View fb2 files on computer. Programs for reading e-books on a computer. How to open fb2 with FBReader

Paper books gradually moved into electronic view, and now all book lovers, instead of extensive bookshelves, acquire various files. And sooner or later the question will arise of how to open the Fb2 file, because these types of books are the most common and convenient for use.

Fb2 is the most popular e-book format. Its main advantage is that it will look invariably the same on all types of devices with any operating system and screen resolution.

From here it becomes clear that there are programs for opening Fb2 files for all platforms and devices. Moreover, there are a lot of such programs, and I will talk about some of them in this article.


One of the most popular tools for opening Fb2 file. He earned his fame due to its simplicity and lightness, as well as cross-platform. The program works smartly, and there are versions for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Blackberry and many other operating systems that run stationary and mobile devices. On the developer's website, you can download the version for the required operating system.

FBReader supports the following features:

  • creation of offline and network libraries;
  • sorting books
  • work with bookmarks;
  • work with a table of contents;
  • search function;
  • other.

ICE Book Reader

You can open the Fb2 file using the universal ICE Book Reader, which also supports a huge number of other text files. This program created exclusively for Windows, unlike those described above, but it has maximum functionality.

Some of the ICE Book Reader features include:

  • opens text files of different formats.
  • you can open the Fb2 file and enable autoscrolling.
  • work with bookmarks;
  • work with a table of contents;
  • search;
  • there are many options for customizing the program for yourself.

So, in this article I have given the most popular programs that allow you to open the Fb2 file. They have become so famous for their comfort. It is unlikely that more convenient programs will appear than those that I have described. So use.

Programs in the list: 5 | Updated: 05-11-2014 |

FictionBook format (FB2) - this open format completely XML-based. The purpose of Fb2 is to structure (format) the text of fiction books. The name itself speaks for itself (FictionBook - "Art book"). Structuring should be understood as the division of the entire text of the book into chapters, paragraphs and all other elements inherent in books. This is necessary primarily for a convenient presentation of text in various programs for reading. Initially, Fb2 was conceived precisely as an e-book format convenient for reading art publications, but practice has shown that it is quite suitable for other types. Currently, there are a very large number of books presented in fb2 format.

Tags: download programs for reading fb2 format on a computer for Windos 7/8 for free in Russian without registration

Cool Reader 3.1

Reader for e-books in such formats as FB2, EPUB. Also opens text files .TXT, RTF, html documents, CHM. Created specifically for reading fiction. There are bookmark functions, a separate window with the contents of the book, smooth scrolling, text scaling, copying, full screen mode.

FBReader 0.12

FBReader is exclusively an e-book reader for computers and various mobile devices. Opens books in ePub, fb2, mobi, html, txt, and others format. It is also possible to read directly from a ZIP, tar, gzip, bzip2 archive. There is a function for creating your own library, sorting by genre, author, etc. Supports network libraries. FBReader is very easy to use, it is absolutely not whimsical to system resources.

STDU Viewer 1.6

An excellent free viewer for text and image formats. main feature is a file viewer pDF formats, DJVU, FB2 making it versatile and convenient program both for reading e-books and other documents. There are all the necessary functions for this: scaling, the content of the book on the left, bookmarks and search in the text layer, page rotation. Also opens PSD BMP JPEG TIFF GIF PNG files text TXT... Export to text file... Selection of a piece of text and copying to the clipboard. It has a very compact size. One of the best free software.

Ice Book Reader Professional 9.1

Highly good program for reading books and any texts. Supports "skins", the so-called book backgrounds for text. Ice Book Reader helps you sort your book collection and provide fast and easy access to any book in your library. Works with formats such as FB2 and Word. Also CMH, TXT, HTML, XML, RTF, PALM books (.PDB and .PRC), PSION / EPOC (.TCR). The program includes built-in archivers, which allows you to read books from zIP archives, RAR, ARJ, LZH and HA without unpacking them.

Hello friends! It's time to talk about another book format called fb2. From the article you will find out the answer to the question of how to open fb2. Let's consider the history of its creation and use. And also let's talk about programs that work with this file format on a computer.

If you are interested in a simple book reader, then this is one question, but if you are interested in a specialized program for opening the format, then this is completely different. Once again, let me remind you of the correctness of the set of queries in the search on the computer.

Sometimes the result is such funny sentences: xtv jnrhsnm fb2, I hope you understand what I mean. So from a short introduction, let's move on to the history of the creation of this type of file, and take a closer look at our extension.

The history of the creation of the fb2 format.

Initially, this type of file was developed to store printed information in the form XML document... Its main applications are e-books and magazines. Developers Dmitry Gribov and Mikhail Matsnev tried to make a universal extension that would be supported by all programs existing at that time.

To do this, it was necessary to come up with a non-standard solution, because book readers at that time were "sharpened" only for a certain type of files.

To solve this problem, the developers came up with storing format data in the form of an XML table. Ultimately, it was a brilliant decision. All the necessary data about the book, about the text, even about the pictures are entered into the format table.

All this is stored in blocks of information, which, if necessary, is instantly displayed on any type of device. This is another trump card of the file. Due to a well-designed algorithm, it is compatible with most of the existing electronic devices. This versatility is what made it so popular.

Video tutorial

How to open fb2 format on a computer - a small selection of free programs.

Theory is good. Without it, it is difficult to perform any action. But we are not gathered here in order to find out who invented the format so necessary for the user. Our task is to open it on a computer.

And for this we need programs for a computer that will help in solving our problem. So, at the moment there are several decent utilities to open our test subject. The best of these is the fb2 reader.

This utility works ONLY with files of this type, so the developers have taken into account all the subtleties of processing this file type. Therefore, an ordinary user can only download and use it.

Which can be read on almost every computer are doc, txt or pdf. However, when reading fiction and technical literature, you often have to deal with other popular extensions. Trying to read such books for the first time, users wonder what fb2 is, what format, what program it opens. After all, this cannot be done using ordinary office applications, as well as built-in resources of Windows and other operating systems. A automatic search programs that can open books with the fb2 extension do not always give positive results.

Format advantages

The fb2 (Fiction Book) standard, created back in the 1990s, is designed to create electronic versions documents and books in which each element has its own tag (informative label). Among the features that make it different from other formats, it is worth noting:

  • ease of creating an electronic document;
  • a wide range of programs for reading literature in this format on a computer and on a mobile phone;
  • the presence of structural markup with information about the book and attachments in the form of quotes, illustrations and book covers.

Another advantage that should be addressed when answering the question, fb2 - what kind of format and what to open, is the absence of a specific appearance document. The file will be displayed as specified by the program settings for viewing it. This means that the user can customize the design of the e-book to his liking (for example, make a large font, yellow background and blue letters - this combination allows less eye strain) without changing the document itself.

Programs to work with fb2 on Windows PC

One of the first programs to answer the question, fb2 - what kind of format was free app Cool Reader. It is noteworthy that it first appeared for Android platforms, but then gained popularity on the PC. The difference between the "reader" and the rest is a simplified design and a significant number of supported formats of electronic documents.

Another simple and free program for reading - FBReader. The almost completely absent interface, consisting of several buttons, is combined with the ability to open most of the popular book formats. In addition, with this application, books can be read directly from the archive.

Allows you to answer the question, fb2 - what is the format and how to open it on the computer, and the STDU Viewer application. Among the advantages of using it:

  • opportunity simple selection and copying text to save interesting moments;
  • a system of bookmarks that do not change the document itself, but can be imported to another PC with installed program STDU Viewer;
  • the presence of a Portable version of the application, which allows you not to install it on your computer for reading books.

How to open the format on other OS?

Users of devices operated by others operating systems, can also open fb2 format. For computers with MAC OS, this opportunity is provided by the Caliber program, with which you can open e-books with almost any popular extension. Moreover, using the application, you can directly connect to online libraries like Amazon.

If the user has a question: fb2 - what is the format and how to open it on an Android phone, you should use the same Cool Reader program, which is easy to find in the store Play Market... If the functionality of the application is not enough, you can download another "reader" for "Android" - Esi Reader. With its help, you can change the display of information, save bookmarks and read almost all popular e-book formats.

For smartphones with IOS, answer the question: fb2 - what is the format and how to open it, allows total app Reader, which has about the same functionality as Cool Reader. And the owners mobile phonesrunning on Windows Mobile OS, you should pay attention to the Faction Book Reader.

Read fb2 online

Having learned fb2 - what kind of format, what programs should be used to read the books stored in it, you can view the files on the Web. In this case, there is no need to download and install any applications, however, you will need a constant Internet connection. Among the services that allow reading directly in the browser, it is worth noting the sites Magazon, ChitaiKnigi and BooksGid. Moreover, the latter option offers not only to read books in fb2 format, but also to connect to a free library.

Despite the fact that epub formats and mobi are gaining more and more popularity on mobile devices, fb2 (FictionBook) is still too early to bury. Today we will look under our microscope best programs for fb2 reading, which provide maximum comfort for the eyes and without unnecessary frills. These apps should not only open eBooks but also be perfectly customizable.

The following free applications are included in the list of mobile fb2 readers for Android:

All applications are available for download at Google play, links to them are available next to the description of each fb2 reader. So, let's start testing.

FBReader - cute fb2 reader for Android

How to open a file? FBReader is the first thing that comes to mind

Perhaps no review is complete without mentioning the free FBReader reader. If you do not know how to open the fb2 file, then this is exactly the application that first comes to mind, regardless of the platform. The point is that FBReader is available everywhere:

  • for desktop OS (Windows / Mac OS / Linux)
  • mobile phones and tablets (Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry 10)

Only iOS is missing from this list - but, of course, there are many native reader applications for reading in this mobile OS.

Besides fb2, FBreader for Android successfully opens following formats documents: ePub, azw3, Word documents, HTML, simple text documents, PDF and DjVu-books (via module). True, the last of the named ones are available after installing the plugins, which are available for free download on the application website.

Let's see why exactly the FBReader project was developed, what are the main features of the reader and why should it be used to read books on Android? Let's list the three main features of the reader (in bold).

Synchronizing books on your phone using the online library... FBReader provides cloud service for storing books. You can download fb2 books for Android for free (the link is a list of electronic libraries), calmly upload documents and books in fb2 format (they can be compressed into a zip archive) to the cloud, and then access and read them on any devices. The position (where you are in the document) will be saved. By the way, synchronization is configured in a couple of clicks, by default it is disabled.

How to open fb2 with FBReader?

In addition to your own library, you can connect additional online catalogs and bookstores. As for me, I do not use the network functions of the FBReader reader at all, I just download books from popular online libraries to my Android in fb2 format. it standard way downloading books that works with a bang.

Setting up the display of fb2 books... Besides the fact that FBReader has a pleasant user interface, pleases the ability to fine-tune the display of text in the book. In this regard, it is necessary to note the color schemes, night and day reading mode, screen brightness, changing the background of the background, text color, size of fonts and typefaces. You can upload your favorite fonts to Android in TrueType or OpenType format and specify them in the reader parameters.

Finally, the third feature of this fb2 reader for Android will appeal to those who read books on foreign languages - namely, easy connection of dictionaries for translating words in the text of books. Take the same Kindle: there you can connect an English-Russian dictionary and quickly recognize the translation of a word when it is selected. This feature is often unavailable on Android readers, but FBReader is a pleasant exception. Add dictionaries ColorDict, Fora Dictionary, to your phone, tell FBReader where to get the words from - and you can read FictionBook books and quickly translate words into Russian.

AlReader is an old fb2 reader with good functionality

AlReader is a fairly old reader for fb2, which appeared at the dawn of the heyday of mobile phones. When you open the application, there is even a feeling of nostalgia: AlReader too resembles its early versions... That is, the interface has not changed much since then. This can be treated in two ways: on the one hand, if you have already opened books in FB Reader and similar readers, then the interface of the AlReader application, most likely, you will not like. On the other hand, we advise you to evaluate the other aspects of this mobile application.

The AlReader application boasts support not only for the Fb2 format, but also for reading books in epub, mobi, doc, including from archives. You can use a local or network library to navigate the document. Actually, inside the book, you can also navigate through the sections (one of the fb2 features, by the way), create bookmarks and notes as you read. The app recognizes many gestures, which makes sense. first of all, to adjust the brightness, navigation.

The appearance and style of displaying a book on the phone screen is conveniently configurable: indents, background and font colors, headset size, flipping effects - in general, everything that can be found in any advanced e-book reader on Android.

In short, we would advise you to pay attention to the mobile reader AlReader already because it is a well-established reader among users not only of Android, but also of other mobile platforms. And the ugly shell is partly offset by skins and excellent functionality.

Moon + Reader - "moon" fb2 reader for night owls

Reading fb2 with Moon Reader

"Lunar Reader" is not much inferior to the same FBReader, it can just as well be used to read books in FB2 format not only. The list of supported book formats includes the popular mobile formats epub, txt, html, pdf, mobi, fb2 and others. Books can be packed in rar archives and zip and open them without problems on Android via Moon + Reader.

Similar to the FBReader, Moon Reader has the ability to connect online libraries with books. Also you can download e-books in the formats listed above to sd card or internal memoryand then open them in the app.

Ease of reading at height: setting font sizes, colors, backgrounds, margins, shadows, transparency and other beauties that somehow affect the perception of color. Returning to the name of the application - Moon Reader - yes, reading at night in this reader is quite convenient, there are a dozen themes available, as well as night and day reading modes.

When reading, it is worth noting the following features: auto-scrolling, smooth scrolling of text, adjusting the brightness of the screen on a slide, optimization for long-term reading, flipping effects, setting text alignment, hyphenation, display modes for both the tablet and small screens of Android devices.

If we talk about the unique features of the fb2 program, then this is an unusually wide support for gestures. You can customize literally any command by assigning a specific gesture to execute it. And if Kindle or another e-ink reader bypasses the screen in terms of readability, then in terms of gestures, Android is ahead of the rest. You can configure actions for tapas, volume control buttons, search, camera button and others. You have 24 operations at your disposal that you can assign these gestures to.

Good news for lovers of foreign literature and for attentive readers who like to scribble in the margins: Moon Reader is very convenient to select fragments of text, you can connect dictionaries for text translation, the popular translation dictionaries ColorDict, Fora, ABBYY Lingvo and others are supported. In this aspect, Moon Reader bypasses even the reputable FBReader.

Prestigio Reader is a solid phone reader for book formats

Prestigio Reader can open many book formats, but first of all, the emphasis is on mobile: FB2, ePub, DjVU, etc. If you prefer to listen to audiobooks, the reader will satisfy these needs without any problems.

Prestigio Reader is a really "prestigious" program for reading books fb2

Prestigio Reader is, frankly, a very pleasant discovery for us. In the first steps, when working with the reader, everything is intuitive. First, the guide illustrates where and what elements should be used in the application.

Fb2 books are added to the library automatically through smart search. Which is incredibly convenient because you do not need to search for files on the phone yourself, although for this purpose the Prestigio Reader program has file manager... In addition, more than 5 thousand books are available for download in the online library.

The interface of Prestigio Reader is very pleasant and fresh. By default, everything seems to suit you, but in any case, you can customize the design of the fb2-book for yourself. IN quick settings - font sizes, indents, typeface. Going into the advanced settings, you will see the settings for styles, colors, panels, animation - even more than the user needs when reading files in fb2 format.

PocketBook - FB2 and PDF reader for Android

PocketBook program is designed to read fb2 books on mobile device on the Android platform. It is hardly worth listing the book formats this reader works with - it covers all popular extensions, essentially duplicating both Moon Reader and FBReader.

In all honesty, we have to admit that among the fb2 readers for Android there are not so many pleasant programs in which a) the interface looks modern b) it is pleasant to read books. Unfortunately, on Google Play there are pdf and fb2 readers with a frankly poor shell. You open them and think: well, all the hope is that the pages in the book will look normal, at least the program won't let you down. But no, and the fonts match the interface.

As for the PocketBook application for Android, the opposite is true: this is one of the most successful applications for reading books in the FictionBook format. The developers have achieved this through easy navigation through the library and the implementation of a radial menu.

At first, such a device for the main menu in PocketBook requires getting used to, which is understandable: you rarely find such know-how in any mobile fb2 reader. But then it becomes clear that almost all the necessary actions can be carried out through this menu: change the font sizes, adjust the brightness, go to the menu, and so on. In the main menu of the application, there is a standard basis of parameters for setting the display of text in a book: indents, colors, themes.

In short, the developers of the PocketBook application have tried and released a quality product for reading on Android. It is curious that the same team is developing e-books using e-ink and related accessories.

EBookDroid - FB2 and PDF reader

EBookDroid reader focuses on two book formats - PDF and Deja vu, but fb2 books can also be read with the same convenience on a phone or tablet. However, what about this very convenience?

After quick testing EBookDroid feels twofold. On the one hand, all the basic reading functions are in place. You can open books, navigate through pages and sections, bookmark and comment different ways, customize the display of fonts, and even add your own typefaces.

However, as for the shell itself, it is not very pleasant to the eye. Although the EBookDroid application is updated quite regularly, these innovations have little impact on the visual interface. The FictionBook reading application looks like it’s 2006, not 2016.

We hope that soon we will be able to download the fb2 program in material design. And this is not a taste, but a simple requirement from most Android OS users.

Cool Reader - old-fashioned reader for Android

A free old-school fb2 reader for Android called Cool Reader supports almost all popular e-book formats (PDF, MOBI, RTF, actually FictionBook, etc.), although, for example, DOC and AZW3 are not in the list.

Old school - because the interface, as in the previous case, is a bit outdated. This creates certain inconveniences: firstly, the bookshelf is not as effective as in the case of PocketBook (it could simply be replaced with a simple list); secondly, you immediately have to rebuild everything "for yourself": background, color, font size and alignment.

If we close our eyes to the custom shell, then, as the developer notes on the program description page, Cool Reader at the same time bears similarities with FBReader, Aldiko, AlReader, Moon reader and other representatives of fb2 readers for Android. Therefore, the list of functions is similar to all of the above.

Summary... We have mentioned, in our opinion, the best fb2 readers for Android. As you can see, there is always something to open both fb2 and pdf, epub, mobi. The following reviews will look at these mobile formats for storing books on the phone. Good luck!