What the multimedia content should contain. Web-based Multimedia Content: Consumers Love It, But Who Will Benefit From The Profit? What format of multimedia content is more in demand

The key benefit of e-learning is the flexibility of forms

and methods of presenting information, which is provided precisely

multimedia. When working with source materials, methodologists

determine which piece of materials will be optimally presented in one or

a different form. Their goal is for the final product to be built in such a way that for

assimilation of each new information was applied suitable for this

method, and so that the materials are assimilated easier, faster and deeper. Complex

interactive elements, animated videos and diagrams, and




Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering


Creation of multimedia content in physics


Yanglichev Ramil Rafikovich

student of group MDF-112


Kormilitsyna Tatiana Vladimirovna

associate professor, candidatephysical and mathematical sciences

Saransk 2017

1. The concept of "Multimedia content"

Multimedia content is a place on a disk or network, which is filled with a variety of information. It can be a variety of content, which is very often used by ordinary users. There are a lot of classifications of multimedia content.

By type of information:

  • Graphic. This type of information includes drawings, paintings, photographs. The most common content today.
  • Text. This point should include various books and manuals that are constantly downloaded from the content. This content is commonly used on e-books.
  • Animation. This type of content includes music videos and new movies. Most often this type is distributed for download to stationary devices.
  • Sound. Here you can immediately imagine various musical novelties that are easily listened to on the network.

By demand:

  • To the end consumer.
  • For a specialist.
  • For the prepared consumer.

In appearance:

  • Text. The action is carried out according to the principle, as soon as you clicked, you can immediately use the resource.
  • Symbolic. This is the most common way to access content. Here you need to correctly guess the picture or enter a combination of symbols. The principle is based on user identification.
  • Graphic. This type is usually not used on everyday sites, because it is designed for a more advanced user. Here it is worth including logic and abstract thinking in order to use the information correctly.
  • Applications from multimedia content are divided into 4 categories:
  • Linear. This method is used for a comprehensive study of a product or service. Before choosing a suitable option, it is worth studying all the nuances, because the structure is built linearly. The structure is very rarely used on multimedia content sites.
  • Linear controlled. This method is used to more accurately follow a specific product or service. This allows you to focus on a separate category that the visitor needs.
  • Interactive. In this case, the user himself can use all the necessary information from the presented list. This makes it easier and faster to find the service you want.
  • Combined. This method helps to carefully determine the choice of the appropriate method. It is used when you need to combine existing data and use a service.

By appointment:

  • Gaming.
  • Educational.
  • Informational.
  • Workers.

2 Features of the development of multimedia content

"Multimedia" in e-Learning implies the use of different methods and forms of information presentation in electronic educational material. Simplest example: a text course with video inserts is already a multimedia product. Adding other presentation methods - soundtrack, interactive schemes and graphics, game mechanics, simulators, etc. - expands the multimedia component of the educational material.

The key advantage of e-learning is the flexibility of forms and methods of presenting information, which is provided precisely by multimedia. When working with source materials, methodologists determine which piece of materials will be optimally presented in one form or another. Their goal is for the final product to be built in such a way that a suitable method is used to assimilate each new information, and so that the materials are assimilated easier, faster and deeper. Complex interactive elements, animated videos and diagrams, as well as soundtracks are available in any course and are used most often. Videos and three-dimensional models are more complex and more labor-intensive forms of information presentation, the use of which is negotiated before starting work. In this case, multimedia should not be confused with diversity. The need to use different methods of presenting information with different content is primarily a pedagogical task, and not a decorative one.

The key thing to keep in mind when planning a multimedia course is multimedia content it is much more difficult to make changes after creation than to text or simple drawings. All "advanced" types of e-learning content are developed by experts and are complete fragments, which are subsequently combined into coherent educational material. If changes are made to any completed and already debugged e-learning component, the impact on the entire product will vary. In the case of textual or minor graphic edits, the consequences are not critical and do not entail significant delays. But when it comes to the complex multimedia content of eLearning courses, the risks of change increase significantly.

3. Multimedia content in physics

There is another acute problem - the problem of providing the physics course with equipment for laboratory and demonstration experiments. In the current situation, it is necessary to look for ways out of this difficult situation. And one of them is the use of a computer in the classroom.

The use of a computer in the classroom intensifies the educational process, increases the level of clarity of the presentation of the material, creates conditions for the active use and deepening of the knowledge gained by students in the study of related disciplines, and allows you to easily return to the material covered.

In the classroom, the computer plays the role of a powerful audiovisual attention concentrator used to illustrate the main ideas of the course, check the quality of knowledge, solve problems, and fill gaps in students' knowledge.

The possibilities for self-realization of the student are significantly expanded, the motivation of students in the preparation of reports and the creation of presentations sharply increases. This form of work turned out to be suitable for students who are lagging behind in physics, but have good computer skills, as it allows them to become more successful in mastering the material. Creates the conditions for a situation of success and the protection of the abstract on the subject using the Power Point program, as well as the creation of electronic boards that, when minimum costs time help to present pictures, diagrams, graphs with changing parameters.

The format of multimedia content is different, respectively, and the importance of each individual information flow heading to various devices.

By analogy, the degree of popularity of a particular genre of information is clearly manifested depending on the place of broadcast. For example with mobile devices most often they prefer to watch cartoons, browse the windows of commercial sites, films and music videos are less popular. Thanks to rapid development mobile video connections are broadcast from all devices and thus there is a high potential for user consumption of the multimedia format.

Analytical statistics show that the growth of the desktop Internet has practically stopped. Today, the most popular mobile devices for entering the network space. Appears completely a new group users who only use mobile phones to access the Internet. In mobile and stationary devices, multimedia content occupies a leading position if we analyze statistics by volume target audience.

What format of multimedia content is more in demand

Regardless of the age category, videos are watched by all users of the network space, while the time interval for consumption of multimedia content is slightly different, the maximum duration of views is observed for the desktop Internet, for mobile devices the time interval is reduced.

IVI is also the largest video application; it is on these resources that the vast majority of the mobile video audience is located.

The format of the content is changing rapidly, the concept of presentation is completely different, which is due to the appearance modern technologies video processing. Unfortunately, not all projects are successful. Do not forget that in the network space there are completely different requirements for content and to accumulate an audience it is necessary to generate it. After all, restrictions on advertising remain unchanged, the consumer makes a choice towards high-quality and meaningful content.

Video consumption in devices is growing rapidly and based on the trend, when demand justifies supply, interesting factors come to light. For the conscious consumption of multimedia content by consumers, the screen size is very important, of course, the user uses mobile devices on the road, but in other cases, stationary computer devices are also used most often.

Video is rapidly rising in the market and occupies high positions, so most are rapidly switching to a new format of interaction with a client. Indeed, it is much better to broadcast a video about a promoted product than to describe it and post photos on the network. Video reviews allow consumers to get detailed information about the product in a comfortable environment and, most importantly, buy it right there.

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Researchers M.M. Lukina and I.D. Fomicheva, speaking about the specifics of online media, note that when considering them, it is necessary to single out additional typographic factors that would characterize the peculiarity of a new type of media. These authors include interactivity, hypertextuality, multimedia. Thanks to these unique properties that Internet technologies provide, journalists can:

1) Expand not only the amount of information, but also its content,

2) Express the meaning of the message using different communication codes,

3) Use various forms of communication to “work” with the audience, provide them with more complete opportunities for responding and participating in information exchange [Lukina, Fomicheva 2005: 47-48].

Hypertextuality... Hypertext is a text consisting of a potentially infinite set of texts, united by a system of built-in hyperlinks, which makes it possible to read it not only horizontally, like on paper, but also to view it “in depth” using internal and external links.

Considering hypertext links from the point of view of web design solutions, two main approaches can be distinguished: links are placed in the "body" of the text (while they are usually highlighted with graphic elements - for example, a different color) or they are placed in sidebarlocated outside and usually to the side of the base material.

Hyperlinks can be contextual (expanding the context) and thematic (expanding the theme). Texts linked using hypertext links can be linked either to other parts of the same site (internal links) or to other sites located somewhere on the Internet (external links). Maria Lukina notes that "Russian information resources prefer to use internal links more often than external ones, thereby not allowing users to 'leave' the site." [Lukina, 2010: 82]

Multimedia... According to Kulchitskaya, “The word“ multimedia ”emerged in the 90s of the last century as a material realization of the idea of \u200b\u200bmedia convergence, that is, the merger of all information transmission channels - periodicals, radio broadcasting, television and the Internet - into one whole”. [Kulchitskaya 2012: 101] Multimedia has thus become a permanent feature of Internet media products. At the same time, multimedia content has clearly expressed features: modularity, interactivity, hypertextuality, non-hierarchicality, as well as a combination of a number of sign systems for a complex impact on the user.

Interactivity... The property of communicative interactivity is considered the third specific organic property of Internet media. However, talking about interactivity exclusively in relation to this channel is incorrect. In the print media, there are such forms of interaction as letters and press questionnaires. On-air calls and polls are popular on radio and television. However, on a mass scale, the consumer of a traditional media product is a passive participant in the communication process, which is one-sided in nature. The Internet, by contrast, is unique as a channel for establishing connections with its end users, it leads to new level and the communicative functions of the media, providing an opportunity for a quick response not only to individuals, but also to fairly large masses of people.

The fundamental difference between interactivity in Internet media and interactivity in traditional media is that here two-way communication takes place in the same physical environment, i.e. not "newspaper" - "mail", or "radio" - "telephone", but "Internet" - "Internet". Interactive communication can take place in chats, forums, social networks, e-mails.

In addition to interactivity, multimedia and hypertextuality of Internet media, which distinguish M. V. Lukina and I. D. Fomicheva, A. A. Kalmykov and L. A. Kokhanova note “infocentricity (the possibility of deep hierarchical information), personal approach, instantaneousness, measurability, flexibility, cost-effectiveness ”. [Kalmykov, Kokhanova 2005]

The practice of mass media includes multimedia technologies, and with them - multimedia products. They are created with the help of many sign systems from information received by all senses, and have the ability to convey its diversity, affecting all senses of the addressee and causing him to have multisensory experiences. D. Yu. Kulchitskaya argues that “the introduction of multimedia technologies into the process of mass communication causes enormous transformations in the media industry and in journalism as such. First, the structure of editions is changing, which are moving to a converged operating model. Secondly, the roles and competencies of the journalist change: he has to master new ways of working. If earlier a correspondent could go on a task only with a pen and a notebook, now he must own a new technique, since he is obliged to bring to the editorial office content presented in different sign systems. His work includes text, sound, video images, photos, etc. ”. [Kulchitskaya, 2011] As a result of the work, a new type of media text is born - a multimedia story composed of different parts and reflecting different aspects of the covered event. This story is considered the pinnacle of the converged editorial office, its benchmark product.

Internet media theorists give the following definition to such a media product: "A multimedia story or article is a journalistic material in which the topic is disclosed using various media platforms - text and audiovisual means, the unity of which creates a three-dimensional picture of an event." [Kachkaeva, 2010]

Experts from the American Associated Press adhere to the atomic-molecular theory of multimedia. They believe that any multimedia story consists of so-called "infoatoms" and "infomolecules" (static illustration, photo reportage, audio illustration, video clip, etc.), which, when integrated, result in a full-fledged multimedia product. That is, any multimedia material consists of several relatively independent information units that are linked by a single plot and, when combined, create a multifaceted image of what the journalist is talking about. It should be noted that such a multimedia product has special properties.

Dutch researcher T. van Dijk examines the following characteristics of multimedia: stratification, modularity and manipulativeness. By stratification, it means that users can find more information about the issue of interest and interpret data packed in different ways: in the form of text, numbers, illustrations, photos, videos, animations, sounds, etc. Modularity in the understanding of the researcher is due to the fact that information databases consist of separate parts (modules), which the user can find individually or in any combination convenient for him. And the third characteristic is manipulativeness, which allows the user to shuffle information modules in any order.

One of the characteristic features of multimedia content is related to the fact that multimedia is highly interactive. This new type of media text allows the audience from a passive consumer to become an active user, having the ability to choose the sequence in which they will assimilate information. In addition, a new degree of media interactivity allows the audience to turn into a producer of information. Today, anyone with a camera or photo camera can become a content provider for the media.

It is significant that multimedia, despite its obvious novelty, has deep roots, since it represents the embodiment of the idea that journalism has striven for throughout its history. The media have always tried to involve as many senses as possible in the perception of information. At first, the newspaper offered the reader a picture and text, working with vision, radio began to work with sound and activated hearing, television has already managed to integrate three types of information (text, picture and sound). Multimedia, on the other hand, made it possible to influence many senses at the same time.

“The emergence of multimedia is made possible by a digital platform that brings together different types information, and the development of the Internet as a fertile environment to which many users have access. The reason that multimedia technologies have become so widespread right now is related to the peculiarity of our days: a huge flow of information fell upon the audience, and the time for mastering this flow is limited, ”writes O. Silantyeva. [Silantyeva, 2013] Indeed, the consumer of mass media products has to view the content of the media on the run. And multimedia content is visual and promotes the rapid assimilation of information, which, of course, is an advantage in today's information-rich environment.

So, the Internet media, along with the generic features characteristic of all media, have three main features that distinguish them from the entire media system.

First, hypertextuality, which provides unique opportunities for producers of media products to increase the completeness and reliability of information, and for users to read the text not only linearly, but also in depth, independently participate in the interpretation of facts.

Secondly, multimedia, that is, the ability to transmit messages in different sign systems - verbal, graphic, sound, photo, video, animation.

Third, interactivity, i.e. multilateral information exchange with the consumer, both with individual representatives and with the audience as a whole.

Today, the word "content" is actively used in all areas of entertainment, from ordinary sites to mobile devices. Often this concept confuses users. modern gadgets... In fact, everything is extremely simple. Let's take a closer look at what mobile content is, how to use and disable it.

Content: a general definition

Every blog, online store or any other resource is a shell, inside of which there is content in the form of text, pictures, video, audio files and much more. This is content. Many refer to it as only text articles and notes, but in fact it represents everything that is included in the shell of the site.

If you go to any network resource, then everything that a person sees on the monitor of a computer, tablet or phone will be content. Roughly speaking, a book with no text or pictures is an empty shell. That is, there is no content in it. It's the same with network resources.

If we talk about what mobile content is, then a similar comparison is valid. However, in the situation with smartphones, there are some differences, since in this case, users browse pages not only on the Internet, but also use various "usefulness" from cellular providers. Let's take a closer look.

What is mobile content on a phone

If it comes about modern smartphones, then in this matter cellular operators are developing very actively. In fact, mobile content is also some kind of informational or entertainment content. Only in this case it is fully adapted for mobile devices, that is, it is correctly displayed on the miniature screen of the device.

If we continue to delve deeper into the question of what mobile content means, then it's worth saying a few words about subscriptions. Almost all providers offer services “Listen to a new melody every day” or “Update your ringtone”. By and large, they are paid content. The user monthly pays a certain amount of money or sends SMS, after which he receives from mobile operator new game, picture, melody, etc.

However, everything is not limited only to this. Speaking about what mobile content is, one cannot fail to mention the modern services that operators offer to their users:

  • New method for downloading MP3 files. Very soon the monopoly of iTunes may be broken, as already today full-size music tracks can be downloaded in a matter of seconds. In this case, users can create virtual disks with music and use them completely free.
  • A television. This is another kind of entertainment content for mobile phone... Today, you can watch any programs that are broadcasted live on TV from almost any modern mobile device. At the same time, you do not need to purchase tuners or any other equipment.
  • Content for mobile planetariums is a new word in entertainment resources. Now smartphone owners can watch amazing and realistic images of the starry sky. Such content uses 3D technology, so the spectacle is unforgettable. For those who are too lazy to go to a real planetarium, this content will be to their taste.


This is another misunderstood word for mobile users. In fact, everything is extremely simple. A content provider is a company that owns the rights to broadcast, sell, or freely distribute any informational or entertainment content. In this case, the owner may not necessarily be the operator cellular communication... Today on the Web you can find mobile content from Snickers, various banks, online cinemas and other organizations.

Buying content: how not to miscalculate

When purchasing paid content from third-party and little-known companies, there is a risk of giving money and getting nothing in return. Promotions with colorful pictures and inviting banners should not mislead users.

It is best to purchase content (ringtones, anecdotes, pictures, etc.) from cellular providers that are more credible. But what if the operators mobile communication They constantly obsessively send their offers or even write off money.

How to disconnect from Tele 2 content

  • Go to your personal account on the official website of the provider.
  • Go to the "Subscription Management" section.
  • Disable all unnecessary options.

Or you can simply send an SMS to number 605, specifying the following combination in it: "stop (identifier)". Each application or subscription has its own numerical number, which just needs to be entered.

How to disconnect content from MTS and Megafon

To get rid of these providers, you must also visit the official websites of the operators. The procedure is the same. First you need to register and log into your profile. Then it is enough to find information about the connected subscriptions and cancel them.

The problem is that content providers very often act in an impudent way and activate certain options without warning. Therefore, it will be useful to periodically go to the operator's page and check if the personal account new subscriptions. Knowing what mobile content is, you can not only use it, but also independently create interesting information resources for phones. With this, you can make good money.

Modern multimedia media are increasingly taking advantage of the opportunities that Internet services provide for working with content. After all, it is far from always easier and faster to create materials in popular and effective formats only based on the "engine" of your site.

Therefore, sometimes pages information resources are assembled from many built-in web service elements. The existence of such a "constructor" is made possible by the embed and iframe functions, which can be called the basis of modern multimedia storytelling.

What is Embed

It's a way to borrow and leverage the capabilities of another web resource on your page. Thanks to embed, you embed the necessary content into your site and, as a result, you get a completely functional element that you can interact with in exactly the same way as on the site where it was taken from.

Knight Lab's Storymap Embed feature

Thanks to embed, you can place on your page:

  • video from video hosting sites: nthe most obvious plus of this approach is that there is no need to store large files on your server. In addition, the video service platform itself becomes additional channel distributing your content;
  • interactive maps, annotated illustrations: extremely rare CMS and independent site “engines” allow you to create them today without resorting to third-party services;
  • tests and infographics: everything related to user interaction;
  • and much more.

What is an Iframe

Without going into technical details, there is no difference for the user between Iframe and embed. It is purely formal: iframe is used to host html content (for example, the content of another web page), and embed embeds an external web application. Therefore, depending on the nature of the content for placement, the web service may offer you either an Iframe or an embed code. Embed has become a household word for any embedded content - it doesn't matter whether it is about embed, iframe, or other methods.

How do I embed an Embed or Iframe into a web page?

The vast majority of content management systems or "engines" sites have two editor modes for creating posts (pages) - visual and html (sometimes called "source" or Source). The first one, as you know, is intended for working with text, while the embed code must be placed by switching to the second. To do this, simply copy it from the appropriate field of the web service and paste it into the desired place on the page.

Switching between post creation modes in popular CMS

Many resources also offer additional settings appearance embedded content - as a rule, you can set its size and design in them. However, sometimes this can be done simply by changing the corresponding numbers in a line of code - for example, in the width and height fields.

Some modern blogging sites like Medium no longer have html mode for creating and editing materials. In this case, sometimes to convert content to inline, it is enough just to click on the button with the code symbol and insert a direct link from address bar browser.

The most popular blogging engine WordPress also has its own peculiarities of using embed content: not all codes work on it. therefore whole line services for WordPress offers their specially optimized options. If they are not there, and the sample code does not work, most likely you can find a special plugin made specifically for this purpose by third-party developers.

Finally, there are services - for example, the wiki modules of some CMSs that do not support embed at all. You can understand this by the absence of switching to html and the corresponding buttons in the visual editor panel.

Embed and copyright

Usually, user agreements popular social networks and hosting sites contain clauses stating that they have rights to use the posted content. This is a very important point.

Let's imagine that you want to illustrate your posting about an event with photos about it that are on Twitter, Instagram or other social networks. If you just copy them and upload them to your site page, by doing so, you will take the copyright content without permission.

If you use an embed code instead, it will be easy technical capability the site that it initially provided. In addition, an element embedded in the page will have all of its functions. For example, through links in twitter post you can follow the author, retweet, and so on. The same applies to other popular services.

Facebook post embed window

Thus, knowing what embed is is very important for any journalist or blogger, as it significantly expands its capabilities.

Disadvantages of Embed

When using borrowed objects on the pages of your sites, it is worth remembering some related limitations and inconveniences.

First, inline content is usually increases web page open time, as it is loaded from external resources. This is especially important when we are dealing with "heavy" multimedia formats. Loading speed, in turn, is a very important indicator for a website. If the page takes a very long time to open, you may simply lose a significant percentage of your audience. Neither do search engines like this, which in return lower the resource for unoptimized content in search results.

Secondly, embed from some sites may be unavailable for user due to the unavailability of the service itself, where you posted the information. There can be many reasons for this - for example, the settings for access to sites made by the network administrator of the corporate network of the institution.

Third, embedded content can be blocked and at the level of the user device - for example, the display of some elements is affected by the use of Ad Block plugins in the browser or disabled Flash Player or Java Script. Some embed elements do not always look harmonious on the screens of mobile devices.

The easiest option