As well as classification and recording of emergency situations. Unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) Emiss Rosstat

Government Russian Federation decides:

1. Create a unified interdepartmental information and statistical system.

2. Approve the attached Regulations on the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system.

3. Establish that:

The operator of the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system is the Federal Agency for information technology;

The coordinator of the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system is the Federal State Statistics Service.

4. The Federal Information Technology Agency should ensure:

a) together with the Federal State Statistics Service, commissioning by January 1, 2011 of a unified interdepartmental information and statistical system and its further operation;

b) the technological possibility of inclusion by subjects of official statistical accounting of official statistical information in the composition of official state information statistical resources included in a unified interdepartmental information and statistical system.

5. Subjects of official statistical accounting should include official statistical information in the official state information statistical resources included in the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, in accordance with the federal statistical work plan.

6. Financial support for expenses associated with the implementation of this resolution in 2010 is carried out within the budgetary allocations for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations provided for by the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal Agency for Information Technologies in the federal budget for 2010 for management and management in the field of established functions.

7. To the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation during the preparation of the project federal law on the federal budget for 2011 and for the planning period to provide for the allocation of budgetary allocations:

a) the Federal Agency for Information Technologies - to ensure the operation and functioning of a unified interdepartmental information and statistical system;

b) the Federal State Statistics Service - for organizational and methodological support for the functioning of a unified interdepartmental information and statistical system.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Regulations on the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system

1. These Regulations define the goals of creation, purpose, operating principles and structure of a unified interdepartmental information and statistical system (hereinafter referred to as the interdepartmental system), the circle of its participants, their powers and responsibilities.

2. The interdepartmental system is a state information system that unites official state information statistical resources generated by subjects of official statistical accounting as part of the implementation of the federal plan of statistical work (hereinafter referred to as statistical resources).

3. An interdepartmental system is created in order to provide access to government bodies, local government bodies, legal and individuals(hereinafter referred to as users of the interdepartmental system) to official statistical information, including metadata, generated in accordance with the federal statistical work plan.

4. Access to official statistical information included in the statistical resources included in the interdepartmental system is provided free of charge and on a non-discriminatory basis.

5. The interdepartmental system is intended for:

a) combining statistical resources, facilitating their effective use in making management decisions and forecasting;

b) providing users of the interdepartmental system with access to official statistical information in electronic form;

c) ensuring the possibility of submitting official statistical information to state information systems.

6. The functioning of the interdepartmental system is based on the following principles:

a) relevance, accessibility and openness of official statistical information;

b) unity of formats and technologies for presenting official statistical information;

c) use of a unified methodology for the formation of metadata by subjects of official statistical accounting;

d) application of a unified regulatory and reference information and all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;

e) unity of organizational and methodological support;

f) use of electronic digital signature to ensure the reliability of information;

g) ensuring the possibility of integrating the interdepartmental system with other state information systems.

7. The interdepartmental system consists of software and hardware of the central and departmental segments and includes departmental statistical resources containing official statistical information generated by subjects of official statistical accounting, metadata, reference books, classifiers and other necessary information support.

8. The use of software and hardware tools of the central segment, using the infrastructure of the all-Russian state information center, ensures:

a) placement, updating and control of filling departmental statistical resources;

b) formation and maintenance of a database of official statistical information;

c) providing access to official statistical information;

d) the possibility of using an electronic digital signature;

e) integration with other government information systems.

9. The use of software and hardware tools of the departmental segment ensures the interaction of the subject of official statistical accounting with the software and hardware tools of the central segment in order to generate and update official statistical information in the departmental statistical resource of the interdepartmental system.

10. Participants in the interdepartmental system are:

a) coordinator of the interdepartmental system;

b) operator of the interdepartmental system;

c) subjects of official statistical accounting;

d) users of the interdepartmental system.

11. Interdepartmental system coordinator:

a) ensures the maintenance of a register of official statistics indicators to be included in the statistical resources included in the interdepartmental system;

b) monitors the formation and updating of official statistical information;

c) monitors compliance with the unified methodology for generating metadata;

d) monitors use current versions classifiers and reference books;

e) determines the procedure for posting and updating official statistical information;

f) interacts with the operator to ensure the functioning and development of the interdepartmental system.

12. The operator of the interdepartmental system provides:

a) technical support, administration, operation and development of software and hardware of the interdepartmental system;

b) compliance with the security requirements of the interdepartmental system;

c) the possibility of using an electronic digital signature when providing official statistical information;

d) provision of software and hardware of the departmental segment free of charge to subjects of official statistical accounting.

13. Subjects of official statistical accounting:

a) submit to the coordinator of the interdepartmental system a list of indicators generated in accordance with the federal statistical work plan for their inclusion in the register of indicators of official statistics;

b) form, place and timely update metadata;

c) include official statistical information as part of the statistical resources included in the interdepartmental system and ensure the reliability of this information.

Implementation of interaction information systems organizations and departments is carried out within the framework of the state target program " Information society(2011-2020)".

Interaction is implemented within the framework of:

    interdepartmental electronic document management systems (EDF).

    unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEI).

What is SMEV and why is it needed?

Unified system interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEI)- federal state information system designed for organizing information interaction between the information systems of SMEV participants in order to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form.

Participants in interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV participants) are federal executive authorities, state extra-budgetary funds, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, state and municipal institutions, multifunctional centers, other bodies and organizations.

The purpose of creating SMEV is to improve the quality of provision of state and municipal services and the execution of state and municipal functions through the use of common information resources, reducing time for searching and processing information in electronic form.

SMEV is designed to solve the following problems:

Main functions of SMEV

The main functions of SMEV are:

    transfer of requests, documents and information necessary for obtaining state and municipal services and submitted by applicants through a single portal to information systems connected to SMEV;

    exchange by email between SMEV participants;

    transfer to a single portal of requests, other documents and information processed in information systems, as well as information on the progress of requests and the results of the provision of services.

In order to perform its functions, SMEV provides:

Technological support for SMEV

Technological support for information interaction using SMEV is achieved by using:

    service-oriented architecture, which is a set of electronic services built according to generally accepted standards;

    unified technological solutions and standards, unified classifiers and descriptions of data structures.

How to become a member of SMEV?

Features of using SMEV and connecting information systems of individual bodies and organizations to it are determined by agreements between the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, which is the operator of SMEV, and the body and organization that is a participant in SMEV. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia coordinates activities related to connecting to SMEV, ensures its functioning and maintains a register of electronic services.

Integration of information systems within the framework of SMEV is carried out in accordance with the Technical Requirements for the interaction of information systems in a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (approved by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated December 27, 2010 No. 190).

To become a member of the SMEV, a body or organization providing state and municipal services and performing state and municipal functions must:

    Ensure the development of electronic services and interfaces for interaction between the information system used and SMEV.
    To do this, you need to contact the supplier or developer of the information system used to carry out work on implementing the necessary services and interfaces.

    Provide electronic service to the operator of the SMEV node, of which this organization must be a member, to carry out registration and inclusion in the register of electronic services.
    To do this, it is necessary to officially contact the operator of the SMEV node and provide a passport of the electronic service, a test procedure and a user manual for the electronic service, as well as ensure the availability of the electronic service for its acceptance.

    Ensure the presence of a secure communication channel between the information system used and SMEV.


2. Federal state information system “Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)”.

3. Software and hardware that provide the ability to access information systems through SMEV.

4. In accordance with the Regulations on the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

Market analysis: where to get data?

Novice marketers conducting market analysis often ask where they can find market data. Of course, the easiest way is to purchase ready-made marketing research on the market for which you need data. But in the absence of money, the question arises, which free resources have data that can be used in market analysis.

There are quite a lot of options, today I want to talk about such an undervalued resource as official statistics Federal service state statistics, or more simply Rosstat.

Official website of Rosstat - main opportunities to obtain data

First of all, the “official statistics” block is of interest to a marketing analyst.

Block “official statistics on the Rosstat website

It mainly includes statistics on macroeconomic indicators,

By clicking on any section you will be taken to the official statistics page, and by selecting the desired menu item on the right (“Contents”) you will receive a list of available documents and information.

A set of documents and data in the “Official Statistics” section.

The first block, immediately below the section title, contains links to available data in Rosstat databases. To see them, you need to click on the name of the corresponding section in the block.

Statistical data can be presented in various forms:

  • Regulatory table.
  • Database.
  • Map.

You can look at each one and choose which data is more convenient for you to use.

Block "Methodology" contains explanations about the method of obtaining data and research methods.

Block "Operational information"– contains the documents most interesting for operational work analytics. This is where the latest processed data comes in.

Block "Official publications"– collections prepared by Rosstat employees and related to the chosen topic.

Even this section contains data that will help in assessing the market. Either way, demographic data will likely come in handy.

Data by region

If you need more detailed data for your region, you can go to the website of the regional branch of Rosstat. It's very easy to do.

At the bottom of the site, find a map of Russia and select the desired area.

Contact details of the territorial body of Rosstat, including the website, will be shown. By clicking on the link, you will be taken to the Rosstat website of the selected region, the structure of which is similar to the structure of the official Rosstat website. Only the “Official Statistics” section will contain data related to the region you are interested in.

Official statistics of regions

It is worth noting that on the websites of regional branches of Rosstat, the composition of information and its presentation may differ. Treat your search for information as research; you may be lucky and find exactly the data you need for market analysis.

Rosstat data in EMISS

(Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System)

It is no secret that Rosstat, as well as other ministries and departments, collect a large amount of data. They are contained in reports that enterprises are required to submit to statistical authorities. Is it possible to find this data on the Rosstat website? The answer is yes, most of the data that Rosstat collects from enterprises is in open access. There are two problems when searching for them

  1. You need to know what data is in the databases.
  2. Where to find data from reports.

Let's try to figure it out.

All data (well, or those that Rosstat decided to provide for free access) are stored in the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS). A special EMISS website has been created to work with data. Even if you don't know the address, finding it is quite easy. A link to it is on the Rosstat website, in the Databases section. The path is shown in the picture.

By clicking on the “EMISS” item, we are taken to a page, the entire content of which is the link “Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS)”, with a description.

Contains official statistical information generated by subjects of official statistical accounting within the framework of the Federal Statistical Work Plan. EMISS was created and put into operation in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2010. No. 367.

And a warning that through the Microsoft browser Internet Explorer It's better not to work with the system.

EMISS website - Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System

But finding data in it if you don’t know what you’re looking for is not easy.

To make our task easier, we again go to the Rosstat website and look for a link to the EMISS register.

I’ll give you a hint - you can download it from the link that is hidden in the “Statistical Tools” section behind the last button on the right:

The section is located directly below the map with the territorial branches of Rosstat, which we have already discussed.

By clicking on the button, you will download an excel file containing a list of data that is in the system. However, you can download it directly from the article by clicking on the picture. All that remains for you is to see what data may be useful to you for market analysis.

EMISS register

To do this, look at the “Name” column; it lists the data that is presented in the corresponding section of the EMISS. Column 2 of the report will tell you from which reporting form this data was obtained.

Finally, column D will give the code by which this data can be found in the EMISS system.

For example, taking the code 9300770 of the indicator “Number of small and medium-sized enterprises” and entering it into the search window, we see a link to the desired report and can open it.

It is very convenient that the data can be downloaded in EXCEL format, which allows you to process them yourself.

As you can see, finding market data is not that difficult. What is more important is the ability to use them to analyze the market that is of interest to you.

Good luck with your data retrieval and analysis!

Join the group "

EMISS is a state information system that provides state bodies, local governments and other users of EMISS with access to official statistical information via the Internet. In addition, it provides for the unification of statistical resources, ensuring their efficient use when making management decisions and forecasting, as well as submitting official statistical information to government information systems.


2017: "Software Product" continues to develop expertise in the field of IT support

2015: Launch of the modernized version of EMISS

According to the deputy minister, anyone today can go to the portal and see the list of subjects of official statistical accounting that participate in the program.

“You can also see what statistics are presented, how many postal items processed how many services are provided over a fixed line or mobile communications and so on,” noted Oleg Dukhovnitsky.
“We believe that today we have a good basis,” noted Oleg Dukhovnitsky. At the same time, in his opinion, it is necessary to develop the system in the future, “so that the amount of information uploaded there increases, so that the number of subjects and participants increases, so that interest in the system increases.” In particular, it is necessary to update the technical component, modernize the “server space so that the system works as quickly and reliably as possible.”

According to Oleg Dukhovnitsky, the entire server infrastructure component is located on the technological infrastructure subordinate to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, located at the Voskhod enterprise.

As the interlocutor of reported, as of 2012, out of 80 federal bodies, 66 had already provided their data to the EMISS.

“Rosstat and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia will try to attract as much as possible more government bodies and organizations,” summarized Oleg Dukhovnitsky.

Interview with the creators

The state statistics system is being modernized: disparate departmental statistical databases “living” on dozens of websites are being replaced by a unified interdepartmental information and statistical system (EMISS). For whom it is being created and how access to it will be organized, Deputy Head of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) Vyacheslav Zabelin tells in an interview with CNews.

CNews: What is the system of state statistics and who generates official statistical information in Russia? Rosstat?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: The state statistics system consists of information systems of federal government bodies that collect and process primary statistical and administrative data and generate official statistics according to a single methodology agreed with Rosstat.

The federal authorities involved in this work are called subjects of official statistical accounting. There are more than 60 of them and they all operate in accordance with the federal statistical work plan. Rosstat's task is to coordinate the development of the draft federal plan and submit it to the government for approval.

CNews: How do users gain access to official statistical information? Vyacheslav Zabelin: Official statistical information is published on the websites of subjects of official statistical registration on the Internet. It can be divided into two types.

The first type is information created in the form of an electronic document: these are annual and quarterly reports, for example, the quarterly report of Rosstat “The Social and Economic Situation of Russia”. These are also quarterly, monthly and weekly information, for example, “On the consumer price index”, “On the dynamics of gasoline prices”, “Employment and unemployment”, “On overdue wages”. They provide a verbal description of social, economic, demographic and other social processes in the Russian Federation, the dynamics of processes with the necessary detail. These electronic documents are not only posted on the official website, but also sent to the country's leadership.

The second type of information is structured data: spreadsheets, XML structures, SDMX structures containing the values ​​of statistical indicators in sections, for example, subjects of the Russian Federation, forms of ownership, observation periods, etc. In this form, information is generated from databases of subjects of official statistical registration, which users access from the official website with the possibility of subsequent processing of selected data.

CNews: What is the fate of the Central Statistical Database (CSD) of Rosstat, access to which is closed from the Rosstat website?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: The Central Statistical Database of Rosstat is one of the departmental databases; it was created back in the 90s. Despite its 20 years of age, the CDSD is supported by Rosstat and is updated. But its web component, also created in the last century, requires serious modernization so that it can be used on a modern hardware and software platform. Therefore, it is temporarily taken out of service. Authorized users can have authorized access to the CDSD operating on the Rosstat LAN. Currently, the CDBSD is used as the main source of official statistical information posted by Rosstat in the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS).

CNews: That is, EMISS is a development of the CBSD?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: No. EMISS, created by government decree, must contain official statistical information not only from Rosstat, but also from all federal executive authorities. It was introduced in industrial operation in November 2011 and is available at The EMISS register includes 3,718 indicators, of which Rosstat accounts for 1,526 (41%), while the remaining 60 departments account for 2,192 indicators (59%).

The operator of EMISS is the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, and the coordinator is Rosstat. We determine and control the procedure for posting and updating all official statistical information in the EMISS.

CNews: So, the EMISS should store information statistical resources of all departments? Why is such effort needed?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: Currently, the statistical resources of 60 departments are stored in databases of various architectures controlled by various DBMSs. In order to obtain the statistical information necessary for any state information system, it is necessary to make a request to each department separately. This situation must be corrected: state information systems must, with one request, receive official statistical information on the entire list of indicators they need.

Therefore, a unified interdepartmental information and statistical system was created. It is designed to combine statistical resources and provide information based on requests from users and other systems. One of such systems is the state automated system"Control". To fill it with information, a technological map interdepartmental interaction, containing 582 indicators of official statistical information from the EMISS register. This year, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications should develop, firstly, an electronic service that will implement requests from external information systems to the EMISS and, secondly, a function for processing requests from external information systems for the presentation of statistical data from the EMISS for a given list of indicators.

CNews: You talk about the needs of government information systems, but where are the interests of living users?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: Users can receive official statistical information from the EMISS in two ways: either through the EMISS portal or through the portal public services. In the 1st quarter of 2012, statistical information was provided through the government services portal for 6 thousand requests. Currently, the rule for users is: one request - one indicator. But it should be noted that the indicator can have many sections (by year, by constituent entity of the Russian Federation, etc.). That is, the result of a query is, generally speaking, not one number, but a rather complex spreadsheet.

CNews: Are you considering creating a single repository with open access to all official statistics published in Russia?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: All subjects of official statistical accounting post information on their websites. Another thing is that statistical activity is not their main task, and statistics are “drowning” in the rest of the information posted by the department on its website.

The question is about creating a subject navigator that provides access to all official statistical information generated by federal executive authorities. Rosstat is addressing this issue as part of the creation of its unified Internet portal. It will implement thematic navigation, subscription to news, calendar of release of statistical information, electronic versions paper collections; involved various ways data visualization: tables, charts, graphs, maps. Access to the databases will be free, as it is now.

One of the main features of the unified Internet portal of Rosstat is the personalization of the presentation of statistical data for various user groups and target audiences.

The unified Internet portal of Rosstat provides the following interactive services: a service for receiving and processing orders from the catalog of information services; generating and providing a list of all thematic data showcases that allow you to search, filter and navigate to list elements; resource popularity indicator service; surveys, web conferences, as well as services that make information accessible to people with disabilities and mobile users.

CNews: When will the portal be launched?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: The transition from the official Rosstat website to a single Internet portal is planned to be carried out in August of this year. It is currently running in test mode.







Unified interdepartmental methodology for assessing damage from emergency situations technogenic, natural and terrorist nature (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergencies in 2004.

The methodology was approved by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on December 1, 2004 and agreed upon by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (ref. dated October 15, 2004 No. 621-VS), the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (ref. dated October 15, 2004 No. 10-396), the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (ref. dated October 8, 2004 No. 21 -36/4554), Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia (ref. dated September 28, 2004 No. 01-01-538), Ministry of Transport of Russia (ref. dated October 1, 2004 No. AM-30/2279), Ministry of Information and Communications of Russia (ref. dated September 27, 2004 No. DM-P10-274), Ministry of Finance of Russia (ref. dated October 20, 2004 No. 10-4-1/3295), Rosstroy (ref. dated October 15, 2004 No. 7-715), Rosatom (ref. dated October 20, 2004 No. 30 -660), Rostekhnadzor (ref. dated October 22, 2004 No. 2-18/1002), RAS (ref. dated October 12, 2004 No. 2-10103-2114.2/929).

The methodology is intended to provide information on damage assessment to the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and specialists from bodies specially authorized to solve civil defense (CD) tasks, tasks for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations (ES) under the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The methodology establishes general provisions, principles and methods on the basis of which it is recommended to assess damage from man-made, natural and terrorist emergencies in sectors and areas of the economy of the Russian Federation.

The technique is intended for:

Forecasting damage at all levels (federal, regional, territorial, municipal and facility) of the territorial subsystems of the Unified state system prevention and response to emergency situations (RSChS), as well as for training specialists from organizations and institutions involved in assessing damage at various stages of emergency situations, problems of emergency forecasting and planning measures to improve the efficiency of protecting the population, production personnel and territories from the impact damaging factors in case of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters and experts in assessing damage from emergencies to assess the cost of damage from emergencies and the cost of restoring damage from emergencies;

Providing information on damage assessment to heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and specialists from bodies specially authorized to solve civil defense problems, tasks for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations under the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The technique can be used as:

Methodological document in the emergency damage monitoring system within the framework of the RSChS;

Regulatory document of the system of voluntary certification of services for assessing damage from emergencies in industries and sectors of the economy;

A framework methodological document for integrated damage assessments that can be used in determining the amount of financial support for the civil liability of the owner (operating organization) for damage caused as a result of an accident of a hazardous facility, when planning measures to prevent emergency situations and eliminate their consequences, as well as in civil insurance responsibility of the owner of a dangerous object.

The technique allows you to install general requirements bodies specially authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense and emergency situations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (government bodies of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations) to assess both possible damage - at the stages of design, operation and decommissioning of a hazardous facility, and actual damage - caused by natural, man-made and of a terrorist nature, and also allows for assessments of socio-economic damage from emergencies of a man-made, natural and terrorist nature at the stages of forecasting and localizing emergencies for a period of one year after the event.

The technique can be used in the design, construction, commissioning and operation of industrial complexes, which include those located on a separate territory or providing a single process hazardous production facilities, hydraulic structures, vehicles transporting dangerous goods, nuclear energy facilities, accidents at which during their operation can lead to harm to the life, health or property of other persons and the environment.

The technique can also be used:

When determining the amount of financial support for civil liability of owners (operating organizations) for damage caused as a result of an accident at a hazardous facility, when drawing up safety declarations, planning emergency rescue operations, as well as when justifying measures to reduce the negative consequences of accidents;

When insuring civil liability of owners of hazardous facilities (operating organizations) for damage caused as a result of accidents at these facilities, to determine the amount of the insured amount;

When planning emergency rescue operations;

When justifying measures to reduce the negative consequences of accidents;

When predicting the amount of amounts required to compensate for damage from an accident of a dangerous object and eliminate its consequences.


1. General methodological provisions for assessing economic damage from emergency situations

1.1. Scope of application

1.2. General provisions

1.3. Limitations and Assumptions

1.4. Basic terms and definitions

1.5. Direct damage

1.6. Indirect damage

1.7. Total damage

1.8. Costs associated with the prevention and response to emergency situations

1.9. Damage forecast

2. Forms and indicators intended to determine economic damage from emergency situations at the primary level of the economy

2.1. General provisions

2.2. Forms for assessing economic damage from emergency situations on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity)

2.3. Guidelines on filling out Form No. 02-ES (territory) “Information on economic damage from emergency situations of man-made and natural nature on the territory of a subject of the federation, district, city, or other populated area”

2.4. Guidelines for filling out Form No. 01-ES (enterprise) “Information on economic damage from emergency situations of man-made and natural nature in industrial enterprise(organizations)"

2.5. Form for assessing economic damage from emergency situations at an enterprise (organization)

3. Classification and recording of emergency situations

3.1. Enlarged classification of emergency situations

3.2. Classification of emergency situations by the number of people affected and material damage

3.3. Classification of emergency situations by risk of occurrence

4. Forecasting economic damage from emergency situations

4.1. General provisions

4.2. Macroeconomic consequences of emergency situations

4.3. Modeling in forecasting the socio-economic consequences of emergencies

4.4. Methods for calculating predicted indicators of economic consequences of emergencies

4.5. Comprehensive assessment of the level of socio-economic development of the region for the future, taking into account the assessment and forecasting of the socio-economic consequences of emergency situations

4.6. Key indicators

4.7. Organization of forecasting the economic consequences of emergency situations in sectors and areas of the economy, constituent entities of the Russian Federation

4.8. Forms for forecasting economic damage from emergency situations in industries and sectors of the economy, constituent entities of the Russian Federation

5. Framework Methodology for assessing socio-economic damage from emergency situations

5.1. Purpose of the Method

5.2. Notations and abbreviations

5.3. Accepted limitations and assumptions

5.4. Initial data for calculations

5.5. Enlarged algorithm (block diagram) Techniques

5.6. Payment procedure

5.7. Imprint

5.8. Calculated example of assessing socio-economic damage from emergency situations


Appendix 1. Forms for submitting information on assessing economic damage from emergency situations on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity)

Appendix 2. Forms for forecasting economic damage from emergency situations in industries and sectors of the economy, constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Appendix 3. Forms for presenting information in the framework methodology for assessing socio-economic damage from emergency situations