How to find your lost one. How to find your lost android device. How to prevent losing your phone


Losing your mobile is almost like being left without everything: there are all contacts, photos, notes, open social networks and you never know what else. It is good if the gadget is simply lost and did not fall into the hands of intruders, but what if not? How to detect the device in this case? There are several different ways to do this, which you will learn about below.

How to find a phone by IMEI

Each smartphone has its own identifier called IMEI. It can be seen on the packaging or under back cover the device itself. One of the advantages of this serial code is that it is practically unalterable. If someone inserts new sim card, then the identifier will not change and it will be possible to find the phone by IMEY as soon as the gadget turns on, but only police officers have the equipment for such a search. There are services on the Internet that promise to find your device using IMEY for a fee: remember - these are scammers!

How to find your phone if it's turned off

There is also such a situation: you lost your smartphone, tried to call, but all to no avail, and as a result, the battery runs out and the gadget turns off. Can a phone be tracked if it is turned off? In this case, you will have to apply to law enforcement agencies, because it will be very difficult to find the device yourself. This requires special equipment that finds devices using the built-in GPS sensor and communication with the satellite.

If the cell phone is stolen, and the attackers immediately turned off the device, then you will not be able to find the device yourself. You can call all pawnshops, but it's best if you go straight to the police station and report the theft. You need to have identification documents with you, as well as proof that the smartphone belongs to you: serial number, purchase receipt.

How to find a lost Android phone through a computer

Owners of iPhones can live in peace: the developers have created a program on how to locate the phone, and built it into the system. Thanks to this, everyone can find out where their gadget is in a few steps, even if it is stolen and turned off. As for the owners of cell phones on Android, recently they also have such an opportunity. The system has android program Device Manager, which, after some settings, helps to find Android through Google.

Finding a phone through a Google account from a computer

ADM shows the location of the smartphone, allows you to block the gadget, delete information from the map. How to find your missing phone using this app: Settings - Security - Device Administrators, turn on Android Device Manager. If your device has been lost, then with this function you can find your phone through your Google account. To do this, log in to and click on the device you need. A map will open showing the location. If the device is stolen, then the likelihood of finding it through Google is low.

How to find a phone by phone number

As soon as a person finds that the device has been lost, he begins frantically to sort out all kinds of ways to quickly find it. It happens that when dialing the device, those who found your device pick up the phone: you make an appointment and just pick up your smartphone. If this does not happen after several calls, the lost person begins frantically searching the Internet for the most quick ways return your gadget.

One of these are fraudulent sites that, for an additional fee, promise accurate tracking of the cell by the entered number using the satellite. It is worth warning everyone: it is impossible to find a phone by number, you will only lose your money and time. The only correct search option by number is to contact the police with a request or use one of the built-in search applications described above.

How to find a phone by GPS through a computer

Almost every large company that creates mobile phones has got its own programs for finding a device via satellite. So the iPhone can be detected using AppleID and iCloud account, Samsung uses find service My Mobile, Windows-based devices - Find My Phone, Android is easy to find through your Google account. The security of your data was taken care of in advance.

Hello, dear readers! A mobile phone is an indispensable part of every person, therefore, the relevance of today's article is unconditional.

Unfortunately, very often there are situations when your phone is lost or stolen. Naturally, a person will go to write a statement to the police, but everyone understands that the percentage of finding is minimal.

In the world of modern technology, not every mobile phone owner knows that there are more effective ways find it missing than going to the police. Today I want to tell you how to find your phone via google.

It should be said right away that such a possibility exists only when the phone is developed on an android, where there is remote access.

How do I find my phone?

In order to find the phone and determine its location, additional complex settings are not required. But there is one condition that must be met without fail - you must have it. This means that a brand new, just purchased phone, in which no personal data is entered, cannot be found in this way.

Almost all manufacturers set “ Remote control" in production

Due to the fact that Google is serious about protecting users' personal data, you yourself must activate "Remote Control" on your smartphone and set the necessary permissions. To do this, go to the security settings of your device, select the "Administrators" item, mark the "Remote control" item.

Also sometimes you need to go to "my location" and allow google to track the coordinates.

How to search?

If it so happened that your device was stolen, then you need to use the Android Device Manager service. Naturally, if the phone is turned off or all settings have been reset, the program's capabilities are limited. However, you do not need to give up, but try to find the phone using any means. And even more so, who said the kidnappers would be experienced android users?

At the beginning of the search, you need to go to the "Remote android control"Or just follow the link. If you have several devices activated, then select the lost phone from the proposed list, then click on "Determine the location of the device".

A little waiting and the map will show you a marker, as well as the time when the device was last connected to the network (information will be located in the panel on the left). It is possible to accurately track the location when the GPS system is activated. Otherwise, deviations are allowed.

If your phone is lost at home ...

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, each of us can lose the device on our own square meters. In this case, with the help of the same technology and the dialing function, it is really possible to "call yourself".

Within five minutes, the smartphone will make maximum sounds. And this does not depend on the regime in which he is. That is, even in silent mode, it will sound loud.

Send a message to your lost phone ...

The following situation is also possible: you lost your phone, and the person who found it wants to return it to its owner (yes, there are honest people among us). In this case, you can help him.

There is a real opportunity to send a message that will be displayed on the screen of the lost phone. To do this, you need the same interface and the "Block" button.
A window will appear where you can:

  1. enter a password that will help block the gadget,
  2. write the text of the message and the phone number that the person who found your mobile phone will read.

Having done such actions, you will inform where you can call for a return and eliminate the opportunity to "dig deeper" in your personal data.

Maintain confidentiality

But if there is no way to return the device, there is nothing to do but protect yourself from the leakage of your personal data. You will need the already familiar interface and the "Clear" button. When you press it and confirm your choice, everything will be deleted, only the factory settings will remain.

But in this case, remember that this function will not affect the SD card. Therefore, it is not recommended to store confidential information on it.

Lost Android

Lost Android is a more powerful search program. You can download it through play market... The control panel of the program will be a web page. Registration with an account will be required, after which all functions will become available.

The application will allow:

  • send a list of recent calls and messages to email,
  • turn on signal, vibration, screen,
  • determine location on maps,
  • block and unlock the phone via the Internet system,
  • erase all personal data (this also applies to information on removable media),
  • receive a message about the status of the phone (charge, card number, etc.).

Even if the new owner changes the SIM card, this will not prevent you from managing the gadget. You will receive a notification about the change of the card, and you will be able to manage the device. And these are just the main features of the application from many existing ones.

Thus, if you lose your smartphone, you need to start searching for it as soon as possible using special programs... This will really increase the chances of it being returned to its rightful owner.

I guess, that this information was useful to you as never before, share it with your friends in social. networks. I think they will appreciate your noble deed - to secure their favorite gadgets. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates, see you soon!

Yours faithfully! Abdullin Ruslan

Today, the loss of a mobile device is quite common and does not surprise anyone. The gadget can fall out of your pocket, remain lying on a bench in the park, or, having slipped past the bag section, get lost in the grass of the lawn.

In the article:

How to find android phone at home via computer? If you are afraid of losing your running gadget operating system Android or have already faced such a serious nuisance, carefully read our article. Mobile assistant will tell you in detail how to track lost phone Android from a computer via Google. We will also touch upon an important point with the search for a smartphone or tablet in a situation where it is turned off.

Remote control of a lost phone via the Internet

A wide area of \u200b\u200bmobile coverage allows you to quickly detect the device both in the city and beyond. Even when the user lost his phone in the forest, picking mushrooms, or dropped the gadget on the river bank far from the city limits, if there is a cellular connection, it is always possible to calculate the coordinates of the device via the Internet.

In this case, it is very important that the device functionally meets the following requirements:

  • the switched on state of the device;
  • availability of Internet access;
  • active status of the geolocation option.

Once again, we recall that you can find an android using the Internet only if the mobile phone is in the operator's coverage area, since coordinates are determined via GPS via an active cellular communication channel.

It is a mistake to perceive and evaluate the Internet solely from the point of view of entertainment, communication on social networks or downloading media content. First of all, it is a universal communication line connecting the gadget, its owner and operator. Therefore, you need to try to choose a tariff with a mobile Internet and activate the function “Locations by towers cellular operators» . This mode quite economically consumes battery power and, if necessary, allows you to determine the coordinates of the phone by exchanging signals between the GSM module of the device and the receiving devices located on the cell towers nearest to it.

The accuracy of determining the location of a mobile device is quite high, especially in the city. A geolocation search through a computer allows you to establish not only the street on which the device is located, but also its specific area or house.

To make it possible to find android smartphone using Google services, it is necessary to enable the option in a timely manner remote control... To do this, follow these steps in the device menu:

  • go to "Settings" and open the "Security" folder;
  • activate the "Device Administrators" section;
  • set a checkmark in the checkbox opposite the "Android Remote Control" option and, if necessary, save the changes.

As a result of these manipulations, the subscriber receives the following remote control capabilities of his gadget:

  • cardinal cleaning of android memory with the ability to reset the operating system to factory settings;
  • blocking access to the device for third parties;
  • turning on the sound signal to detect the device.

Even if the geolocation function is turned off, but you know approximately where you lost your phone, activating the continuous signal will greatly simplify the search.

Important! The remote blocking of access to a mobile phone can be removed by another person if he uses a general reset in service menu gadget at the stage of turning it on or when the operating system is restarted. If you store confidential information on your phone that should not fall into the wrong hands, it is best to do a full wipe of the device memory right away.

If all the conditions for setting up the gadget were initially met, organizing the search for an Android phone will not be difficult. For this you need:

In order for the user to find his gadget for sure, he needs to move to the specified point, activate the "Call" option and, focusing on the sound, establish the location of the device.

Finding a phone using special programs

There are a sufficient number of specialized applications that provide a comprehensive search for a smartphone even without using services. mobile internet... This software is pre-installed on the device and controlled by calls or SMS messages.

The most popular and effective search engine programs include:

  • "Where's My Droid" - allows you to track the gadget using SMS from code word or the functionality of the Commander online service.
  • "WatchDroid" - provides the owner with the coordinates of the device, protects against SIM card replacement and allows you to erase data.
  • "Kaspersky Antivirus & Security" - guarantees blocking of viruses, dangerous applications, links, sites and contains the "Anti-theft" utility to find your phone.
  • Lost Android - allows you to search for a smartphone using GPS or network, remotely locks the device and erases data from the SD card.
  • "Avast antivirus & protection" - provides protection against virus programs, malware and spyware software, helps you find your lost phone through an online location service.
  • "Pray Anti Theft" - has a wide functionality of GPS and Wi Fi triangulation for detecting a mobile phone on a geolocation map. Allows you to remotely control Android and receive photo reports from the device's camera.

Do not despair in a situation where you have not managed to install any of the above programs on your lost phone. There is a possibility of remote installation of the Plan B utility into the device memory. To do this, you need to log into your Android Market account, select the “Plan B - Track Lost Phone” program and install it on the device, following the service prompts. The device's location coordinates will be sent to the e-mail address specified during registration. In addition, mobile phone geodata will be available on the website of the Plan B-Backup utility

Search for a switched off Android mobile phone

The solution to the question of how to find a turned off phone is also associated with the use of a computer and the Android Device Manager geolocation service already described by us. For it to be possible to track a mobile phone on Google maps, it is necessary that constant access to global network or enabled GPS navigation option.

In a situation where there is no high chance of quickly discovering a lost gadget, and the owner is sure that the device is already in a disconnected state or has fallen into third hands, it is necessary to use the search by IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). This numeric identifier is unique for each device, integrated into the factory settings, indicated on the case and in the accompanying phone documentation. Each user can also find out the IMEI of their device using the command request * # 06 #.

It is necessary to understand that the search mechanism for a disabled Android phone involves the owner writing a statement to the police. After filing an application, law enforcement agencies must carry out the necessary investigative and operational measures and transmit a request to providers to track the phone by IMEI. Even if a new SIM card is installed in the device, telecommunications companies still have the opportunity to uniquely identify the gadget on the network and determine its location.

In addition, the owner of the phone has the opportunity to enter the wanted IMEI himself into a single database serial numbers and mobile equipment identifiers LoSToleN and try to return the device for a reward.


Internet assistant site hopes that this review on how to track the lost android phone from a computer, was useful to you and suggested a convenient algorithm of actions, how to act in such a situation and how to set up your gadget to facilitate further search.

If you find your mobile phone in a place unfamiliar to you, where you definitely could not lose it, you need to avoid rash actions and try to return the smartphone or tablet yourself. Here it is advisable to use the help of the police or acquaintances who can testify in the event of any incidents with third parties.

There are many things without which modern man can be easily dispensed with, but a cell phone is definitely not on this list.

And since a mobile phone has long been an integral part of our life, its unexpected loss (and such a situation can easily happen to anyone) plunges us into a confused state.

Losing your favorite gadget is a nuisance from which no one is immune

The loss of our favorite gadget plunges us into despondency

Indeed, this device serves not only for making calls, but also contains a large amount of confidential information, including a phone book with the numbers of our friends and closest people, notebook with a lot of personal information, our favorite apps and games, reminders and social media accounts with automatic login.

So, what to do if the mobile device is still lost (or stolen), and even if the situation is aggravated by the fact that the gadget is turned off due to, say, a dead battery?

First of all, do not panic, but try, following the recommendations below, to find your irreplaceable loss.

Recommendation 1. We are looking for a phone in the alleged places of loss

Before embarking on the most global search, we will make sure that we ourselves did not leave the device somewhere at work, in a taxi or with friends at home during our last visit.

If you have lost your phone, do not panic, but start searching

Our search would be greatly simplified by such a useful accessory as a keychain attached to a mobile phone and responding to our whistle or clap in the palm of our hand.

Therefore, if we are lucky and our phone is found somewhere in the house under a pile of things, the first thing it is advisable to do is to purchase such a keychain to make life easier for yourself in the future.

Recommendation 2. If the lost Android phone, the Android Device Manager service will help us

Special service from the company Google android Device Manager will help you find

In the event that we have lost a mobile device based on Android, then we can contact special service from googlewhich is called Android Device Manager :

What to do if the search did not give any result, and our lost device is still in the off state? There is another way to search - via IMEI, which is known to be the original 15-digit number stamped on the body of each mobile device, usually under the battery.

Typically, the 15-digit IMEI is located under the battery.

To find out the IMEI-code on the phone, we dial the usb combination * # 06 #

Note: In order to find out our phone number, it is not necessary to remove the case cover, just dial the usb combination * # 06 # on the phone and these numbers will appear on the screen of our device.

So, knowing the IMEI of the lost mobile phone, you can file a report of the loss with the law enforcement agency, whose employees will request the location of your device directly to the telecom operator and thus receive complete and reliable information about the location of your device and even the exact address of its new owner.

However, there is one "BUT" - police officers do not always take up the solution of such issues, but only in the case when there is a crime - theft. Otherwise, if it turns out that your phone is in your own home, then penalties cannot be avoided.

Recommendation 4. We are looking for a mobile device via satellite

This type of search is available to mere mortals only in two cases:

Let us consider the second case in more detail, as it is more likely. The above loSToleN program works as follows - when you replace your SIM card on a stolen or lost device with a new card, the command of this program is immediately activated, which sends you an SMS message to the specified "spare" number. After that, you not only become aware that someone is using the phone, but also find out the number of its new owner. And then it's up to you - either call and figure it out yourself, or contact the police.

Recommendation 5. Alternative method of satellite search

Perhaps the site will help in finding the device

So, in order to start an independent search for a mobile device via satellite, first of all we will connect to its monitoring on a special website

To do this, on this resource we find the section "free monitoring". We register in the system, indicating at the same time two mobile phone numbers - your current one, to which you want to receive information and the number of the phone that we intend to look for.

The most important thing when registering and further action - this is to clearly follow the proposed instructions, which, however, are very simple - you just need to enter the number of the missing subscriber in a certain field and press the "search" function.

As a rule, all the information found within a few minutes will be displayed on the screen of our monitor.


In conclusion, I would like to remind one truth - in order not to look for anything, it is better not to lose anything. Take care in advance about the safety of your phone and then you will never need all the above tips. Good luck!

All mobile phones have one unpleasant property - to get lost. In addition, they are sometimes stolen. And, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. Until recently, "sowing" an Android device outside the home meant parting with it forever without hope of a return, because unlike iOS, there are no search functions on Android was not. Today they are, which means that the chances of returning the loss are no longer zero. And it's time for us to get to know them.

Let's talk how to find a lost Android phone through Google and using third party applications and services.

In the event of a missing mobile gadget, the functions of modern android versions allow not only to determine its location by cell towers and satellites, but also remotely block. And if there is no hope of a refund (stolen) - erase the owner's personal data.

For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • The device must be turned on (it is not necessary that your SIM card is in it).
  • It must be attached to your google account.
  • The "Remote Control" function should work on it.
  • It must have geodata transfer activated and Internet access enabled.
  • The phone must be identified in Google play.

If you've turned off the location feature (geodata transfer) to save battery power, you won't have a chance to find your lost or stolen phone. Searching via satellite does consume a lot of energy, but in the city it is not necessary to use it. Turn on the device's location using cell towers - this option is more economical.

How to enable geodata transfer on Android:

  • Launch the Settings app (Settings).
  • In the "Personal" menu, tap the "Location Services" line.
  • Check the box for the search method "By grid coordinates".

How to find out which devices are connected to your Google Account:

  • Open any browser (on a PC or mobile device - it doesn't matter), go to and log in with your account.
  • Open the recently used devices page. This list should contain the phone you are looking for.

How to enable remote control of a device on Android:

  • Start "Options" (Settings).
  • Tap "Security" (Security) in the "Personal" menu.
  • In the right pane, select Device Administrators.

  • Check the box next to Android Remote Control and open it.

  • In the "Activate device administrator?" click "Enable".

How to find your phone on Google Play:

  • Go to the Google Play website through any browser, open the "Settings" section (the button with the gear icon).
  • Look at the My Devices list. All Android phones, tablets, watches, etc. tied to your account must be on this list.

How to locate a lost Android gadget

The steps below are performed from a computer or other mobile device connected to the Internet.

  • Open your browser and log in with your Google account.
  • Go to the main page of your account and in the "Find your phone" section click "Get started".

  • Select your lost device from the list and re-enter your password to log into your account. Once in the search section, click the "Find" button.

The location of your device will be displayed on the map of the area.

Others available functions:

  • Phone ringing. When dialing is activated, the device will ring for 5 minutes (even at zero volume), attracting people's attention. However, it helps more if you do not remember where you put it, but if the dial is lost or stolen, it can worsen the situation. Also, not all devices support it.
  • Blocking. Return to the previous page and open the "Lock your phone" section. Change the standard message if desired. Click "Block".

  • Call your phone using Google Hangouts messenger. To jump, click on the highlighted word.

  • Get out of account on the device. Press the corresponding button to exit.

  • Delete user data from internal memory gadget (excluding memory card). Select this option if you are sure that the phone has fallen into the wrong hands and an attacker can use the information on it to harm someone. For example, it will start sending malware to your contacts or gain access to electronic wallets. If you agree to the deletion, click the "Yes, erase" button, but the search on the map, blocking and dialing after that will not be available.

Services like Google Phone Search are also being developed by manufacturers mobile devices... The principle of operation and a set of capabilities are the same or slightly larger. For example, Samsung offers the following to its smartphone users:

  • Determining the location on the map.
  • Remote blocking.
  • Erasing confidential data.
  • Ringtone (loud call melody for 1 minute to attract the attention of others).
  • Access to the call log.
  • Notification of the removal of the owner's SIM card.
  • Remote switching of the device to "emergency mode" - dimming the screen with disabling most functions and applications to save battery power. So that the lost phone remains in sight for as long as possible.

Find my device by Google - mobile app for finding lost devices

To simplify the search for lost or stolen Android gadgets, you can use and mobile app available for free download from Google Play. It has the same set of functions as the Google Phone Search service. Namely:

  • Allows you to locate the gadget on the map.
  • Calls him back (makes him ring at maximum volume for 5 minutes).
  • Blocks use.
  • Allows the owner to log out android records and remotely erase user data.

Find my device is designed to be installed on the device that will be used for searching, not the one you want to protect from loss.

The conditions for the availability of the application functions are the same as for the "Find phone" through the browser-based Googleservice.

Phone search services by mobile subscriber number and IMEI


The Russian-language PLNET web service allows you to locate a lost gadget by both a phone number and IMEI (international identification code of a mobile device, which is assigned to each device at the factory). The search is carried out on satellites and cell towers and works in the following networks of Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh mobile operators:

  • Beeline.
  • Megaphone.
  • Kiivstar.
  • Kcell.
  • Vodafone.
  • Altel.
  • TELE2.
  • Velcom.

The main functions of the service are paid. For free, unlike Google, it allows you to find out only the country, region and city in which the desired device is located. More accurate coordinates - for 500 rubles and after registration. Moreover, according to paid subscription available tracking device in real time, history of its movements and search by IMEI. In the latter case, you should, along with the IMEI, indicate the number of the SIM card used by the owner before the loss of the phone. If you didn't have time to write it down while the phone was with you, look at the stickers on the box.

The service has similar functions for locating devices, with the exception of searching by IMEI. For paid subscribers printouts of movement history are also available. The service of one-time determination of exact coordinates by phone number costs 900 rubles.

The service works in the networks of the following mobile operators:

  • Beeline.
  • Megaphone.
  • Kiivstar.
  • Kcell.
  • TELE2.
  • Velcom.

And PLNET, and OM-TEL, and other similar resources are still more suitable for spying on loved ones (children, spouse, etc.). They are of little use in the search for stolen smartphones, because an attacker, if he is not devoid of reason, will immediately replace the owner's SIM card with his own. In this case, the service will show the place of the last registration of your SIM card in the operator's network. Or it won't show anything.

- a service for checking the serial numbers and IMEI of various mobile devices for whether they are listed in the database of lost and stolen. Supports all phone models and brands.

The SNDeepInfo user can add the IMEI or the serial number of the lost or found device to the service database by himself, leaving his email for communication. If you wish, you can also specify the amount of the return fee here. No registration or payment is required for this.

The service works like the previous one, but it only keeps the IMEI database. With its help, you can, for example, find out if a hand-bought phone was stolen from the previous owner. And also add the code of your device to the database.

The author also considers the services for finding phones by IMEI to be of little use, because with their help it is impossible to find out either the location of the device or who is using it at the moment. They are designed for honest people who, in the event of finding a device lost by someone, themselves will start looking for its owner. Law enforcement agencies do not use such bases either - they have the opportunity to obtain the necessary information directly from mobile operators.

Anti-theft applications for smartphones

CM Security: protection and antivirus

In addition to antivirus, firewall and system optimization tools, the structure includes an anti-theft module. It includes:

Cerberus is an anti-theft program with an extended set of features. Among them:

  • Remote monitoring of phone movement through the application site.
  • Remote blocking.
  • Dial-up.
  • Transferring messages to a lost phone.
  • Deleted screenshots.
  • Taking photos and videos of the intruder's face. Sound recording through a microphone.
  • Erase user data from internal memory and SD card.
  • Remote control of the device through the console interface using commands.
  • Automatic switching on transfer of geodata, if it is disabled.
  • Blocking the power off so that the thief cannot turn off the device and thereby interfere with its search.
  • Create your own user rules, etc.

The bulk of Cerberus functions only work in the paid version. Even more of them are available when you get root rights.