Will there be Windows 10. Ways to get a license for free. The main disadvantages of the new OS

As a rule, all notes of this kind are dry and crumpled, in the style of point here and scroll with the mouse - I will try not to repeat these mistakes and will season them with controversial points and nuances (well, I need to somehow stand out among the competitors...)

In this guide, installing Windows 10 can be divided into 2 stages:

  1. Creating installation media
  2. Installation and Windows setup 10

I do not recommend that you buy or download distributions from third-party resources if you are not confident in your abilities. Now all this can be downloaded from the official website and, without any problems, using simple tools, you can create this same installation media with current version Windows 10 on board.

Installing Windows 10 - Preparing the media

For this crime we will need a flash drive with a capacity of more than 4 gigabytes (it is advisable to choose quickly) or DVD disc (but a flash drive is better - it’s easier with it). Here again we have a choice, you can download the dozens distribution kit and burn it to a flash drive or disk third party programs like Rufus or using a utility Media Creation Tool to create installation media in a couple of clicks (but in this case, the distribution package will not be saved on the computer and, if you need to create a bootable USB flash drive again, you will have to redownload everything from the Internet again)

Where to download Windows 10

When the question arises where to download Windows 10 for installation on a computer, I always have one answer for you - of course, on the official Microsoft website, read the note in detail. In the picture below there is just a moment with a choice - save or write the image to a flash drive (this is the method with Media Creation Tool)

If you decide to immediately burn the image to a flash drive using the Media Creation Tool, then you can skip the next point - it is for those who saved the image to their computer and do not know what to do with it.

How to create Windows 10 installation media

We have a Windows 10 image for installation (distribution), just putting it on a flash drive is not enough - it doesn’t work that way. There are several options for recording the installation kit; you can read about this in the note on how to do it on board. There are many different variations, but personally I use the program - which is what I advise you to do too...

The Rufus utility is quite simple and ideal for our task. Just insert the USB flash drive, select the Windows image you downloaded earlier and click the “Start” button - all you have to do is wait for the recording process to complete.

Well, let's proceed directly to installing Windows 10 on our computer or laptop. First of all, you need to boot from the installation kit (how to do this is written in the documentation or use an Internet search - we are interested in BOOT MENU).

After downloading Windows installer 10 we need to select the language, layout and time format with monetary units (don't worry, there will be an English layout too)— I’m used to the Russian language, so I select the appropriate items and click “Next”

At this stage, we are given the opportunity to try to restore the installed system (by the way, this can be used to log in), but in the context of this note this is unnecessary - so we click “Install”

Windows activation - for those who were expecting keys... I will disappoint you, this resource contains only legal content. At this stage, you can refuse to enter your license Windows key 10 and do it later - there is a special item for this “I don’t have a product key”

We reached the section “Select operating system, which you want to install”... here, as a rule, the choice is small, we have already made our choice at the stage of downloading the image from the official website. You can compare editions on the Internet - if you have a license, then simply for which edition the license was issued. Well, if you don’t have a key and you don’t intend to buy it in the future, install a PRO key, you won’t go wrong.

Not everyone reads the license agreement, but in vain. I remember there was a lot of discussion online about hidden surveillance of the user... only this is all written about in detail in the text of the agreement and you yourself checked the “I accept the license terms” checkbox. By the way, I have had situations where the error “License agreement not found” was displayed instead of text - in this case, most likely there is a problem with the media you are using to install Windows 10.

We are interested in a clean installation of the system, so we select “Custom: Windows installation only (for experienced users)”... I don’t recommend updating, there is a high probability of picking up glitches from the old system. And you can copy the data in advance - now this is not a problem.

Now the most interesting part is the hard drive partitioning. Ideally, demolish everything and do everything from scratch, but to do this you need to merge important data onto another medium - by deleting all partitions, you will forever lose access to your data. If the computer is new, then hard drive will be defined as “Unallocated disk space”... select it and click the “Create” button, select the size local disk and click “Apply”.

Most likely, the Windows installation program will create a small partition for service needs, the system bootloader will be located there - this is very convenient, you won’t be able to accidentally delete it.

Copying will then begin. installation files and directly installing Windows 10 on a computer or laptop. This process usually the longest and depends entirely on the performance of your computer, especially important.

After the reboot, you will see the message “Preparing” - this means that the system has almost completely been installed on your computer and soon we will be able to move on to the initial setup.

Well, that's all, we have successfully installed Windows 10, all that remains is to initial setup and your computer will be ready to use. The first step is to select a region... Microsoft apparently has a bit of a problem with translators and Russia is a region, so select and click “Yes”.

Selecting a layout (there is no need to add English, it is already preinstalled by default). I repeat - I live in Russia and use the Russian layout, so I select as in the picture below and click “Yes”

It will be great if the computer is connected to the Internet - Windows will download the latest updates and try to install them. If the system image used is old, then this stage can take hours.

The next step is to select a configuration method, we need “Configure for personal use"... if you are an organization, then it’s better to call the local admin - she will set everything up for you (and if he doesn’t know, such workers need to be driven out)

In Windows 10, Microsoft expects tight integration with its services and for such cases, I recommend that you use their account to sign in. However, if we take into account the fact that most users do not need this at all, we will create a local account without being connected to the Internet... the “Offline account” item is responsible for this.

The next window praises our Microsoft account. In fact, it’s very convenient... but I didn’t find any particular advantages over offline accounting, I don’t exclude that I just didn’t appreciate the beauty of the cloud and was used to doing everything the old fashioned way. We don't need it, so we select "Perhaps later"

Who will use this computer? - Everything is elementary here! Enter the username (for example, I used the name of the blog - Itshnegcom). I highly recommend choosing a login on English, problems often occur with Cyrillic profiles... many programs (especially games) are not able to work with them.

Here it is - the stone of discord, the “Privacy” tab. If you do not want information collected about you, then turn everything off and click “Accept.” In general, everything is signed in detail, it won’t be difficult to figure it out.

Well, the final step - only the inscription on the screen “This may take a few minutes” separates us from installed Windows 10…

...and the desktop of the newly installed operating system opened, at this stage we can safely say that we have just installed Windows 10 on a computer or laptop ourselves (Isn’t it difficult?!)

Well, friends, it’s time to sum it up. This guide will help you install Windows 10 on a computer or laptop - as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it, especially compared to the times of Windows 98. Nowadays everything can be done with a flash drive and a little skill. Of course, there are special cases when some nuances come to light - here you can ask questions in the comments to this post, we’ll definitely figure it out... and perhaps we’ll add to this post!

I have a small article on my website about installing Windows 10 completely. However, apparently, the instructions presented in it are not sufficient for everyone - some clarifying questions constantly appear in the comments, and people write in PMs who “We did everything as written - but nothing works”. That is why today I decided to write the most detailed (literally micro-step) guide on how to how to reinstall ten- such detailed instructions so that even people who are very inexperienced in computers understand what is being done and how.

So, you have decided to delete all existing information from your computer along with the current operating system and install Windows 10 again. For what reasons you decided to do this is not so important. However, we will outline some situations when re-setting the “ten” is better than trying to revive an existing system:

  • A significant slowdown in computer performance compared to its original speed.
  • Systematically occurring errors in work.
  • Deep infection by viruses.
  • An inexplicable subjective desire to have a clean system (personally, this happens to me often) is a fad, sort of like that.

Program for installing Windows 10

In order to reinstall the Windows 10 operating system, we will need a free evening and a free flash drive with a capacity of at least 4 gigabytes. First, let's take ours USB drive(aka flash drive) and make sure that there is nothing necessary on it - because then all information from there will be deleted.

Before reinstalling Windows 10, we need to use special program create a so-called installation media- write dozens of files to a flash drive. To do this you need to go to this page Microsoft and by clicking the " Download the tool now"(it's second on the page - lower), download to your computer the necessary program and start its installation. The program is called MediaCreationTool. You should download it immediately before installing the operating system. This way you will receive the latest “top ten” with all the latest important updates.

At one time, when launching the MediaCreationTool utility, it was observed error 80072f76 0x20017. It was associated with “jambs” exclusively on the Microsoft side and arose everywhere around the world from September to December 2017. On at the moment the problem is solved, but in such cases for downloading Windows image 10 from the official website you can use the “crutch”. You can download the top ten directly by replacing the user agent in your browser with Apple Safari. Everything is simple there: press F12 in the Edge browser - then go to the “Emulation” tab - change the user agent string to “Apple Safari (iPad)” - download the necessary images from Microsoft official website(described in more detail here in English). If you don’t have access to the Edge browser due to the lack of Windows 10 anywhere and you decide to trust me (by the way, completely in vain - because you can’t trust anyone on the Internet), then here I have links to ISO files V cloud storage Mega with the latest versions of Windows 10 as of December 2017: 32 bit and 64 bit. I will say right away that downloading from there will most likely be slow. It’s faster to use the method with the official website and changing the agent in the browser. After downloading ISO image with Windows 10, using any of the described methods, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive from this installation image. This can be done using the utility Rufus.

So, on any computer we run MediaCreationTool and to begin with, as is usually the case, we accept the terms of the agreement.

Next, we wait a few seconds while the preparation is performed. Then select the second item - “Create installation media for another computer.” Attention! Even if you install Windows 10 on the same computer, it is still better to select item 2. The update (1 point) takes much longer, it provides the ability to save personal files and settings, but a lot of garbage remains in the system.

In the next step, to record the Windows 10 installer, you need to select the architecture (possibly language) of the future system: 64-bit or 32-bit. If the reinstallation will be performed on the same computer on which the flash drive is created, then it is best to leave the “Use recommended settings for this computer” checkbox. If you plan to install “top ten” on another machine, then to select the required bit depth, you can read the article “”. We leave the “Release” parameter unchanged: Windows 10.

The next step is to select the media on which we will write the operating system files Windows systems 10 - 1 item “USB flash memory device”. Then select the flash drive that was previously inserted into the computer.

After this, the download will begin first, and then the creation Windows media 10 (that is, recording to a flash drive). This process is slow. And it largely depends on the speed of your Internet connection. During the download, approximately 3 gigabytes of data will be transferred to the computer. On my not the fastest laptop from 2010, downloading “tens” and creating a bootable flash drive took exactly an hour .

Step-by-step installation of Windows 10 from a flash drive

Now that Windows files 10 have been successfully recorded by us on a flash drive, you can proceed directly to installing “tens”. All necessary files It’s better to first save it somewhere else from your computer. This will not only make the installation easier and faster, but will also ensure better performance of the operating system in the future.

Step 1: Preparing for installation

In order to install Windows 10, first you need to start the computer not as usual - with hard drive, but from a flash drive. This is done on various models computers and laptops in their own way. As a rule, to enter the BIOS or UEFI-BIOS, immediately after pressing the power button on the computer, you need to press one of the following buttons: F2, F12, F7, F9, Del or other. This is described in detail in the equipment instructions. But there is a “poke method”. In my experience, most often you could enter the BIOS using F2 or Del.

So, the computer has just started, and we are pressing our button with all our might to enter the BIOS or UEFI-BIOS. We go in and change the boot priority, setting our USB first instead of the hard drive.

Setting up Windows 10 installation from a flash drive for BIOS

For BIOS, moving to the right with the arrow, you need to go to the Boot tab. All possible boot devices will be listed below. In order for the computer to boot primarily from a flash drive, you need to raise the item with it (in the figure it is the lowest) to the first position. To do this, go down to it with the usual down arrow, but we move items in the list using the F6 (up) and F7 (down) keys. (There may be other buttons for navigating in the BIOS - they will be named on the right and below.) I went to the USB item I needed and pressed the F6 key 4 times. In general, you need to ensure that your USB device(flash drive) was in 1st place in the boot list.

Setting up Windows 10 installation from a flash drive for UEFI-BIOS

Everything is done by analogy with the BIOS, and in more modern program UEFI. We also go there by clicking one of the function keys(for me it turned out to be Del). Then we go to the menu responsible for setting up the boot and select your flash drive as the first number. In UEFI, as a rule, you can use the mouse - so everything is simpler here.

Details BIOS settings or UEFI-BIOS for loading into flash drives may differ from those described depending on your computer or laptop model. In the comments below on this page, do not hesitate to ask questions if something is unclear to you.

Step 2. Install Windows 10

After we're done required settings in the BIOS, we reboot the computer and see that the installation process of Windows 10 begins. To begin with, the “tens” logo simply appears, then all sorts of questions. For the first time we leave everything as is.

In the next step, you need to select the “I don’t have a product key” option. If Windows 10 has already been activated on your machine, then the license is already associated with it and will be automatically confirmed after installation.

Now you will need to select the version of the operating system to install: Pro or Home. If you don’t know which one to choose, then stop at Domashnaya - with a 99% probability it was the one you had.

At the next step, we are once again asked to save any data from the operating system existing on the hard drive, but we once again refuse (and do it absolutely correctly) and select the “ Custom: Windows installation only (for advanced users)».

At the next stage, all the hard drive partitions appear in front of us. If the system is being installed completely clean, then personally I would prefer to remove each of these volumes in turn. There will be “Unallocated disk space0” (as in my picture). This is where we will install Windows 10. There is no need to create anything. Partition C will appear on its own during the installation process. Just click “Next”.

After some time, the computer will reboot. (If after this it asks you to press any key, then you should not do this - otherwise the Windows installation will start all over again).

It's better when you reboot remove the flash drive from the USB port. If this is not done, booting from the flash drive will remain a priority and the installation of Windows 10 will begin again.

And the installation will continue.

Next, the installation will be done on blue screen. First, you will be prompted to “Increase operating speed.” You can use the standard settings, but I prefer to go into the settings and disable all five items.

In the next step we have three options:

  • Sign in to your existing Microsoft account.
  • If you don't have one, you can create an account.
  • Skip step and continue with a local account.

Personally, I appreciate the opportunity that synchronizing settings and files in the cloud provides. That's why I always use a Microsoft account. And I advise you to get it and use it. To do this, you just need to enter your address email and come up with a password (numbers and Latin letters). In the next step, for privacy reasons, it is better to uncheck both boxes.

Now to log into your account on your computer you will need to enter your email address and password. However, in the next step, this process can be significantly simplified by coming up with a simple 4-digit PIN code for authorization. Attention! The PIN code is valid only on one computer.

This step, like the previous ones, can be skipped, but personally I prefer to set a simple PIN code and enter it if necessary, rather than a more complex password.

The installation is almost complete. For the remaining time, greeting messages will sequentially change on the screen: “Hello”, “We are glad that you are with us”, “Preparations are underway, do not turn off the computer” and others. After the word “Let’s start,” the long-awaited desktop finally appears.

Now it is very desirable to get several necessary updates as quickly as possible and that’s it necessary drivers(in Windows 10 it is extremely rare to install drivers manually - they are installed automatically here through the update center). To do this, go to the Start menu and select the gear icon.

The Options tool launches. In it we go: “Update and security”, then “Check for updates”. If there is nothing, then after some time something will definitely appear.

After all updates and drivers for Windows 10 have been installed, you can carry out the initial setup clean system to make it easier to use. For example, I disable the login password. I talk about all this in more detail in the article “

In this article we will describe the main ways to install Windows 10. Depending on the device and user goals, installation methods may differ. A clean installation, updating systems, or reinstalling while saving data are different goals and different installation options. We will tell you how to install clean Windows 10 on new laptop or PC, and also how to update the system to new version.


In July 2015, the next version of the Windows 10 operating system was released. Not only the system interface was redesigned, but also most of the applications. Microsoft moved away from Metro applications towards UWP, which could run not only on PCs, but also on tablets and mobile devices.

From the very beginning, users of previous versions (7 and 8.1) were offered a free upgrade to new system while maintaining the system. Some users ask if they can install Windows 10 on their computer for free. Formally, even if you change the equipment, you can activate the system. If something doesn't work out, it's better to write to Microsoft support.

Now, more and more more users are switching to version 10 of the OS, since support for older versions is ending and more and more restrictions are being introduced for users of previous versions (for example, the release of new drivers only for Win10).

In this article, we will tell you how to download Windows 10 for free and install it on your computer.


The first thing you will encounter if you want to install Windows 10 on your laptop or PC yourself is to download the system image. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Media Creation Tools is a tool from Microsoft that can not only download the desired image, but also actually install licensed Windows 10 from the official website.
  2. Download from the official website - where you can immediately download the image you need in .iso format, ready for installation or recording on media
  3. From third-party sites - this option is used if you need a specific version of the OS, since MCT and the site only provides the latest versions for download.

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Media Creation Tools

MCT is a universal tool that includes several functions - downloading, updating and installing Windows 10.

You can download Media Creation Tools from the official website.

  • Click on the button “Download the tool now” and run the utility when the download is complete.

  • Then, select “Create installation media” and then specify the parameters of the future system. Language and bit depth

  • If you need to record to a USB drive, select the appropriate option. But if you want to burn the image to a DVD or just save it, select “Iso file”.

After this, select where the file will be saved and wait for the download to complete.

If you choose to boot to USB, the image will first be downloaded to the disk, and then it will be written to the drive.

Download from the official website

There is a little trick that will help you download the image without downloading MCT.

If you access the MCT page from a non-Windows tablet or smartphone, you will be prompted to download the image as MCT cannot be run on operating systems other than Windows.

So if you use Google Chrome or similar browsers (Chromium based), you can enable developer mode (F12 key) and change the device type ( combination Ctrl + Shift + M). Don't forget to reload the page and don't close developer mode.

Third Party Site

Well, the last option, if you need the old version, but you don’t know how to install Windows 10 from scratch, you need to try to find the image you need on third-party sites.

You should not download images or download programs anywhere. It is advisable to use original images from Microsoft. More on this further...

One site that can help in this matter is heidoc.net.

On this site you can download Microsoft application Windows and Office ISO Download Tool. With it, you can download not only the official image for Windows 10, but also for Windows 8.1 and 7, Office and much more.


Before installation, you should make sure that your computer meets the requirements for installing Windows 10:

  • Processor - 1 GHz and faster;
  • RAM - 1 GB (for x32 version) or 2 GB (x64 version);
  • 20 Gb of free space;

The image or installation media is ready, all that’s left to do is to tell you with an example how to new computer install Windows 10. The differences from reinstallation are minimal - there are no files on the disk on the new device, and there are none on the already installed system.

Step by step Windows installation 10 per laptop or PC:

  • Initially, you need to set the boot priority to the installation media (USB or DVD). In simple terms- the system needs to indicate which device will boot first - the disk with installed system or a drive with a system image. Correct installation Windows 10 - via BIOS.
  • To change the boot priority, you need to enter the BIOS. To do this, press the Del key ( F2 or F8, depends on the manufacturer) and wait for the BIOS interface to appear.
  • If the settings are in English, you need to look for the Boot Priority item or Loading order, where you need to put the drive with the image in first place.

  • After that, press F10 (Save and Exit) and the installation will start.

Some devices require download confirmation external devices. Therefore, to be sure, you can press the spacebar for 5-7 seconds after restarting the computer.

  • You will be greeted by a window with 2 buttons - Settings and System Restore. To continue the installation, click the appropriate button.

  • Then, accept the persons terms. agreements

  • The next step is choosing the installation type, where you need to select “Custom installation”. “Update” is not used during a clean installation, only for updating from under the system.

  • Next, select the disk. To reinstall the system, you must select the disk on which the system was previously installed. If the device or disk is new, select unallocated space and click “Next”

If you want to allocate a specific volume for the system, click the “Create” button and indicate what size the new disk will be.

  • After this, the first installation will begin - unpacking and copying files.

  • After this, the system will reboot and the next stage will begin - installing system components. It is quite long and can take from 5 to 25 minutes, depending on the power of the device.

  • After another reboot, the system will start in OOBE - Out Of Box Expirience mode. In Russian, this means initial experience (out of the box) when working with the device.

At this stage, you will need to configure the system to suit your needs:

  • Select Language and Keyboard Layout

  • After this, you need to select the type of use of the device - home or work (for organization).

  • The next step is to select the Account type - MSA (Profile linked to an account Microsoft records) or local (standard account).

To log in to MSA, enter your username and password

To create a local profile, click Offline Account, decline the offer to create an MSA, and then enter the username and password for the new profile

  • The next step is choosing privacy settings. It is advisable to turn off all parameters

Wait for the latest components to be installed and the system is successfully installed. This is the easiest way to install Windows 10 on your PC yourself.


There are times when users not only need to install the system, but also save their data or applications. This process is called InPlace Upgrade - where the system is not reinstalled, but only updated system files, but are not affected third party applications and personal files of the user.

By the way, this method can also be used to update from previous versions of the system (Windows 8.1/7) to 10.

Let's look at the ways in which you can perform an InPlace Upgrade:

Via Media Creation Tools

As stated earlier, Media Creation Tools is a versatile tool that can do a lot. Even install Windows 10 for free on your computer from the Internet.

Launch it, accept the terms of the personal agreement and at the selection stage, click on “Update this computer now”. MCT will automatically download the necessary files and notify you when the update begins.

Via assistant

You can also use the Windows 10 installation (update) assistant. Unlike MCT, the assistant has one purpose - to help the device install a new version of the system.

You can download it on the page Windows boot 10.

The application will ask you for confirmation to install the new version of the system, after which it will download and prepare files for further use in the background.

In this article, we told you how to correctly install Windows 10 pro / Home on a computer or laptop, as well as update to the new version. We hope that this information was useful and you were able to successfully install the system.

Greetings to everyone who has visited this site, today we will look in detail at how to install Windows 10. I think that it is time to switch to a new operating system, since it has become quite stable and comfortable for work. To be honest, I switched to the top ten quite a long time ago, almost from the moment it appeared. Initially, it was just an interest in what exactly has changed in the new version, what the interface looks like and what goodies the developers want to please us with.

In general, after the transition I did not regret it at all and stayed on this Windows versions, which I advise you to do. I think that this instruction will be relevant now, since old information on Windows 10 is not always correct, because the system is being updated and improved by developers. The installation process is quite simple and figuring out how to install Windows 10 from a flash drive will not be difficult for any user. This is especially easy to do if. The process of searching for a system has also been simplified; now you don’t have to look for disks with the system or surf the Internet, it will be enough.

How to install Windows 10 from a flash drive on a computer.

Let's proceed directly to the process of installing the system on a computer or laptop. As I said above, you and I will need bootable flash drive with the system. We insert it into USB port computer and reboot it. In order for the installation of the operating system to begin, . If everything is done correctly, the installation process should start. I suggest following the instructions on how to install Windows 10, step by step, which I will describe in detail and support the information with screenshots so that you can achieve one hundred percent success.

  1. The first window that appears at the very beginning of the Windows installation is the choice of language. I think the choice for you and me, residents of Russia, is obvious. Select the Russian language and click the “Next” button;
  2. A new window will open, in which there is only one “Install” button in the center, as well as a modest inscription: “System Restore”. Since we perform clean install, then click the “install” button;
  3. The next step is to enter the license key. If you have license key, then enter it and click the “Next” button, if not, then click the button below “I don’t have a product key”;
  4. A window will open with license agreement, if you have time, read it carefully, then check the box “I accept the license terms” and click the “Next” button;
  5. Another window will open in which the user is prompted to select an installation option. Or we update the old system, saving all files on system partition and glitches that were in old Windows. Or we choose a more complex path, which, according to the developers, is suitable for experienced users. But we are not looking for easy ways, and select the second option: “Custom: Windows installation only (for advanced users)”;
  6. A new window will open in which you and I need. If you have only one partition, then read the article on how to partition your hard drive. I will not dwell on this issue in detail, since this is the topic of the previous article, everything is described in detail there. You just need to select the partition in which Windows 10 will be installed, format it and click the “Next” button;

As you can see, the problem of how to install Windows 10 from a flash drive, which worried us, turned out to be not such a problem. The first stage of installation is quite easy and does not cause any difficulties. Let's move on to the next step.

Setting up Windows 10 before first launch.

After we have figured out how to install Windows 10 on a computer, let’s move on to the process of setting up the system before the first launch. These settings will appear after the computer automatically restarts. Follow the same steps below:

What does the user get with the installation of Windows 10?

Let's summarize.

Today we figured out in detail how to install Windows 10. If you followed everything exactly step by step, then you wouldn’t even notice any difficulties during the installation process. I believe that any user who will rely on this manual. In previous articles I also told you about all preparatory stages before installing the system. All you have to do is follow them clearly and put them into practice. Overall, I think that Windows 10 turned out to be quite high quality. The developers took into account many user wishes and applied them to the top ten. I recommend switching to this axis without hesitation, as it works quite quickly and stably.

In future releases we will look at how to further customize an already installed operating system. So don't miss it. If you have questions about any problems, ask in the comments. We will look at the most popular ones together in separate articles.