Create a portal yourself. Creation of an information portal

06/26/2017 Website development

Consider step by step instructions to create information portal... Let's analyze the main stages of the process and determine the cost of launch.

An information site is a thematic resource filled with useful content to address questions asked by users in search engines.

The article is written in compressed content, but provided with the most necessary information for an unprepared user who decided to create an information book.

Brainstorming: choosing a site topic

All brilliant ideas are based on human problems - this will be a start for finding a demanded niche.

Idea - need - implementation.

Let's say you are good at gardening and like to do it yourself - "DIY garden." We check the relevance of the topic using Wordstat ( how to use).

Okay, the number of monthly requests is close to optimal - 258761. You can work with this niche.

Competitor analysis

We go to the "incognito" mode and enter our request. Since we have chosen a narrow-topic niche, you need to look for competitors in exactly the same topic. We do not touch sites from the top, which open for this request inner page or subsection. We also exclude social. networks, advertising and search engine services.

On the first page of search results there are two of our competitors and they are not in the first three. Now let's analyze competitors in more detail using

Analysis of the first site:

  • Pages in Yandex search results - 4360.
  • Traffic per day - 3249.
  • tCI - 50.
  • Referring pages - 170.
  • Domain age - 2397 days.

Analysis of the second site:

  • Pages in Yandex search results - 493.
  • Traffic per day - 168.
  • tCI - 0.
  • Referring pages - 5.
  • Domain age - 571 days.

Judging by the ratio of the number of pages and traffic to the resource, the competitor publishes low-quality content. It turns out less than one visitor per page per day, or, most likely, he has several good articles that collect all the traffic, and the rest are "dead". ( There is a high probability of bypassing competitors due to quality contentbut detailed analysis is required).

The number of links leading to the site is small, a competent approach to building the link mass on thematic and authoritative sites will give an advantage over the competitor.

Unfortunately, we cannot influence the age of the domain, so we need to advance by regularly updating information content and recognizing the portal on the Internet through recommendations from users.

In addition to analyzing with the help of the service, give a visual assessment of the sites: look at the design, convenience - whether you can do better.

Choosing a CMS (engine) for the site

Consider paid and free CMS for site management. Let's not take into account the constructors and services like wix.

CMS is a content management system, popularly - an "engine" with which you can change appearance site, add and edit content, as well as control all actions performed by users on the site.

This is only a small part of the CMS on which you can place your resource, in fact there are hundreds, and maybe more, you cannot write about all of them, I gave an example of only the most popular engines and with which I myself am somewhat familiar.

Selection of a template (theme)

Download a free template, buy or make to order - that's up to you, but in any case, you should check it for the presence of so-called "holes" and extraneous scripts that in one way or another can harm your site.

The template doesn't have to be super pretty, and it certainly doesn't have to be complex in functionality. Choose among the simple and pleasant to the eye, at the first glance at which, it would be immediately clear what exactly the website is talking about.

If your budget allows you to add creativity to the portal and make a truly thematic resource, you can order a website design from a professional who has hundreds of works behind him.

Domain selection and registration

Many people register domains with resellers ( hosting companies). On the one hand, this allows you to save money, on the other hand, sometimes savings go sideways, you can simply lose your domain. To avoid any problems, choose a large official registrar

To choose domain name you need to build on the niche theme or give it a sonorous name that emphasizes the type of activity. If you include a key phrase in the domain, for example, the name is too long and visually unpleasant - a set of letters. But to combine part of the key with the name (for example), it will turn out very nice - Or make the phrase shorter -,, etc.

Hosting a website

Due to the abundance of various companies providing hosting services, the choice of the best option is delayed for for a long time... In fact, today it is more difficult to run into a low-quality hoster. Any hosting that has existed for more than three years is most likely of high quality.

In any case, you need to follow a number of recommendations for choosing a hosting - this will save time and choose the best of the best. Like any site owner, I certainly recommend my hosting - I have been cooperating with him since the creation of this site and I recommend it to all my friends, and you can’t give bad advice to close people.

The main advantage of this hoster is the ease of use and responsiveness of those. support. If you do not know how to associate a domain with hosting and install a website on it, the employees will do it for you at the first request for free.

Website structure development

The logical structure is the first thing to do on the site. Everything should correspond to the topic and be in its place.

We will develop the structure on the basis of the leading competitor.

To develop the structure yourself, you need:

  • visit a competitor's resource and write out all categories;
  • choose from them keywords and check in Wordstat;
  • expand the structure and remove unsuitable sections.

The lesson is very easy, but an inexperienced webmaster can make mistakes that are unacceptable at the start of the portal. An alternative would be to seek help from a specialist, it can be found on the freelance exchange.

Collecting the semantic core

From the existing structure, you need to transfer all categories, for example, to the Key Collector program. The program is paid, but inexpensive.

If you do not want to waste time studying or you need to compile a CJ for just one project, it will be wiser and cheaper to order a CJ collection from a freelancer.

Filling the site with content

In general, the main work has been done, now it remains to fill the site with useful and high-quality information.

If your niche is a favorite business or hobby, you can write articles yourself, having previously familiarized yourself with the basic rules for publishing quality content on the Internet.

Among webmasters, there are two problems that are allowed when writing articles: over-optimized and non-optimized texts.

  1. In the first case, the site will fall completely under the "Baden-Baden" from Yandex or separate pages with SEO-text they will receive the so-called "post-filter".
  2. In the second case, articles are not written under search queries, as a result, are poorly indexed and ranked below the rest in search results.

You need to find a middle ground and solve the problem of a visitor to your site. In short, I will tell you how I write articles using the example of the niche discussed today:

  • there is a request: "a pond in the garden." I enter it into Wordstat and check its relevance;
  • i drive into Yandex and analyze competitors from the first issue page;
  • i read unanswered questions left by users in the comments;
  • i compare the missing requests from competitors with add. phrases in Wordstat;
  • from the information received, I draw up an article plan;
  • i write comprehensive information for each subheading one by one;
  • i add organically entered key phrases (1 direct entry);
  • i add 1 diluted entry (through the word);
  • check for auxiliary words (LSI copywriting);
  • i include lists, quotes, pictures and videos in the article whenever possible;
  • i reread the text "cutting off" some unnecessary information;
  • i look at the article through the eyes of the user, have I answered the questions;
  • coming up with a title that matches the content of the material.

These rules, which I made for myself, help to write only the necessary information without unnecessary water and significantly save time, since phased writing does not allow for distractions.

If you have no experience in the subject matter of the site you created, find copywriters on the content exchange and work with them on an ongoing basis. You can create technical specifications yourself or use special services type Rush Analytics in the Text Analyzer section.

Website development for monetization

To promote, you need to fill the site with at least 50 articles, do internal SEO optimization and take care of the recommendations of your site from users on popular forums.

After taking the necessary steps, you will receive the first traffic and can monetize through Google adsense... After overcoming the daily attendance during the month in the amount of 100 unique visitors, you can add to the YAN.

Calculating costs

So, what is the cost of creating an informational website? Let's calculate the approximate cost.

Economical option:

  • domain - 200 rubles.
  • hosting (1 month) - 100 rubles.
  • semantic core - RUB 500
  • total - 800 rubles.

The above costs are required when accounting for use free template, self-development of the structure, writing of texts and development in-house.

Professional option:

  • search and analysis of a niche - 500 rubles.
  • website design - from 10,000 rubles.
  • domain and hosting - 300 rubles.
  • structure and CL with clustering - 2000 rubles.
  • the first 50 articles - 10,000 rubles.
  • basic optimization - RUB 500
  • crowd marketing (initial) - 6000 rubles
  • total - 29,300 rubles.

The approximate costs are indicated and something can not be used or vice versa, additional costs will be required. expenses. In any case, start-up capital is needed.

Quick option:


These steps for creating an information site will help you to understand the process of starting a business on such portals yourself. After the successful start of the first project, you automate the further development of a network of information specialists of various topics and your earnings will depend only on the desire to receive more income.

What is a portal

First of all, you need to decide on the definition itself. I believe Wikipedia is the most accurate description of this kind of site. Enter “Web Portal” into Google and read.

In general, this is a site where you can not only read publications, exchange comments or buy something. You can do much more on the portal. I believe that examples are indispensable here, so here is the first example -

If you go to the site, you can find a lot of useful services there that allow you to find out your ip-address, check the cms of the site, find out what resources are on the same IP, etc. For all these tools to work, someone had to implement them. Accordingly, this was done by the team of programmers who developed the portal.

JavaScript. Fast start

Also, if you look in top Menuthen useful services, these are far from the only possibilities, there is a rating of providers, a forum and much more. In the case of 2ip, it is clear that this is an IT portal, that is, narrowly thematic, not for all people in a row, but only for those who are interested in sites, software and the Internet in general.

There are also so-called general portals where people with different interests are registered. As a rule, the total number of users here can exceed the 1 million mark. One example is mobile network, which has existed since 2007.

Why can we say that this is a portal? Well, think for yourself:

It is possible to keep a personal diary

You can create communities of interest and communicate in them

There is a huge warehouse of files, any user can add their files

Own forum and chat

Ability to add a user to friends or subscribe to them

Alert log and news feed

Online games, the ability to check the weather and even meet someone

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of building a web application

Actually, the presence of such and similar services clearly shows how rich the functionality of such sites is. As we already understood, portals can be public (general) and narrowly focused.

How to create a portal

As you can imagine, creating such a resource is very different from creating a blog or even an online store. In the case of the last two types of sites, everything is much simpler, because the implementation of some additional opportunities not required and you follow the standard path. In the case of a portal, it is not enough just to think over and draw a design, make it up and put it on wordpress, you also need to implement the capabilities that will be on it, and this can only be done with the help of programming.

Right now I see 2 normal options for creating a portal:

1. Gather a team of specialists and start joint work... First, here you need to decide on the idea. Secondly, think over exactly what tools will be on the site, its capabilities and structure. After that, you need to find people who are ready to support you in development. Today there are communities of freelancers in the field of it, where you can assemble a team for a project.

You will need a programmer, layout designer, designer, administrator, and if the project is large, then many more people. And naturally, all these people will not work for free. At least for a part of the profit that your portal will bring in the future.

2. Order the development of the portal from professionals. Today, there are large companies on the Internet that offer this service. At the same time, you do not need to interfere with the process at all, you just need to pay for the development and it will start successfully. What is the cost of the portal? Depending on the complexity, from 100 thousand rubles to many millions. For example, if you want to create a portal like, then it will obviously cost you many millions.

It is also worth noting that money will have to be spent not only on the development, but also on the further life of such a site. For example, rent of a dedicated server, payment for people who will work on the portal, pay various services and the tools that are needed to make it work.

As you can see, creating a portal is a very serious business. In fact, this is a large Internet business that can bring a lot, but you also need to invest a lot in it.

How to create an Internet portal yourself and is it possible?

Yes, in general it is possible, but with some caveats:

On average, a team of specialists spends 2-3 months on the implementation of a medium-sized project. So think for yourself how much you will create such a project if you do everything yourself, even if you consider that the project will be small.

Nevertheless, today it is easier to create a portal if you use the ready-made developments of other web programmers. For example, today, often to add a forum to sat, you just need to install an additional module on satt, and if you want to add some service, you can use ready-made open solutions.

The fact is that today tens of thousands are available for download. various scripts and extensions that add this or that opportunity to you, so you can piece together your mini-portal.

To implement such projects, I recommend that you teach pHP language, it is on it today that most web applications are created. On our site you can find more than a dozen PHP courses that will allow you to independently implement many interesting things: create a registration and authorization system, a guest book, a product catalog and much more. Here are these lessons.

Well, I will end on this. I hope you understand how to create such a resource and what is needed for this. See you on other pages of our site!

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of building a web application

The creation of an information portal implies the development of a multifunctional service that will have several multidirectional directing platforms with a single marketing concept. The portal can be created not only for solving specific business problems, but also for reference purposes.

The branched out direction of the site, containing an impressive amount of reference material, allows you to reach the target audience as much as possible and relatively quickly expand the channels through which you can attract users. A well-formed and well-developed Internet project will help group a large number of thematic communities.

Information portal complete set

The basic configuration of the information portal is based on the following functional algorithms:

  1. design of the structure with elements of corporate symbols;
  2. integration under a universal and high-speed control system;
  3. development of information sections, graphic catalogs;
  4. modules feedback, workflow, guestbook, forum for communication, comments on news;
  5. registration and installation of an analytical tool.

The web resource should contain a visual editor, because with the help of this program module, it will subsequently be possible to manage the structure: edit material, change the visual image, add new sections. The cost of the project is determined in each individual case, it all depends on the volume and complexity of work, which are determined by the terms of reference.

Creation of a turnkey information web portal

If you plan to develop and create a turnkey information portal, then in this case the cost of services is determined by the following basic algorithms:

  • development of technical specifications;
  • creation of an individual design;
  • programming and layout of the internal structure of the portal;
  • filling pages with graphics and content;
  • transferring the project to.

Such a web project is relevant for large organizations that have several areas of development. Thus, you can promote several categories, because the amount of information on the portal is unlimited.

The network format can be specialized, when the existing information is focused on a certain type of activity, or successfully combine several communities with diametrically opposite thematic focus of the material.

A well-created information portal helps to bring the company out, advertise services to a wide range of audiences. Structured reference blocks provide an opportunity to optimize production processes, establish development stages and attract partners as much as possible, study consumer demand and conduct other equally important marketing research.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with this material in order to understand how to make your own portal on your own, but even though it will be free, it will still take more than five minutes. If you decide that you can try to spend time and energy on this, then start right now!

Content and themes of portals

When you want the site to have a lot of visitors, and also gradually unwind over time, then you should take this matter seriously and start choosing a topic that will affect all other components. One cannot but agree that social networks, just information sites, various online stores, as well as other sites have completely different content.

But do not think that the subject matter can be very different, because you can create a website only with the content that you yourself are wonderfully versed in. Even if you don't create it yourself, then in a poorly chosen topic in which you do not know the basics, your site will be doomed to failure. You can pick up a topic in which you did not understand anything before, but in the case when it is interesting and you are going to thoroughly study it.

Portal design

Once it has been selected, you can start working on the design and usability of the site. Usability is the arrangement of the information provided and all the components of the future site in a convenient order for use, so to speak, site navigation, which should become understandable for everyone. It is important to achieve that any person can go to the site and not just understand what is being said on it, but also where he will need to look for the necessary information.

Portal layout

Layout is the creation of pages that will subsequently be displayed in the user's browsers. Most often, several pages with different topics are created, and then they are used for various purposes of the site. Layout takes place using a special layout language, for example HTML, you will have to work in special editors on hTML based, cascading tables are also used. These tools may be considered standard, but there are newer programs that are often used as well.

It happens that it is not enough to use only standard programs, and the effect that you expected does not come, but it is better to use standard programs and exclude scripts in every possible way. You can browse many tutorials like HTML for beginners for more detailed work.

After receiving the results of the work, it is important that you conduct testing on popular browsers, do not think that one of them will be enough, you need to use all, because the visitor can use a different view, then some problems will arise.