G mail com. How to create Gmail from Google from any device: step-by-step guide with the necessary settings. Google mail sorting settings

Hi all! Gmail mail provides access to all Google services: documents, calls, translator, calendar. Helps synchronize and save useful and important information.

Dear customers often refuse to work with freelancers who have not set up an email address with Google. They see a frivolous and unprofessional approach to business in such people. It's time to correct the situation and connect to the most functional and advanced service. I'll tell you how to create a Gmail email, select correct settings, improve security and redirect emails from old mailboxes.

Gmail is a free, feature-rich and secure email service from Google. Together with your email address you get access to all online products:

  1. Google Drive. Save and load any files. Copy the link and share with everyone. Each user is given 15 GB for free, additional space must be purchased.
  2. Documents and tables. Write resumes, articles, make reports, lists, budgets directly online. Opening access certain people, you can create a remote office without spending a ruble.
  3. Google Play. Catalog of applications, games from all over the world. There are paid and free options.
  4. Blogger. Here you can start a blog without programming knowledge.
  5. Google Keep. Save important data with one click.
  6. Calendar. Records of important tasks are synchronized on any device.
  7. Google Hangouts. Calls to colleagues, friends, customers.
  8. Google Translate. Translation from more than 30 languages ​​of the world.
  9. Google Search Console. Find out information about your site's ranking in search engines.
  10. AdWords. Attract traffic and customers with contextual advertising.

You can also create a YouTube channel in a couple of minutes and become a video blogger.

In addition, no Android phone can be fully used without Gmail.

Choosing the right name for your email address

Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail – this is also connected with the mail. For business accounts, internet marketers, freelancers, it is better to use your real first and last name.

If they are busy, as in my case, then use lower spacing, a dot, a dash, or numbers (birth year, month, etc.) Examples of good addresses: [email protected] or [email protected].

The Translit-online service will help you find out how your first and last names are written correctly in English letters.

I advise YouTubers to call email address creative and concise so that it is easy to remember. Examples: Snailkick, YuraReshaet and the like.

How to Get Gmail Email

Step 1. Go to home page Google search, select “Mail” at the top. You can type “Gmail” into the search engine or go from your bookmarks.

Step 2. We don’t have anywhere to log in yet, so click “Create an account” below.

Step 3. You will be prompted to enter data:

  • last name;
  • username – title mailbox to @gmail.com, which you come up with yourself;
  • login password - use letters of different case, numbers to avoid hacking.

You can click on the crossed out eye next to the line and make sure that you entered the password correctly both times.

Due to the popularity of the service, some titles may be taken. In this case, only adding other symbols will help. If you do not want to attach numbers to your last name, then use a period or indicate the name in the dative case. For example, [email protected].

Step 4. To avoid spam and fake profiles, Google will ask you to write your phone number. Don’t worry, they won’t charge you any money for SMS. You will receive a code that begins with G. You only need to enter numbers.

Step 5. Please enter your phone number and another email address again to recover your password if you lose it or forget it.

Step 6. Google will ask if you want to use your phone number for online services. By default, it is needed for messages, video calls, and personal advertising offers. But you can change this by clicking “More options”.

Step 7 Here the choice depends on your preferences. Go with the second option if you want to secure your email. Each time you log in, you will be asked for a code via SMS. For those who like all options, the last answer is suitable.

Click “Finish” to complete registration.

Step 8 Congratulations! You succeeded in registering! Wait a moment while the service loads.

Choose the email list design that you like best. I like the “default” version, where the format of attachments is immediately visible.

Is it easier when they show it clearly? Then watch the detailed video instructions.

We admire our interface new email, set up, read letters. You have been given 15 GB. They are spent on attachments, archives - in general, everything that fills the mailbox.

If you create an account with Google, you will receive email in addition. And Google Drive allows you to register separately from Gmail.

How to log in and check your email

Step 1. Open home page Google, click “Mail” at the top.

Step 2. Your e-mail will appear in the list; if you have visited before, click on it. If it is new, but there were old ones, select “Change account”.

Step 3. Enter the password you created and you will be logged in in a matter of seconds.

Now you can check your mail. Delete unnecessary emails, mark important ones and reply to them.

For security reasons, do not forget to log out of your profile if you log in from someone else’s computer or leave it on unattended.

How to forward emails from old mailboxes

Are you afraid of losing letters or contacts that were left on your old e-mail? Google took care of this too. You can import emails or even forward them to Gmail in a couple of minutes.

Step 1. You need to log into your profile. Click on the cog above the letters.

Step 2. Select “Settings” from the pop-up list.

Step 3. Go to the “Accounts and Import” tab and scroll to the middle. Find the treasured item “Receive mail from other accounts” and select “Add”.

Step 4. In the window that appears, enter your previous email address and click “Next”.

Step 5. We are offered 2 options:

  1. Synchronization using Gmailify is necessary for those who are going to continue to use the old e-mail. You simply connect it to Gmail and you will send and receive correspondence directly from it.
  2. If you just want to save messages and contacts, but do not intend to use your old e-mail, select import (POP3).

Step 6. You will be redirected to the site of the previous e-mail. Enter a password to authorize and confirm the import.

Step 7 You will see scary words: SMTP protocol, access and deletion of letters - agree. This is permission so that you can work with mail from another mailbox without restrictions.

Step 8 Congratulations! Now you can read all messages from one site/application.

If for some reason you want to stop receiving correspondence from other mailboxes, click “Disable” in the settings.

After you merge your account with your previous email, notifications will automatically turn off.


In multifunctionality Gmail newbies often get confused. I decided to show the basic settings that will be useful to everyone.


From the gallery, select a picture that you think is attractive. I missed summer and greenery so much that I chose bright grass. You can upload your image by clicking “My Photo”. The main thing is that it is of high quality. To save the result, click “Save”.

If there are no changes, reload the page.

Now my mailbox is pleasing to the eye. It's your turn. How often do you change your background? Tell us in the comments.

Template signature

You lead business correspondence and tired of constantly putting “With respect”, “All the best”? Then assign a signature that will automatically be placed at the end of any message. To do this, go to: Settings → General → Signature.


Two-step authentication will reduce the likelihood of hacking by 90%. To log in you will use the password and code from the SMS. If you check messages from home computer, you can define it as “Trusted” to simplify the procedure.

To enable two-level protection, you need to go to: Settings → Accounts and import → Change password recovery settings.

Enable two-step verification.

They will tell you about the features of this function. Click “Start”.

You will receive a message, enter the code. You have made it more difficult for scammers and now you don’t have to worry about your profile.

You will find an overview and instructions on settings in this video.

Sorting emails into folders

Google is smart enough to categorize posts. But this happened a couple of times when emails from hh.ru and Pinterest ended up in spam. In addition, it is more convenient to have your own folders. Special - for memories, hobbies, correspondence with a loved one.

To create a folder, click “Create Shortcut”.

In the pop-up window, give it a name and click on the “Create” button.

Click on the arrow icon and select “Create” at the bottom.

The folder, that is, the shortcut, will be in the left menu below the draft.

By clicking on the square to the right of the shortcut, you can change the color of the icon, rename it, delete it, or even hide it.

I show you how to move a letter to any shortcut.

Place a checkmark next to the desired letter by clicking on the square on the left. Click on the folder icon with the arrow.

In the list that opens, select the name of the shortcut where we want to move it.

If everything went well, the message “A label has been assigned to the chain” will appear in the lower left corner.

In this video I show how folders are changed and deleted.

How to install Gmail on your phone or tablet

By default on Android it is already mail client. If it is not there, then let's download the application and create an e-mail.

Let's go to Play Store.

Type “gmail” in the search and click on the first position in the list with the logo.

Click “Install”. We wait a couple of minutes.

When it’s downloaded, launch it directly from the Play Store with the “Open” button.

I already used the application, so my e-mail was saved. And in order to create a new email address, you also need to indicate your login, password, first name, last name.

What is the difference between corporate mail and regular mail and how to create it

Corporate mail is paid e-mail addresses with your own domain instead of the usual @gmail.com..

Here are some other features of a work mailbox:

  • twice as much space;
  • data recovery in case of loss;
  • connecting up to 50 accounts to a common network;
  • access of all email addresses to Google Docs, spreadsheets, presentations;
  • video chat and calls directly in mail;
  • 24/7 technical support;
  • access to correspondence without the Internet.

The “Basic” package costs $5 per month, and the “Enterprise” package costs $25. If you pay for a year in advance, you can get a good discount.

To create a corporate mailbox, you do not need to register a new one; change the old one in the settings. Search: Accounts and import → Do you use it for work? → More details.

Trial two weeks - free. You just need to fill out a form about your business. Click “Start Here” to subscribe.

Again the page with the presentation, and we pass it with the “Next” button.

You can choose your old email address or create a new one. If you did not purchase a domain, you will need to pay for it separately.


I hope you were able to register and get an email address from Gmail. Now it will be easy to correspond and receive important messages on your computer, phone and tablet.

If problems arise and you are stuck at some step, write comments. I'll be happy to help.

I love writing instructions and helping people. An article like this takes several days. If this information helped you, say “Thank you” to the author - subscribe to the blog, and there will be many more interesting mini-tutorials.

See you soon!

Hello! Today I would like to talk about Gmail email service (e-mail from Google). Surely, you are already familiar with him; I personally met him relatively recently, about 4 months ago. Before that, I used Mail.ru, but after switching to Gmail, I realized that the latter is truly the best in the world. Why? I'll tell you more about this below.

What made me switch to another email service? This is beautiful, that is, now my mail looks like this: petr@site. Not bad, right? Yes, of course, this can be done in Yandex, but for some reason I settled on Gmail and I don’t regret it at all. Register for Gmail.com will not be difficult, but I still recommend that instead of the usual registration, you immediately make a beautiful mail with your own domain name(I told you how to do this).

How I use Gmail email

1. I empty my inbox.

In the “Inbox” folder I only have relevant letters that require some action: reply, follow up on some actions, etc. When a certain letter becomes irrelevant, I just I'm sending it to the archives. What is an archive? These are emails that are not visible in your inbox but are searchable. Here is the “Archive” button:

Also, letters that are sent to the “Archive” are available through the “All Mail” folder. This way, my inbox is always clean. If you are sure that you will definitely never need a particular letter, then instead of “Archive” you can safely click on the “Delete” button.

2. I mark important emails.

Some letters require an urgent response or are extremely important to me. And while I’m sorting out my mail, the first thing I do is go to the “Tagged” folder:

Marking a letter is very simple: just in the right top corner click on the “star”:

If one star is not enough for you, you can use a bunch of marks. To enable them, you need to go to Settings -> General -> Stars:

3. I use “Shortcuts”.

For example, in at the moment passes and it’s very convenient for me to collect letters from each participant in a separate folder. What did I do for this?

  1. I opened a letter from a marathon participant and clicked on the arrow in the upper right corner:
  2. From the list I selected “Filter similar emails”:
  3. In the “From” field, I entered the email address of the marathon participant and clicked on the “Create a filter according to this request” button:
  4. In the “Apply shortcut” line, click on the “Select a shortcut...” button:
  5. Already there I clicked on the “Create shortcut” button:
  6. I gave the shortcut a name (in my case, I wrote the website address of this participant) and clicked on the “Create” button:
  7. That's it! The shortcut has been created, now all letters from [email protected] will automatically go to the pupkin.ru folder:

This way you can filter letters by mailbox, subject, etc.

Assign a specific color to each label, thereby increasing visibility significantly:

4. I mark automated emails as read.

Letters often come from exchanges such as Rotapost and others. I need them, but I don't like them to be “unread emails.” For such letters from exchanges, I also create filters, just in step 4 of the previous paragraph (see above), I check the box next to “Mark as read” (I do not create labels for these letters):

6. I actively use search.

Do you need to collect all correspondence with a specific recipient? No problem! This is very easy to do in Gmail. Just enter the mailbox address of the person you need and voila! , all the letters from him are before your eyes:

It really helps when the person you are corresponding with does not use the message history in their email. Then they wonder why I don’t answer their letters? And sometimes I don’t even remember what I talked about with this person. Honestly, the search is very useful. I'm also looking for all sorts of keywords and I actually find the letters I need.

Also, what’s great about Gmail is that all emails that are replies are collected in email chains(saving space in the list of letters and making it easier to track history).

7. It is very convenient to use Gmail email through your mobile phone.

You can easily find an application for almost any phone here http://gmail.com/app. Or you can use the browser version of the Gmail website, which is still very convenient (mail is “narrowed” to fit the screen size). There are also a lot of applications produced by third-party developers. For example, on your favorite iPhone I use the Sparrow app, which is really very convenient. On the iPad, I use mail in the browser, everything works great.

To work with Gmail, you need to create a Google account.

How to create a google account?

Google account – allows you to use all Google services without additional registration.
To log in to any of them, you must enter your account username and password.
gmail.com - mail login to email - login and password.
If you have already created account in google on a tablet, phone, or used gmail, google+ or youtube services, then you already have a google account. Using the username and password you already have, you can log in to any new google service.

Otherwise, create a new account.

gmail - anyone can register a free mailbox on the Google server - gmail mail.

To register for mail server gmail go to page -

Or page - login – google accounts. by clicking on the link - create an account
(if you already have a google account, you can sign in here.)

To create your own unique email address on Gmail - Google's free email service

[email protected]([email protected]),

You need to come up with and enter into the fields of the registration form in google services - first name, last name, username, password, date of birth. For example:
aleks petrov
[email protected] *
(Keep in mind that the username you choose may already be taken, so you may have to come up with a different one.)

The password can use letters (in different cases), numbers and other symbols. The minimum password length is eight characters. Do not use passwords from other sites or words such as "password", "password", or combinations of consecutive characters such as "qwerty", "qazwsx", "abcd1234". when entering simple passwords a message will be displayed -
this password is very common. protect your account from hacking - come up with a more complex password.

To avoid asking questions on the help forum: I can’t log into gmail, I forgot my gmail login and password...

Be sure to save your gmail login and password in a notebook.

Enter data in all fields of the registration form and click on the button - Next

It is not necessary to provide a backup email address.

If you did not enter a phone number in the account registration form, then next page will be required to do this.

Google account verification via SMS

click on the icon - ( google apps) and then mail -

gmail mail login from another computer.

Gmail supports two-factor authentication.

When logging into your account from a new device, you will have to enter not only your name and password, but also a verification code.

This is a six digit combination (after g-), which is sent to the phone via SMS or using voice message- g-297979

If you log into gmail from another computer, then

confirm that it is you

You signed in to your account differently than usual. confirm
what is it you do by completing the task below.

Enter your phone number to receive
confirmation code via SMS or
via voice call

Enter verification code
SMS with confirmation code sent to number +79374709535

Here, taking care of your account recovery, try to get additional phone numbers and email addresses out.
"If you forget your password or become a victim of hacking, you will not be able to regain access to your account without your phone number and additional address email."
No need to add additional number phone number and backup email address

Click on the button - Finish

Click on the - (google apps) icon and select - gmail mail.

In the folder - Inbox, your Gmail, you will see a message -
You are signed in to your account from a Windows device using the Firefox app.

Security Alerts:
Google will notify you if your account information changes.

your account is logged in with windows devices through firefox application

to your account [email protected]* logged in via firefox
on a windows device.

aleks petrov
[email protected] *

Friday, January 13, 2017, 8:53 (Yekaterinburg, standard time)
Yekaterinburg, Russia* firefox

You didn't do this?
view a list of recently used devices.

This email was sent because Google takes security seriously and wants you to be aware of account activity. It was not possible to determine whether you have previously signed in to your account through this browser or device. You may have logged in for the first time on a new computer, phone, or browser. in addition, you could view mail while in incognito mode, or simply delete cookies. if you haven't done anything like this, there's a high chance that your account has been hacked.

additional information can be found in the google accounts help center.

Checking your mailbox on Gmail.com

Attention! if you have a personal gmail address (ends with gmail.com), the location of the dots in it does not matter.

If you use dots in your username, you may receive messages sent to an address that is similar to yours, but differs in the number or placement of dots.

all messages sent to these addresses will go to one user:

Click on the - (google apps) icon and select - Gmail.

From folder - Inbox by clicking on - Write

Write and send the letter to your Gmail address.

In a folder Inbox, click on the line - first test message.

And read the letter you sent to yourself.
Your Gmail email address is working.

mail Gmail login- problems?

If you forgot your password, can't remember your gmail login username or email address, remember your username and password, but can't login to your google account.

The only way to restore access to your google account is the form on the page - find your google account. try checking for desktop computer, which you use most often and the one you used when registering your account, find your google account

To confirm that the Google account belongs to you, you will need to answer questions.

Recovery form google account- find an account

Enter your gmail email address
([email protected]),
which you use to sign in to your google account.

google - create a data archive. how to download your data?

You can export and download data from google products (such as gmail, calendar or google photo) For local storage or use in other services.

Go to the page - My account and click on the link - Content Management.

On the page - google - my account, in the section - Downloading and transferring data
click on the link - create an archive.

Select data
Select google services and change settings for each of them. The archive with service data will be available only to you.

Select to save account details
file format - zip
Select a method for receiving the archive
method of obtaining - follow the link

and click on the button - Create archive

Attention. To create an archive, depending on the amount of information in your account, it takes from 5 - 10 minutes to several hours (and sometimes days).

Over time, the volume of information on the 14 services of your Google account will reach tens of gigabytes (only on google drive can store 15 GB.)
When the archive is created, you will be sent an email with a link to download it.
As a rule, a link to download the archive is sent on the day of the request.

There is no need to wait until the archive is created.

In the folder - Inbox, Gmail, open the message -
Data export - data archive is ready.

Your account is your data.
archive google data, requested on January 19, 2017, is ready.
The archive contains data from the following services:
groups, tasks, bookmarks, search history, maps (your reviews and places), fit, google photos, hangouts, hangouts in live, keep, Gmail, contacts, disk and google play books.
The archive can be downloaded until January 26, 2017.

In the received letter, click - Download archive.

Enter the password for your gmail mailbox. again.

On the page - data export: archives, read the warnings and click - download.

If you decide to upload your photos, documents or other files to any online service, be sure to check if you can then download them back to your computer. Perhaps one day you will stop using the service, but your files will remain there. Do not download your archives on public computers or upload them where other users can see them.
After downloading the data, you can change your account settings or delete it on the page myaccount.google.com.
Note. Content from google play music is not included in the archive. you can download it using the download manager.

Save the archive in a safe place on your computer,
where there is enough free space.

If strangers have access to your computer, export the data to Google Drive or other storage that only you can use.

Good day, dear readers my blog. In today’s article I would like to tell and show how to quickly and easily create a gmail email. Gmail is the well-known powerful Google email service. As Google says, one free account- the whole world of Google. Many people register in Google mail only for Google Play (Google Play) in order to download toys and applications and play, well, actually update)

The world of Google includes a lot of interesting things, it can be used in different ways, for some it is just a mailbox, for others it is a convenient and powerful tool for business. For others, just an account for games and applications. Many users do not use even half of Google's services.

I will not describe all the delights of setting up a Google mailbox in this article, because it is long, you can read about the pros and cons on your own on the Internet. We will consider the practical part and analyze how to register Google mail.

In order to create an email, you need to go to the registration page:

You will be taken to the registration page, where the entire process of creating mail will take place. The point of registration is to enter your correct data, go through confirmation and “it’s in the bag.” If you have ever registered with postal services, then the principle here is exactly the same.

In the picture below I have described filling out the fields. Look, if this is enough for you, then that's great. But if you want detailed description filling out each field, below I tried not to miss the subtleties of filling out.

Detailed description of filling out fields during registration

Step 1. On the page that opens, we begin to fill out the form. Enter First and Last Name, then you need to come up with the desired name for the mailbox.

If you see a red inscription - The name is already taken. Use this simple advice, which will almost 100% make it possible to register a unique mailbox.

Advice: When registering any mailbox, come up with a name that is memorable, easy to pronounce or simple to write. When registering, you can use: dot, numbers (for example: region code, memorable date, etc.). You can swap them, but without fanaticism

After playing with the name of the future mailbox name, it should turn out that the system will not issue a warning about a busy name, which means that it can be used during registration.

Step 2. Okay, we’ve come up with a name, then we need to come up with a quality one, strong password. When you enter your password, you will see a password strength analyzer. Confirm the password, enter exactly the same password as entered above, and move on to the next column.

Step 3. Enter the date, select the month and year of your birth. Select gender from the drop-down menu. Next, enter your mobile phone number. (Knowing your phone number, you can always easily recover your password usingSMS if you forgot. The thing is useful and necessary. Do not neglect your safety.)

Spare email address, you don't have to enter it. If you have other mailboxes, then, in principle, you can enter it in this field, but not necessarily. ( This is necessary for control and security of your Google mailbox.)

Step 4. Let's move on to the most interesting part, where you need to prove that you are not a robot. Let me get ahead a little - this can be done in two ways, which we will now discuss.

First way: Enter the words or numbers shown in the picture. You can click on the round arrow several times and select a simple word or numbers to type.

Check the boxes, thereby accepting Google's terms of use and privacy policy, and click - Next.

Second way: Check the box next to – Skip this check. In this case, a telephone verification will be required.

When you select this method, fill in all the fields and click on the button - Next.

You will be taken to a confirmation page, verify your phone number, select – Text Message (SMS) and click continue. The SMS arrives instantly.

Checking mobile phone, enter the confirmation code and click on the button – Continue.

After confirming your mailbox, you will be taken to a page with congratulations and the name of your new mailbox.

Click on the button - Go to serviceGmail, the system will automatically redirect you to the web interface of your email account.

We have just walked you through it step by step and figured out how to create an email in Google, you can use it on your phone or tablet in Google Play. Registration on a computer, laptop or tablet is absolutely no different, all the same fields to fill out, all the same questions :)

I hope I helped you at least a little in this matter. You can ask your questions in the comments or express your opinion about the article, I will be glad to hear your opinion.

Hello dear readers. In the age of technology, most people, if you don’t take grandparents, although they have probably also become more advanced in terms of the Internet, have forgotten what it’s like to write letters by hand and stand in huge queues at post offices. We switched to this convenient way communication like email.

Indeed, this method of communication is much more convenient regular letter. There is no need to wait for weeks; you send it and the recipient receives it right away - just an incredible time saver. This is the type of quick correspondence we will talk about in this article, and in particular about how to create an email in Google.

This is a service that allows you to send messages to different parts of the world in a matter of seconds. Moreover, you can attach documents, scans, photographs or audio and video recordings to them. It should be noted here that this is email. This means that for it to function you need to have a computer and the Internet.

Types of postal services

The most common services nowadays are: Yandex, Google and Mail. Each of them has its own advantages and differences. Let's talk a little about each one separately.


This is a portal created for communication, founded in 1998. Initially, mail was created as a service for sending messages; later, various sections began to appear on the site that allow its users to receive information about the weather and various news.

Now the email ranks 5th in terms of growth in the number of users. This is a fairly good email client that it provides ample opportunities for its consumers.

Yandex mail

The search system was announced in 1997 and was presented as a search engine, but over the years it has also become a multi-portal with its own store, the ability to listen to music, places to store information on the network, etc. And, of course, another main direction of this company is the postal service.


Search engine Google system was founded in 1998, and as a post office began to exist only in 2007. However, even at that time it had a number of significant advantages over its competitors. We'll talk about this later. It's not only search engine and e-mail client, but also a huge number useful services, ranging from gaming to fairly serious business projects.

You can create a mailbox on any of these services absolutely free, it all depends on your preferences. Today we will talk about how to create a new Google account. Here step by step instructions upon registration, which will be supported by a photo for a more complete understanding.

Google registration instructions

1. The first thing you need to do is go to the site itself https://www.google.ru/

2. Next, in the upper right corner, click the “Login” button 3. After this, a page will open for you to enter data, but since you are initially registering, you do not have it, so on this page you must check “Add an account”

4. After this, you will see a field for entering your e-mail, however, you have nothing to enter yet, so you click on “Create an account”
5. Google prompts you to register, let's do it and move on to the data column:

The first thing you need to enter is your first and last name. Next, you come up with a username, that is, a login and enter it in the next field.

Note: If you entered a username that already exists in the system, you will be notified.

After that, you need to come up with and enter a password and repeat it.

Note: If the password is entered incorrectly, the system will also notify you about this.

6. After this, you need to prove that you are not a robot and enter the numbers from the picture.

The country is determined automatically, but if you want to change it, you need to select the arrow, after which a window will pop up and you can specify what you need. We settled on Russia.

Now all you have to do is tick the box that you agree with everything that is offered to you and check “Next”.

7. That's it, your account is ready! Click the “Go to” button Gmail service" and you can get to work!

How to use Google mailbox

Let's see how you will use your account.

You can log into your account from absolutely any Google search page. Your login will be indicated in the upper right corner; clicking on it will open a field where it will be written: “My account.”

By clicking on this button you will be taken to a menu where you can configure the account itself, its security and confidentiality.

Now let's move on to the box itself. In order to enter it, you need to mark either the “Mail” icon or the icon with squares in the same upper right corner. After which the functions menu will open, where you need to click on the “Mail” button.

After this, your email account window will open.

Let's look at some of the functions of the Google mailbox

This is what the window of the mailbox itself looks like, in which there are already 3 incoming letters from Google.

Here you can not only write to someone, but also see how many messages you have in total, how many you sent, received, at what time, etc.

In order for you to write a letter, you need to select the red “Write” button and you will see a data entry window appear in the lower right corner.

Here you can enter the recipient's address, subject and text itself, as well as add a document or image, or use emoticons.

Everything is quite simple.

In order to send a letter, you just need to click on the “Send” button.

Benefits of working at Google

  1. Possibility of storing up to 15 GB of information on virtual disk, so far this is the only company that provides this amount of memory.
  2. You can also upload your documents to Drive, with which you can quickly and easily send them to your friends and colleagues.
  3. Photos and videos load without help various programs. All you need to do is drag the document into the message window.
  4. You can link your account to any site that supports this system, such as youtube, and receive notifications from there.
  5. Also, information about a new message is available on any search page, and if you use Google chrome, That special application will show you a new message that just arrived.

There is a lot to be said about the benefits of working with Google. The most important thing is that it is adapted not only to work on a computer, but also on smartphones and tablets. Well, now you have found out about the existence of such a convenient service and all you have to do is create an account and enjoy its capabilities!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Kalmykova