Where to look for bluetooth in a laptop Windows 7. Setting up Bluetooth on a computer (PC). Connecting a Bluetooth adapter and installing a driver. Activating bluetooth in device manager

Currently, Bluetooth is used quite actively as a wireless connection between a computer, laptop and peripheral devices. Available for sale wireless mice and keyboards using this technology. In addition, via Bluetooth, it is convenient to transfer media files to a computer from mobile devices, digital cameras, etc. However, you need certain settings for Windows 7, as well as for other OS versions, so that you can install given view communication.

Connecting the device to a computer via Bluetooth

First, make sure your computer has a Bluetooth adapter. Many laptop models come with a built-in device that will enable this technology. If there is no built-in adapter, then you can connect an external one. To activate the bluetooth, press the Fn + F5 combination or the corresponding switch, which is on different models may be different.

The device that you intend to connect to your computer using this technology must be made discoverable. After that, click on the Bluetooth icon that appears on the computer on the toolbar. In the list that appears, select Open Options. Go to the Parameters section. There are some settings that need to be noted here. So, we put a checkmark in front of the messages that say that you need to allow devices to detect and connect to the computer. In addition, a setting should be set that will cause the user to be notified of this when connecting devices via Bluetooth.

There are other tabs in the Options. In the COM Ports section, certain settings are made, if necessary. Typically, these steps may be required when connecting a GPS antenna or some headphones. In Sharing, you can view the path that leads to the exchange folder. It will contain all the files sent via Bluetooth. However, the photo can be found in the My Pictures section.

In some cases, you will need to install additional drivers to set up a wireless connection in Windows 7. But usually there are no special problems and a Bluetooth connection between a computer and another device is established quickly and easily. This is what makes this technology quite popular, because in this way you can set up work wireless keyboard or headphones, instantly receive information from the phone to the computer and vice versa.

There are several ways to pair mobile devices with laptop / PC for file sharing. The simplest and most obvious is. However, it so happens that the cable is not at hand or, in rare cases, with a wired connection. This is where the good old Bluetooth technology comes in handy, which is still supported by most modern laptops today. Moreover, there are even special utilitiesdeveloped by laptop manufacturers to control the module wireless... However, we will not consider them, but rather get to know regular meansprovided by the operating system itself. So how do you enable Bluetooth on a laptop with installed Windows 7/10?

Is there a bluetooth module on the laptop?

You can find out if there is a Bluetooth adapter specifically on your laptop model by the presence of the corresponding logo on the device.

If the sticker is present, then the module is guaranteed to be installed. Another way to make sure that a laptop is equipped with Bluetooth technology is to look at the specifications of the laptop on the manufacturer's website or any online store that sells this model. It is not difficult to establish the presence of an adapter in the windows environment 7/10, for example, through the Device Manager. How to do this is described below.

Activating Bluetooth using a button on the keyboard

On some types of laptops, a separate button (usually from the F1-F12 range) on the keyboard is reserved for turning Bluetooth on / off. It is marked with a distinctive logo and is triggered when pressed simultaneously with the Fn function key.

More often, the Bluetooth activation button is combined with the Wi-Fi activation button.

The fact that the bluetooth module is involved will be indicated by a special light indicator located on the laptop case. True, this is not present on all portable devices.

On a number of models for turn on bluetooth it is not the button that responds, but an additional two-position switch. But such a solution is currently quite rare.

Enabling Bluetooth in Windows 7

If a required drivers are installed on the Bluetooth module and the device is working correctly, then after windows boot you will most likely see the corresponding icon in the notification area.

By clicking on it right click, you can call context menuallowing you to manage the wireless connection - send / receive files, configure settings.

But sometimes the Bluetooth icon is missing in the tray, which does not mean that the module is faulty or inactive. It's just that the option responsible for displaying the icon is turned off in the settings. How do you change the state of the adapter?

There are several ways to enable Bluetooth in Windows 7, we will cover the easiest one. Let's go to the Network Control Center and general access... This can be done by right-clicking on the network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and selecting the desired item (an alternative way is through the Control Panel).

In the list of connections that opens, we find " Network connection Bluetooth ”(it may have a different name, but the Bluetooth icon will not confuse it with other types of connections).

If the device is in the "Disabled" state, just double-click on it with the left mouse button. That's it, now the module is active.

To set its settings, right-click on the icon and go to "Properties".

Then open the "Bluetooth" tab and click on "Bluetooth Settings".

In the window that appears, you can change the settings for the wireless connection, for example, allow the computer to be detected by other devices or enable the display of the icon in the notification area.

To deactivate Bluetooth, right-click on the icon and select "Disable".

How to proceed in Windows 10

In the top ten, the above method for Windows 7 works fine, but there are also additional features manipulation with Bluetooth. The functionality required for this is included in the standard Parameters utility. Run it through the Start menu, and then go to Devices - Bluetooth.

It is easy to find a slider for turning on / off the adapter here, plus it is possible to control connected devices. Section "Related parameters" allows you to go to additional settings or start sending / receiving files.

Bluetooth control via Device Manager

The Bluetooth wireless module, like all other laptop components, appears in the Device Manager. This applies to both Windows 7 and Windows 10. Let's go into it through the Control Panel and try to find the device we are looking for in the general list. A module can have its own branch or be listed “ Network adapters". The main thing is that the word Bluetooth must be present in the designation (often the item is called "Bluetooth radio modules"). Some options for naming the adapter in Device Manager are shown below.

Having found the desired device, we look at the icon next to it. If a circle with an arrow pointing down is drawn on it, then the component is not active. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Engage" item from the menu.

If you need to turn off Bluetooth, then click "Disable".

Staff Dispatcher windows devices 7/10 is good in that it allows you not only to change the state of the bluetooth module, but also to diagnose various problems with it. For example, the presence of an icon next to the device in the form exclamation mark will indicate that there are problems with the drivers. They are probably just not installed or installed incorrectly. Here, by going to Properties, you can update software or roll back to one of previous versions driver.


We hope that the given instructions will help you to easily enable Bluetooth on a laptop or any other mobile computer... We will devote a separate article to the most frequent malfunctions with the module. We will also separately talk about how to connect gadgets and transfer files via bluetooth from phone to computer / laptop and vice versa. If you have any comments about our current article, please use the comment form below.

Bluetooth connectivity available to PC various devices without using wires. However, for correct work you will need to perform certain manipulations. The whole process is divided into three simple stepswhich we will consider in detail below.

There is already an article on our website that provides instructions for setting up Bluetooth in Windows 10. You can get acquainted with it at the link below, and for owners of the seventh version of this operating system, we have prepared the following guide.

Step 1: Installing the Drivers

First of all, you should make sure that the correct drivers are installed for the Bluetooth adapter or motherboard with built-in hardware. They ensure the correct interaction of all connected devices, and also sometimes allow additional functions to work. Expanded on how to perform this manipulation, read our separate material.

Step 2: Configure Bluetooth Support

Windows 7 has a large number of services that ensure the normal operation of the system with a variety of hardware and tools. Among the list of all services there is "Bluetooth Support Service", which is responsible for detecting and negotiating remote equipment. Its configuration is carried out as follows:

Do not forget to click on the "Apply"for all changes to take effect. If after a while the settings you have selected are lost, we recommend logging in under account administrator and repeat the instructions.

Step 3: add devices

The computer is now ready to work with Bluetooth-connected devices. When connecting peripherals, you should add them to the list of equipment and configure the parameters, if this did not happen automatically. The whole process looks like this:

Detailed instructions for connecting various wireless devices to the computer you will find in our other materials at the links below.

Often, when connecting a computer and various peripherals using Bluetooth, users have problems. Installed and switched on devices completely refuse to detect each other or communicate. A few simple guidelines for installing, connecting the adapter, and adding Bluetooth-enabled devices will help you troubleshoot these problems.

Bluetooth needs to be turned on and made discoverable

First of all, make sure that the devices to be linked are actually equipped bluetooth module... This is exactly indicated in the documentation, and laptops have an additional designation on one of the bottom cover stickers - Bluetooth... Some budget notebook models, despite all the signs of connectivity, do not have installed module... However, even if there is a module, it is initially disabled and the computer or phone simply does not see it.

Especially many ways turn on bluetooth on laptops. This can be a switch on one of the sides of the case, a button with a Bluetooth icon, a keyboard shortcut. Often, a button or switch is marked with an antenna icon and includes Wi-Fi as well.

There may be no inclusion elements at all, but there is a tray icon on which you need to call up a menu, right-click and select the enable option. It is impossible to list all the options, the main thing is that you need to find this control and set it to the position - ON... When the module is on, a Bluetooth icon will appear in the tray or it will change color - it will become active.

On mobile phones Bluetooth connection you need to not only activate but also make it visible to others. Managing Bluetooth settings can usually be found under Applications the main menu of the phone.

After switching on, the display also shows the Bluetooth symbol. For activation, you must complete Search for devices, which will show who you can connect with. If the required device is not found, check if the adapter is installed correctly on the computer.

Bluetooth adapter must be installed and discoverable

To link devices with desktop computers use a bluetooth adapter. It connects in USB port... Usually, the device comes with a software disc, but if it is not there, Windows 7 will install its drivers upon connection.

As a result, four devices will be identified - Generic Bluetooth Radio and Microsoft Bluetooth Enumeratoras well as two Bluetooth network devices... In some cases, another device is detected - Peripheral device Bluetoothwhich remains unidentified.

The solution to this problem is described in the articleSetting up Bluetooth in Windows 7.

Now you need to make the computer itself visible for detection. To do this, open the menu of the Bluetooth icon in the tray and select Open options... On a bookmark Options, default, computer visibility disabled - it does not allow connect bluetooth on your phone or laptop. Enable this option and check the rest, then apply the settings.

Repeat Search for devices on the phone, now the computer is in the list, you can start setting up the connection.

For communication, the device must be added

To pair for Bluetooth connectivity let's use the icon menu item - Add device... The computer will find all objects available for communication, select the desired one and click Further... For safety, when connecting, a code request is made, which must be entered on a phone or laptop. The time for entering the code is limited.

For devices without a keyboard, such as a mouse or headphones, after the second attempt, connection options will be offered, select the desired one. As a result, the menu item Show bluetooth devices will provide a choice for managing the desired object.

In this article, I will try to explain in detail what to do in a situation when you have a stationary computer and there is a need to connect some kind of device to it via Bluetooth. For instance: wireless headphones, mouse, keyboard, speaker system, joystick, phone, tablet, etc. There are a lot of such devices, and without Bluetooth on the computer now, well, nothing. In addition, such a connection allows us to get rid of a lot of wires.

As you probably already know, in usual stationary computers (in system blocks) there is usually no built-in Bluetooth. Except for two cases: an internal PCI receiver (external USB) is installed, or you have a cool motherboard with a built-in wireless module. But there are very few of them, so it is unlikely. You can see the characteristics of your motherboard... Well, if your PC had Bluetooth, then you would most likely already know about it. There would be a corresponding tray icon, or an adapter in the device manager (possibly as an unknown device - when the driver is not installed).

To connect devices via Bluetooth to your computer, you need to buy and install a Bluetooth adapter in your computer. Usually, these are adapters that plug into the USB port. I have this, model Grand-X BT40G. It looks like this:

There are also PCI adapters, they are installed inside the case system unit... But they are not very popular. I will not dwell on the choice of adapter, as I wrote about it in a separate article. There are a lot of them on the market. There are both cheap and expensive models. In general, you can order from China for three kopecks. But if you plan to use frequently wireless connection, connect some serious devices via Bluetooth, such as headphones, joysticks, then it's better not to save on the adapter.

If you already have an adapter, we will configure it now. If not, read the article on the link above, choose, buy and return to this page.

I will divide this article into two parts: first, I will show how to connect a Bluetooth adapter to a computer on Windows 10, configure it, find and install a driver, if necessary, and connect a device. And in the second part we will do all this on a PC with installed Windows 7.

I now have no opportunity to demonstrate all this on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, but from an older and new version this operating system (I have to enter seven and ten) there are not many differences.

Anyway, first connect the Bluetooth adapter to the computer.

After that, we proceed to installing drivers and configuring.

Bluetooth on Windows 10 PC: connection, drivers, setup

Windows 10 is generally a cool system in this regard. Why? Yes, because in almost all cases, no matter what adapter you have, after connecting, all drivers will be installed automatically, and a blue Bluetooth icon will appear in the tray. And you can immediately connect the necessary devices.

In the device manager, I immediately got the "Bluetooth" section and the adapter itself. If the adapter is not recognized and appears as an unknown device (other device), you will have to install the drivers manually. You can see how to do this using Windows 7 as an example at the end of this article.

And to connect headphones, gamepad, mouse, keyboard, or other Bluetooth-device to your computer, go to "Settings" in the "Devices" section. Or by clicking on the tray icon and select "Add Bluetooth device".

Click on "Add Bluetooth or other device".

Then select "Bluetooth". The computer starts looking for available devices to connect. Our device must be in search mode. In my case, these are headphones. There is a separate button. When they are online, the indicator on them flashes. When the computer detects our device, just select it and connect.

And if you want to connect a smartphone or tablet to your computer, then in fact mobile device you will need to confirm the connection (pairing).

Thus, you can connect absolutely any Bluetooth device.

Configuring a Bluetooth adapter in Windows 7 and connecting devices to a computer

In Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8, after connecting the adapter, the driver will most likely have to be installed automatically. But not always. In my case, Windows 7 itself installed the driver for my Grand-X BT40G USB Bluetooth adapter. The Bluetooth icon immediately appeared.

Here is a screenshot from Device Manager.

If the system could not recognize the device and install it, the icon did not appear, then you need to install the driver. I will show you how to do this below. Now let's connect some kind of device via Bluetooth to a computer with Windows 7 installed.

Click on the icon and select "Add device".

A window will open, which will display all the devices found by the computer. Which are currently located near the computer and are available for connection. We select our device and the connection process will begin. I connected again Bluetooth headset (headphones with microphone)... On which you can talk in Skype.

When the message "This device has been added to your computer" appears, you can use it. Wireless mice (via Bluetooth), keyboards, phones and other devices are connected in the same way.

In the case of headphones, you may still need to set them as the default playback device. This can be done in the settings of playback devices (by right-clicking on the sound icon in the tray).

Driver for Bluetooth adapter: search and installation

It doesn't even matter which system is installed on your computer, it can be both Windows XP and Windows 10. But if it could not automatically configure the connected Bluetooth adapter, then we will have to manually search and install required driver... There are at least three ways:

When the system cannot install the driver on a device, it is located in the device manager under "Other devices" with a yellow icon. How your Bluetooth adapter will be displayed (named) there is hard to say. If you did not have any unknown devices there before, then it will not be difficult to determine it (it will be alone).

I have something like CSR 8510 A10 (looks like this is the chip on which the adapter is built)... Click on this device with the right mouse button and select "Properties". Next, go to the "Details" tab, put the "Equipment ID" in the drop-down menu and copy the first line.

We open the site DevID.info, paste the copied line into the search bar and delete all unnecessary things so that only the VID and PID values \u200b\u200bremain. You can see what value I had initially (screenshot above), and for which I did the search (screenshot below).

First, we purchase to download the first driver that appeared in the search results. You need to click on the floppy disk icon. pay attention to operating systemfor which this driver is suitable.

We pass the test "I am not a robot", click on the link and save the archive with the driver.

If not there installation file, but just a set of folders and some files, then click on the unknown device in the device manager with the right mouse button, select "Update driver" - "Search for drivers on the computer" and specify the path to the folder with the drivers. If the driver is not found and installed, then try downloading another one.

I really hope that the article came in handy for you, and you still added Bluetooth to your computer and were able to connect the necessary devices. And I didn't waste half a day 🙂