How to find the control panel in Win 10. How to open the Windows Control Panel. Using the Start Menu

Good afternoon, dear readers, not so long ago we updated to windows 10 creators update version 1703 and surprisingly it turned out to be much more stable than its predecessors, it no longer contains so many blue screens and other glitches, but there is still a fly in the ointment and is called the Control Panel. Surely many have already noticed that now control panel missing in windows 10 Creators Update, it is now hidden so far that you will spend more time to find it. I will show you how to fix this and return the control panel to context menu start buttons.

What is Control Panel

To put it simply, this is a snap-in application, the task of which is to organize the snap-ins by field of application, so that the user can conveniently configure the operating system and administer it from a single panel. It includes the following groups:

  • Windows To Go
  • Administration
  • Windows firewall
  • date and time
  • Disk Spaces
  • device Manager
  • Credential manager
  • Home group
  • Infrared communication
  • File history
  • Keyboard
  • Taskbar and navigation
  • Indexing options
  • Explorer options
  • Remote Desktop Connections
  • Programs and Features
  • Default programs
  • Working folders
  • Speech recognition
  • Regional standards
  • Backup and windows recovery
  • Browser properties
  • System
  • Phone and modem
  • Color management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Devices and Printers
  • Accounts users
  • Security and Service Center
  • Sync Center
  • Accessibility Center
  • Network Control Center and general access
  • Bitlocker Drive Encryption
  • Fonts

Where did the control panel go in windows 10

Though new version operating system and has become more stable and there are no problems in it, that the OS gives the error msvcp140.dll, Microsoft is trying to get rid of classic applications in Windows 10 and in version 1703 the "Control Panel" came under the knife. According to Microsoft, this is done in order to make it easier for the user to learn dozens, so that all actions are the same on:

  • Phones
  • Tablets
  • Computers

It seems to be good, but for people who use Windows starting from XP and higher, this is strongly disliked, since they have become accustomed to it over the years. Previously, in Windows 10, you could easily right-click on the start button and see the item in the context menu

now it is simply not here, you must admit that it was more convenient before, but do not worry, we can return the control panel to the Windows 10 start context menu (Win + X menu) in minutes.

How to open Control Panel in Windows 10 Creators Update

So how to enter the windows 10 control panel after the 1703 update, there are three methods to get into the Control Panel, below we will return the old method through the "Start" context menu.

  • via the start menu structure
  • Run through the window
  • Through command line
  • Through search
  • Via shortcut

Open Control Panel from the Start Menu

Enter the panel windows management 10 can, in the old classic way, through the menu structure of the "Start" button. We find the item "System - Window" and in it the item "Control Panel"

Open the Control Panel via the "Run" menu

And so we press the key combination WIN + R and in the Run window that opens, write control panel and press Enter, as a result of which you will open the classic control panel.

At the command prompt, you can also type control panel and press Enter, the effect will be the same.

Open control panel via search and shortcut

You can enter the control panel using the search, for this click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the "Start" button. In the search field, enter the control panel and at the top you will see the desired shortcut in the search results.

And the last method, through a shortcut. Since the rig itself lies along the way:

C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Control

Then by launching it or creating a shortcut from it to the desktop, you can enable the Windows 10 Control Panel.

We have learned how to find the control panel in windows 10 Creators Update, now we will return everything as it was and add an item to the start context menu.

How to return Control Panel to windows 10

In order to return everything as it was, there are two ways:

  1. Create a shortcut and place it where you want it
  2. Using Win + X Menu Editor utility

Win + X Menu Editor is free utility, you can download it from the link and you need it in order to customize the context menu of the bunch button, which is invoked using the WIN + X hotkey combination.

  • Launch Win + X Menu Editor

  • Select Group 2, this area allows you to return the control panel to the desired location. Please note that the already existing "Control Panel" item has a gear icon and will open the "Options" item, but we need to click the Add a program\u003e Add a Control Panel item at the top, it will return the old control panel to windows 10.

In the resulting list, find the item "All Control Panel Items" and press Select.

Now you need to restart Windows Explorer, for this click the Restart Explore button.

We check everything, your Win + X Menu Editor utility should add a control panel to Windows 10, I have the "All Control Panel Items" item, I don't like it and I want to rename it.

Go to the Win + X Menu Editor utility and press the F2 key on the desired item to rename the menu item.

We set the name of the element.

We check the context menu of the "Start" button and see the restored item Control Panel we need! As you can see, it is very easy to restore the Control Panel using this method, but there is still an alternative.

Restore by adding a shortcut

In order to return the control panel to the Win + X menu, you need to copy the shortcut to the control panel (you cannot create your own, they will not be displayed in the menu) of the context menu from previous version Windows 10 (up to 1703) or 8.1, you can download from me or go to more old version along the way

% LOCALAPPDATA% \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ WinX \\ Group2

Copy it to a USB flash drive or something else and transfer it to required computer... Then we follow the path again, but on a new computer

I hope it helped you this instruction willow were able to find and return the control panel in the new operating room windows system 10 Creators Update,

Many windows 10 users wonder where the control panel is located in this system and if earlier it could be launched through the context menu of the start button, then after exiting last update Windows 10 v.1703 (Creators Update), Microsoft developers decided to remove this menu item even from there.

But you shouldn't get upset right away, because there are a lot of ways to get into the windows 10 control panel, which we will talk about in this article. I will also tell you how to return the control panel to its usual place, namely to the context menu of the start button. And I also advise you to read the article How to add a new item to the context menu of the Windows desktop, which describes an example of adding a control panel. Instructions for opening the panel in others windows versions, read in the pack How to open the control panel in Windows.

The first thing that comes to mind when asking the question where is the control panel in windows 10 is a call to the system search. To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon next to the start button, where in the search bar we enter the name of the file you are looking for, in our case this is the control panel. Next, we launch the found application.

Launching windows 10 control panel through the options tab

Although the developers are trying to force us to work through the parameters tab, you can also get to the control panel through it. To do this, go to start -> options.

Where also in the search line we enter " control Panel"and open the found item.

Opening the control panel through the command line

Of course, there is always an option to use a specific command to launch various system programs and applications. To open the control panel, there is also a specific command, this is the command " control ".It can be entered in the " execute", which is launched by pressing the key combination + r, also in the command line windows powershell, which is located in the context menu of the start button. In both cases, we get to the windows 10 control panel.

Windows powershell should preferably be run as administrator.

And of course, in the start-up itself, by going to the folder service you can launch the control panel.

You can also simplify your task and simply copy the file responsible for launching the control panel to the desktop. To do this, go to system folder along the way C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\, find a file called control.exe and copy it to your desktop, run it and rejoice.

Returning the control panel to the context menu of the start button

In the screenshot below, you can see the before and after picture windows updates 10. Where the control panel has changed to the options tab. Now let's try to return the panel to its rightful place while maintaining the parameters tab. To do this, we need to download a small program called Win + X Menu Editor.

Go to the developer's website, follow the link we download this application... Unpack it from the archive and run it. In the main window of the program, select the tab group2, then click add a program -> add a control panel item.

Find the control panel and press the button select.

Then you need to click on the button Restart Explorer,to restart windows explorer and apply the changes.

Now open the launch context menu and see the item that appears. If this item does not appear, try restarting your computer.

I hope the question where is the control panel in windows 10, you will not have.

ABOUTgive your opinion about this article, and of course, ask your questions if something suddenly went wrong with you.

Thanks for attention!

Good day! In many of my notes, I often have to explain how to open the Control Panel in Windows 10. No matter how hard Microsoft tries to drag all the system settings into the "Options" window, many users (especially for those who are already used to standard layout elements) you just need to get access to the classic Control Panel. And many settings have not yet migrated to the "Parameters".

There are several ways to open the control panel - I will try to list the most convenient (which will definitely be appreciated by beginners)

Today we will look at a dozen different ways to access the control panel - this is through the explorer and we will use the command line (as is the case with).

Option 1. Start menu

Open the Start menu and type "Control Panel" in the search bar. Click on the desired item in the search results - that's all!

Many users underestimate this innovation of Windows 10 - the search is implemented very conveniently, be sure to try it ... it helps out unrealistically when you have a lot of installed applications.

Option 2. Shortcut to the Control Panel on the desktop

In one of the previous posts I wrote about, so who's stopping us from creating one for the Control Panel? You just need to know what to specify when creating a shortcut.

Explorer shell: ControlPanelFolder

For the laziest there is special programs, with sets of the most popular shortcuts that can be created in one click - if interested, write in the comments. We will definitely consider.

Option 3. Explorer

Another easy way to quickly open the Control Panel in Windows 10 is to use File Explorer (as is the case with). Discover Windows explorer and find the down arrow to the left of "This PC".

In the drop-down menu, you can select "Control Panel" (well, many other useful shortcuts)

Option 4. Parameters

From the Start menu, open Settings and type Control Panel in the search bar.

You will see the item you need. Just click on it to open the "Control Panel".

Option 5. Command line

Run command windows string and type control and press Enter. Command prompt will open ...

This command also works in the "Run" window, which is available by pressing WIN + R (Perhaps this way is more justified than the command line)


After reading, you learned how to open the Control Panel in Windows 10. As you can see, there are a few more ways than you might expect. In fact, you can still drag the shortcut to the desktop in a different way and many more different options. If you know some very convenient and unknown way to enter the control panel - write in the comments, we will definitely add it to the note.

Some developers of popular computer components, such as sound cards or video cards, began to transfer part of the driver - for example, the control panel - to Windows Store 10. For example, Realtek did this this summer, and the new panel looks pretty nice and in the Modern UI style:

In practice, this is quite convenient, since now the control panels will be located and updated in one place and separately from the driver. Of course, this is only available for windows users 10, because there is no app store in Windows 7.

Now the new Nvidia Control Panel is still being tested, so it is not available by default, but you can turn it on if you want, there should be no problems on most video cards. There are only two requirements: firstly, there must be a fresh video driver, with the latter at the moment 416.34 everything works. Secondly, the system must be 64-bit.

If the requirements are met, then follow this link, agree to open the App Store and install the Panel:

But do not rush to click on the "Run" button - since the Panel is not officially available yet, some changes are needed in the registry, namely - you need to go along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ nvlddmkm \\ FTSand create a parameter DWORD with the title EnableRID69527 and the value 1 :

Everything, now new Panel can be run. So far, it looks the same as the old one, the only change is new icon on the taskbar:

But it is quite possible that Nvidia in the future, like Realtek, will rewrite it under the Modern UI.

The Control Panel in Windows 10 can be divided into two parts "classic" and "updated". Which one to use for you, and which one you like - choose for yourself. We suggest reviewing the features of each of them in this article.

Now you have updated to Windows 10, started to study its sphere. Go to the "Parameters" item. There is a set of tools that were not there in the past. For ordinary users, that's enough. If you are an experienced user and want to customize Windows for yourself, but here's one "but" - you can not find the same button that was in Windows 7. "How to open the control panel in Windows 10?" - You ask. Here we will explain how to find it in Windows 10.

How to open Control Panel in windows 10?

The first way

A very easy option, how to go to the detailed settings in windows 10.

  1. Press the key combination "Shift + X", or right click mouse click on "Start"
  2. We find the coveted key in the list, and voila!

How to enter control panel windows 10?

Second way.

How to call it differently? The most logical thing that comes to mind is to use search.

  1. Click on the "Magnifier" which is located near the "Start".
  2. Enter the query you need.

There are tons of other functions in the called line that are not in Start, so do not forget about this line and use these functions.

How to find Control Panel in Windows 10?

Third way.

With this option, you will be able to display this icon on your desktop.

  1. Right-click on the desktop.
  2. Select "Personalization" A window will open.
  3. There click on "Themes".
  4. Desktop Icon Options
  5. A window will come out, there put a tick in front of the "Control Panel"
  6. Click OK. You now have an icon on your desktop.

Fourth way.

This option will dock the control panel icon to the home screen and taskbar, and you can easily open it.

  1. We go to "Start"
  2. "System Tools - Windows"
  3. Click RMB on the "control panel"
  4. Pin to Start and Pin to Taskbar

Fifth way.

Another variation on opening is a command that is entered in the Run menu.

  1. Press the key combination "Win + R"
  2. Enter the command "control"

All possible variations have been outlined to help you find what you need. Thanks for reading the article, good luck!