Smart watch gear fit 2 pro. Periphery. Design and materials

Contents of delivery

  • S / L strap
  • Charging unit
  • Instructions


The first generation Gear Fit appeared two years ago, and I frankly did not like the bracelet watch, especially in comparison with its older brothers. They had an interesting design, but functionally they were inferior to the slightly more expensive Gear 2 watches, which seemed to me defining. But the market put everything in its place, sales of the Gear Fit turned out to be higher than that of older models, and young people and those who are actively involved in sports took this accessory mostly positively. I was interested in studying the nature of this phenomenon, talked with many users who knowingly bought Gear Fit, watched research in different countries and made this opinion: the target audience of this bracelet - young people, and this is mainly between the ages of 18 to 25 years old, the second focus is on the audience under 35 years old. The distribution of sales between men and women is approximately as follows - 60 to 40. Typically, for such devices, the distribution goes as 80 to 20, there is an abnormally high percentage of women. Cause? Design. And it was the design that became defining for many buyers, and only then the rest of the device's characteristics came to the fore.

The first version of the Gear Fit

Bright straps, an excellent screen and a variety of screensavers - all this users attributed to the design of the device and voted for it with a ruble. It turned out that users do not really need additional chips, but what they have is fully satisfied. And that turned the Gear Fit into a long-lived bracelet after a series of software updates working time increased to 3-4 days with training, children's sores were gone, and this attracted many. Samsung did not see any reason to replace the Gear Fit, as it sold and sells well even today, the Gear Fit 2 can be described in many ways as working on minor bugs and trying not to spoil what has turned out to be successful in the past.

Based on the above, we can consider the Fit 2 as a minor update of the first model, although in fact there are much more changes. This accessory is perfect for those who are running and do not want to take their smartphone for a run. You can download music and connect wireless headphones to it, which also gives you freedom from your smartphone. And, finally, unlike many trackers, here the accuracy is provided by hardware GPS, which also makes it possible to use it during various workouts - cycling, rowing, jumping and the like, however, it is also suitable for yoga, another thing. that GPS is not involved here. A universal accessory for those involved in sports or fitness, let's take a look at what exactly he can do.

Design, ergonomics, interchangeable straps

Samsung is always trying to fix bugs and fix the flaws that users have discovered by the next generation. In Gear Fit, such a drawback was the silver bezel of the screen, when hitting, chips formed, the edging was wiped off, and the bracelet did not look very neat. This happened over time and not for everyone, but, nevertheless, the design of the edging was changed entirely, now it is a metal plate painted in the color of the strap. In a blue bracelet she is blue, in black she is black, and so on.

My impressions of these materials are purely positive. In order for them to wear off or scratches appear, the bracelet must be beaten or rubbed with emery; this does not happen in everyday use.

The strap has changed, it has a design similar to the Gear S2 watch, a bracelet with metal latches, there are different sizes (S, L - 125-170 mm, 155-210 mm). Please note that the bracelet closes with a button, but is passed through the eyelet. Silicone is durable, and it will be difficult to break the ear even over time, however, bad hands can do this. Another thing is that the design is such that the bracelet will not be able to fly off, even if you close the "button" loosely, you will not lose it.

Fit 2 weighs 28 or 30 grams, depending on the size of the bracelet. It is practically not felt on the hand, while the bracelet can be tightened tightly, it will not interfere. The size of the main part is 24.5x51.2 mm.

The display has a bend in the shape of a hand, the diagonal has been reduced from 1.84 inches to 1.5 inches, but the resolution has increased from 128x432 pixels to 216x432 pixels. The screen type is SuperAMOLED, which ensures high energy efficiency, and the presence of Tizen on board makes the watch a record holder among similar devices, however, we'll talk about this a little below.

In the first Fit you had the opportunity to choose the screen orientation, vertical or horizontal, in the Fit 2 only the vertical interface, which is not bad, there is no confusion, and everything is the same.

The protection standard has increased from IP67 to IP68, up to 30 minutes at a depth of one and a half meters. Swimming in watches, as before, is not recommended, but at the same time they are protected from water. In the water, however, no measurements go, so there is no point in climbing into the sea in a watch.

On the inside you can see an LED that serves to measure the heart rate; today such sensors are common for this purpose. There is a sensor last generation, it has increased accuracy while moving, that is, when running, it will give more correct results than the first Fit. You can use the Gear Fit for both running and other workouts.

In the first Fit, I could not measure the pulse even while walking, later with the release of the model on the market, this was corrected by software, there were flaws in the software. Today I can say that the Fit 2 works for both running and swimming, but the measurement of heart rate on a wet hand is not always correct. The quality of heart rate measurement in such devices differs from cardio belts for the worse, but at the same time it is comparable to similar models. So, comparing the Fit 2 with the FitBit Blaze, I did not get any discrepancies in measurements.

The Li-Pol battery capacity is 200 mAh (210 mAh in the first version), but the operating time remains the same. It became a little better power consumption at the screen, the software is optimized, the Bluetooth version has been updated to 4.2, and, where possible, a Wi-Fi connection is used. It is clear that by turning on Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and launching other processes, you can land the clock in one day. But with normal use, they are enough for 3-4 days, with daily training - for 2-3 days, depending on their duration. Also, the operating time will be affected by how many notifications and from which applications from your smartphone you hang up on the bracelet. The more notifications, the shorter the battery life, especially if you activate vibration and turn on the screen. So, here you have to count on how much you want the hours to work.

Charger desktop, this is a small block on which you place the bracelet. It has a magnetic catch, the bracelet sucks to the pedestal. The charging time is about an hour. During charging, a splash screen with charge percentage is shown.

The screen remains off most of the time, it turns on for constant work during training (or it may not work, it all depends on you), there is also a screen on when you move your hand. They raised their hand - the screen lit up. And here we see the first drawback arising from the advantage in the form of reduced power consumption. For example, you put a splash screen on your screen showing the distance you have traveled. We raised our hand and see how the data was updated with a slight delay. The latency is about a second, but it's frustrating since most competing devices don't have it.

The watch has a vibration alert, and it feels great, I prefer to set it up, since the vibration of the watch on the wrist is the best reminder. The signal may not be heard on the street, while the vibration is always felt.

Now a few words about the hardware stuffing. Dual-processor chipset up to 1 GHz, volume random access memory - 512 MB, built-in memory 4 GB, of which 3.5 GB is available to the user. The same stuffing in the first Fit, nothing has changed here. You can store music in memory and transfer it from your phone when connected to Gear Manager. And you can connect wireless headphones to Gear Fit 2, it turns out that you just need to take a bracelet and headphones for a run, the phone itself is not needed at all.

Bluetooth version 4.2, which is welcome. The presence of Wi-Fi is also a big plus, especially since you can enter the network password from the watch itself (there is a keyboard on the screen) and connect to it. Also, all your Wi-Fi networks recorded in the phone's memory will become available for the bracelet. In fact, the bracelet can synchronize data with the S Health cloud service without a phone, it is not needed here.

Gear manager on phone - settings and applications

In order to use the watch, you need to pair it with your device (phone or tablet). It can be any Android device from version 4.4 and 1.5 GB of RAM. In the application store, download Gear Manager and then follow the prompts on the screen of your watch or phone.

In Gear Manager, you can customize your preferences, select additional programs that are installed on the watch. Convenient interface for settings, as it is not so simple and easy to do this on a watch due to the small screen size.

From the pleasant surprises - archiving all your settings, that is, by resetting the clock, you will automatically get all the settings again, you will not need to do this work a second time.

From what should be done first of all, it is to disassemble the order of functions and their following in the menu, so it will be easier and faster to manage the clock. I will not describe all the capabilities of the manager. It is worth choosing a program that will start when you double-click on a key. Here you can also choose the type of the main screen, what clock will be displayed there, however, this can be done on the clock itself, but there the choice is limited only to the loaded ten hours.

Watch interface - control and work with them

Raise your hand, and the clock turns on the screen for 7 seconds, which by default displays the time, date and weather. The backlight time can be changed to a longer time, then the battery consumption will be higher. You can also choose different watch faces or watches with application icons or with a pedometer.

In the settings you can choose the font size, both for the menu and for messages - the function allows you to customize everything for yourself, your vision.

Scrolling horizontally, you will see menu items that you can sort as you like. I will describe the main features of the watch.

Return to the previous menu by pressing the side key. Entering the settings menu and additional functions by successively pressing the first and then the second side keys.

Music - control the music that is stored on your smartphone, a kind of remote control. As far as necessary, I do not presume to judge - it pulls up only the files that the standard player sees.

Notifications are the most interesting feature. You can configure most of the notifications, but at the same time the greatest interest is in SMS, as well as in instant messengers, when the text of the message is shown to you (you can hide it). Look email it is possible, but there are also a lot of complaints, rather it does not work than it works. The main use is with messages, and it is really convenient here - you sit in the cinema, you do not need to take out your phone and light everything around. Well, and so on.

The watch has a countdown timer, stopwatch.

Of the additional programs, I can mention Evernote, it works limitedly with the clock - you can conveniently view to-do lists, mark them, but the notes are severely cut off and not visible. You shouldn't count on additional programs, there are almost none for this bracelet, and they are not particularly needed, as the experience of Gear Fit owners shows, they have enough functionality out of the box.

During calls, you can bounce them off the watch and send SMS templates, which is convenient. You cannot speak on this watch without a microphone.

Briefly about training - walking and running

You can customize your profile on the watch with your date of birth, weight, height and age. And you can sync them with S Health, where this data is already there. Using the Gear Fit 2 without S Health is somewhat pointless, as this cloud service it is possible to synchronize data with different third-party programswhich are often used for running.

During training, the bracelet automatically detects what you are doing. But you can also choose from the menu different kinds training. The new one has the opportunity to compete, for example, you can select a family member or friend and send them a request so that their data can be seen by you. As a result, the winner will be the one who travels the greater distance or more floors. A good feature that will encourage many to compete.

During a workout, there is no way to set heart rate limits, they are calculated based on your previous workouts, and when this value is reached, the watch displays it on the screen. While running, in order to see the distance traveled, you need to raise your hand (and again the same delay). The screens in the workout app are not customizable, meaning you see distance, then pace, then other metrics. Scrolling through screens on the run is not very interesting, it is believed that you will look at this data at rest. When you connect a headset, the data can be read out to you if you have a smartphone (but then the meaning in the watch itself is lost, because you also have to drag your phone with you).

The visibility of the screen in the sun is average, and while jogging on a sunny day it will be difficult to look at the result, this is a minus of the interface. According to the results of the training, you will see on the bracelet not only quantitative indicators (distance, elevation difference, calories, and so on), but also a map with a route. There is no separate navigation here, only a map that is displayed based on the training results.


Gear Fit 2 costs 12,990 rubles (in Europe 200 euros), which is exactly the same as the price previous model... In my opinion, choosing the first Gear Fit with equal prices is not worth it, the second turned out to be much more successful, here there is an automatic detection of workouts, and a better standard of protection, a more convenient strap and charging. The presence of GPS allows you to more accurately measure your outdoor workouts (running, walking, cycling), which will suit many lovers of these types of load. There is no need to carry a phone with you, a bracelet is enough. And you can connect wireless headphones to it to listen to music, and the phone stays at home, it will then automatically download your workout data.

The same design that consumers liked so much, very advanced features that have no analogues in competitors or are implemented worse. In short, it turned out to be a good sports device, which is worth taking a closer look at.

  • 1. Rating
  • 2. Specifications
  • 3. Packing and equipment
  • 4. Design and ergonomics
  • 5. Display
  • 6. Interface and compatibility
  • 7. Performance and functionality
  • 8. Autonomy
  • 9. Conclusion
  • 10. Pros and cons

Besides the phablet Galaxy Note 8, the Korean giant Samsung managed to show the addition to the Gear line at IFA 2017. The new generation practically does not differ in appearance from its predecessor, but it is endowed with several additional functions and improved water protection. Is it worth buying your $ 199? Read samsung review Gear Fit 2 Pro.

Information about Samsung Gear Fit2

8.5 Assessment

Packaging and equipment

The Fit 2 Pro is packaged in a miniature cardboard box with a colorful bracelet on the front. There is a small handle on top, so the box looks more like a durable black bag with the Samsung logo. The modest package is housed in a separate compartment for accessories under the fitness tracker.

Fit 2 Pro sales have already started in different regions of the world. average price devices - $ 199. If you are lucky enough to buy a bracelet in America, the standard set of accessories will also be added wireless headset Samsung U Flex.

Design and ergonomics

Owners of last year's Samsung Gear Fit 2 will find absolutely nothing new in the design of the novelty. The Pro version differs from its predecessor only in a slightly thicker body and a few extra grams of weight. These changes were the result of equipping the device with a more advanced moisture protection system.

A closer look reveals the first and most important difference - the fasteners. Instead of the old mechanism, the classic fastening on a strap is now used, similar to it can be found in almost any wrist watch... The rejection of the proprietary mount was provoked by a wave of customer dissatisfaction, whose bracelets simply fell off their hands and fell to the ground. The new Gear Fit 2 Pro doesn't have this problem.

The main plastic box with electronics is curved for a more comfortable fit on the wrist. The 1.5-inch display occupies almost the entire top panel of the capsule, the Super AMOLED matrix also had to be bent to match the body. The screen protects the tempered glass Gorilla Glass 3, during prolonged use, we did not reveal even small scratches on the surface of the capsule.

In addition to the touchscreen display, you can control the gadget using two navigation keys located on the end of the Gear Fit 2 Pro. There is a small barometer hole next to them.

Below is an optical heart rate sensor and contacts for charging from the docking station. At the bottom of the capsule, small latches are visible, with which the bracelet strap is detached. It can be replaced with another one, having previously selected the desired size.

Overall, the Fit 2 Pro has a satisfactory design and build quality. The streamlined shape of the tracker fits perfectly under the fitted clothes, the bracelet does not cling to the shirt and does not cause discomfort during prolonged wear. The waterproof standard allows the device to be submerged under water to a depth of 50 meters.


The curved display of the fitness tracker has a 1.5-inch diagonal and a resolution of 432x216 pixels. Super AMOLED matrix provides excellent quality of information display. The bracelet has a very large supply of adjustable brightness, so you don't have to squint while exercising in the fresh air.

The screen has very good viewing angles, information about the current status of the exercises is clearly visible in almost any conditions. The display can be backlit from incoming notifications, gestures (waving, shaking) and from a simple touch. Under water, the sensory layer is inactive, so the bracelet is controlled using the navigation keys or a simple tap on the body of the device.

Interface and compatibility

The process of full synchronization with a smartphone is quite long and requires the installation of four applications at once. First of all, you need to install Samsung Gear, the application will find the gadget via Bluetooth and connect it to your smartphone. Next comes the Gear Fit2 Plugin and Samsung Accessory Service. The first program reveals additional features tracker, the second gives access to the branded application store.

The set of proposed third party applications very limited, mainly in the store they offer to download several additional watch faces for personalization. However, the functionality of the built-in utilities is quite enough for complete health control.

Finally, S Health comes in handy for more accurate display of training statistics. The app collects data on physical activity, taps the results after each set time interval and makes recommendations for future workouts. You can see your progress towards your current goal on the calories burned graph.

In addition to the touch screen, the gadget can also be controlled using two buttons on the end. Main screen the bracelet interface displays the time, date, information on burned calories and distance traveled. Swipe to the left to open the notification menu, swipe to the right to open the widget panel. Moving from top to bottom, a panel with the main settings of the fitness tracker becomes available. The style of the main dial can be customized if desired.

Performance and functionality

The Gear Fit 2 Pro runs a stripped-down version of the Tizen OS, which has already appeared in the Samsung Gear S3 Frontier.

The fast operation of the bracelet is provided by the Exynos 3250 processor with a maximum frequency of 1 GHz and 512 MB of RAM.

For storing applications, 4 GB of RAM is provided. It is noteworthy that on internal storage you can download a music selection and go to workout without a smartphone.

The standard set of pre-installed apps includes Speedo's pool workout control, timer, stopwatch, calendar, automatic search phone, heart rate monitor application and a counter of the drunk liquid. Also included in the basic functionality are several more software trackers that track the performance of current physical exercises.

Functionality Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro

The built-in GPS-module allows you to recognize the current location, and together with a barometer, the chip gives information about the distance traveled and the number of steps the user has climbed. Before a run, the wristband can set the current goal, and the Gear Fit 2 Pro will follow it automatically and notify the wearer if necessary. By the end of the day, the gadget compiles detailed statistics on your movements, compares them with previous days and records them in S Health.

Gear Fit 2 Pro can track your walking, running, yoga, cycling and swimming activities. On the last mode, the developers have made a special emphasis, adding excellent moisture protection to the device. The bracelet automatically tracks the current swimming style, and the special option Water Lock Mode turns off the screen backlight with each wave of the hand.

The Gear Fit 2 Pro's heart rate monitor is fairly accurate, with only a slight abnormality when tested with a professional chest heart rate monitor. The pulse can be measured both once and continuously. Note that the latter drains the battery very quickly. Heart rate data are taken into account in the sleep monitoring application, the device detects fast and deep sleep phases to establish best time for easy awakening.


At the presentation of Gear Fit 2 Pro, the developers promised up to three days of battery life in mode normal use... Unfortunately, the built-in 200 mAh battery is in practice not enough for a period of more than 2.5 days, even with gentle use.

With the maximum use of all functions (constant synchronization via Bluetooth, GPS-module operation, continuous heart rate detection), the device “lives” no longer than one day.


Overall, the Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro's ideal performance is overshadowed by perhaps the longest-lasting battery. However, this does not prevent the bracelet from remaining one of the best in its price category... In terms of functionality, the gadget may well even compete with smart watches in the budget segment. If you're looking to get a great running companion, the Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro is definitely your choice.

  • A complete set of all functions for sports
  • Excellent tracking of swimming styles
  • Quality display
  • Good build, waterproof
  • Weak autonomy

Samsung's new Gear Fit2 fitness tracker doesn't quite fit into the category the manufacturers have given this gadget - most likely it's something in between smart watch and a fitness bracelet. With the development of the Samsung Gear Fit2, the South Korean giant took a little bit from Samsung Gear Fit and Samsung Gear S2 to create something different in terms of presentation.

general information

With the Gear Fit2, you get an incredibly powerful gadget for as little as $ 179, which makes this offer a very tempting one for those looking for the most advanced tracker. If you're not particularly enthusiastic about spending more than $ 200 on wristbands like the Microsoft Band 2 or Garmin Vivosmart HR +, then the Gear Fit2 is exactly what you need. In other words, this is a budget solution for flagship lovers.

However, budget is not the main parameter by which wearable gadgets are chosen, so let's try to take a closer look at the Samsung Gear Fit2 smart bracelet and see if it deserves a place in the list of the best fitness trackers of 2016.


Manufacturer: Samsung



  • Capacity, mAh: 200
  • Working time, hours: 3-4

Physical parameters

  • Dimensions, mm: no data
  • Weight, g: no data
  • Detachable strap: yes
  • Case / strap color: black, blue, pink


  • Protection against water, shock: yes
  • Music player control: yes
  • Camera control: yes
  • NFC: yes
  • Price, $: 179

Appearance and screen

Samsung Gear Fit2 looks several times better than its predecessor. Due to the sports strap, the gadget remotely resembles a fitness bracelet, but still the product has become closer to the segment. smart watch... The screen is exactly what sets this line of fitness bracelets from Samsung so much apart from others, so it's worth dwelling on it in more detail.

The first generation of Samsung Gear Fit was distinguished by an impressive Super AMOLED screen with a diagonal of 1.84 inches and a resolution of 432 × 128 pixels, but the display of the novelty became slightly smaller - 1.5 inches, while the technology used and the curved shape was retained, and the resolution is now 432 × 216. Add to that the impressive 322 ppi pixel density - Samsung has always done well with displays, but this one is particularly attractive. The screen itself is protected by impact-resistant Gorilla Glass 3, so you don't have to worry about damaging your gadget while exercising.

The strap is made of elastomer and can be replaced, if necessary, with another branded bracelet. By the way, Samsung made sure that the Gear Fit2 is suitable for people with any wrist size - models with a small strap (125-170mm) and a large (155-210mm) are available. The model with a large strap weighs a couple of grams more, that's the difference. There is only one button as a mount, and this solution is many times more convenient than in similar models from Fitbit and Jawbone.

The device is protected from water in accordance with the IP68 standard, which means that they can withstand immersion to a depth of 1.5 m, but not more than 30 minutes. The Samsung Gear Fit2 is available in 3 colors in both sizes - you can purchase a blue, pink or black model.


The trend for automatic tracking was inherited from the first version of Gear Fit: Fit 2 automatically counts steps, sleep (by the way, the gadget separates periods when you sleep or just doze off) and calories burned. In addition, the device recognizes your occupation - it will be in the know if you squat, ride a bike or do yoga. All data is recorded in a 24-hour log, and you can find out at any time when and how much you played sports, walked or slept.

Depending on the type of activity, the number of calories consumed will differ - for example, if the same Xiaomi Mi Band 2 calculates the calories expended in a simple and very approximate way, Samsung Gear Fit2 will take into account the intensity of your workouts and calculate how much energy was spent during those or other activities (the most effective of them can be identified).

Fit2 also allows you to track the consumption of caffeine and water - the application manually records the number of drinks. This is useful if you are trying to limit yourself to coffee or trying to drink a certain amount of water per day.

The Fit2 smart bracelet has not been without heart rate tracking - by default, the heartbeat is checked every 10 minutes, and when you start doing active sports, the device goes into continuous tracking mode. By the way, heart rate tracking can be turned off to increase the autonomy of the device.

There is no altimeter on board the Samsung Gear Fit2, but the wristband can easily understand when you climb the stairs. The sensors include GPS, optical heart rate monitor, barometer, accelerometer and gyroscope.

Built-in GPS means you don't have to carry your smartphone with you when exercising outdoors. A map showing your jogging or cycling route will be displayed on the Fit2 screen.

As mentioned, Fit2 automatically detects the type of workout, but you can also manually select it and set a goal. Goals can be very different - for example, target pace, duration, distance or calories burned, you can also not set a goal at all. If headphones are connected, then at certain intervals the gadget will inform you about the workout status. When manually starting a workout, the Fit2 will give a 3 second countdown. It should be noted that manual start of a workout is more reliable in every sense - during testing, the Samsung Gear Fit2 recognized only 3 workouts out of 7.

User interface

Samsung Gear Fit2 turned out to be quite powerful - on board this bracelet you can find dual core processor from clock frequency 1 GHz, 512 MB internal and 4 GB permanent memory. Tizen continues to improve, so the interface is simple and convenient. By the way, the vertical screen makes working with the gadget several times more comfortable.

Swipe down to navigate to context menuwhere you can adjust the brightness, activate Do Not Disturb mode, and launch the music player. Also here you can find out the status bluetooth connection and get information about the battery level.

Swiping to the right takes you to the notification menu, you can choose any of them to read, delete one or all at once. Swiping to the left will display the shortcuts of installed applications. To turn off the display, you can simply cover the screen. The Fit2's interface is not solely based on touch - there are also 2 physical buttons here: the top Back button and the bottom Home button.



Samsung Gear Fit2 is a powerful gadget that combines the advantages of fitness bracelets and smartwatches. A fantastic set of functions in a flagship gadget for a rather modest amount - you must admit that the device really looks very attractive.

The advantages of steel gPS availability, affordable price, an excellent display and an abundance of fitness options. Disappointingly poor autonomy and not always accurate heart rate tracking.

In addition to smart watches Samsung at IFA 2017 demonstrated a new smart bracelet - Gear Fit 2 Pro. The device is the successor of the Gear Fit 2 and also emphasizes the sporting component.

Specifications Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro

  • 1.5-inch display Super AMOLED, 360 × 360 dots.
  • Dual-core processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz.
  • 512 MB of RAM.
  • 4 GB of permanent memory.
  • Battery 200 mAh.
  • Communication: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi b / g / n, NFC, GPS.

Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro first impressions

Samsung showed two new wearable devices at IFA 2017 - the Gear Sport, which I already talked about in, and the Gear Fit 2 Pro, which I just bothered to write about.

This is because it is, in fact, a slightly improved version of last year's Gear Fit 2 smart bracelet. If you've seen and held the Gear Fit 2, then you can say that you've seen the Gear Fit 2 Pro as well. It's exactly the same design and layout, nothing new.

Unless, a black and red textured rubber strap can help determine that this is the Gear Fit 2 Pro. In this color the bracelet looks aggressive, sporty and cheerful. However, I would not say that I want to wear such a gadget on my hand every day.

I liked the more neutral Gear Sport much better. And if the watch strap is changed, then you can even give it a casual look. With the Gear Fit 2 Pro bracelet, this trick will not work, because changing the straps to custom ones will not work, they simply do not exist

The outside of the Gear Fit 2 Pro liked its large, elongated AMOLED screen. It is of high quality - bright, contrasting, with a large number of pixels. It is convenient to read notifications and navigate through the settings from it.

After using the new wristband at the exhibition for a short time, I realized that the Gear Fit 2 Pro has almost no differences from the old Gear Fit 2. Here is the same Tizen system, the same sensors and characteristics.

The only real difference is moisture protection. Gear Fit 2 Pro is absolutely not afraid of water, with it you can swim and even dive to a depth of 50 meters. The device is protected according to the 5ATM standard, which is much cooler than IP68. But why would a mass user need it? Riddle.


Samsung revealed right at IFA 2017 that the Gear Fit 2 Pro will cost $ 200. For this money, this is one of the most functional and high quality sports bracelets. It does an excellent job with all sports tasks, and also shows all notifications and shows the time no worse than a smartwatch.

The fitness tracker market today seems overwhelmed with devices of all sizes, shapes, and functionalities to the point that making a decision in itself becomes a challenging exercise.

Regardless, last year released the excellent Gear Fit 2, including all the functionality you need and more. Unsurprisingly, instead of releasing a completely new device this year, the company decided to slightly improve on last year's already high-quality product. This improvement is the protection of the case from water, which is why the word Pro appeared in the name.

Few other fitness trackers can be used while swimming. Someone will like it, someone does not need it, it all depends on the needs of a certain person.


Almost a clone of its predecessor, the Fit 2 Pro does not deviate from the established design. The tracker is tiny, but wide, lightweight and unobtrusive.

As for the straps, there are a couple of changes. First, there are two new color options, black and red. They look better than last year's straps.

Secondly, they have improved latches. Last year's trackers often accidentally opened and fell, but here this problem is solved due to the traditional mechanism of latches, which is used on almost all modern watches.

Interface and applications

The Fit 2 Pro's interface does not deviate from the extreme asceticism of its predecessor. Almost all apps, menus, and watch faces use a black background. This was probably done to minimize the power consumption of the screen. The screen looks like last year, the specs say the same.

Using the Fit 2 Pro is a breeze thanks to the familiar combination of touch input and two physical buttons on the side. The tracker works on operating system Samsung Tizen, the interface consists of a number of applications, each dedicated to one part of the device's functionality. The central home screen contains the main watch face and several customizable widgets.

There are occasional slowdowns when opening and closing applications, but in most cases the interface is fast and responsive. The only exception is the on-screen gesture to turn it off, which periodically fails.

It also offers some rudimentary smartphone controls. There is a notification center that allows you to respond to text messages with a predefined set of responses, and there are built-in audio controls. Phone calls can be answered, but there is no microphone or speakers in the case. Calls can be rejected if necessary.

Gear Fit 2 Pro does not claim to be a title, the proof of which is the kit available applications in the shop Galaxy Apps... There are more than 3,000 of them, Samsung says, but most are just watch faces. Other apps include the Spotify music service, which brings new function to the Gear Fit line: now you can download playlists to the internal memory and listen to more than 500 songs without Internet access via Bluetooth headphones. So listen faster because streaming music via smartphone or wi-Fi network requires a long download.


Naturally, the most important part of a fitness tracker is fitness and physical activity functionality. The Gear Fit 2 Pro does an excellent job of this, with modes for walking, running, cycling, yoga and more.

All of them can be triggered manually, or let the device auto-lock when they start, which works great but can be annoying. If you are walking, this does not mean that you have to start every time.

Key new functionalityswim tracking works in the built-in Speedo On app, so you can't just jump into the water and wait for the fitness tracker to know. Swimming enthusiasts will surely appreciate the ability to recognize swimming style.

Convenience and autonomy

The presence of Wi-Fi support means that the device does not have to be constantly connected to the smartphone, but more deep access the data will not do without it. The Samsung Health app works great on Android, but it's not available on the Apple iOS platform, so owners will have to settle for the tracker's interface.

When it comes to battery life, Samsung's official estimate of 3-5 days is overly optimistic. In fact, three days is the maximum, the device will have to be charged regularly, like last year's model.

Since the Fit 2 Pro will often be used outdoors, the sun's visibility is an open question. This parameter is on high levelalthough curved reflective glass is sometimes problematic.

For swimming, you can turn off touch input completely. Although the tracker does not recognize when you are underwater, touch input is automatically disabled when swimming.


One thing is clear: the word Pro in the title refers only to swimmers. For everyone else, the advantage of the new model over last year's is a slightly cooler design and support for the Spotify service, which is not relevant for Russia (unless you use a proxy).

At the same time, it cannot be said that the fitness tracker turned out to be bad: it is still one of the best models. But if you don't swim, there are many alternative options on sale that can do all the same and at the same time cost less than 12,000 rubles. The device is not yet available, and Samsung Gear Fit 2 costs 11,500 rubles.

If you're looking for a device that can do everything while still looking stylish, the Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro is your option.


  • Stylish appearance
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Improved straps
  • Simple interface
  • Swim tracking