How to make money on cpa networks. How to make money on CPA, the best ways. Choosing an advertising platform

With the right approach, CPA affiliate networks can be an excellent source of income for a website. However, many beginners are hesitant to start mastering this area, as they do not find good information suitable for assimilation.

In this article, we will tell you how to make money on CPA affiliate networks. We will describe everything in short and understandable words, and you will understand where to start.

Check out the beginning of this article.

How to start making money on CPA affiliate networks

First you need a website. It is desirable that he be well visited - the more traffic the site has, the more earnings will be.

The first thing to do before making money on CPA affiliate networks is to choose an offer. Then you should get acquainted with the working conditions offered by the offer: commission, types of traffic that can be used, description, etc.

Everything. Now wait for visitors to follow your link. You will receive your percentage for each targeted action. CPA networks allow you to view statistics on clicks and actions.

For more effective earnings, try to install links in different places and use different types links. This will help you choose the best option.

Mistakes that beginners make

There are several frequent mistakesthat beginners in the field of CPA earnings tend to make. Get to know them and don't repeat:

  • Many people choose an offer at random, without analyzing it, without familiarizing themselves with the conditions. It doesn't make good money.
  • Offers set their own conditions under which publishers must work. If you do not comply with the conditions, then you will not have a reward, even if the audience performs the targeted action.
  • If newbies see that the offer is not generating any income, they simply abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bCPA earnings. However, it often happens that the affiliate link is simply located in the wrong place, in the wrong form. Therefore, you need to test, try different options.

CPA and ethics

Not all offers that will be offered in the CPA network are fair. Among them there are those who do not deliver the product on time, or deliver, but in inadequate quality. There are those who significantly inflate prices or fail to provide full support. Whatever negativity the client may give to the manufacturer of the product, it will all spill out on you, since you and your website have become an intermediary. Therefore, in order not to spoil the reputation of your site, choose only adequate offers that customers love.

The direction of making money in CPA networks has turned into a strong trend that began back in 2010 and is still growing in popularity. Everyone who made money on sites by selling links and placing contextual advertising are slowly leaving for CPA.

If you buy traffic, then the advantage is a very quick return. Those. we bought traffic and after a few hours you can see the results. A significant disadvantage is that you need to invest money. Plus, purchased traffic is not always "quality".

Free methods of driving traffic (social networks, forums) are not bad, but you can hardly make a lot of money here. such links resemble spam and will be removed in moderated places. And where there is no moderation and links will hang for a long time and there is really no traffic. So this method is suitable only for those who do not want to invest in the Internet at all.

2. Step-by-step instructions for making money in CPA affiliate programs

2.1. Registration and selection of CPA networks

There is a large selection of CPA affiliate programs on the market. Of course, many of them have very similar conditions. There are networks that combine a whole range of offers from various topics. There are more narrowly focused ones.

In principle, it is impossible to say for sure which CPA network is the best, since the payment for offers can differ in different networks, both upward and downward.

Earnings on CPA networks

In the previous article, we examined in detail CPA (What is CPA) networks and tried to answer the question of what they are and how they work. In the same article, we will try to explain how to make money on CPA affiliate programs. Many will be surprised, but to make money on CPA networks it is not necessary to have your own website, and sometimes you can even do without groups in social networks... You can start making money on CPA without having anything related to the Internet, but using your skills in developing advertising campaigns or sending messages.

Above, we have already noted that to make money in CPA networks, you do not need to have your own website. There are other options for making a profit, but most of them will require financial investments from you. Do not forget that each offer has its own conditions, for example, one may allow advertising only on social networks, and the other only on its own website. Therefore, read the rules of work before proceeding with the promotion. Let's see in what ways you can make money on CPA:

- Own website ... Everything is simple here if you have your own website on the Internet (it is desirable that it be hosted on paid hosting and had traffic), then you can start making money on CPA affiliate programs. To do this, register in one of the CPA networks and connect partnership programs to your site. After that, place a link or banner on your website and get income. At the same time, it is important to choose the right affiliate programs that will match the theme of your site.

- Doorways ... If you have a group of doorway pages, then you can also start your earnings in CPA. The main thing is to make sure that the affiliate program does not mind that you use the doorway network instead of one site.

- Youtube channels ... Many CPA offers allow the user to place advertisements on YouTube channels. For example, you are shooting a video about online games, why not place a link of a gaming affiliate program on your channel and get profit from it.

- PopUp / ClickUnder - it is also possible to order an advertisement with aggressive advertising... By placing in this ad the link received from the offer. Here you have to invest in an advertising company.

- Contextual advertising / Teaser networks - in this case, you can create an advertising company in Google Adsense, Yandex Direct and other teaser networks. In your ad, place a link to the affiliate offer and active actions will be paid for. Here you will have to have an initial capital to earn money on CPA in this way.

Email - newsletter - another way to make money on CPA affiliate programs. If you have a base Email addresses, then you can create a high-quality ad, in which you place the link you received from the affiliate offer.

Motivated traffic - this way supports a small part of the offers. It implies rewarding the user for certain actions on the advertiser's website. For example, a person entered an online store using a link posted on your website and in case of purchasing a product, you promised to send him 50 rubles to his mobile account - this will be motivated traffic. Also, the use of tasks on sites such as Vmmile or VMZON and other books is considered motivated traffic.

Now let's take a closer look at the process of making money on CPA networks. We will give you the necessary algorithm of actions to start earning. This algorithm is only a general scheme and is intended to familiarize users with the possibility of earning money on CPA affiliates. If you are already familiar with CPA, then you can skip some points from this guide.

1) You need to acquire at least one tool to make money on CPA. We have described the possible tools above.

2) Select one or several CPA networks and register with them.

3) After registration, select an offer (or several offers) with which you will cooperate. Pay attention to which traffic sources this offer accepts and how appropriate it is to use it. Also look at which countries this offer accepts traffic from and read all the rules carefully.

5) We begin to attract users to follow these links.

6) We receive payments for our efforts.

Here is a small algorithm of actions that is necessary to make money on CPA networks. It should be borne in mind that given view making money is not too easy, and will not bring instant profits.

How can you make money on CPA

Now let's talk specifically about the offers (affiliate programs) that are presented in CPA networks. All affiliate programs can be divided into several categories, each of which has its own approach. Usingemail -links or the creation of advertising companies is suitable for any offer and will depend on your professionalism. We will also give an example of the topics of sites and groups that are suitable for a specific group of offers. Let's take a closer look at the main types that are presented in this area of \u200b\u200bearnings.

Online stores are very popular in CPA networks. The main purpose of these offers is to promote and sell products from these stores. The principle of working with such offers is quite simple. You place an advertising banner or an advertising link of an online store on your site and receive income from purchases of visitors who came to this online store using a link from your site.

The choice of such offers is quite large and you can start cooperating with a large number of online stores. Also, many CPA networks offer their users to install additional applications that help increase the conversion of sales from your site. Mainly:

- Coupon and discount generators ... You place on your website a code that generates coupons and discounts for goods in online stores. These coupons contain information about all current discounts in online stores. And as you know, discounts are always in high demand among buyers.

- Generators for unloading goods from the store ... You can also place a catalog of goods from one or several online stores on your website. The task is quite laborious, but it brings profit. There are special applications that allow you to upload products and update them, almost automatically.

This type of earnings is suitable for site owners of almost any topic. For example, having a website about cars, you can place affiliate links from offers that sell auto goods, having a website about fashion, you can place links to online stores of clothing and footwear. The same applies to VK groups.

Banking offers are also very widespread. Here you will receive payment for loans and user deposits in various banks, ordering a bank card, obtaining insurance, etc. The essence of the offers is quite simple. You connect to the affiliate program and place an advertising link on your website (in a group, in a mailing list). After that, users who followed this link and issued loans will bring you profit.

These offers are suitable for owners of financial websites. Also if you have good base addresses emailYou can create a newsletter by pasting an advertising link there.

A large number of gaming offers in CPA networks. Here you will receive payment for registering users in various online games or for reaching a certain level. The principle of working with such offers is also quite simple. You advertise the link you received from the offer and make money on it. Many offers pay for direct registration in the game, and some require more activity from users (reaching a level, entering the game for several days, etc.). At the same time, information about which level the user needs to get is not disclosed.

Sites and groups dedicated to online games, entertainment topics, etc. are suitable for cooperation with such offers. Also, having a database of addresses for gambling addicts, you can create a mailing list containing a link to a gaming offer and make money on it.

The CPA networks also offer dating site offers. Basically, registration of new users is required here, for which you will receive payment. Although there are requirements for passing profiles or adding photos, activity for some time, etc.

Almost any website is suitable for working with such offers. It is only worth excluding strict and scientific topics. Agree, it will be ridiculous to see an advertisement on the site about taxes, about meeting cute girls (but though?).

This group should include offers that pay for orders from users of various services. For example, paying for hosting or an application for an online seminar. Basically, payment for such offers is based on the deduction of a certain percentage or a fixed amount from one order. Let's say a user paid for hosting for 1 year, while you receive a percentage of the user's expenses or a fixed amount.

This segment contains offers of various topics. For each of them, sites or groups of specific topics are suitable. For example, having a project dedicated to the creation and promotion of other sites, it makes sense to advertise hosting.

There are also offers in CPA networks that pay users to install applications on smartphones and tablets. Basically, these offers require installation on devices running OSIOS or Android ... For each installation you will receive a fixed amount. Also, mobile offers require from partners a certain percentage of returns from users who have installed the application. For example, in the terms of the program, the percentage of user return after 7 days is at least 10%. This means that 10% of users who have installed this application should use it after a week. In case of non-compliance with these conditions, you may be refused payment.

For such offers, sites and groups dedicated to technologies and mobile devices... If you have a group in which you broadcast news fromApple , why not place in it links to applications, the installation of which will be paid for.

I would also like to highlight the offers of various travel companies in a separate group. Here you will earn money selling vouchers via the Internet or ordering air and train tickets through partner offers.

For this type of earnings, sites dedicated to tourism are suitable. For example, if you have a blog about the countries of the world, then the link to buy vouchers will fit into it very colorfully and find its customers.

Well, another category of offers is goods for mailing. These offers are similar to online stores, but here you will need to sell a certain product and receive a reward for it. Surely, you have often seen messages in various groups about watches (analogue of Rolex) or about wallets, purses, umbrellas, etc. I hope you did not buy this consumer goods, because the price on such sites is overpriced by 300-500% of the retail price. Well, now the conversation is not about what kind of bullshit they are trying to shove you, but about making money on the search for users who are interested in these products. Basically, such offers have a certain payment for the sale of goods. And you will earn from each order from the site (and quite good amounts). For example, if a user clicked on the link advertised by you and bought a "super fashionable" watch for 1,500 rubles, then you will receive 500-700 rubles from this purchase.

In order to sell these products on the Internet, you need to look for suitable customers (in other words, suckers who will buy this crap). To do this, you must either have a group or a site with high traffic (from 10,000 site or a group with at least 100,000 users). Or know where to find such buyers.

On this short review offers and earning opportunities on them can be considered complete. Now it remains to talk about the amounts that can be earned in the CPA.

How much can you earn on CPA

The question regarding the amount of earnings on CPA networks is rather complicated. It is impossible to answer unequivocally how much you will receive. It all depends on how you will promote your traffic sources and how many gothssach rubles, and at the exit to get many times less. Or, on the contrary, it is correct to create an advertising campaign and make money with minimal cost... In this case, everything depends on you and on your ability to attract visitors.

Greetings, dear friends!

It's no secret that earnings on CPA affiliate programs is becoming increasingly popular today. Everyone around is shouting “100,000 per month for CPA!”, “300,000 rubles per month for CPA!” etc.

Understandably, with such numbers, a beginner's hair stands on end in the most immodest places \u003d) And they start looking for information on the Internet about how to start making money on CPA affiliates. And the information on the Internet on this topic is in bulk and every day there is more and more ...

But ... as often happens, after reading just one e-book or watching a couple of video tutorials, newbies are headlong into CPA marketing. What's the bottom line? Nothing! The usual budget drain, disappointment and a couple of swear words about the authors of those videos or books that were read and viewed.

TOP 5 mistakes beginners make when making money on CPA

Why is this happening? Why do newbies fail when making money on CPA affiliates? Sorry, I put the question a little wrong. It would be more correct - What mistakes do CPA newbies make? Let's take a closer look at them.

1) Choosing an offer for luck

Yes, it often happens that a newbie chooses an affiliate offer at random. I just liked the product or service and that's it. This is at least silly. The beginner himself cannot provide any logical explanation for this.

2) Ignoring the description and conditions of the offer

Yes, this is also often found. A beginner adds an affiliate offer, but does not read the description of this offer, nor the terms of cooperation and its promotion. This is a very serious mistake. Perhaps the roughest.

3) Wrong choice of ad platform

As I said, in order not to reduce your earnings on CPA affiliate programs to zero, you need to know what types of offers are suitable for advertising on a particular advertising platform. By an advertising platform I mean banner, teaser, contextual advertising, your website, targeted advertising in social networks, Cashback, PopUp advertising, doorway traffic, email newsletters, etc.

4) Low-quality landing page

As you know, a landing page is a landing page, that is, a page that a person comes to via your affiliate link. Yes, many offers already provide ready-made and quite good and high-quality landing pages. But not all. If the offer does not have a normal landing page with good traffic conversion, then you need to make it yourself. How? We will talk about this a little later.

5) Lack of testing

The most important, in my opinion, moment when making money on CPA affiliates. Unless, of course, you want to keep the advertising costs of the offer to a minimum and get a good return in the form of high commissions. Newbies often neglect to analyze their actions and test certain advertising campaigns in order to identify what works best, what is worse, and what can be done to radically change the situation and make an advertising campaign more profitable and successful.

All this is understandable, you say, but you, Bulat, did not reveal the essence. How do you get started with CPA affiliate programs? I will personally tell you about my scheme of work.

My scheme for working with CPA affiliates

1) Registration in the CPA network

First of all, you need to register with the CPA network. I've already talked about the most popular, profitable and fairly easy to understand CPA aggregators. It could be, or. I work more with I'm somehow more used to him. You can choose any of the presented ones. Or all three CPA networks, but I would not recommend you to be too thin at the initial stage.

Often I don't add ad space as a whole. That is, I do not write "contextual advertising" or "teaser advertising", but I try to separate services. That is, I prescribe, for example, "Advertising in Yandex Direct", "Advertising in Google adwords"," Teaser network "," Teaser network Direct Advert ", etc. That is, I share the services.

Why add sites at all? It's very simple - so that when choosing an offer and forming your affiliate link, you can bind it to a specific advertising platform. That is, you create an affiliate link for advertising, for example, for advertising in the teaser network and you can use this link to advertise the offer ONLY in the teaser network. I hope the point is clear. If not, I am waiting for your questions in the comments. Let's move on.

3) Choosing an offer

After registering in the CPA network and adding an advertising platform, I select one offer and add it to my list of offers. Moreover, when choosing, I start from the topic. Often I choose more massive topics - online Games, loans, acquaintances, product offers, etc. That is, offers that are interesting to a fairly large number of people. When choosing, I proceed from the eCPC, CR, maximum cookie lifetime and maximum hold time (payment delays for checking traffic quality) and other important indicators.

I look thoroughly:

  • Offer description
  • Terms of cooperation
  • Commission size
  • Types of traffic allowed
  • Landing Pages (Landing Page)
  • Deeplink (the ability to forward to desired page offer)

Since now I work more with targeted advertising on Vkontakte and teaser networks, the offers I have chosen should allow this type of traffic.

4) High-quality landing page

You can spend less and earn more on CPA affiliates only if your chosen offer has a high-quality landing page. As I said earlier, many offers already have good landing pages that convert very well. Again, not all. If the offer does not have a quality landing page, you will lose money. And you don't want that. Right? What to do? You can make the landing page yourself. How? This is described in one of the lessons of my colleague Artur Mustaev.

Another moment Is a Deeplink tool that allows you to redirect a person to the desired page of the product or service you are advertising. When you choose an offer, you should pay attention to the possibility of using this tool. So that's it. If you are advertising an online store product, then the landing page MUST NOT BE home page Online store. You MUST direct the person to a specific product. This will increase the conversion significantly. I have already told and shown how to use this tool in articles:

As I mentioned earlier, each offer has its own advertising feature and you can't just take your affiliate link and start advertising it everywhere. Each offer has its own platform. What I mean?

For example, credit offers. They will not go through teaser networks, Cashback, PopUp advertising. But through targeted advertising on Vkontakte or through contextual advertising completely. Again, setting up targeted advertising on Vkontakte must be very accurate and fit the right audience. Can be used banner advertising, but also carefully - only on high-quality and thematic sites. Credits are quite a serious topic and there is no need to advertise it to an entertainment audience.

Offers for dating or online games will go well in teaser networks and through targeted networks. These topics are rather light and therefore entertainment traffic will come in handy here. Again, teaser networks are different. Some are aimed at a more serious audience, others at young people and schoolchildren. For example, I would not advise you to advertise online games in the teaser networks and These are quite serious networks and it is better to focus on product offers in them.

For offers on a female topic, it is better to choose high-quality teaser networks. This could be or Here the traffic is comparatively high quality and buying.

For product offers (clothes, shoes, phones, etc.) it is better to use contextual advertising. And as an option, high-quality teaser networks. But again, even in high-quality teaser networks, there is bot traffic that needs to be identified and disabled by partner sites with bot traffic from the list where your offer's advertisement is displayed.

6) Testing the offer

Testing is a very important element of your advertising campaign. Don't neglect it. Even the gurus of earnings on CPA affiliate programs cannot launch an initially profitable advertising campaign the first time. But they have experience, so they take much less time to test and analyze than we do.

As a rule, for one offer I create 5-6 ads at once and allocate a certain budget for testing. Often this is no more than 2000-3000 rubles. Next comes the launch. After that, when the ads are already unscrewed, I already analyze the advertising campaign and see which ads work and which do not. I exclude the unemployed and leave the workers. Next, I'm already finalizing work ads to increase conversion.

Yes, at the initial stage you may well go into the negative, but when you test the ad and it starts working, then after a while you go into the positive and then the campaign is already working for your profit.

You can learn more about many aspects of working with CPA affiliates from Artur Mustaev by clicking on the button below:


Here is a short article that I am sure will help you when working with CPA affiliates. If you have any questions or additions, then I am waiting for your comments under this article.

In the next issue….

Have a nice day and great mood!

Best regards, Your friend and assistant Bulat Makseev

In today's article we will talk about making money on CPA affiliate programs. This article will be of interest to both beginners and those people who have already started making their first money on CPA.
Recently, making money on CPA affiliate programs has become more and more in demand and popular, and there is a reasonable explanation for this: after all, you can earn a lot of money on CPA. In some areas, such as arbitrage, it literally takes just a few hours from the launch of the campaign to the first earnings.

Today we will take a closer look at the main aspects of making money on CPA affiliate programs. Let's also talk about the main sources of traffic: both paid and free, and how beginners can take their first steps in CPA earnings... In this article, you will receive a quick start technique, as well as a list of proven CPA affiliates that regularly and consistently pay money.

The abbreviation CPA itself is translated from English as "cost per action" or payment for actions. If we talk simple language, then CPA is an affiliate program that provides monetary rewards for any actions of users. In this case, it means that the paid action can be different and depends on the type of affiliate program or offer. Typically in different types the offer provides a reward for different types of actions.

User actions for which a reward is provided:

  • purchase of goods in an online store;
  • ordering and paying for the service;
  • registration on the website;
  • registration of an application for a loan;
  • executed and confirmed order for goods;
  • subscription to the newsletter and so on.

This is just a small list of actions for which you can receive rewards in affiliate programs operating on the CPA principle. In general, it gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the advertiser who has placed the offer wants to get for their money. A feature of the CPA affiliate program is the payment of remuneration, precisely for a specific action performed by the user on the site. This is the essential difference between CPA and, say, earnings from contextual advertising, where the user only needs to click on the ad.

CPA offers

Now let's talk in more detail about what an offer is. The name of the offer comes from the English word "offer" - this is a set of conditions that characterize this partner offer.

Offer characteristics

  1. essence of the service or offer - this characteristic provides information about the final service. The customers are often popular online stores, service portals, for example, the Internet, hosting, insurance, travel portals.
  2. paid action - this characteristic indicates for which specific action the payment of partner remuneration is provided. This can be as registration and activity in the game, registration and confirmation of the order of goods, order and payment for services, and so on.
  3. amount of partner remuneration - this paragraph indicates how much money or what% of the payment will be credited to you as an affiliate reward if the user takes the necessary action using your affiliate link.
  4. allowed traffic - in this paragraph, the advertiser or CPA network indicate which traffic is allowed and which traffic is prohibited for advertising this offer. Before starting to earn money on CPA, you must carefully read this paragraph. Very often, the advertiser bans certain types of traffic, and often it is high-quality sources that fall under the ban. The most common are bans on contextual advertising, brand context, email newsletters, and so on.
  5. location - there are offers that list specific regions to receive traffic. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account the regional affiliation of traffic when advertising an affiliate offer.

How to start making money on CPA

A little higher, we have sorted out what offers are and what are affiliate networks in general. Now let's talk in more detail about where to start making money. The first thing to do is, of course, familiarize yourself with all the available offers in partner networks, carefully read the conditions for traffic that is allowed and prepare an action plan for converting it.

Registration in the CPA network

The largest number of offers overlap in various CPA networks, so you need to register with all popular CPA affiliate networks and compare offers for the same offers with each other. To do this, at the end of this article, you will find a list of the most popular CPA networks. Start registering with them. Register on each of these affiliate programs one by one and check out the offers on offers in personal account.

Choosing an advertising platform

When registering in CPA networks, the system will ask you for the type of advertising platform on which you are going to attract traffic. As an advertising platform, you can specify the space available to you for placing advertising offers. Namely, in what way and where you will attract traffic to offers.

Types of advertising platforms:

  • own website;
  • themed blog;
  • VKontakte and other social networks;
  • Yandex Direct;
  • Google Adwords;
  • teaser advertising;
  • banner network.

If you do not have your own website, then you can specify VKontakte as a site. However, remember that in this case, you will only have access to those affiliate offers, in which targeted advertising and advertising in groups on social networks is possible as acceptable traffic. To connect other offers, you will have to specify a different traffic source. But this is not scary, several sources may be indicated in your personal account.

In order not to get confused in the statistics in the future, we recommend that, as an advertising platform, immediately describe in detail specific platforms for attracting advertising, for example: Teasernet teaser network, DirectAdvert teasers, Yandex Direct search company, YAN company, and so on.

Thus, in the future you can see detailed statistics for a specific traffic source. This allows you to track traffic flows not only in terms of offers, but also in terms of traffic sources. In the future, you can turn off inefficient traffic sources and focus on those that have a good envelope.

How to choose an offer

Now you need to decide, perhaps, with the main thing - with the offer. It is often the wrong choice of an offer that is the main mistake of novice webmasters and affiliates. Decide on a topic that is closest to you or in which you are most familiar. Also, when choosing an offer, you can build on the indicators that characterize it. All partner networks provide data on ratings, percentage of confirmation of applications, as well as the Ecpc indicator - the cost of one click.

Newbies often make the main mistake - they take on the most expensive and competitive offers. These include, for example, affiliate programs by topic. When choosing an offer, you should evaluate it by a set of indicators, and not only by the size of the affiliate commission, and first of all, answer yourself to the question “where to get traffic and how much it will cost”.

As additional characteristics it is necessary to look at the maximum hold time (how quickly the application and payment will be confirmed), as well as the lifetime of cookies.

Ways to make money on CPA

After you have chosen one or several offers, you need to decide on the main scheme of earnings. If you are an experienced webmaster and you have your own website or you run a personal blog, then it might be worthwhile to stop at creating a partner site or online store. If you are a completely newbie, then you have the opportunity to test the offer without investing in free traffic or allocate a small amount for arbitrage tests in contextual, teaser or banner networks.

Ways to make money on CPA without investments

Affiliate online store

If you have chosen a commodity offer as an offer, then the most in a simple way earnings will be the creation of an affiliate online store. To do this, you need to submit an application for an offer and wait for its approval, then upload the goods in XML or CSV format. In this case, you will receive a list of all products with already generated affiliate links in one document. Such a list can be exported to WordPress and you can get a ready-made affiliate store in minutes.

However, you should remember and take into account the fact that search engines are unfavorable to such online stores. For such a site to start successfully indexing and attracting search traffic, it is necessary to pay special attention to the characteristics of products and categories.

The text that is located directly on the product card must be uniqueized and also created detailed categories products with unique descriptions. In this case, such an online store will be successfully indexed by Yandex and Google, and the categories on the site will begin to attract search traffic.

Thematic site

Another way to make money on CPA without investment. An example of such a site would be a discount site or coupon. The creation of such a site also does not take much time. You can use both the import of coupons in WordPress, and a ready-made CMS, which also provides for automatic daily updates of coupons and discounts.

Despite the fact that this niche is quite competitive in search engines, earnings on coupons and discounts are quite high. From one such site can earn from 200 thousand rubles per month or more. After all, the affiliate reward will be% of the orders of goods made using the coupon. And all users are known to be very fond of making purchases with discounts.

Affiliate rewards on coupon sites are calculated from the amount of the user's main order and can be really significant amounts.

Review Blog

Surely you yourself have seen similar sites on the Internet more than once. Often, when choosing or planning to buy a particular product, we request reviews or reviews on the Internet about it. In this regard, creating a blog with product reviews is a very popular and in-demand niche.

By inserting affiliate links into reviews, you will redirect interested people directly to the order and purchase page of the product in the online store. Thus, the blog will collect and redirect free, thematic, search traffic to the affiliate online store or website. The traffic conversion rate from the review blog is very high.

Youtube channel

Another way to attract free, thematic traffic to the CPA affiliate program. To the virtues of creation YouTube channel can be attributed to its simplicity and speed of promotion.

Along with a thematic blog, it is much easier to promote videos on Youtube. By creating an overview video and posting it on Youtube, you can immediately get into the top 10 for requests. Affiliate Links can be placed both in the description of the video, and make special callouts.

Earning CPA from traffic arbitrage

Traffic arbitrage is a quick start technique in making money on CPA affiliate programs. However, arbitration requires an initial cash investment. The very concept of arbitrage is that earnings occur on the difference between buying and selling traffic.

You need to find advertising sites and create advertising campaigns on them to advertise your offer. Earnings in this case will be the difference between the money earned from the CPA network and spent on advertising campaigns.

In order not to burn out on traffic arbitrage, you must first test the offer, spending a small certain amount of money on it. Only after the statistics on clicks, conversions and payments appear, you can draw a conclusion about how successful the advertising campaign will be and whether it is worth launching in full force.

To be successful in arbitrage, it is necessary to find the most profitable and convertible "offer + traffic" links among all traffic sources and offers.

Not every traffic source will have a good envelope. Perhaps, in order to gain profit, you will need to run 5 or more different advertising campaigns in various networks in order to get the necessary statistics. Then choose 1-2 advertising sites, traffic from which is converted into a plus, and only after that launch advertising campaigns in full force.

How much can you earn on CPA

If we talk about some specific amounts, then the final income often depends on the experience of the webmaster or affiliate marketer. Experienced affiliate marketers sometimes earn from 1,000,000 rubles per day. However, it should be understood that most of this money is spent on paying for traffic and maintaining advertising campaigns in teaser, banner and contextual networks.

The income of the owners of partner online stores and sites directly depends on the attendance of their resources. Some CPA networks publish Top Partners' earnings and maximum earnings over the last 24 hours as incentives. Very often these amounts amount to hundreds and millions of rubles a day. Such earnings, of course, stimulate you to look for lucrative traffic sources and high-quality offers, test all new bundles and earn more.

If we talk about newcomers to CPA, then even on the creation of a website with coupons and discounts or a blog with reviews, you can easily go to earn 10,000-20,000 rubles a month. At the same time, you need to pay no more than 1-2 hours a day to earn money.

List of CPA affiliates

  • - offers a huge selection of gaming and banking offers. Has been working since 2011. A wide range of tools for getting started is presented in your personal account. The most popular ones include coupon rotator, dynamic retargeting, banners, text links, and so on.
  • - the affiliate program is in the Top 5 and is one of the most demanded and popular CPA networks. Has been working since 2010. For webmasters and affiliates, the following tools are presented in the personal account: coupon feeds, text links, banner rotators, split tests, trafficback. Affiliate commission payments are made once a week on Mondays. A detailed scheme of work and earnings on - the partner network has been operating since 2010, it is one of the largest in the Runet. For webmasters, a banner rotator, a bank offer constructor, a deeplink, the ability to create your own landing page, promo codes, and a link rotator are available.

This is perhaps the list of the most trusted CPA networks. In order to be able to choose the best offers for offers and convenient partner tools, we recommend that you register on all of the above sites and then study in more detail all existing offers for offers in your personal account.

Almost all affiliate networks provide an opportunity to consult with personal managers, where you can ask questions of interest and consult about the most convertible and profitable offers at the moment.

In this article, we examined the main aspects of making money on CPA affiliate programs from all sides. If you already have experience in making money on CPA and want to leave your feedback, then write it in the comments to this article.