Google 1 social network. Google Plus is an internet marketing tool. Google Plus social media feeds and communication

Recently, it has gained immense popularity (40% of search traffic on the Russian Internet belongs to Google) due to its versatility, ease of use and a huge set of auxiliary tools and services. All these qualities made this search engine one of the leaders in such services.

One of the company's successful developments is the Google+ project. This is a social network model that allows participants to unite depending on their interests, hobbies or any individual events, allows video meetings, online chat and mobile communication. Its main difference from similar social networks is the relative simplicity of the registration process and the minimum provision of the necessary information. Today, there are more than 1.8 million RuNet users who have an account on the Google+ service.

The basis of "Google+" and the main principles of work is the possibility of creating so-called social circles, or interest groups. In other words, this is the formation of communication, where the participants unite into one cluster and independently determine which of the participants will have access to this or that information, files or applications. The service is also useful for those users who, due to the peculiarities of their profession, can and want to share their product with potential consumers of services or other material.

1. How to sign up for Google+

Signing up for the Google+ service begins with creating an account in the general Google system. To do this, you must log in to and fill out the form with the appropriate information. When registering an account, your mailing address Gmail, this service is developed by google and is included in all google applications... Please note that when registering, you can use another email address from other postal services. In this case, the form will undergo minor changes.

When creating an account, you have the opportunity to use the services of many google services without additional registration.

After successfully creating an account, the user has the opportunity to add his photos, change contact information about yourself, edit the calendar of planned events and join various communities or circles, as described earlier.

2. Search and add friends on Google+

Adding to the circle of friends is carried out by searching for them by surname and first name in the corresponding search section. There is also an opportunity to find colleagues in a certain field of activity or on specific life events, for example, it will not be difficult to find your classmate, having previously indicated the school and region in which you studied together, or by the name of the company where you have ever worked, it is possible to find your familiar colleague.

After you have found the person you want, just click on the mouse button in his profile on "Subscribe" or "Add to circles" and you can start chatting with your friend, colleague or classmate.

3. Create and manage circles

It is not difficult to create a circle of interests of communication. To do this, in the same section "People" go to the subsection "My circles" and click the "+" icon to create a circle of contacts of interest. By default, 4 types of communities are provided - "Family", "Friends", "Acquaintances" and "Subscription". The names of these circles can be edited, for which you need to click on one of them and click on "Change circle" to enter the desired name for it.

In addition, in the "People" section there is an opportunity to track in which of the circles you belong to other users.

You can add friends to any of the circles by simply dragging the person's profile into the selected circle, and convenient function importing contacts from other services will allow you to quickly add to your circles of friends.

Interesting application "Change Circle Images for Google+ Plus" will allow you to diversify the graphic selection of circles and add flavor to your account by selecting the appropriate pictures to highlight a particular circle.

Privacy management allows you to hide your information from unwanted social circles and restrict, for example, only to the availability of a phone number or email address. The level of publicity of information about the user is set directly during registration.

4. Manage your own profile

Making your own profile allows you to make your online identity unique and easily recognizable. Visualizing you as an interlocutor begins with choosing your photo, which will be reflected in your friends or colleagues. To do this, you need to move the cursor to the location of your photo and click on the "Change profile photo" button to select a suitable photo. In a similar way, you can change the background of your profile, or the so-called page cover.

After setting the desired result, it is possible to see how your profile is reflected in other users, for which in the upper left part of the screen put a checkmark opposite "..for everyone" in the section "How my profile looks like".

In your profile there is a convenient function for managing polls among members of a particular circle. You can, by asking questions, determine one or another tendency of your friends to certain interests, and depending on the results obtained, it is possible to move them to other, more suitable circles, which gives you the opportunity to filter topics for communication.

For the events taking place in the world, the service "Google+" allows you to watch in the section "Feed". Your friends can share information that interests them and leave feedback. It is possible to subscribe to news resources depending on your interests and circle of contacts. This principle is used in Twitter and has established itself as the most functional and effective method obtaining information.

The ability to filter news from certain circles allows you to keep abreast of events only on topics of interest to you, without clogging up the information space with other publications. Also, to avoid overloading the feed, it is possible to set the maximum amount of news both from a certain circle and from the entire feed.

Additional features allow you to post extracts or a full news feed from your Google+ account on your website. Obtaining a code for posting a post on a website page is possible by clicking on the icon with a pointer in the post and selecting the required item from the menu.

The ability to translate both the entire news feed and individual posts provides a relatively recent addition to the service - Google Translate for Google+. For translation, the dictionary database of the Google Translate service is used.

6. Communication via Hangouts

The Hangouts section provides the ability to share your photos, short messages and hold video calls with everyone who has a Google account. If your friend does not have an account, a message will be sent to him by e-mail with an invitation to hold a video meeting. You can watch the best video broadcasts live and leave your comments. Possibility of communication with several users is provided.

Communication options between users using Hangouts features:

  • chat (a traditional opportunity to correspond with your interlocutors);
  • video conferencing (communication using a webcam);
  • phone calls;
  • short messages;

During video conferences, it is possible to take screenshots, for which you just need to click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the screen and share them with your friends or post on your website.

7. Photos on Google+

Google+ allows you to autoload and save your photos and videos taken with a mobile device or downloaded from stationary computers and laptops. By default, photos can only be available to the account owner, but based on the access granted, other users of the service can also familiarize themselves with the content.

Images that are uploaded manually or using an automatic service can be edited in terms of dimensions - standard and original. The former are more suitable for posting on the Internet, and the latter for printing. It should be noted that photographs standard size it is possible to upload to your account in unlimited quantities, unlike the original photographs. This is due to the large size of the source files.

Users with whom you have shared access to your collection of photos have the option of downloading photos, but it is also possible to prohibit downloading by the copyright holder, in which case the images will be available only in playback mode.

The set of tools has the ability to add various effects and edit photos, which adds to this service the functions of a small graphic editor, and the search function by photos will allow you to determine the location of the photo shoot.

Universal sign-in with your Google+ account
The developers of "Google+" made it possible for account holders to authorize and enter third-party sites without registering on them, using the information contained in the account "Google+". This, first of all, saves the user time and eliminates the need to fill out voluminous registration forms again. These third-party sites include other social networks, gaming or information sites, resources containing music or video content.

8. Google+ security

The Google+ service has multilevel protection of information contained in a member's profile, as well as dynamic protection of the password and other unique account components. The ability to change the password is provided at any time.

Two-step authentication when logging into an account is another confirmation of the administration's focus on security in the information field. This function not provided by default, but activated at the user's request. The two-step authentication mechanism is, in addition to specifying the login password, entering the received code on the mobile phone as an additional password, which allows you to verify the authenticity of the user.

The service also offers to set this or that computer as reliable. This function provides that there is no need to confirm the password each time you log into the account, but the user must be sure that only he has access to this computer, otherwise the administration is not responsible for the safety of information.

Personal data management and account operations
Data management allows you to personally manage certain settings of your account, choose the optimal formats for a particular application and the size of the available space for storing information. For example, when registering, the user is provided with a free limit on the amount of content (15 megabytes), but if desired, there is an opportunity to increase this amount, but this service is already in the paid section of the service - the function "change tariff".

You can delete your account, but this procedure should be treated with special attention, since the information and contacts contained in the account disappear irrevocably, and the existing ones are unfinished financial operations should be closed.

We can conclude that "Google+" today is very powerful service with a variety of tools and functions. Google developers and administration are constantly replenishing the portfolio additional features and improve the existing tools.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about the recently appeared social network Google plus ... I have already tried several times to snatch a share of the pie in the social communication market, where it reigns supreme (or, if we consider only Runet).

But, unfortunately, for them, all the previous inclinations of their team have not met with much success. However, the last attempt can be called the most successful, because according to Google's version, about a quarter of a billion users have already been registered on their social network.

A lot of. Nevertheless, with a deeper analysis, it becomes obvious that the interest and engagement of users in Google + is at an immeasurably lower level than that of the same Facebook (what can I say, even if it was bypassed in popularity).

According to some reports, the average time spent by users in social-up with a plus is measured in units of minutes, and in the case of Facebook - in ten hours. However, of all the variety of such projects, it is today's hero that is closest and most understandable to me.

Features and account registration in Google Plus

Probably, the fact that Google was very far behind in time from its competitors and everyone who had the desire to communicate on social networks has already been disassembled and divided between the market leaders played a role here, and it is not easy to pull the user from their home place.

The team of this giant even tried at one time to buy and tried to build its social networks (Orkut has been working since 2004), but all this either did not work out or did not bring the desired result.

On the other hand, a strong time lag did not always stop and was a serious obstacle for this "empire of good". A striking example is, which, having appeared only in 2008, has already surpassed all other market participants who have been playing on this field for much longer (, and).

Besides social google network+ itself is based on several fresh solutions that should, in theory, attract additional attention. Also, do not discount the billionth audience of all their other services (search, Gmail, the mentioned browser, operating systems for mobile devices Android and much more). All this power is now aimed at attracting more and more visitors to a positive social network.

Are you a webmaster? Great, so you are interested in, which at the same time allows you to share the pages that the user likes to your account of this social network with a plus.

And the webmaster, for sure, will broadcast announcements of new materials to his account and try to expand the audience of his readers. In addition, on Google+, you can in some way assign the authorship of the texts on your site to you (read about this below).

But there are not so many webmasters, but ordinary users seem to be reluctant and not too fast to change to a new needle. Therefore, of course, everything in his power is done - right after you automatically become a member of this social network (to prohibit this, you will need to dig into settings).

Well, God bless him, let's quickly go over its capabilities and see how it can be useful for webmasters (selfish interests, so to speak). First, you have to create a Google account, if you do not already have one. It is not easy to do this, but very simple - and consider that the job is done.

After you fill in the fields with personal information for the future account and come up with a unique name for mailbox, you will be told about the new profile value and immediately prompted to add your photo:

The profile has been heavily socialized lately and serves primarily the needs of Google+. If you only need an account to work with mail, then a photo will probably be superfluous, but for communication on a social network, a photo or an avatar will be needed anyway.

As I said, everything is now being done to add the maximum number of users to the Google Plus needle. Therefore, immediately after receiving an account, they will try to send you to this social network:

If you already have an account in the "empire of good", then just go to the main page Google plus ... You will be immediately offered look for your friends or acquaintances, and also from or. Perhaps these are not the most popular services on the Russian Internet. It would be more logical to see Facebook, Vkontakte or Twitter here. However, we have what we have:

Found someone worthy in the new social network? Immediately ring it, otherwise he will run away. To do this, just move the mouse cursor to the "Add" or "Subscribe" button located next to the desired subject. A drop-down menu will appear with the rings you already have, i.e. in circles. To create a new circle, just follow the lowest link:

One and the same subject can be thrust into an unlimited number of circles. Another thing is that the meaning of these very rings (circles) consists in the fact that in this way you place your opponents in separate pavilions, where you will exchange information with them. For example, you have created a circle "Close friends" and lay out for them deeply personal things that only these most trusted chelas will see.

Then you can still with all or with individual members of the circle video conference for ten persons stir up what is currently an exclusive feature of Google+. What is noteworthy (and convenient) is that your opponents do not see exactly which circles you put them in, so you can easily create a Pri_urki circle and shove all sorts of radishes or just work colleagues there (although it is better for them):

If you click the "Continue" button on the page shown in the third screenshot, then you will be offered to subscribe to the feeds of famous people. There is even a service on the Internet where you can contemplate the Top Most Popular Personalities on Google +, if you're interested.

If you are not interested, you will see all the heartfelt concern for your pastime on this social network:

Well, at the last step, you will need to specify (if desired) information about yourself, which will be available to all users of the Google+ network:

By the way, if a webcam is connected to your computer, then the service can take a picture of you for a profile immediately (sleepy and not combed) by clicking on the button of the same name. It would be very convenient, in my opinion, it would be possible, however, without a button, but automatically and without the right to delete a photo - you look and the number of users of this social network would increase at the expense of those who wish neighing wandering profiles.

Well, that's all, you press the "Finish" button and you find yourself, in fact, in the very holy of holies - the shell of the social network. Once upon a time, only a select few could get there (by invitation), but now everyone who is not lazy can go there.

Google Plus feeds and communication

The interface in many Google services is now unified and the social network uses the same design as the Gmail mail interface that I described a little earlier. The same can be said about the use of ajax - everything is at its best and the web page does not reload often. New chunks of data in the manner of Twitter are automatically loaded, which allows news feed really be endless.

However, this can be a disadvantage. For example, I added several users to my circles who are constantly posting, which, in turn, weigh quite a lot.

I go to Google+ from time to time, and with a long and persistent viewing of the feed, the browser starts to seriously slow down. For example, I would not refuse the possibility of including forced pagination (breakdown into pages with the ability to navigate through them).

On the main page, they display a summary feed, consisting of new messages from all your opponents from all circles. However, you can filter messages from people who belong to a specific circle. You can find a list of these in the upper part of the window (the "More" button will help you view the entire range of rings):

Now, however, their design has changed slightly towards similarity to other social networks such as Facebook or Vkontakte. It is possible to display news in the feed, both in one and in two columns, and the menu that was always on the left is now hidden under the spoiler with the inscription "Feed". When you click on it, then everything will fall into place.

If you have something to say, then do not apply to do it in the specially designed form of the Google Plus window:

As soon as you put the cursor in this field, the window will change its appearance and a list (in the form of a row of buttons) of circles will appear below, the users of which will be shown your future message (post), as well as the link "Add more people" will appear. Clicking on it will open lists of all your communities so that you can select the one you want or the ones you need.

Circle buttons, users who will see this message of yours will be displayed under the message input field, and you will have the opportunity to remove this or that circle from the alert list by simply clicking on the cross. In addition to the communities you have pre-configured, when creating a post, you can choose on the social network Google+ the following options:

There are a few more points that you can use when posting on the Google Plus network:

After publishing your post on Google +, you will have the opportunity to make changes (edit) or delete it, as well as prohibit comments or reposting in the event that you forgot to do this before posting:

In addition, in already published your or someone else's messages you can see who exactly they are available to (without specifying circles, of course), and you can also add the +1 record you like, repost it in some of your circles, or offer to hold a video meeting :

If your post receives recognition from users, then in its lower right corner you will see statistics with the number of +1 added to it and the number of reposts. You will also have the opportunity to leave your comment, if it was not prohibited by the author of the post.

Oddly enough, you can even put +1 in a comment, and if you suddenly find that you were in a hurry with its publication and did not notice a grammatical error, then nothing prevents you from editing it using the "Edit" button.

The video displays Russian subtitles (not very informative, though). If you do not see them, then activate this option in the settings of the YouTube player:

Profile, circles and other tinsel in Google Plus

The left menu is a drop-down menu and it will appear after you move the mouse cursor to the upper left corner of the screen. If your page is scrolled down, it will look like this:

And if it is in the highest position, then like this:

There is nothing difficult here. A second tab opens by default horizontal menu called "Records". All messages (posts) you have left live here.

The first tab "About Me" will display everything that you considered necessary to inform the world community about yourself. Well, in fact, you yourself are free to choose those circles that will have access to this or that section of your profile (at the bottom of the editing window you will be able to select trusted communities, but by default the option "All circles" is selected there).

Do you want to change this? No problem. Click on the blue button Editlocated at the bottom of each block.

In the profile, you can still see the photos and videos you added, as well as see those web pages on which you descended to click on the Google + 1 button. The latter function can be used as a kind of bookmarks for publications on the Internet worthy of your attention. All this disgrace is configured by clicking on the same "Change" button.

If you select the following item from the left vertical menu "Popular", you will be able to contemplate the currently most popular posts on Google+ (by the number of their reposts and plus ones).

"Activity" allow you to organize various sessions, while it will be possible with mobile phone promptly send the taken photos and videos to the Google + social network. This option appeared recently , and I have not yet figured out the details of its settings, and I am not a companionable friend, so that I need this cartoon.

In the tab "A photo" the left menu contains tools for viewing and uploading multimedia to a social network. In fact, all these photos and videos will be stored in an album belonging to your account. Yes, in addition to your mailbox and your Google Plus account, you also get a place to store your photos. True, Picasa has a 1GB limit on the size of the stored information.

But there is one thing - all photos uploaded via Google+ will not be taken into account, which you can use. Let's check. Go to the online Picasa album page and make sure that all the photos you uploaded to the social network appear there:

Now let's make sure that a whole gigabyte of space is still available in this album (click the Download button at the top of the Picasa window):

In general, it turns out that you don't have to pay for expanding your Picasa storage space if the photo upload via social network Google Plus. However, in this case all photos will be cropped to 2048/1536 size, because this is governed by the rules of this social network.

Also on the "Photos" tab you can view and work with albums, with the photos you uploaded in the record, as well as with those photos where someone marked you. Sorry, I didn't use these things, so I shut up.

Go to the tab "People" from the left menu Google plus (previously this case was called Circles). Everything here is laconic and, probably, understandable without my instructions.

On the "My circles" tab, you can create new and add users to them from many places, but it is on the "Whom did you add" tab that you can thoughtfully shuffle users between communities by simply holding and dragging their icons to the desired circle.

And the circles themselves can also be dragged and swapped, achieving the most relevant list building. Usability is great. Yes, back in context menu the Action button (located at the top right) be sure to check it out.

Next tab "Addresses"based on your preferences and location, it will offer you to get acquainted with various useful establishments (hotels, restaurants, museums, etc.) and see their assessment by other users of the Google Plus social network.

The maximum amount of points is 5 and it is from this that you should build on, well, and also read user reviews, of course. In theory, in Addresses you can even book a table or a hotel room, but personally I am very far from this (for a couch potato and curmudgeon).

Tab "Live" allows you to watch ongoing video meetings and organize video conferences for up to ten people. The person speaking at the moment gets on the big screen, and everyone else is visible in the small windows located under it. Initially, there was no such thing on Facebook, and they were forced to negotiate the use of Skype for this purpose.

Personally, I don't have a webcam and I can't even imagine what a thrill there can be in such communication, but, most likely, I'm just a troglodyte and retrograde. In general, try it yourself, and I will continue already for webmasters or businessmenwho are interested in creating a page for their website, business, brand or product on the Google+ network. This is not a difficult matter, but it is still worth saying a few words.

Creating a branded page in Google Plus

Tab "+ Pages" hides in the left menu. There you will see a list of the pages you have already created and you can edit their settings if necessary.

If you have never been here before, then for creation new page in Google + you will need to click on the corresponding button:

In fact, the + pages in Google Plus are all very similar to the same profile that we have already analyzed a little above. Those. they are actually full-fledged users of the social network, although they are not animate objects. However, there are some differences:

Now how create + page... By clicking on the appropriate button on the screenshots shown above, you will be offered a choice of five types of future branded pages, and it will be your choice that will determine what exactly you can display on it:

For a website or blog, the second option is best suited. "Product or brand", because in its settings it will be possible to add the Url address of your resource.

First, you will need to select the most appropriate category from the drop-down list:

Then give it a name and specify the URL of your site:

Then enter its description, contact Email and phone number, and then click on the "Finish" button.

Actually, as promised, you actually get one more profile at your disposal, but not personal, but professional. By the way, you can, if you wish, confirm the address of your site (ownership) by clicking on the "Link to + page" button. Personally, they did not demand anything from me, because from under the same account I enter into, where I have already confirmed the ownership of the same resource.

And now all that remains is to publish interesting information on this branded page so that as many users as possible add and repost it and add it to their circles. For a website, the ideal option would probably be to set up automatic broadcasting of announcements of new articles on your resource from it. But I don't know how to do it yet. Do you know? Share plizzzz.

You can switch between your + page and your live profile by clicking the small arrow in the very right upper corner Google+ windows (to the right of your photo thumbnail).

August 2, 2011

Have you already "rounded up"?

Not yet, dear reader? Can not be!

The new social network from Google turned out to be extremely successful in comparison with its other social projects... And judging by the dynamics of development, we can say with confidence that it will become a worthy alternative to Facebook and Twitter.

Why do bloggers need Google+? To make friends and unite them in circles? Not necessary.

There is traffic, your potential readers, subscribers and customers - and this is more than an objective reason to register with Google +right now.

Google+ with what it is eaten

"Google+ makes it even easier to share interesting content online than in real life."

This is not the first time Google wants to "improve" real life through a social network. (Google Buzz confirms this)... But this time the product of "Corporation of Good" was received loyally and in some cases fanatically.

This is how Google+ and Facebook are opposed

Share Google+ offers the following:

  • Photos - both single and create albums. Android phone owners can upload photos from their phone.
  • Video - in addition to your own videos, you can add videos from YouTube and from your mobile (for now only for phones with Android OS).
  • Links- links to external sites.
  • Location - information about your location.

However, the basic components of social networks by themselves have long surprised no one; moreover, new inventions of these components do not guarantee the success of a social network. Facebook and Twitter users will learn familiar things: user lists, friend feed, short messages, mobile functionality, trends.

Thus, the creators of Google+ did not reinvent the wheel, but chose from a set of ready-made social components those that correspond to the Google+ idea of \u200b\u200b"sharing interesting content on the Internet." But thanks to their successful combination, the product turned out to be very attractive.

Google+ social naming

After the release of the failed Buzz (Live Tape) and Wawe, it was possible to conclude that the search giant has problems with copywriting.

But the new name of the social network surpasses even the most successful Gmail, only unlike the usual invention of a new word in naming, Google added a plus sign to itself.

In my opinion, the originality of the name Google+ is obvious:

  • Makes the Google brand not only synonymous with search in many countries, but also allows you to gorge yourself to become synonymous with social networking.
  • Plus a positive symbol in itself, and after the word associatively opens up scope for prospects. For example: "Date +", "Salary +", "Health +".
  • Creates an even more logical social alternative to Facebook "likes": simple and straightforward +1.

Google+ Crop Circles

Circles are far from being an innovation or a Google invention, they have existed before. For example, in My Circle. Perhaps this is the PR-happiness of domestic search - circles in Yandex appeared before Google! However, in the presence of "fans +" it is better to keep quiet about it.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcircles in a departure from the classic model in social services:

  1. "Friend Request" \u003d Non-reciprocal friends
  2. "Friend Request" + "Friendship Approval" \u003d Mutual Friends

As a result, virtual friendships on social media are like getting married - “Will you be my friend? Do you promise to like and comment? ".

The idea of \u200b\u200bGoogle+ is in “social circles” that are more close to real life. You can create your own circles and add to them the right people and change their position without the need for confirmation on their part.

For example, you can create a circle "friends", "acquaintances", "old friends", depending on the changing relationships, transfer people from circle to circle. The circles can overlap, for example, people from the circle of "work colleagues" can fall into the circle of "friends", depending on the changing relationship.

Why is this needed?

Firstly, it is more convenient to track news in the feed. Events from the circle of friends can be much more interesting to us in the personal life of the circle of "potential clients". But before a business trip, it will be extremely useful to review this circle.

"Remember how your grandfather sent you newspaper clippings?"

That's how beautifully Google marketers presented us with topics familiar from Twitter.

Essentially a "topic", Google+ is simply a saved search feed for a query you're interested in.

+1 button in Google search

The "+1" button is not just an analogue of "like" and an SMO tool like other social networks, but a real competitive advantage of Google+ for webmasters and bloggers.

Google has made the display of results for the +1 button and the impact on positions in the main search:

Google cherished the dream to enter the social networking scene back in 2003 and even planned to buy another social network - Friendstarbut was refused. Then the search giant began its own development, the result of which was the project Orkut... However, he did not gain much popularity. It is believed to be due to the awkward interface.

Google took into account their mistakes, and after a series of intermediate projects, the world saw Google+. It happened in 2011. The already existing Google Circles project became an integral part of the new social network.

Currently there are about 250 million google users+ around the world. But this figure may not reflect the number of active users, since many only have a Google account, but sometimes they are not even aware of the existence of the Google+ social network.

Initially, only persons over 18 years of age were allowed to register. Now this threshold is lowered up to 13... Google+ was conceived primarily as a tool for business and communication between adults, but it seems that recently the company is ready to revise its policy in this direction.

Google+ does not welcome fake accounts, therefore, if suspected, such an account can be blocked. When registering, it is recommended to enter genuine personal data. The same goes for your profile photo.

It is also suggested to fill in the column "Occupation". Unlike other social networks, data here is of great importance: it is on their basis that the personal environment of other users will be formed in the future. If the column is left blank, the circle of possible acquaintances will be extensive, but this can just bring inconvenience: many profiles cannot be viewed.

Each new user can be added to your friend list, after which information on his actions in Google+ will be available. A new acquaintance can be marked as:

  • friends;
  • family;
  • acquaintances;
  • subscriptions.

That is, to distribute them in the "circles" of acquaintances. Depending on this, they will have access to this or that information in the news. For example, simply “acquaintances” will not see what is available to users from the circle of “friends” or “family”. At the same time, the users themselves cannot find out which circle they are in.

Main functions of Google+

Compared to many others, Google+ doesn't have as much functionality. But for some users, what is available will be enough.

Group video call function is also available with up to 10 people at the same time.

Google+ has integration with postal services from Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail... All of them are not very popular in Russia, but when registering gmail inbox issued automatically.

In a special text field, you can make a record - and it will be immediately available to other subscribers. You can upload your own photos, videos, create events and mark on the map.

The ability to create meetings and events was originally supposed to be one of the main functions: after all, Google+ was intended exclusively for business people. But a similar metamorphosis has already been observed with such a social network as. From a highly specialized, designed exclusively for students, it has turned into a national Russian network for absolutely the entire population.

Recently, it is possible to play games. All that is required is to give permission to the game to access the account.

A unique feature is the Google+ Authorship Confirmation feature. This requires linking your site to your account. In the future, a Google search will give not only a link to the article, but also a profile photo, author's name in the snippet.

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To do this, there are the necessary components: the ability to add friends, send messages, join and create groups, organize circles, topics and video meetings of interest. there is mobile version service.

The flow of information people share most on Google+ affects SERP results search engine, and the tips are personalized and may be different for each person.

What is Google plus and why is it for SEO specialists

Google plus is a social network with all the features it relies on and an active monthly audience of 130 million. It is not only a place of communication, but also a powerful tool for promoting web resources and interacting with a large audience. A huge role in this is played by the ability to integrate with other services of the company into a single information environment. This makes the web a universal tool for website promotion specialists.

Of particular interest are the + Pages that you can use to promote your own brand or business through other Google apps and services. In particular, it can be used to:

  • Create posts and collections.
  • Subscribe to the pages of other users.
  • Join communities and create them yourself.

Placing links on a social network has a positive effect on the position of a link in search results. The blog has the ability at any time to make changes to the published post, add new ones keywords... Taken together, Google Plus features are powerful tools for influencing link rankings on a search results page.

How to use Google Plus

After registering on Google+, you can find and add friends, organize circles of interest: family, colleagues, acquaintances, friends, etc. The interface on the social network is simple. All the necessary sections are on the left side: feed, communities, people, recommendations and profile.

The feed displays posts that other people are sharing. To view them, you need to subscribe to communities, or create your own group and publish content. Also, the feed displays records selected for a person by the service itself, in accordance with his interests. The tape gives you the opportunity to be active. Here you can leave comments on posts, add +1 marks, share posts.

In the same menu on the left as the ribbon, there are other sections. By joining collections and communities, information is generated that will be displayed later. Many have active pages here - you can also subscribe to their profiles and see their posts.

The uniqueness of this social network is that by publishing posts in collections and communities, they: firstly, are displayed in the profile, and secondly, they appear in Google search results, despite the privacy settings and access restrictions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Google Plus

In Google Plus, you can create a personal account or business page. They differ from each other in functionality and purpose. In the first case, a page is created for communicating with other people, publishing posts and other activities; in the second case, a company account is registered to promote the brand.

Among the negative qualities are:

  1. Insufficient number of post filtering elements.
  2. Identity home page Facebook.
  3. Lack of a sequence of responses (discussion threads) in the comments.
  4. The "Photos" section includes photographs of other users in circles.
  5. Poor video playback in the player.

Network pros:

  1. Unlimited time to edit posts.
  2. The ability to edit photos.
  3. Convenient interface of the menu and feed displaying publications.
  4. Ability to create and conduct video conferences for multiple people.
  5. The service can be used as a tool for website promotion.

One of the main advantages of Google Plus is the My Circles section. This is a convenient system function that allows you to sort contacts by interests, create thematic groups and add acquaintances there. Here you can create an unlimited number of circles, including your friends in them and sharing records or collections with them.

How to effectively promote projects on Google+

For many website promotion specialists, Google Plus is one of the main tools, despite the fact that in comparison with other social networks such as Facebook or VKontakte, it does not seem to be a necessary condition for promotion, and its audience is limited and inactive.

In fact, the benefits that come from it go beyond social communication. If you create a page "" to maintain and promote it in accordance with all SMM rules, you can attract new customers from the search results generated by Google in response to queries. In addition, a number of other tasks can be solved.

  1. Building social connections. Google+ is a social network where you can maintain an active policy: add authoritative friends, comment on posts, etc.
    Publication of interesting material. This will help drive traffic. It is important to add custom markup to unique posts and distribute it.
  2. Linking content to a profile. On a site page that describes an activity or contains personal information, you can add a link to your Google+ profile. This allows the search engine to automatically link the content to the social media page.

These are just some of the tools that you can use to promote your own resource on the Internet.