How to fix CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED blue screen errors (0x000000EF). Fixing the driver crash. Fixing the file system

Upon receipt of an update or after installing fresh updates for operating system Windows 10 may receive a Critical Process Died error. It is another type of stop error, better known as the blue screen of death. Let's take a look at how to get rid of the Critical Process Died Windows 10 problem.

Sources of the problem

Arises blue screen with the above code for a number of reasons, among which it is difficult to identify one or more of the most common. The situation is similar with the solution: it will be different for each individual case.

In the article, we will consider the most obvious sources of the problem that arise in the event windows updates 10.

  1. A conflict between the drivers of a device and the operating system kernel.
  2. Location system files on the affected sectors of the hard drive.
  3. The presence of malicious applications that modify files critical for the OS.
  4. The update process was interrupted.

Trying to get rid of the problem

The spectrum of reasons is quite large, but the most annoying thing is that Microsoft representatives did not comment on the situation during the existence of the problem that appeared in Windows 8.

First of all, try to identify the pattern or frequency of the operating system crashes: when accessing a specific device, at the boot stage, when starting the program, etc. Depending on the case, the recommendations may be as follows.

1. We remove the problematic application if an error pops up when accessing a program.

2. We scan system files to identify the inconsistency of their checksums with the same indicators of the original files.

We call through the search command line as a user with administrator privileges and execute in the black window "sfc / scannow". The command will launch a utility that will check all system files for integrity in text mode and repair damaged ones if they are found.

When a notification appears that the scan is over, restart the computer.

3. We launch the "dozens" in safe mode, when the error accompanies the loading of Windows 10.

Most likely, a failure occurs during the launch of a program, service or driver. Boot into debug mode, you can identify the culprit.

If the "ten" does not load twice, its recovery environment will start. When Windows

10 is loaded, but immediately after that a blue screen appears, go to "Options", in the "Update / Security" section, select " Special options download ", then click on the" Restart now "button.

After rebooting in the blue window, click "Diagnostics".

In any case, a window of additional parameters will appear, where we press "Startup parameters".

Now we act according to the situation.

If any driver is the culprit, update it. This can be done through the Task Manager, but it is best to download the software installer from the official site and manually install the software product.

When this did not help, or the source is most likely a program in startup, we call the "Task Manager", and on the "Startup" tab, delete all programs from startup.

critical process died windows 10 at boot and during operation

what is critical process died?

CRITICAL PROCESS DIED, stop code critical process died "0x000000EF". The presence of this problem on your computer completely indicates that your Windows operating system has some problems starting one or more critical processes of your system. Perhaps this error occurred right after your Windows was updated. Sometimes, it appears when you install a new Windows OS on your computer. Apart from these two conditions, this error can occur at any time on your computer screen even during Windows startup.

In most cases, you just install software or drivers, or simply update something on your computer, without even knowing that the software may not be compatible with your computer. let's consider this problem:

Compatibility issue:

In about 20% of cases, this error occurs during Windows startup. In other cases, it occurs already during work, and for this reason I divided this lesson into two different parts. So, now I want you to follow only those decisions that are listed under the condition that applies to your computer. Next, you will find out "critical process died windows 10 how to fix at boot"

1) What if your Windows won't start? critical process died windows 10 while loading windows

If your computer boots normally and you get this error while running, you can skip this step and go to solution # 2 below after that.

So, first, you need to start your computer, but not in normal mode. And so, then you will see critical process died windows 10 solution to the problem:

  • Open your computer using Safe Mode.
  • Recover your computer using Startup Repair.

So let's start with Safe Mode. Safe Mode is the most quick way start the computer without getting a mid-boot error.

To open the OS in safe mode, you will need to press a certain key on the keyboard while starting the computer.

If your computer is working right now, turn it off.

This will help open additional boot options on your screen, and from this screen you can easily select the Safe Mode option to open your OS in that mode.

Let's take a look at the procedure:

  • For more old version Windows users press the F8 key while starting the computer until the logo appears on the screen.
  • For Windows 8/10 users, press Shift + F8 while starting the computer.

After Advanced Boot Options appears, simply select Safe Mode to open it.

If you managed to open Safe Mode, then immediately go to step number 2, if not, try the following:

Use Windows Recovery Tool this function already considered by me. Below are the links you will need:

Startup repair or startup repair (Windows 7)

Startup repair or startup repair win8 / 10

If that doesn't work, you will most likely need to reinstall your operating system.

Click here to watch \u003e\u003e How do I install Windows on my desktop or laptop?

2) How to fix this error if it occurs while running Windows?

About 80% of this error occurs when you are running Windows or when you are using certain software.

Most of the time this error only occurs due to some compatibility issue, it could be a recent Windows update or some of your windows drivers Anything can be with your computer.

So, let's take a look at the list of solutions you need to look out for now to fix your computer:

    If this error occurs while using any specific software, it is possible that the software you are using is incompatible with your Windows or may be damaged. The only thing you can do is reinstall the software. If that doesn't work, go to the next step.

  • Sometimes, the problem occurs after Windows has been updated. In this case, you can go to configure Windows update from Control Panel and uninstall the latest update. If that doesn't work, just go to the next step.

Alternatively, you can try updating Windows. This can help in most cases. Microsoft does release fixes and they help improve windows performance and fix similar errors. Open the control panel Windows Update and upgrade to latest version... If that doesn't work, just go to the next step.

It is also possible that the drivers are damaged. Basically, only updating them can fix this problem. Make sure you have updated all drivers on your computer.

The registry is the primary key for the operation and performance of your entire computer. Due to poor service computer system you may encounter registry problems. This results in various errors, including the critical process died windows 10 error.

To fix the problem with the registry, you need to buy the best-in-class software to recover and clear bad values \u200b\u200bfrom the registry database. All running programs are available only in the paid version. But this is not the only way out. First, you should try to fix the registry problem using the Windows command line. If everything works out as it should, you won't have to buy anything. More about this:

Using SFC / SCANNOW to restore Windows. - Sfc Scan is a great command run by CMD (Command Prompt) that can help you repair Windows. Enter this command in command windows prompt... The system will automatically restore most of your windows filesincluding the registry database.

Of course there are free Registry Cleaners, but they don't work that well. You can try:

1 - Zookware Cleaner 2 - CCleaner Professional

After downloading the registry cleaner, simply click the scan button, which will automatically run a full system scan, and after that it will show you every problem it finds on your computer. After that, just click the "Fix the problem" button.

Critical process died Windows 10 how to fix?

When upgrading to Windows 10 or after completing this process, users may encounter a blue screen of death accompanied by the critical process died error.

This error occurs for various reasons, and therefore only after a thorough check of the PC can it be eliminated.

Read also: How to fix error 0x800f081f in Windows 10?

Reasons for the error

  • Incorrectly configured, outdated or damaged drivers;
  • Driver conflict after installing new components;
  • Damage to the system by viruses;
  • Damage windows registry 10;
  • Damage to system files;
  • Physical damage hard disk, Availability broken sectors;
  • Damage to RAM strips

Ways to fix critical process died error in Windows 10

Before proceeding to eliminate the critical process died error in Windows 10, it is worth noting that it is important to take into account the fact at which stage of the system operation the problem occurs: at the boot stage or during operation.

If the blue screen of death appears after windows boot 10, you need to run a system scan for errors. To do this, run the command line with Administrator rights and enter "sfs / scannow".

After scanning and fixing errors, restart your computer.

If the critical process died error appears immediately after the system boots, it is worth booting into safe mode. This can be done through the "Alerts" menu, which is located in the lower right corner of the desktop. Click on the icon and select "All parameters" from the pop-up menu.

Let's open the "Parameters" window. We select "Update and Security".

Go to the "Recovery" section, click "Special boot options".

The computer will restart and a blue window with additional options will appear on the screen. Here we select "Download Options". And in the next window, click "Safe Mode with Boot network drivers».

This option is suitable because the critical process died error often occurs due to driver corruption. They will need to be updated in a safe mode, and for this you need an Internet connection.

After loading in safe mode, click right click mouse on the "Start" icon and select "Device Manager".

In the list, we check if there is a driver error notification. If not, by trial and error, we update the drivers for the devices one by one.

Reboot the PC into normal mode.

If you installed programs and applications before the error appeared in Windows 10, you should uninstall them. We also perform this process in a safe mode.

In the case when the above methods did not help to get rid of the error, we perform a system restore.

Also, information about the critical process died error in Windows 10 can be obtained from the video:

CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error in Windows 10: how to fix it at system boot

In the operating system Windows users you constantly have to deal with various errors. It is good if they occur at the program level, and much worse if at the system level. One of the errors that can unexpectedly appear at the system level and force restart your computer is CRITICAL PROCESS DIED. This error appears on the screen along with the message “Your PC has a problem and needs to be restarted”. Together with this error, all processes are closed, and after that the computer restarts. If this problem occurs constantly, it becomes almost impossible to work with the computer, given that it can restart at any time. It is even worse when an error prevents even the system from booting. In this article, we will look at how to fix the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error.


As is the case with many other critical windows errorsleading to a "blue screen of death", the message CRITICAL PROCESS DIED appears most often due to a driver failure. Drivers can work with errors for several reasons:

  • The drivers were installed automatically from the "Update Center" library, and for proper operation of the device, original software from the manufacturer's website is required;
  • The drivers were damaged for one reason or another;
  • Drivers conflict with the current version of Windows.

But drivers are not the only cause of the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error. In addition, it can occur due to the action of viruses on the computer or when the files of the operating system are damaged.


If the "blue screen of death" in question occurs, the first step is to check if there is a conflict with the drivers. This will help free app BlueScreenView, which can read information from saved memory dumps, determining which drivers were disabled before the error occurred and the "blue screen of death" appeared.

By setting the specified program, run it and see the latest errors and what caused them. At the bottom of the program window, it will be displayed in red, failures in which drivers led to the appearance of the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error.

Having identified the problematic files (in the .sys extension), you need to refer to search enginesto find which drivers contain these files. Then the matter is small - you need to go to the official website of the manufacturer of the problem driver and download the current version of the software, which will need to be installed instead of the current one.

Please note: There is another application that allows you to determine the cause of the "blue screen of death" and immediately find out the problematic driver. This application called WhoCrashed, you can use it if necessary.

Important: There are situations when you cannot start Windows due to the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error immediately after logging in. In this case, we recommend trying to run Safe Mode. If safe mode does not work either, below will be instructions on what to do in this case.

If, after reinstalling the drivers, the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error and the "blue screen of death" continue to bother you, we recommend that you take the following steps:

If none of the above tips helped to solve the problem, we recommend that you remember what actions were taken with the computer before the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error began to appear. For example, it can occur after connecting USB peripherals. In such a situation, you should try to disconnect the USB device and remove automatically (or manually) the installed drivers for it.

How to fix CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error if Windows won't start

It is much more difficult to fix the error in question if you cannot start the Windows operating system. If you cannot even enter Safe Mode, you will need to get a bootable Windows USB flash drive and proceed through the recovery environment as follows:

In a situation where none of the above options helps to get rid of the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error, reinstalling Windows may be the solution.

Windows 10 startup errors

Most Windows 10 users faced the problem when, when starting the computer, a blue screen appears with information that an error has occurred (without any information about the factors that caused it).

Let's take a look at the main problems that arise when you turn on your Windows 10 computer and how to solve them.


Probably, most often users see on the screen a blue background with a smiley that conveys a negative emotion, and a message that an error occurred when starting Windows.

Try restarting Windows 10 the first time, and when that doesn't work, restore it using one of the last rollback points.

At this stage, it is important to know which actions are most likely to cause the problem when windows startup 10, in order to resume it the first time, instead of performing rollbacks endlessly, choosing an older restore point each time. If before rebooting or shutting down the PC, the OS was updated or the driver / program was installed, select the restore point created by the system before performing this operation.

Boot Failure

This error indicates the inability to detect boot record on a logical system disk.

There are several solutions here:

  • we check the correctness of the priority of the boot devices in the BIOS or UEFI (perhaps the computer starts to boot from the connected flash drive);
  • then we check the SSD or system partition for availability bad sectors;
  • we perform recovery of the Windows bootloader using the "System Restore" by booting from the installation disk.

We will dwell on the last option in more detail, because not all beginners understand what is at stake.

If “critical process died” appears on your computer, what does this mean and what should you do? As a rule, such a warning occurs when trying to turn on the equipment.
It is worth remembering what you did of the major operations during the last session. Pay close attention to whether you have followed these steps:

  • whether the drivers were updated and what resources were used;
  • whether critical files were removed (for example, by cleaning the registry);
  • whether you visited questionable resources on the network or installed incomprehensible programs on your computer.

Identifying the causes of the warning

When a "critical process died" warning occurs on a Windows 10 computer, the question immediately arises of how to fix it. Depending on the identified causes, you can act in one of the following ways:

  • use of antivirus software;
  • restoration of all windows environment;
  • recovery;
  • installation of competent drivers.

Use the capabilities of the command window-line or specialized applications to check the current state of system files. The first option is available through additional options available when trying to reboot.

In a special window, you should type the scf / scannow command. The machine will scan itself for faults and restore the correct state, after which you should reboot before using the computer.

BlueScreenView program

The program like "BlueScreenView" is used when the login to Windows is successfully made - the system has booted
You can download it from the website
Its function is to display system files from crash dumps: take a look at the ones ending in "sys". Look for information about them, the suitable drivers for them, and then reinstall the required options for normal operation.

To return to the old registry settings, simply copy the backup data from the RegBack folder by transferring it to the Config subsection.

The "critical process died" error and ways to get rid of it

If an error like "critical process died" appears on a computer with Windows 10, what should an ordinary user do about it? The first option involves updating your drivers. Be sure to look for those options that fit specific model your equipment.

The warning "critical process died" is also found on Windows 8. In this case, the methods for solving the problem will be similar in principle. Before updating the drivers, it is recommended to use the option that offers to scan for corrupted files on your operating system. Such measures will help you identify the places of breakdowns and find out exactly what you need to refill.

There is a special stop code indicating malfunctions of the ongoing processes in the form of the inscription "critical process died". If it appears on your PC, it will try to shutdown itself and then restart the necessary operations. However, sometimes this is not enough to successfully solve the problem: in such cases, they resort to manual intervention.

In critical cases, you can either roll back your existing environment to a restore point, or complete reinstallation... These options are also available in additional parameters that appear when you try to restart your equipment.

Sometimes the cause of problems, manifested in the form of the "critical process died" error, may be a malfunction of the RAM. Then you will need to physically check her dies. For this, it is recommended to use specialized software, for example MemTest86. The check can also be performed during the next reboot in the "Memory diagnostics" section.

Have a great day!

In the operating room windows system users constantly have to deal with various errors. It is good if they occur at the program level, and much worse if at the system level.

One of the errors that can occur unexpectedly at the system level and force restart the computer is CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error.

This error occurs on the screen along with a message of the following content "Your PC has a problem and needs to be restarted."... Together with this error, all processes are closed, and then the computer restarts.

If this problem occurs constantly, it becomes almost impossible to work with the computer, given that it can restart at any time.

It is even worse when the error does not even allow the system to boot. As part of this installment, we'll look at how to fix the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error.

Why arises error

As with many other critical Windows errors that lead to, the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED message appears most often due to a driver failure.

Drivers can work with errors for several reasons:

  • The drivers were installed automatically from the "Update Center" library, and for proper operation of the device, original software from the manufacturer's website is required;
  • The drivers were damaged for one reason or another;
  • Drivers conflict with the current version of Windows.

But drivers are not the only cause of the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error. In addition, it can occur due to the action of viruses on the computer or when the files of the operating system are damaged.

how fix mistake

If the "blue screen of death" in question occurs, the first step is to check if there is a conflict with the drivers.

Note: There is another application that allows you to determine the cause of the "blue screen of death" and immediately find out the problematic driver. This application is called WhoCrashed, you can use it if necessary.

The following is also important: There are situations when you cannot start Windows due to the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error immediately after logging in. In this case, we recommend trying to run Safe Mode. If safe mode does not work either, then below we will consider what to do in this case.

If, after reinstalling the drivers, the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error and the "blue screen of death" continue to bother you, we recommend that you take the following steps:

  • Methodically reinstall all drivers for the main components of the computer. If a problem occurs on a laptop, it is quite simple to do this by downloading the necessary software from the official website of the laptop manufacturer. When CRITICAL PROCESS DIED occurs on desktop computer, you will have to look for drivers separately for motherboard, video card, processor and so on. Using special programsthat allow you to quickly install all drivers on your computer is not recommended;
  • (if any) by restoring the computer to the point where there were no problems with the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error;
  • by making the necessary checks. The easiest way to check that system files are not corrupted is to run a command prompt as administrator and use the sfc / scannow command;

Quite often it happens that after installing updates for Windows, the error "critical process died" appears. This crash is also known as Blue Screen of Death, BSoD. And before you start correcting the situation, you should understand the causes of the error.

Reasons for the error

The blue screen can be caused by various problems and malfunctions. running Windows 10. And for each reason its own individual solution. But basically, this error pops up for the reason:

  • Conflict installed drivers and OS (for example, you need original drivers, not from the update center);
  • Locations of system files in the damaged sector of the hard drive;
  • Availability malware or file;
  • Interrupting the Windows update process.

We fix the problem

Usually, when the “critical process died” error and a blue screen appear, the OS restarts after a while. If the system starts in normal mode and does not crash, first of all you need to do the following manipulations:

  • Disable unnecessary antivirus software and leave one working, if 2 or more are installed on the PC.
  • If the PC parameters were overclocked by means of BIOS, then it is necessary to return the factory values.
  • Turn off the computer and clean it from dust, check the cooler, connectors, parts should not fit snugly together.
  • Check the heating temperature, in case of high values, ensure good air circulation in system unit and take care of additional cooling.

If the problem occurs on a laptop, then you should not open it, these actions will entail a loss of warranty. It is recommended to take it to repair, and before that just leave it off for a while. Especially when the case is clearly overheated.

Read also:

How to fix if you can't log into Windows 10 in normal or safe mode

If the error pops up even before windows downloads, then only one thing will help in this case. After two attempts to boot the OS, a recovery window will appear. In this case, no need bootable USB drive with OS.

In the window that appears, just click "System Restore"... Also in this menu it will be possible to reset Windows to factory settings.

In the case when the recovery window does not appear, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive on a working PC. Then go from it and choose "System Restore".

How to fix the error if Windows 10 does not start

When the Critical process died windows error does not allow you to enter the OS, in order to correct the situation, you must enter using Safe Mode. This ensures that the OS starts up without unnecessary utilities that could cause an error. This can be done as follows:

The OS will start in safe mode, and the error will not prevent you from taking the necessary measures to eliminate it.

Troubleshooter tool

Windows has special toolwhich can fix the specific problem on the PC. To use it you need:

After that, the tool will automatically fix the found problems that are causing exactly this problem.

Checking system files

Windows 10 already has in its arsenal special utility to fix problems and errors. It checks the file system and fixes problems on its own. To use the capabilities of this utility, you must:

Then the utility will scan your computer for errors and try to fix them. The program may work for a while, after which it will display a list of found problems and mark whether they have been fixed or not. After the utility is finished, you need to restart your computer in normal mode.

Attention! In some cases, after the utility completes, a message may appear "Resource protectionWindows cannot perform the requested operation "... In this case, you need to repeat all the same steps in Safe Mode.

Scanning for viruses

After starting the OS in safe mode, you need to check the PC for malicious files and programs with the available antivirus. After detecting virus files, they should be removed according to the antivirus advice.

Advice! If there is no antivirus on the PC, then it is worth starting the PC in Safe Mode with the network. This will download the antivirus. Download Dr.WebCureit.

Updating drivers

Advice! If the drivers are new, then you should try to reconnect the device. And also select on the tab ActionsScan for Changes... This will entail a rearrangement of the drivers, which will also help in solving the problem.

More options

In addition to the main solutions to the problem, there are additional options... They will help eliminate many errors in the work of Windows, including « criticalprocessdied» .


A system reset will roll your PC back to its original state. This solution will allow the computer to become the same as when it was purchased. System reset is better alternative complete reinstallation of the OS. This procedure will save all user data on the PC.

To reset the OS to its original state, you must do the following:

Then the computer will do all the work itself. After the process is complete, the PC will display standard programs... The OS will work correctly.

Registry repair

Since the computer worked correctly the last time it entered Windows, it is most likely that then there were no changes in the OS that entailed an error. Therefore, the most logical solution in this situation would be to roll back the registry to a previous state.

But this will not be possible if the user has disabled the automatic creation of restore points. If this does not happen, then the OS independently creates for itself paths to return to previous states. You can roll back the system as follows:

Then the recovery window will appear. To do it correctly, just follow the instructions on the screen.

Removing the latest Windows updates

If the error appeared immediately after downloading the updates, then the most correct solution would be to remove them. To do this, you need to follow the path:

In the window that opens, you need to remove the latest installed updates. They can be identified by the date indicated in the journal.

Reinstall Windows

To completely remove all problems, you can simply make a clean windows installation on a PC. In the case of version 10 of the OS, the license will be retained if you install the same version on a PC. This can be done as follows:

  • Create a bootable Windows USB flash drive from a clean PC using a special utility;
  • Connect the USB flash drive to the problem PC and restart;
  • Skip the item about product activation;
  • Select to format only the system partition;
  • Select the cleaned partition to install a new Windows on it.

After that, the OS will be installed on the PC. The main thing is to make sure that Windows works stably and without errors. To free up disk space, just delete the folder windowsold.

In order to avoid such problems in the future, it is worth:

  • Carefully monitor the safety of the PC (overheating, dirt, etc.);
  • Always scan downloaded files for viruses;
  • Update drivers on time;
  • Download the necessary updates;
  • Download programs and drivers from official sites.

In any case, there are several ways to solve the problem. First of all, you should try the most obvious ways to solve it. Then move on to more complex methods. Ultimately, if the problem is not resolved, it is worth taking the PC to a specialist.

Critical errors on personal computers are common. They are mostly accompanied by BSOD output. It contains information about the error and its cause, expressed in code. Let's figure out how to fix CRITICAL PROCESS DIED on Windows 10.

Causes of occurrence

A similar error can occur both during the initial start-up of the computer, and while working with it. There are many reasons for the malfunction. Among them, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • driver conflict;
  • malware on the computer;
  • damage file system;
  • malfunction of RAM;
  • error while updating the system.

If you carry out work in each of the areas, then you will most likely be able to fix CRITICAL PROCESS DIED on Windows 10. If the described methods do not help, then it is better to contact the specialists in service center.

Driver conflict

First, you need to understand the health of all installed drivers. First open the "Device Manager". Follow the instructions provided:

  1. Go to "Computer".
  2. Go to computer properties.
  3. Open the "Device Manager" section.
  4. Click on the "Action" button and then "Update hardware configuration".
  5. If after updating one of the components has exclamation markthen the driver this device needs to be reinstalled. You can do this through the "Device Manager" or download the driver installer on the manufacturer's official website.

After completing the procedure, restart your computer and wait for the error to appear. If not, then you were able to fix CRITICAL PROCESS DIED on Windows 10. In case the problem is not related to the drivers, go to the next step.

Malicious files

Pay attention to at what point in time or action the critical error appears. If this is related to the launch of a specific application, then uninstall it. If the malfunction appears when you open a folder or a specific file, then scan it with an antivirus. It is also recommended that you perform a deep scan of the entire file system.

Fixing the file system

Next possible reason - these are faults in the OS files. To find them, use the command line functionality:

  1. Start "Run", then enter cmd at the prompt.
  2. Next, you must enter the line sfc / scannow and press Enter.
  3. Now wait for the scan to finish. If the program detects problems in the file system, it will offer to fix them and restart the computer. Agree to the procedure.

Otherwise, the error is not due to a malfunction in the OS. Let's move on to the next step.

RAM check

If an error appears when working with a computer at a certain frequency, but does not in any way apply to a specific program, then you should check the RAM. The check can only be performed without the operating system turned on. To do this, you need to download the memtest86 program and create a bootable USB flash drive. After starting the computer from the media, a check will automatically start. If rAM does not pass at least one of the tests, then it must be replaced.

Incorrect update

When downloading and installing updates, the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error may occur on Windows 10. In such cases, you need to perform a checkpoint recovery of the OS. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Use the request "Recovery" and open the application of the same name.
  2. Click on the "Start System Restore" button.
  3. Select the desired breakpoint and start the process.

The computer will then restart. This method will help fix CRITICAL PROCESS DIED on Windows 10.

Malfunction when switching on

Another situation is when BSOD occurs when you turn on the PC. In this case, you will need a bootable USB flash drive or disk through which you can reinstall the OS or run a diagnostic program. CRITICAL PROCESS DIED on Windows 10 at boot indicates severe damage to the file system, since the OS is not functional. A complete reinstallation usually helps in such cases. Now you know which operations will help you deal with the error for the most common problems.

If none of the presented methods helped you, then you will have to resort to reinstalling the operating system. This option can solve the problem if it is software... Otherwise, you will have to contact the service center to identify the hardware malfunction and fix it by replacing components.