of which begins with "Configure auto update".
  3. We call its settings.
  1. Move the checkbox to the "Disable" position and click "OK" to close the window with saving changes.

Let's use the command line

The command line performs all the same operations as with the graphical interface, and even more, but in text mode. The main thing is to know their syntax and parameters.

The command "cmd" is responsible for calling the command line.

  1. We open a command interpreter and execute it.

In all windows versions there is an important function - update. Like most programs, Microsoft uses this opportunity to make timely changes to the system, improve its performance, or fix vulnerabilities.

Despite the positive aspects of this function, for most users it is superfluous or simply interferes more than it is useful. A lot of active PC users have difficulty with updates and prefer to turn them off.

Reasons and ways to disable

The main reasons for disabling updates in Windows 7 are:

  • Microsoft refused to update Windows 7, that is, updates will not be released, except for critical ones if vulnerabilities are found;
  • During the update, the computer is under a heavy load, since installing files requires resources;
  • The Internet channel is heavily loaded, that is, during the download, the speed is significantly limited and comfortable surfing is difficult;
  • You cannot turn off your computer while installing or downloading updates;
  • If you are using pirated Windows, problems may arise as new ways to combat piracy are gradually released;
  • Limited traffic.

The probable reasons did not end there, but for clarity they are enough.

There are 4 ways to disable automatic updates in Windows 7:

  • Using the Update Center;
  • Through services;
  • Using the console;
  • Through a firewall.

Most of the features are standard, but a workaround can also be used (the last option).

Using the Update Center

AT windows system 7 exists special tool, which is responsible for the entire update system. It is thanks to him that there will be no difficulties in how to disable the Windows 7 update. To use it you should:

  • Click on Start and Control Panel;
  • Click on the "Windows Update" tile;

  • Go to the section "Setting parameters";
  • Select "Don't check for updates."

In addition to the radical disabling of the function, there are transitional positions when you can influence the installation of software. This is how the check takes place and if something new appears, the user makes decisions. It is also advisable to uncheck all boxes under the main menu.

How do I disable Windows 7 Update through services?

A special module, that is, a service, is responsible for the update procedure. It is the invisible part of the previous method. The service can also be disabled and the result will be the same, only it is executed without a graphical interface.

  • PKM on "Computer";
  • Click on "Control";

  • Expand the Services and Applications category, then select the appropriate section;
  • At the end of the list, find "Windows Update" and double click;
  • "Startup type" - "Disabled" and "Stop".

Here you can also disable the Windows 7 update permanently, or set the "Manual" startup initiation. That is, the user will independently carry out the update with a certain frequency.

Disconnect using the console

The console always comes to the rescue in difficult situations and it is capable of short command change some parameters that are deep in the system. Therefore, you cannot consider the topic of how to disable the Windows 7 update service and not mention the command line.

To disable the service, you must:

  • Press Win + R and paste cmd;
  • Add the command sc config wuauserv start \u003d disabled;

If you want to replace the startup type with manual mode, then replace the last word with demand. All the methods above work according to the same principle, only the way of changing the parameters is different. There is also an alternative option.

Blocking updates through a firewall

The firewall itself allows you to control the traffic outgoing from the computer, so it can be filtered. It is this function that is important to us. Instead of simply disabling updates, you can install some kind of stub. All requests for a specific domain will be redirected to local address, that is, nowhere. The service, not receiving a positive response about the availability of data on the server, will think that everything is in order with the system.

The most in a simple way stub installation is:

  • Follow in C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc;
  • RMB on hosts and open with a text editor;
  • Place the entry " https: //*.update.microsoft.com" at the end of the list.

Also, if it didn't work, add another " microsoft.com", but then even in the browser you will not be able to access the corporation's website. Also, this method works for most programs that require access to the network, to block them, just change the domain to the required one.

It should be understood that by disabling updates you knowingly put your computer at risk, as antivirus signatures, system settings and Windows resilience are outdated. It's better to manually make at least critical updates.

First, we recommend disabling the update center using standard methods, but another way is also available. After completing the procedure, you remain the full owner of the system and no background tasks will load Windows.

If you still have questions on the topic "How to disable the update in Windows 7?", You can ask them in the comments