Where in android are the saved pages. How to save a page in Google Chrome. The location where Google Chrome files are stored on a smartphone

Browsing the Internet on your android device or iOS, you may be faced with a page you want to save to your phone or cloud drive.

There are several ways to save a web page as a PDF file, which you can then save to built-in storage or sync your device with cloud servicesuch as Dropbox or Google drive... You can also save articles in the offline reading app or send the entire page text by email.

Bookmarking a webpage in Safari for iPhone or iPad saves nothing more than the URL of the page, and if you lose network connection - get an error message.

The advantage of iOS List Reader is that it can take a functional snapshot of any web page, save it to your phone's local storage for offline reading, and sync it with all other iCloud-connected devices.

To open the Reading List, click the Bookmarks button (the button that looks like open book), and then click the Reading List tab (the reading glasses icon).

Note. Adding a web page to your Reading List does not necessarily save it all the time. If the device is online, and if the page disappears from the Internet, you will receive a page not found error message. If you go offline, the reading list usually reverts to the old, "cached" version.

Load a webpage in Chrome (Android only)

If you're using Chrome for Android, there is an easy way to download web pages for offline reading.

Unlike iOS's List Reading feature, Chrome does not sync downloaded web pages with other Android devices. But Chrome treats the saved web pages as the snapshots you took when you loaded the web page, even if it has been modified or removed from the Internet.

Save webpage as PDF (Android and iOS)

While a web page added to an iOS Reading List or downloaded in Chrome will look pretty much identical to its online version on the web, the PDF version of the same page may look different from the original. PDF web page Is, in fact, a digital printout, that is, its storage, regardless of what happens to the online version of the page.

You can create a PDF version of any web page on your Android or iOS device, but the methods are slightly different.

When Android has finished generating the preview of the page you want to save, click the Save In drop-down menu at the top of the page. Select "Save to Google drive"To download the PDF to your account, or click" Save as PDF "to save the file to your phone's local storage.

Now go to Google Drive to view the saved page (look in the "Recent" section if you are not sure which drive directory you saved the file to) or click "Downloads" in the app to find the file in your phone's local storage.

For iOS: There is no Save as PDF option in the iOS Print menu, but there are PDF apps with a Save PDF feature under the Action button.

Open a webpage in Safari, click the Action button (square button with an upward arrow), click the Save PDF button on the top row.

If you are a Dropbox user, the Save to Dropbox option under the iOS Action button will save web pages to pDF format in your account Dropbox.

Email the article text (iOS only)

You can select all text on a web page and paste it into email... However, iOS has an easier way.

Open the article, click the "View" button (the three-line button on the right side of the address bar at the top of the screen. Can't see the address bar? Try pulling the page until it appears).

Click the Action button (the square button with the arrow at the bottom of the screen), then Mail.

Safari will paste the entire version of the article into a message email, with the link above. All you need to do is select a recipient and click the "Send" button.

Save the "uncluttered" version of the webpage (Android and iOS)

The best way to archive the text of a web article is to use a dedicated reading application in offlinewhich saves more recent web articles.

Among best apps for offline reading - Instapaper, Pocket and Readability.

The best offline reading apps can have cloud storage for syncing saved articles across multiple devices, as well as bookmarking tools found in Android Share and iOS Action menus.

Articles that you save with the offline reading app will be preserved even if the original web page is modified or removed.

Services and tricks with which you can find EVERYTHING.

Why is it needed: in the morning, glimpsed the article, decided to read it more closely in the evening, but it is not on the site? Several years ago you went to a useful site, today you remember, but on the same domain there is nothing left? This has happened to each of us. But there is a way out.

Everything that gets on the Internet is stored there forever. If some information is posted on the Internet for at least a couple of days, it is highly likely that it has become the property of the collective mind. And you can get through to her.

Let's talk about simple and publicly available ways to find sites and pages that for some reason have been deleted.

1. Google cachewho remembers everything

Google specifically stores the text of all web pages so that people can view them if the site is not available. To view the version of the page from the Google cache, you need to address bar dial:


Where http://www.iphones.ru/ must be replaced with the address of the site you are looking for.

2. Web-archive, in which the entire history of the Internet

6. Archive.is, for your own cache

If you need to save a web page, you can do it on archive.is without registration and SMS. There is also a global search for all versions of pages ever saved by users of the service. There are even several saved copies of iPhones.ru.

7. Caches of other search engines, you never know

If Google, Baidu and Yandeх did not manage to save anything sensible, but a copy of the page is really needed, then we go to seacrhenginelist.com, go through the search engines and hope for the best (so that some bot visited the site at the right time).

8. Browser cache when nothing helps

You can't look at the whole page this way, but pictures and scripts from some sites certain time stored on your computer. They can be used to find information. For example, according to the picture from the instructions, you can find a similar one on another site. Briefly about the approach to viewing cache files in different browsers:


We are looking for files in the folder ~ / Library / Caches / Safari.

Google chrome

In the address bar we type chrome: // cache


In the address bar we type opera: // cache

Mozilla Firefox

We type in the address bar about: cache and find the path to the directory with the cache files on it.

What to do if nothing helped at all

If none of the methods gave results, and you desperately find the deleted page, then all that remains is to contact the site owner and shake the coveted information out of him. To begin with, you can punch through the contacts associated with the site on

How to change where files are saved on Android. Where does chrome android save files

When downloading files on their Android smartphone or tablet, many users are faced with the fact that they cannot find the downloaded file. They just don't know where the files are downloaded on Android. In this article we will try to solve this problem.

In short, the files on Android are downloaded to the Download folder. And the location of this folder may vary depending on the firmware of your Android device. For example, the Download folder can be located at one of the addresses:

  • mnt / sdcard / download
  • storage / emulated / 0 / download

Install a good file manager to find this folder. For example, such as AntTek Explorer Ex.

If the downloaded files are not in the Download folder, then the program with which you downloaded may have saved the files to another folder. Open the program and enter its settings. Perhaps there will be a folder to save the downloaded files. For example, in the Dolphin web browser, in order to change the folder for saving downloaded files, you need to open: Settings - Privacy and personal data - Upload directory.

In addition, often in the program itself you can see a list of files that have been downloaded. For example, the Dolphin and Firefox web browsers have this feature.

You also need to remember that after each downloaded file in top menu with notifications appears special message, indicating that the file was downloaded. By clicking on this message, you can open the downloaded file.

Is there anything to add to the material? Let us know in the comments.


Where files are downloaded on Android

Having downloaded the file for the first time to his smartphone or tablet, the novice user wonders where to find it now? After all, having just started using a mobile device, he still does not know where the files are downloaded to Android. In this article, we will try to find this place.

Where are the uploaded files located in Android

The Android operating system uses a folder named Download for files downloaded from the network. The Download folder is usually located in the root directory accessible to the user internal memory... If a memory card is installed in a smartphone (tablet), then the system can also create a folder for downloaded files on it. The path for it can be specified in the settings of the application that downloads the files.

To find the downloaded files, you need to install any file manager on your smartphone (tablet).

If you did not find an object downloaded from the network in the Download folder, then the application probably created its own folder and saved the file to it. For example, UC Browser uploads files to its own folder called UCDownloads.

You can change the location for downloaded files in your browser settings.

Open the application settings, select the Download Settings item from the menu and specify the folder where the files downloaded by the browser will be placed.

After downloading the file, a message about successful download will appear in the notification line. Opening the curtain with a vertical swipe down, you can view the file by tapping on the notification.

They still read with this:


Where are files downloaded on Android?

We will tell you where the files and data downloaded to your smartphone from the Internet are located.

Each owner of a smartphone based operating system Android at least once faced the problem when it could not find the downloaded file in the bowels of the system. Many simply do not know where they end up and rack their brains. We decided to figure it out once and for all.

In fact, everything is very simple - if you download a file from the network, you can find it in the "Download" folder. Depending on the version of the operating system and user interface its location may vary.

To find the folder, you need to use the pre-installed or download any other file manager, for example, "ES Explorer" or File Manager "from the developer Flashlight + Clock. AT Google play There are a lot of such applications. Then it is enough to use the search or manually check other directories. Our goal is the Download folder, where all downloaded data is stored.

For example "ES Explorer", you can either use the search, or go to Menu - Local storage - Home folder. The old directory can be found here.

For example " File manager»Everything is much simpler - on home screen the program has a "Downloads" section, where all the saved data is stored.

If a memory card is inserted in the smartphone, downloaded data may be automatically saved to it. Finding them is also extremely simple - you need to go to the Download directory in the memory card.

How to choose a folder for downloading files?

In some cases, the user wants to independently specify the path where the file downloaded from the Internet should go. You can do this, but you will most likely have to use a new browser. Google chromepreinstalled on all Android devices does not provide such an opportunity.

UC Browser is suitable for these manipulations. It should be noted that initially it will download files to the UCDownloads folder, but you can manually select the download directory in the browser settings: Settings - Downloads - Download path. Here you need to select a folder and save the settings.



Chrome for Android has learned to load pages for offline viewing

More years of google tested on mobile Chrome access to sites without an Internet connection. Today this feature has reached the stable version of the browser and is available via an update on Google Play.

New feature Will appeal to users who opened dozens of pages with free Wi-Fi and suffered freezes of the smartphone just in order to save money mobile traffic... Stable build of Google Chrome for Android (55.0.2883.84) saves bookmarks in one touch for offline review.

So, after the update, a button will be added to the browser menu to load the current page into memory, as well as a new item “Downloaded files”. Click on the icon and a loading indicator will appear on the notification bar. A checkmark will let you know about a successful save. It will also appear next to the link if you open the site without the Internet.

Downloaded bookmarks are grouped by creation date. Opposite each of them is the total size of the files. Over time, it can become excessively large, so the developers have provided the ability to batch delete saved pages.

Also in the fresh Chrome for Android, we optimized memory consumption and improved the highlighting of spelling errors in text fields.

55th chrome version for Android is already being distributed worldwide through the Google Play catalog. If the update has not come to you yet, you can download setup file here.

Price: Free


Android downloads are displayed in the notification bar. Directly from the "curtain", you can perform various actions with them: view the image, install the APK, play video or audio. But how can you find the downloaded files on your phone later?

When the notification disappeared from the "curtain", you can find the downloaded files in several ways: through your browser, the "Downloads" application or in the "Downloads" folder using the file manager.

Where files are downloaded in the Chrome browser

AT mobile browser Chrome click on the three dots on the right upper corner and in the list of options select "Downloaded files".

You can use the search or sort downloads by file type by clicking on the arrow.

Where files are downloaded in Yandex Browser

To find downloads in your Android phone using Yandex.Browser, you need to open any web page, click on the three dots in the lower right corner and select the menu item of the same name.

Where files are downloaded in UC Browser

In UC Browser, click on the center button and open "Downloads". There is also a simple file manager that can sort files by format.

Where files are downloaded in Opera Mobile browser

In Opera Mobile, you need to click on the icon in the lower right corner and go to "Downloads". As in other browsers, there is sorting by various parameters and basic functions: copy, delete, send.

Regardless of the browser used, all files downloaded to your smartphone are easily found through the Downloads application. Since the earliest android versions it is preinstalled in any firmware.

Appearance programs on your device may differ. For example, on Xiaomi Mi A1 with Android 8.0, the app is called Files.

Files downloaded using the Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Yandex browsers are stored in the Download folder in the device's internal memory. UC Browser by default downloads files to its "UCDownloads" directory, but the path can be changed in the program settings.

To go to Download, use any file manager. Usually File Explorer is preinstalled, if not, download any one you like from Google Play Market or from our website.


Where does Android download files?

The Android operating system is significantly different from the Windows operating system. For example, if when downloading a file on Windows we choose the folder to download, then in the case of Android, one storage is used. Where exactly are the files uploaded? Let's figure it out.

Where are downloaded files stored?

If we are talking about files that users download from the network, then the Download folder is usually used for them. To find it, you need to use any file manager, for example, ES Explorer, as in our case.

Go in and look for the Download folder. Please note: if you have a memory card installed, a Download folder may be automatically created on it, where downloaded files are placed.

And here is the downloaded file in the Download folder.

Where are the APKs stored?

With the downloaded files sorted out. Now on to an even more interesting question - where are the APKs downloaded? Of course, they are also stored in the file system in the same way, but you can't get access to them - you need to get root-rights, and the latter, as you know, "remove" the device from warranty. Keep this in mind when deciding to root your device.

As in the previous case, we need a file manager. Run it, grant it the necessary rights if necessary. Then follow the path / Data / App - downloaded files with APK resolution are stored here. Please note that the path may be different depending on your file system.

Actually, here are the files themselves.

They can even be copied and installed if desired, although it is better not to do anything with them at all - in order to avoid any possible problems.


The Android operating system is renowned for its simplicity and convenience. And this is actually so, because in comparison, for example, with a completely closed iOS system on Android everything is clear. Anyone can master the interface, even a child. In addition, it is possible to change absolutely everything: color theme, background, icons, animations, lock screen, etc. It would seem that problems should not arise, however, it is not without difficulties.

So, many owners of Android devices are puzzled by the problem - how to change the location of saving files? To change the location of saving files on Android, you first need to figure out which files are in question. Music, photos, videos, downloads, or whatever. Photos taken in the Camera application are saved by default in the DCIM folder, which can be found in the file manager or in the Gallery folder. The path "By default" is set in the settings of any editor. But if you want, you can change it inside the editor itself. Players also have a necessary item in their settings. Files transferred using Bluetooth are saved by default to the Bluetooth folder located in the Downloads folder. Music, pictures, games, files downloaded from the Internet through the browser are automatically saved in the "Downloads" folder. However, in the browser settings, you can change the location of saving files on Android as you wish. In general, it is not difficult to understand where files are saved on Android. Everything here is similar to Windows. Some applications allow the user to choose the path to save the files, while others do not. Many applications use standard folders (Audio, Video, Download) for this.

If the problem of changing the location of saving files on Android is still acute enough, it is recommended to install ES Explorer. ES File Explorer is one of the most popular file managers for Android. With it, you can easily browse folders, carry out various operations with files, view photos and videos, listen to music, etc. The functionality of this small application is huge. The advantage of this program is easy access to many applications (CoolReader, Odnoklassniki, VK, Translator, etc.). Another advantage of ES Explorer is the fast transfer of files from computer to smartphone and vice versa. Well, and most importantly, the program allows you to change the location of saving files on Android for most programs.

Modern mobile devicesdue to their versatility, they often replace computers or laptops for users. For example, when traveling, or in places where the Internet is not available, it is convenient to view the necessary information offline. But how do you save a page on Android? This is what we’ll talk about now.


If you use more early version Chrome browser, you can save your favorite content as PDF. To do this, by opening a browser, we find desired page, call the menu by pressing three vertical dots in the upper right corner, select the item " Printing", Click the icon" PDF»:

After that, a window with a keyboard will open, where you can set a name for the file and select a storage location " Disk" or " Downloads»

AT latest version Google Chrome browser added save function. To use it, after selecting a web page, press three dots, on the top panel of the drop-down menu, press the icon with an arrow, and then a message will appear below that the file has been downloaded, and you can view it by selecting “ Downloaded files»:

By the way, all downloads here are grouped according to the type of downloaded files - images, video and audio, web pages, etc.


If you use the Opera browser, then the option we are interested in is implemented in the following way: we find the necessary information, at the very beginning of the search line we see the symbol “ + ", Click on it, and then select the function" Save". That's all, after these manipulations, a corresponding notification will appear below:

Save the page using third-party software

Unfortunately, not all browsers support the function of saving web pages, in such cases, you can use the services of third-party services.

Pocket app

After completing the procedure, at any time, being offline, we can go into the application and immediately see all the saved materials, and by selecting the desired item in the menu, we will be able to add tags, delete unnecessary content, choose a convenient form of displaying the saved material, and even listen to it in voice version:

To view information offline (without an Internet connection), we just need to open new tab, then activate the item " Saved pages».

We described how to save a page in Android using the simplest and most popular methods most often used by users. But this does not mean at all that there are no other options for solving this problem. So, you can solve this problem using Instapaper , Offline browser , and other applications. Working with all these programs is very similar, so there is no point in repeating and describing each one.

And that's all for me, stay in touch. Good luck!

We will tell you where the files and data downloaded to your smartphone from the Internet are located.

Each owner of a smartphone based on the operating android systems at least once I encountered a problem when I could not find the downloaded file in the bowels of the system. Many simply do not know where they end up and rack their brains. We decided to figure it out once and for all.

In fact, everything is very simple - if you download a file from the network, you can find it in the "Download" folder. Depending on the version of the operating system and user interface, its location may vary.

To find the folder, you need to use the pre-installed or download any other file manager, for example, "ES Explorer" or File Manager "from the developer Flashlight + Clock. There are a lot of such applications on Google Play. Then it is enough to use the search or manually check other directories. Our goal is the Download folder, where all downloaded data is stored.

For example "ES Explorer", you can either use the search, or go to Menu - Local storage - Home folder. The old directory can be found here.

On the example of the "File Manager", everything is much simpler - on the main screen of the program there is a section "Downloads", where all the saved data is stored.

If a memory card is inserted in the smartphone, downloaded data may be automatically saved to it. Finding them is also extremely simple - you need to go to the Download directory in the memory card.

How to choose a folder for downloading files?

In some cases, the user wants to independently specify the path where the file downloaded from the Internet should go. This can be done, but most likely you will have to use a new browser. Google Chrome, preinstalled on all Android devices, does not provide this option.

UC Browser is suitable for these manipulations. It should be noted that initially it will download files to the UCDownloads folder, but you can manually select the download directory in the browser settings: Settings - Downloads - Download path. Here you need to select a folder and save the settings.