How to locate a lost phone. Phone stolen - what to do? How can I track my phone? Find your Windows Phone

Many users of modern smartphones from time to time are faced with the need to solve such a question as how to find an Android phone. As you know, Apple phones can be easily found through standard remote access. The Android operating system is also characterized by its chips working towards. To find the loss quickly and without any problems, you can use internal tools and special programs.

The answer to this question can undoubtedly be given exclusively positively. The most important thing is to have a standard Google account at your disposal. Registering it is pretty simple. It is worth knowing that finding the location of the phone is easy and simple, but in some cases this cannot be a guarantee of its full return.

If the device has been stolen, you will have to lock it through the standard remote control mode or, more importantly, limit the ability to view personal information to the maximum. These are important operations and should not be neglected.

You can solve the question of how to find lost android via GPS using SeekDroid: Find My Phone. You can find an application at official portal Play Market... For optimal and comfortable use, you will need to take care of the availability of administrator rights, it is worth registering account from a similar service. The software user determines the configuration level, that is, how the information will be deleted, activated, formatted and other operations of a different plan.

How to find Android: all the ways

The user usually does not face problems with how to quickly find a lost device. Here are some of the most effective and simple waysHow to find your lost Android phone:

  • If the smartphone is not located, it is possible to carry out special function Call. The usual ringtone will play for five minutes, and it doesn't matter if the phone is turned off or on. If the signal is not heard, you can judge that the device is outside the house;
  • Google has the ability to easily and easily locate lost phoneusing GPS, Wi-Fi and cellular communications. Even if the device is already installed new sim card... In a situation where the device is completely disconnected from communication, these methods will not work;
  • The main tool for detecting a phone is the Internet. After performing certain actions, the user will be shown the extreme location of the device. Typically, this is the area in which smartphone activity was recorded.

You can also remove it, after which it will not be possible to completely restore the readings. The maximum that can be done is to unlock. Personal information will not be passed on to criminals. For people who contain numerous contacts and personal information in its database, this is the best option.

Via computer

To solve the question of how to find a lost Android phone through a computer, you will need to prepare a PC with traffic, and the portal must be logged in on the lost smartphone Google browser... This method will allow you to find the place where the smartphone is located if it is within a radius of about 1.5 km. If the phone is running GPRS or Wi-Fi options, the accuracy of the location address will be significantly increased.

After carrying out or checking the preparatory processes, you can proceed directly to the search. Actions of the following order are performed here:

  1. Go to\u003dru&u\u003d0 and enter mailbox and the access code that was previously entered on the gadget.
  2. After the transition, the person enters the section with remote control of the OS.
  3. After a few minutes, the utility will display the location using a circle.

This circle is the radius of the smartphone. At the same time, information on the time of receipt of information, as well as possible error, will be displayed at the top. This form remote order will provide an opportunity to find out in what period the last time was connected to the network.

Through the Internet

A large number of opportunities are open to users on how to find a gadget via the Internet by phone number if they have lost their Android phone. You just need to download and launch a special application and find your device with a minimum amount of time.

Among the many offers, Lost Android is worth noting. After installing and activating it, it changes the shortcut. This is a kind of trick of the developer. After downloading, the user opens up a huge number of various possibilities aimed at searching:

  • Calling through a vibration signal;
  • Determination of the location using the built-in GPS and the possibility of connecting the Internet;
  • Identifying device status;
  • Blocking of information and the possibility of their irrevocable deletion;
  • Running wireless network Internet, location search, flash, redirect and receive a list of calls with different installed software;
  • Studying the browsing history in the browser;
  • You can take a picture of a fraudster using a special cunning system. A message is sent and as soon as the robber receives and opens it, the camera immediately takes a picture of it;
  • Recording sounds to the built-in voice recorder.

The software allows you to quickly find a gadget through a well-thought-out remote access in management. Another major benefit is that you don't have to pay to download and use the app.


It will be possible to find a lost device without problems and very quickly only if there is a connected GPS. Without using it, you will not be able to find anything, and this is a drawback of such software. If everything is connected, the user can trigger a special sound signal and then display a message in the device menu.

Having received access to the phone through remote control, you can find out:

  1. Charging level;
  2. SIM card number;
  3. IMEI;
  4. A few of the most extreme perfect calls.

SeekDroid: Find My Phone can be made completely invisible if desired. It is allowed to set a code on the lock screen and erase all personal information in case of data loss.

Optimal search results can be obtained by using satellite capabilities. This is the optimal solution to the question of what to do in this situation. In this case, a special android service Device Manager. It should be noted right away that the capabilities of such a service are somewhat limited.

By phone number

To solve the question of how to find a missing Android phone, you can act through a standard phone number. The search is carried out according to the usual cell towers and works in all modern operators without exception:

  • Beeline.
  • Megaphone.
  • Velcom.
  • TELE2.

Most important functions this service require payment. Without paying anything, you can only find out the locality where the desired device is currently located. To get the exact coordinates, you will need to pay 500 rubles and carry out the registration process.

In any case, as soon as the phone is gone, you need to take care of the complete safety of all confidential information entered into its database. The best option would be to use a lock or complete removal all required data.

How to find a stolen Android smartphone via satellite?

If the smartphone is turned off, if the default settings have been reset, it will not be possible to find the device. The search is carried out through the following sequence of actions:

  1. You are taken to the Remote Control page.
  2. In the list presented to your attention, you can choose your device, which is important if there are several of them.
  3. Next to the selected option, you need to activate the icon with the inscription Determine the location.
  4. After a few minutes, you can see a marker on the map and information regarding the time of the last network connection.

If the GPS option is connected to the phone, you can get the most accurate location of the phone via satellite. If the function is disabled, you can find out the approximate address - street and house.

If there is no signal to find the smartphone, you will need to use other options for finding - dialing, sending special message to your phone, which will be displayed on the lock screen. The second option is more effective. This is the best opportunity for the new owner to call the owner. If the finder has a desire to return the phone, he will definitely use this opportunity.

Where to go if you can't find it?

If all attempts to find a Samsung smartphone have led nowhere, if there is a chance to find a thief in hot pursuit, revealing the fact of a crime, you need to contact the police for help. There is no need to be afraid of informing police officers about any suspicions about a missing device. If this is not a fake call, there will be no problems. The duty officer is obliged to record the appeal on the committed crime, regardless of the factor, whether it is subject to investigation or not.

When contacting the police station and wanting to voice suspicions, you need to be careful. If an error appears and, as a result of the investigation, it turns out that the person is completely innocent, the applicant may be prescribed certain penalties. Before applying, you should try to return it to your phone number.

The time period for filing a claim for a lost android is usually set by generally accepted standard rules. The statute of limitations for the crime is three years. Calculation is carried out from the date of the theft.

How long can it take since the phone was stolen?

If a person has lost his belongings and his personal phone and computer, the time limit established by law is automatically started. The best option would be to carry out the filing of a theft report at the police station. If there is complete confidence that the communication medium has been stolen, timing will make a huge difference. Any intruder can be quickly found on the tablet in hot pursuit and completely free.

If there is no hope of returning the device, it is worth reducing possible losses associated with personal data leakage. To remove such information, you will need to activate the Clear button located in the section on remote control... After clicking on it, the device will be reset via the Internet, it will acquire the standard factory settings and at the same time destroy all information about the owner.

Summing up

Tracking a lost device via gps is easy. It is worth taking care of the complete safety of personal information and the iPhone itself in advance. After an accidental loss, theft, the user can install additional applications of a different plan, use the built-in tools. You can find a program that with its functionality will allow you to quickly find a loss that works on an android and without spending money. It doesn't matter if it's on or off.

Unfortunately, anything of value can become the target of thieves. Mobile phones are no exception, which are very often stolen. Fraudsters are waiting for us everywhere and it is worth distracting for a while, as they immediately commit their act. No one is immune from this, and theft of mobile phones is very common. Faced with such an unpleasant situation, most people are not ready to put up with what happened and leave their gadget to a thief. Many are trying to find out how to find a stolen phone and whether it is possible to do it.

Unfortunately, no one can give you a 100% guarantee that you will be able to find your missing phone. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon for users to return stolen devices by taking appropriate measures in a timely manner. The editors of the site found out how to find a stolen phone and in what cases it is really possible. It is this information that we will share with you in this article.

How to find a stolen phone - 3 ways

It should be said right away that it is not possible to find the missing phone in all cases and much depends on various factors. For example, the task is much easier for those who even before the theft took care of installing special software on their phone. If you have not done this, other solutions are possible, but they will not always be effective. In this article, we will not mention such a banal way as contacting the police. We all understand perfectly well that no one will use the special services to help you find your phone, so you should not rely on police officers, they have enough other "important" things to do. Ultimately, you have to rely only on yourself. It should also be said that we will not talk about various paid methodswhich are now offered on many sites. Unfortunately, in most cases, this is a cheat, designed to cash in on your trouble.

How to find a stolen iPhone

If your iPhone has been stolen, you can try to find it using your iCloud account ... Sign in to your account and click Find iPhone. After that, a list of iOS devices registered to your name will appear on the monitor. Please select desired device (if there are more than one) and look for Find My iPhone. Activate it and if the stolen phone is turned on, you will see the location of your iPhone. Find the Information section on the location panel. Opening it, you can remotely control your phone, including blocking it. In this way you can. The service provides fairly accurate information about the location of the device. How to dispose of the information received is up to you. It is wiser to provide this information to the police than to try to return the phone yourself.

How to find stolen Android

If you are looking for a phone that works in the operating room android systemthen use the Plan B application... In general, there are many applications that allow you to find a stolen phone, but their main drawback is that they all require preliminary installation. That is, if you did not take care of installing them before the theft, then there will be no sense from them. However, Plan B is just an exception to the rule and, unlike other similar applications, this program does not require preliminary installation, that is, it can be installed on the phone after it has been lost.

How to find a stolen phone using this program? In fact, everything is simple. Open Android Market and sign in to your account. Search here for the Plan B app. When the program is found, install it on the stolen phone remotely through your account. It is worth noting that this is not always possible, but if you can still install and run the application, then to your mail gmail inbox a letter will come with the coordinates of the location of the phone.

Is it possible to search for a phone by IMEI?

Many users try to find their stolen phone by IMEI. For those who do not know, this is an individual number that each phone has. Unfortunately, an ordinary person is unlikely to be able to find a missing phone using IMEI... This requires serious resources that are available only to special services. In some countries, you can enter IMEI into a special database, after which the device is blocked, we have not yet invented this.

There are many services on the Internet that promise to provide information on the exact location of the phone by IMEI. Of course, this service is not provided free of charge, and there are no guarantees that you will actually get the promised result.

This concludes this article. Now you know how to find a stolen phone. As you can see, there are few options and often you have to come to terms with the loss. This is the reality and there is nothing you can do about it. Be careful and try to prevent your belongings from being stolen.

Trying to find mobile phone the owners of lost pipes try to use as many search tools as possible. But some methods do not give any results. Let's see if it is possible to find a phone by IMEI via satellite for free and whether such technologies exist at all.

IMEI is a unique identification number for a mobile phone. It consists of 15 digits and does not change when the number is changed. IMEI is stitched in the phone's memory and stored there forever, so changing it is very problematic. In some countries, this process is criminalized, which is why you do not need to experiment with changing this number. IMEI is tied directly to the telephone set. It is transmitted to the cellular network as one of the equipment identifiers.

If the device has support for two SIM-cards, then there will be two IMEI numbers, not one. This way, the cellular networks keep track of the IMEI and phone number match. All this allows you to remotely lock equipment and track down lost or stolen phones (at least in theory).

In order to find out the IMEI of your mobile phone, look under the battery or dial the command * # 06 #. It is also indicated in the warranty card and on the packaging.

How to find a phone by IMEI

The search for a phone by IMEI is as follows:

  • A request is made to law enforcement agencies (documents are also provided to the phone there);
  • Law enforcement agencies submit requests mobile operators (together with IMEI);
  • Cellular operators are looking for the device in their bases and find out who owns the SIM card that is installed in this device;
  • The received data is sent to law enforcement agencies for further investigation.

Thus, you can find a phone by IMEI, but satellites have absolutely nothing to do with it, since cellular communication has nothing to do with satellites.

What will law enforcement officers do after receiving a response from the operator? They will find out who owns the SIM card and find who is using the phone at the moment. It is possible to find a stolen phone by IMEI, but the police usually do not deal with this. The exception is complex cases when the police are interested in solving the case and catching the offender. In other cases, no one is looking for stolen phones, although technical capability everything is just like that.

Moreover, operators are able to block lost phones at their own level, depriving them of the opportunity to register in their networks (in practice, this opportunity is practically not used).

Is it possible to find a phone by IMEI if it is just lost? Neither the police nor the mobile operator will do this. Searching is laborious, and the police are not a lost property office. Therefore, you will have to deal with the search for the lost phone yourself, without relying on anyone's help.

Looking for a phone on our own

Have your phone stolen and you want to find it by IMEI online? We dare to assure you that this is practically impossible. There are simply no services on the network that could show the position of the phone by its IMEI. The only way out is to use special tracking services that allow you to track smartphones by reading their approximate coordinates and transmitting them via the Internet. All other services are nothing more than fantasy.

Recently, services have begun to appear on the Internet that allow you to find out if a phone is listed with one or another IMEI missing. That is, people register their phones in these services, after which they have additional chances of finding phones in case of their loss. Naturally, there is no question of tracking phones here - these services are purely informational. And they are not widely used, so the chances of finding a lost pipe with their help are still small.

Searching for a phone by IMEI via satellite is nothing more than a picture from a fantastic movie. Therefore, one cannot count on the availability of such services in real life.

Owners of smartphones on Android can find a lost device via the Internet using the "Find My Phone" service. Search is only possible when the Find Device function is active. It is included in the menu "Settings - Security and location - Find device" or "Google - Security". Turn on the function - this will enable you to search when you lose the handset.

To find your phone, follow these steps:

  • Go to this page;
  • Select the device you are looking for in the list;
  • Enter your account password;
  • On the next page, click the "Find" button.

A page with a map will open, which will indicate the approximate location of the phone.

Additional service functions:

  • Remote call activation - the phone will start ringing even if it is in silent mode;
  • Device lock - the smartphone is locked, and you can display a message with your contact information on its screen;
  • Remote device wipe - use this function if your smartphone contains sensitive data or high value commercial materials.

Please note that IMEI is not used here - you only need to search for google account... The disadvantage of this method is that the phone must be turned on and connected to the Internet.

Apple's smartphones are tracked in a similar way - to find your lost iPhone, use the Find iPhone function. Enter Apple ID and password, device location will be shown on the map. By analogy with Android smartphones, you must first enable the Find iPhone function in the device settings.

Find phone via satellite - applications

It is impossible to find an arbitrary phone via satellite and IMEI. But if you prepare your phone for a possible loss, then this is more than real. This is done using apps that track smartphones via GPS. This functionality is possessed by the application "Tracking by phone number" from the developer Family Locator Inc. Tracking is free, the application does not need superuser rights.

There are many other programs that allow you to find your phone via satellite. Some of them require superuser (root) rights, but have advanced functionality - they work in the background, without revealing their presence, they are able to track the change of SIM cards, and can be controlled via SMS (without the Internet).

True, in that situation, if the mobile was supposedly stolen, you tried to call your number, and it is turned off, then it will be very difficult to find it - until the phone is turned on. Unfortunately, the time period that will be spent on searches can be either a couple of days or weeks, or several months. Therefore, decide for yourself - do you really need it. For example, if your mobile phone is already more than two or three years old, then your wasted energy and free time will be practically wasted. It will be easier to simply buy a new cell phone. Note also that most often after the theft occurs, the phone is immediately reflashed (reset, formatted), the SIM card is thrown away. If the phone is "reset", you will no longer be able to return contact data, photos, SMS, videos and the like. Therefore, think again if the game is worth the candle.

What to do if your smartphone is stolen?

If, nevertheless, your stolen phone is of great value to you, and you decided to return it by all means, then even before going to the police, perform a few simple steps:

1) block your sim card. This is especially important if you have a large amount in your account, or you use a credit form of payment. In order to do this, you will need to contact the customer support service of your telecom operator. You will be asked to name the passport data under the contract;

2) if the amount on your account is not so large, then you still need to block the SIM card so that it is not used for personal gain. At the same time, request a printout of calls from your mobile, this will significantly increase the likelihood of how to find the phone if it is stolen and it is turned off. It will also greatly facilitate the work of the police;

3) a similar method, rather, from the realm of fantasy, but still worth a try - suddenly your phone was not stolen, but found. Therefore, just in case, try to get through to your number. If they still pick up the phone, calmly talk to the person, ask how he got your phone, and let him know that if the phone is returned, you will not contact the police. If your phone is so dear to you, promise a reward. Sometimes you can really negotiate and not look for other ways to find the phone if it was stolen;

4) if your iPhone was stolen, then you can try using special applications that find the phone (for example, iCloud). Some Twitter and Google apps use geolocation, so you can record all the data that comes from a particular location. They may be useful to you a little later;

5) just in case, change all passwords for programs, social networks and the services that you used from your mobile;

6) additionally try to personally search for your mobile on various sites and in newspapers where advertisements for the sale of communications are advertised. There is a possibility that scammers will try to get rid of your mobile in this way;

7) In addition, submit your own ad for your phone model. Try to make your ad stand out from others in some way. Perhaps this way you can literally catch the thief by the hand;

8) since there is a function of welcome messages on any type of phone, write the number of your friend (parent, relative) and the amount of the reward as this message. In this case, maybe the person who stole will be interested in your offer and you will be able to agree with him;

9) if you were in a place where there is a large crowd of people before the loss was discovered, try to go back there and inquire about the phone. Quite rarely, it does not happen that someone found your phone and took it to the sellers (if you were in the store), or to the duty officer (at the stations). Do not miss this possibility, because, perhaps, people simply do not know how to use this or that phone to call the owner, but they are certainly ready to return it to you. Do not ignore this even if the last time the phone was in your line of sight, it was almost dead. After all, maybe someone found your phone, but simply cannot contact you, because he has completely sat down;

10) there is another way to find a phone if it was stolen - by imei. It represents a unique serial number any phone that supports the GSM format. This number is transmitted by the phone automatically when connected to any network operator. This serial number is located on the box in which the purchased phone was located - under the barcode. Get the purchase documents as well - they may be useful to you - with the addition in the form of a check, the fact that the phone belongs to you will be confirmed.

Further actions

After you perform these simple manipulations, contact the police directly. There you will need to draw up a statement on the fact of theft (or loss). The application form is not particularly regulated. It is necessary to indicate your personal data (full name), address, phone number and signature. After your application is accepted at the duty station, you will receive a notification coupon with the application number and the name of the police officer who accepted your application. You can find out about what will happen to your case, about the timing of its consideration and progress either in the duty department or in the registration groups of the internal affairs. Then, based on how busy the police officers who have accepted your application will be, your mobile will be searched using telecom operators. The search will be carried out as follows: all SIM cards that were inserted into the mobile phone after the fact of theft will be determined, and the person who put their SIM card in the phone stolen from you will be "processed". Starting with the definition of such a person, the likelihood of finding and returning your phone will increase many times over.

Safety precautions

In order to reduce the possibility of stealing your phone to a minimum, try to protect yourself. In addition, even before the event of a possible theft, simplify the task of getting your phone back (just in case):

1) try to carry your phone on some kind of mount - this will increase the likelihood that even if someone tries to pull out your phone, you will notice it;

2) install a special security code on your mobile - this aspect will greatly complicate the use of a "someone else's" SIM card and even lower the price of buyers of such a product - after all, such a phone will require unlocking;

3) a banal warning, but still worth mentioning - do not let strangers use their mobile;

4) try not to carry the phone in purses and bags, because they can be easily cut or simply torn out of your hands;

5) install special programsaimed at maximum theft prevention. For example, some of these programs: Guardian, SimWatcher, Thefft, PhoneSecure and the like can be installed for completely different phones: for communicators, and for PDAs, and for smartphones, and for standard mobile phones. If you wish, you can install them in almost any GSM service. With the presence of such programs, even if your phone is stolen, you can significantly protect yourself. If another SIM card is inserted into your phone, then this type of program will send SMS messages to the numbers you personally indicated. So you can find out the number of the thief or the person who found your phone. Also, programs can completely block the work of the mobile;

6) save your contact list elsewhere as well. After all, even if your mobile is lost, all important numbers will be safe;

7) if your mobile phone is very expensive, then you can insure it. Then in case of loss or theft, you will receive compulsory compensation;

8) Always keep all documents, receipts and phone box.

Theft of a mobile phone is an unpleasant situation from which no one is immune. But it can be found by doing presetting devices. In this review, we'll show you how to find a stolen phone and prepare it for possible loss.

Finding a smartphone is easier than finding a simple mobile phone - there is a means of protection here. It will require prior activation. Otherwise, it is impossible to find the stolen device. Next, we will talk about working and non-working search methods.

How to find a phone by number

Of some special servicesthat allows you to instantly find a phone by number does not exist. If they are, then they are fraudulent - cellular operators do not simply give out location data. As for the operator's geolocation services, they work only upon obtaining consent to search. Here is a list of services from Russian operators:

  • "Geopoisk" from Tele2;
  • Locator from MTS;
  • "Locator" and "Where am I" from MegaFon;
  • "Beeline coordinates" from Beeline.

The "Where am I" service from MegaFon allows you to track even your own coordinates, but for this you need to hold the phone in your hands - this is not suitable for our case.

If you use two handsets, set up mutual search through one of the services. Disadvantages - subscription fee, low accuracy in determining the coordinates. Advantages - work without the Internet.

How to find a phone by IMEI

Tracking the location of a mobile phone by IMEI is a fantasy. There are no open services with such functionality. Such a search is used only by law enforcement agencies, making requests to mobile operators - we will talk about this later. If someone offers to find a stolen smartphone by IMEI, then this is a scam. This method doesn't work.

The correct name for this service is "Phone search". It searches for lost and stolen smartphones over the Internet, locating them on a map. To find a mobile phone in the future, set it up immediately after purchase:

  • Enter or register a Google account.
  • Go to security settings, select "Find device".
  • Click the Enabled radio button.

Done - now you can find your stolen or lost phone.

The search is performed on this page. Log in and select the device you are looking for on the home page.

Enter the password again, on the page that opens, click the "Find" link.

After a few seconds, a piece of the map will appear on the screen showing the location of the device with an accuracy of the house.

Go to the specified address or inform the police for a joint search with law enforcement officers.

Additional features of the service:

  • Call - press the "Call" button, a call is activated on the phone, allowing you to give out the location of the handset in a crowd of people.
  • Blocking the device - the phone will turn into a useless "brick" that does not react to the actions of an intruder.
  • Device Cleanup - Remove all confidential or sensitive data.

All actions are carried out when the phone is on and active connection to the internet. Don't forget to enable location detection in your navigation settings.

If the value of the stored data is higher than the value of the gadget, it is recommended to immediately activate device wipe. Use a backup to preserve valuable data.

We block the device

Blocking of a stolen phone is carried out through the above service. Log in, select a device, click "Lock your phone". Specify in the lock settings the message displayed on the screen of the locked device. The number for feedback with the owner. Also provide the unlock password. Click the "Block" button - all further actions with the device will become impossible.

Police report

The above service works over the Internet. If it is disabled, you will not be able to lock or clear the phone. The attacker will perform a master reset and will be able to use the pipe as if nothing had happened. The way out of the situation is to contact the police. This requires the owner's passport, a phone box, and a store receipt. IMEI codes are indicated on the box and the check - they are needed by the police to send a request to operators.

After a while, the operators will return an answer - it indicates whose SIM card is installed in the smartphone at the moment. It is this person (even if he is innocent) who will be responsible before the law. The stolen device will be returned to its rightful owner. Please note that the police can find not only a smartphone, but also a simple phone.

The police do not like using stolen mobile phones, although they have all the tools to find stolen pipes.


The first measure - do not leave the phone in plain sight in public places (for example, in a cafe). Keep it in your pockets or in a zipped bag. The second measure - set up a search through your Google account, hold mobile Internet switched on, battery charged. The analogue of this service is mobile eSET antivirus NOD32 with Anti-theft function.