How to start the program explorer. How to open an FTP file. Most commonly used command line commands

It so happens that Conductor Windows is slow, thereby interfering with normal operation. Most users start to restart their PC, thus solving the problem with the situation that has arisen. Someone even starts cleaning the computer from temporary files, checking drivers for updates, clearing the cache and much more. Of course, in most cases, many such actions are relevant, and sometimes it is not worth doing at all. But what if you don't have enough time explorer freezes and it is necessary to somehow solve the problem ?!

Windows explorer

A little about what it is. Simply put, this is a program that starts with the OS, offering us convenient (graphical) navigation to documents and folders of the operating system. Now it is already an unshakable part and foundation of Windows.

Earlier (eg in XP) this application was not so relevant, and to start it was necessary to enter the "Start" -\u003e "All Programs" -\u003e "Accessories". And already starting from 7ki, it flaunts with dignity on the taskbar and many users can no longer imagine their usual work at the computer without it.

Here's to more early versions OS, say 98, I do not remember. Maybe some of the readers remember ?! Please unsubscribe.

Well, we're a little off topic ...

How to restart File Explorer in Windows 7

You need to create a file. Using the hotkeys + R, enter the notepad command and click OK. Or make it easier, create text document on your desktop. In the opened notepad window, type the following (see the screenshot below).

And now, when Explorer slows down, just run this batch file (like a regular program with two clicks of the mouse). During the start, shortcuts from the desktop may disappear for a while.

That's all. Write all your questions about this article in the comments, I will definitely answer.

A Windows program called Explorer is the most common file manager, however, possessing quite interesting features that few people know or guess about. Basically, the question of how to start "Explorer" has an answer that the vast majority of users imagine. But for some reason, many people use the most primitive methods for this, which often look very awkward.

How do I start File Explorer in the standard way on different systems?

As a rule, users who are new to Windows OS follow the standard instructions. In their understanding, the question of how to start "Explorer" is reduced to finding the appropriate application in the main "Start" menu.

But unnecessary actions. You need to click on the start button, find the program section in the menu, select standard applications (or another section, depending on the OS modification) and only then click on the name of the application being launched. Agree, it takes a lot of time.

Alternative launch as a means of simplifying work

Unfortunately, many simply do not realize that when you click on the "Start" button, you can simply change the button from left to right. An additional menu will appear, in which you will immediately see desired program... But this method, in the opinion of many, is quite inconvenient.

The same long method can be called using the "Run" console, in which the command for calling explorer is written. You can also use the search bar of the main menu, in which you need to enter the name of the program (in our case, this is "Explorer" without quotes).

But how to start "Explorer" most fast way? To do this, any Windows system provides a special combination + E (in the Russian layout - the letter "U"). In this case, the program is called regardless of which language or which keyboard layout is used in the system at the moment. This method can be called the most convenient, even for those cases when the application itself, for some reason, crashed.

How do I launch File Explorer in Task Manager?

Another method of starting the program is to use standard tool tracking and managing all processes, called "Task Manager". Launching "Explorer" through the "Dispatcher" is quite simple.

To do this, in systems below the tenth modification, the process menu is used, where you need to create a new task, and write explorer in the program launch line, as was done in the Run console. In Windows 10, you can start the File Explorer task directly from file menuwhere you select to create a new task.

Restarting the program if it crashed

Unfortunately, Explorer and its associated Explorer.exe service have a tendency to terminate unexpectedly if any software failure occurs. The service itself and the executable should not be confused, even though they are called by the same command.

If a service suddenly stops working, you can use several methods to restart it. In the very simple version the question of how to start "Explorer", and with it the general process of the system again, is to use the combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc on the keyboard. It calls the standard "Task Manager", in which you need to repeat the steps described above.

In the same way, you can use a quick call to the "Run" console through the combination Win + R, and then enter the English name of the process.

If you first need to call the main menu "Start", you need to press Ctrl + Esc and the arrow to the right. In the same menu, with the Ctrl + Shift keys held down, you can use the shutdown item or right-click on the free area of \u200b\u200bthe "Taskbar", and from the section that appears, select the exit line from the "Explorer", and then restart the service through the "Task Manager" or the console Execute as shown above.


As you can see from the above material, you can call the standard "Explorer" or restart the Explorer system service using a fairly large number of methods. But some of them are not always justified. What advice can you give to the average user? It seems that the simplest and fastest method is to use the Win + E keys. The rest of the solutions are best left for those cases when a program or service for some reason refuses to function normally and quits urgently.

Which method to use for restarting, everyone decides for himself. But the best options are to call the console "Run" or "Task Manager". The second option looks more preferable, since here you can simultaneously manage other processes, as well as forcibly terminate those that freeze or cause errors in the system related specifically to the Explorer.exe service.

Command line is the most versatile and fastest-performing tool for performing various tasks, as well as computer maintenance.

What is the command line and how do I call it?

The command line is an independent, separate software product, the purpose of which is to provide direct communication between the user on the one hand and the operating system on the other. Using a text-based user interface, the program provides an environment that allows applications to run as well as utilitiesusing a text interface. The command shell executes programs and then displays the result on your screen.

For team windows strings the command interpreter Cmd.exe is used, with which applications are loaded, as well as the direction of data flow between these applications, which helps translate the command you entered into a form that is understandable for the system. The "command line" console is available in all windows versions... The main difference when working with the command line is the absence of bulky and large graphical utilities.

The command line is invoked in several ways

Let's list them:

  1. Button " Start", Then select" Execute". In the new window that appears, enter “ cmd ". Click " OK". The opened window is the window command line.
  2. Button " Start", Choose" All programs", Then the folder" Standard", It has a menu" Command line».
  3. It is also possible to run the command line using the file manager. To do this, run file manager program, there we find desired directory and invoke cmd.exe using your manager's command console.
  4. Press the keyboard shortcut Win + R to open the window " Execute", And then as usual" cmd ".
  5. It is possible to run the command line through conductor... To do this, just enter the address where the command line is located on your computer: C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ cmd.exe.

Most commonly used command line commands

Below is a list of commands and keys for the command line, which will help you as a confident user of a personal computer.

calc - by typing this command, you can start the calculator.

chkdsk is a command that starts a disk check. In order to correct all errors during the check, this command must be typed with the / f suffix. For example, chkdsk d: / f - where d: is the name of the section being checked. In the case when introduced chkdsk command d: / r, then the console will check for correcting errors on the specified disk, as well as search for bad sectors and restore them along with their contents. Do not forget that using this program, the running process can take a lot of time.

convert - transforms file system from FAT32 or FAT to NFTS without formatting the volume. That is, the conversion to the NFTS system is carried out without losing the existing data. For example: convert e: / fs: ntfs.

compmgmt - opens the "Computer Management" console. This will give you the opportunity to use Disk Management, Device Manager, as well as the management of the program "Task Scheduler" and more.

control - opens the "Control Panel" window.

control admintools - opens the "Administration" window, which makes it very convenient and flexible to change system configurations.

diskpart - will allow displaying section properties. Use diskpart /? To change properties.

explorer - a command that will start the explorer. It is possible that you will have to enter this command in the Run window. This is done when the conductor is restarted. To implement the launch of the explorer through the window "Run", you need to enter explorer.exe.

fsmgmt - launching the "Shared folders" management console.

format - a command that launches the process of formatting the disk. Attention, when formatting a disk, all data on it will be deleted.

ipconfig - configures the IP protocol for the Windows operating system. In order to find out all the parameters of this command, you need to type ipconfig / ?.

msconfig - launches the system settings window, where you can manage the startup settings for applications and services, as well as change the parameters for loading Windows.

notepad - launching notepad.

osk - launch the on-screen keyboard.

Move, open, rename, delete. The Explorer program is also called the file manager.

How to start Windows Explorer

There are several ways to launch File Explorer. Let's consider them using the example of the most common Windows 7 system at the time of publication of this material.

  1. Launching explorer using on. To start the program, you just need to left-click on its shortcut located on the taskbar.
  2. Launching Explorer using the " Start". To run the program you need to click right click mouse on the button " Start", In the menu that appears, select the item" Open File Explorer».
  3. Launching explorer with "". To start the program, you need to call the main menu by clicking the left mouse button on the button " Start", Select the menu item" All programs", In which select the folder" Standard". In folder " Standard»Find the explorer shortcut and start it by clicking the left mouse button.
  4. Most quick start explorer using "hot keys". Hot keys are defined as a combination of buttons on the keyboard, pressing which leads to a particular action. To launch Explorer, press the " WIN"And, without releasing it, press the" E».
  5. Launching explorer using the search bar. To run the program, call " Main menu"By clicking the left mouse button on the button" Start". Type in the search box the word " explorer"(Omit the quotes), an explorer shortcut will appear in the search result field, clicking on which will launch the program.

How to restart Windows Explorer

Sometimes it happens that, as a result of some error, Explorer spontaneously stops working. In computer jargon, this sounds like "crashed", "shut down" or "crashed." A symptom of an emergency termination of the explorer is the absence of shortcuts and the disappearance of the taskbar. Therefore, if you do not find the icons and the taskbar in the usual place, you do not need to panic, but you should simply restart the explorer. To do this, by simultaneously pressing the " Ctrl + Shift + Esc", Run the program" Task Manager". In the window that opens, select the item " File", And in the submenu that opens, select the sub-item" New challenge ».

In the window that opens, enter in the input field “ explorer.exe"(Without quotes) and press the" Enter”, After which Explorer will be restarted.


It so happens that Explorer in windows 7 is impudently frozen. A similar thing sometimes happens with the desktop - for example, the program icons are displayed somehow strangely, or the mouse cursor decided that it is very independent. In this case, you can try to restart the explorer or the desktop.

This can be done in several ways, through the keyboard or the task manager. Each of these examples will do the main thing: restart the explorer.exe process in windows 7.

Restarting Explorer: keyboard

  • Use a keyboard shortcut.
  • Press the right arrow key on your keyboard.
  • Press the key combination either.
  • Now click the down arrow, select Exit File Explorer and press the key.
  • Now press one after the other (not simultaneously): key, down arrow key, key.
  • It remains to enter the explorer command and press the key.

Restarting Explorer: partly through the Task Manager

  • Go to the Start Menu.
  • Press the key combination, then right-click the Shut down button.
  • A menu will open, in which select the Exit Explorer command.
  • Now press the key combination.
  • Select File\u003e New Task.
  • Enter the explorer command and click the OK button.

Restarting Explorer: completely through the Task Manager

  • Open Task Manager (press the keyboard shortcut).
  • Select the Processes tab.
  • Right-click on the explorer.exe process and select End Process. Repeat these steps for all instances of this process (if there are more than one).
  • Choose File\u003e New Task (Run), type explorer and press the key.

How to disable and start explorer in windows, restart the explorer.exe process

Explorer in windows is almost a complete system interface, it includes running windows, open folders, desktop and so on. File Explorer is a explorer.exe process that may freeze or malfunction and require a restart. Most often, users do this by completely rebooting the computer, but you can only reboot Explorer, which is much faster and just as easy. In this case, a reboot of the explorer may also be necessary, for example, to activate the changes made to the system registry and in some other cases.

How to restart explorer in windows

There are several ways to reboot Windows Explorer windows system... The simplest of them, which is available on any version of the operating system, is the deactivation of the explorer.exe process through the "Task Manager". This is done as follows:

There are also other ways to restart Explorer in windows:

It is worth noting that in some cases, after the explorer finishes, it starts automatically, and its forced activation through the task manager is not required. But if after performing the above steps, the explorer is disabled and does not turn on by itself, below in question about how to start it.

How to start explorer in windows

At the end of the explorer process, all system elements disappear, while the user still has the opportunity to use various windows utilities, including the "Task Manager". Through it, you can start the explorer as follows:

If the explorer in the system does not start after booting the computer, and attempts to start it in the way described above by creating a new task lead to errors, you can try the following:

  1. Start a new task through the "Task Manager" - rstrui.exe;
  2. Also try running the command line through the Task Manager by activating the cmd.exe task. When the command line is launched, check the integrity system files operating system windows, for this you need to enter sfc / scannow at the command line.

If the above tips didn't help launch windows explorer, you can try restoring your computer to the last checkpoint or resetting the operating system, but this will require bootable USB drive or disk.

How to Start Explorer and Restart the Explorer.exe Service on Crashes: A Few Basic Methods

The windows program, called "Explorer", is the most common file manager, although it has quite interesting features that few people know or guess about. Basically, the question of how to start Explorer has an answer that the vast majority of users imagine. But for some reason, many people use the most primitive methods for this, which often look very awkward.

How do I start File Explorer in the standard way on different systems?

As a rule, users who are new to windows OS follow the standard instructions. In their understanding, the question of how to start "Explorer" is reduced to finding the appropriate application in the main "Start" menu.

But this is a lot of unnecessary actions. You need to click on the start button, find the program section in the menu, select standard applications (or another section, depending on the OS modification) and only then click on the name of the application being launched. Agree, it takes a lot of time.

Alternative launch as a means of simplifying work

Unfortunately, many simply do not realize that when you click on the "Start" button, you can simply change the button from left to right. An additional menu will appear, in which the desired program will be immediately visible. But this method, in the opinion of many, is quite inconvenient.

The same long method can be called using the "Run" console, in which the command for calling explorer is written. You can also use the search bar of the main menu, in which you need to enter the name of the program (in our case, this is "Explorer" without quotes).

But what's the fastest way to start File Explorer? To do this, any windows system provides a special key combination Win + E (in the Russian layout - letter "U"). In this case, the program is called regardless of which language or which keyboard layout is used in the system at the moment. This method can be called the most convenient, and even for those cases when the application itself for some reason crashed.

How do I launch File Explorer in Task Manager?

Another method of starting the program is to use a standard tool for tracking and managing all processes, called the "Task Manager". Launching "Explorer" through the "Dispatcher" is quite simple.

To do this, in systems below the tenth modification, the process menu is used, where you need to create a new task, and write explorer in the program start line, as was done in the Run console. In windows 10, you can start the "Explorer" task directly from the file menu, where you choose to create a new task.

Restarting the program if it crashed

Unfortunately, Explorer and its associated Explorer.exe service have a tendency to terminate unexpectedly if any software failure occurs. The file manager itself and the executable service should not be confused, although they are called by the same command.

If a service suddenly stops working, you can use several methods to restart it. In the simplest version, the question of how to start "Explorer", and with it the general process of the system again, is to use the combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc on the keyboard. It calls the standard "Task Manager", in which you need to repeat the steps described above.

In the same way, you can use a quick call to the "Run" console through the combination Win + R, and then enter the English name of the process.

If you first need to call the main menu "Start", you need to press Ctrl + Esc and the arrow to the right. In the same menu, with the Ctrl + Shift keys held down, you can use the shutdown item or right-click on the free area of \u200b\u200bthe "Taskbar", and from the section that appears, select the exit line from the "Explorer", and then restart the service through the "Task Manager" or the console Execute as shown above.


As you can see from the above material, you can call the standard "Explorer" or restart the Explorer system service using a fairly large number of methods. But some of them are not always justified. What advice can you give to the average user? It seems that the simplest and fastest method is to use the Win + E keys. The rest of the solutions are best left for those cases when a program or service for some reason refuses to function normally and quits urgently.

Which method to use for restarting, everyone decides for himself. But the best options are to call the console "Run" or "Task Manager". The second option looks more preferable, since here you can simultaneously manage other processes, as well as forcibly terminate those that freeze or cause errors in the system related specifically to the Explorer.exe service.

How to restart explorer.exe on windows

System application Explorer.exe or in the Russian version - explorer - in fact, the main element in user interface of all operating systems from Microsoft, ending with latest version - windows 10. It connects between the window interface, file manager, taskbar, start button and a number of other computer management tools. Due to its role, this executable is constantly exposed to virus attacks and attempts to change from various application programs... This is one of the reasons why the explorer starts to glitch. Another reason appears after a couple of years using windows without periodically cleaning the registry, coupled with installing a bunch of different games and applications. You are reluctant to reinstall the system or there is no time, but you need to work somehow. So sometimes there are situations when you need to restart explorer.exe explorer without restarting your computer. There are three easy ways to do this.

Method 1. We call the Windows Task Manager using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc, expand it full version by clicking on the button "Details" and on the first tab "Processes" we find the line "Explorer". In the English version - Explorer.

We click on it with the right mouse button and in the menu that appears, select the "Restart" item.

Method 2. Clamp on the computer keyboard ctrl keys plus Shift and right-click on the taskbar. In the menu that appears, select the "Exit Explorer" item.

After that, the entire Windows interface will disappear, as will the taskbar with the start button. Press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc in order to open the Task Manager. In the "File" menu, select the "Run new task" item.

The Create Job window will appear.

In it you need to enter the command: "Explorer" and click on the "OK" button. This will start the windows explorer again.

Method 3. Run the command line with Administrator rights and enter the command first:

Taskkill / F / IM explorer.exe

This will forcefully terminate the process. Now to start it again:

Start explorer.exe

If you often have to restart the explorer, then you can make a special executable bat-file for this. This is done simply. On the desktop, create text file with the following content:

Save the file and then change the extension from .txt to .bat.

Now if you start it for execution, it will reboot the Explorer.exe process.

Note: If necessary, you can create a rule for the scheduler and it will restart Windows Explorer at the time specified in the task.

How to open File Explorer in windows 10?

There is hardly such a computer owner under windows controlthat doesn't use File Explorer. This article will show you how to open File Explorer in windows 10 in a few simple ways.

1. Opening "Explorer" by the keyboard shortcut Win + E

Using the keyboard, you can quickly launch File Explorer. You just need to press the + keys and "Explorer" will be before your eyes.

2. Launch "Explorer" using the shortcut on the taskbar

By default, in windows 10, the "Explorer" shortcut is pinned to the taskbar. If it was not removed from it earlier, then it can be seen, it looks like a folder. Clicking on the icon will quickly open it.

3. Search for "File Explorer" in windows 10

There is a magnifying glass icon on the windows 10 taskbar that opens search. By clicking on it, a search window will open, in which you need to write "Explorer". When the search results appear, you need to select the inscription in them.

4. How to open "Explorer" from the WinX menu?

The menu can be opened by pressing the + key combination on the keyboard. While this is not the only way to open the WinX menu, it is probably the easiest.

Through this menu, you can launch "Explorer" by clicking on the link of the same name.

5. Using the Start Menu to Launch File Explorer

After opening the "Start" menu, in its left side you can find the "Explorer" folder, clicking implies its launch. Read about how to add folders to the Start menu.

6. Run explorer.exe

The executable file for launching "Explorer" is explorer.exe. It is located at the root windows folders, almost at the very bottom.

7. Launch "Explorer" through the command line, "PowerShell" and the "Run" window.

In order to open "Explorer", you need to enter the explorer command in any of the applications. For example, the Run window opens when you press the + key combination on your keyboard.

Read: Ways to run Command Prompt in windows 10.

8. New task explorer via "Task Manager"

One way to use Task Manager is to open File Explorer. To open Task Manager in windows 10, you can use the + + combination. After opening it, you need to click.

In the task manager, you need to select in the right upper corner and in the menu that appears.

The "Create a task" window will appear, in which, like the "Run" window, you need to enter explorer, and to confirm, press a button or key on the keyboard.

All these methods are hardly the only ones that will help in opening "Explorer" in windows 10. Perhaps, some computer users will find it more convenient to create a shortcut to "Explorer", which is also one of the ways to launch it. In addition to managing files, the Explorer function also includes launching commands through address bar windows.