How to clean temps on Windows 7. Temp - what is this folder? How to clear Temp? Removing stealth mode and location of daddy

So, friends, now you will find out where the Temp folder is. In fact, there can be up to five such directories on a computer or laptop. But the main work falls on those that are located in some area of ​​​​the operating system and according to the location of the user documentation. That is, these are the following paths:

  1. C:\Windows\Temp

Almost every PC user has a question: why is the Temp folder needed and what functions does it perform?

Here, take local drive C by default, since the operating system is installed on it as standard. You may have it installed on another drive. The same applies to the second point, where the directory is called “Username”: you need to write the name that you have.

If we have figured out the location of our folder, then what about its purpose? What is stored in the Temp folder? So, Temp contains temporary files from various processes on the computer. The simplest example is installing any software. That is, when installing an application, temporary files and documents are created on the system that are needed for correct installation. Or for some utilities to work: a set of temporary files is also created. Sometimes these documents accumulate and do not clear themselves. Therefore, users are advised to periodically clean this area to ensure the best operating system performance.

Many users are often interested in the following question: is it possible to delete a place like Temp completely? Of course, under no circumstances! This is a system path that is needed for the OS to work properly. And if you don’t want additional problems and adventures on your own head, then it’s better not to touch anything. For more serious questions, it is better to contact specialists.

How to clear temporary documents

So, from the above we have already understood that it cannot be deleted. Then how to free up the space that this directory occupies. So let's now discuss this question: how to clean the Temp folder?

  1. First, you should scan your system for malicious codes, that is, viruses. This is done because often a simple virus can be stored in this path and location after some programs have run. Therefore, we scan your computer or laptop antivirus utility, clean and remove viruses (if there are any, of course) and reboot the device. Additionally, you can separately check the Temp directories for malware.
  2. Now go into it. You may find yourself with a large list of files that you do not understand. Select them all using the mouse or with a combination Shift keys for faster selection.
  3. When all files are selected, press the combination of Shift and Delete buttons. This must be done at the same time. The system will clarify whether you really want to permanently delete these files, to which you respond positively.
  4. Wait until the documents and information disappear from your computer. This completes the cleaning of the Temp area.

Cleaning problems

It happens that deleting files from this folder is not always successful. That is, an error may occur when clearing and deleting some information. Don't worry right away that you have some kind of problem with your computer. In fact, the system may be using these files in at the moment time. If you know which program is using documents, you can close it using the task manager from the registry and then try again to clean the Temp directory.

Let's sum it up

The Temp folder is located in one of these following paths:

  1. C:\Windows\Temp
  2. C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp

Its direct purpose is to store temporary files and documents when the user uses certain programs and utilities. In this regard, the location, called Temp, can take up a significant amount of space in the computer’s memory: sometimes this weight reaches several gigabytes! Busy place may negatively affect the operation of your computer or laptop. Therefore, users are recommended to promptly empty this folder in order to free up memory from downloaded information.

Many people wonder: is it possible to delete the Temp directory? As mentioned above, this is not possible, since this is a system directory. You can only clean it by deleting the files located in it, but not the location itself. We hope everything went smoothly for you, dear readers. Let us share in the comments who had what amount of information along this path and whether you were able to free up space.

Many users sooner or later face the problem of shortage free space on system disk. We have already talked about how to produce a complex and, now let’s turn our attention to one of the most active “devourers” disk space– Temp folder.

Where is the Temp folder in Windows 7/10

Since the specified folder is a system folder, to display it you must enable the display of hidden files and directories. To do this, in top menu Windows Explorer 7 select the “Service” item, and then go to “Folder Options...”

In Windows 10, to enable the display of hidden folders, go to Explorer and click on the top File – Change folder and search options.

On the “View” tab, again activate the “Show” item hidden files, folders and disks."

That's it, now we can easily find the Temp folder. IN Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 it is located in the catalog AppData user profile, specifically at:


If you have several accounts on your computer, then each of them has its own Temp folder. You can find out which account you are currently working under using the Start menu. From here it’s easy to go directly to the current user’s folder.

Let's perform this transition on our computer. Next we will follow the path AppData - Local.

Now let's find the Temp folder and see its size ( RMB - Properties).

For us it turned out to be 8.6 GB, not so much, but for owners of a small HDD or SSD, every megabyte is worth its weight in gold. Moreover, there are examples when the size of Temp reached several tens or even hundreds of gigabytes.

What is stored in the Temp folder and can its contents be deleted?

IN system folder Temp stores temporary files of applications and the operating system itself (Temp is short for Temporary, which translates as “temporary”). Intermediate files and document fragments created during the operation of programs and the OS are placed here. As a rule, they are all deleted after completion of certain operations or after a certain period of time. But in some cases, unnecessary components remain in the Temp folder forever, accumulating and leading to its strong growth.

Cleaning the Temp directory

There are several ways to clean out the Temp folder.


The easiest way to reduce the size of the Temp folder is to manually delete its contents, as if it were regular user data. Select all files (Ctrl+A), and then press Shift+Del. If some files in present moment are used by the system, you cannot delete them, and a corresponding message will appear on the screen. In this case, simply click “Skip” after checking the “Perform this action for all current objects” checkbox.

If files in the Temp folder can be deleted manually without fear of disrupting the system, then the folder itself should not be touched.

Using the Disk Cleanup utility

Windows has built-in disk cleaning tools, including the temporary files directory. We'll find it through search bar"Start" menu, the standard "Disk Cleanup" utility and run it.

Let's select drive C or any other drive from the list if the OS is installed on it.

The program will analyze the local disk and determine the amount of space that can be freed by deleting unnecessary files. Here we are primarily interested in the “Temporary files” item, since this includes the contents of the Temp folder.

In our case, the size of temporary files was 11.4 GB. To remove them, check the box in the right place and click the “OK” button.

After the operation is completed, check the size of the Temp folder. For us it decreased from 8.6 GB to 188 MB, i.e. We cleared over 8 GB of free space.


There are many specialized utilities that allow you to optimize Windows operation. For the most part, they have the necessary functionality for cleaning system partition. For example, it works great with this function free application CCleaner. We launch it, go to the “Cleaning” section, put the necessary checkboxes in the left column and click the “Analysis” button. Next, we start cleaning with the appropriate button.

So, now we have figured out what this Temp folder is, whether it is possible to delete its contents and how to do this. If you have anything to add on this topic, please leave a comment below.

There are a lot of different folders or processes in Windows that take up a lot of space, both physical and operational. Many users are so afraid of the computer and the OS that they don’t even want to get into the system disk, but sometimes this needs to be done. In particular, today I will write to you about the Temp folder.

What is the temp folder for?
In the operating room Windows system There are a lot of different processes going on all the time, both belonging to the OS itself and to installed programs. In the process of this work, in order to save the intermediate or unfinished result of their activity, all running applications create temporary data files and actively use them. It is precisely the Temp folder in Windows that is the storage of temporary files.

Where is the temp folder?
So it has about 5 paths, but usually it is located and takes up the most space along the path


Read about the AppData folder in the article

Is it possible to delete the temp folder
It is possible and necessary. This will not do anything to the system. But it’s better to do this before turning off the computer and ending the session. But you can enter it right now address bar conductor %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp and, having selected everything, delete.
Be prepared that not all files and folders will be deleted. An error may appear indicating that they are busy.

How to clear the temp folder
You can use not the direct method described above, but a more correct one - through Disk Cleanup.
Right-click on the OS disk and select Properties. In this window, click the button Disk Cleanup

We are waiting for the information to be collected

Now select temporary files and clear

By the way, you can delete others too.

Let's modernize this method a little and make sure that the temporary folder is cleared when the computer is turned off.

1) Click RMB on To my computer and choose Properties.
2) On the left edge select Advanced System Settings.
3) In this window we select Environment Variables

4) Changing the TEMP and TMP values

to C:/Windows/Temp

5) Create a file in Notepad with any name and content:

pushd %TEMP% && rd /s /q . > nul 2>&1
pushd %WinDir%\TEMP && rd /s /q . > nul 2>&1

and save with cmd extension.
For example alex.cmd
or download from here
6) Opening Group Policy Editor (Win + R-> enter gpedit.msc) and follow the path Computer Configuration -> Windows Configuration-> Scripts (start/end).
7) We highlight Completed work and click the link Properties

Not all users, of course, but many, if they do not encounter the Temp folder in everyday work, have at least heard and know that it exists in Windows systems. Why the Temp folder is needed, what it is, what functions it performs, and whether it can be deleted will now be discussed. Let's take Windows 7 as an example, although there is no fundamental difference in which system to take as the basis in this case.

Temp folder: what is it and why is it needed?

So, you can understand the purpose of this directory using the usual interpretation of the abbreviation Temp from the word temporary. The basic interpretation, in simple terms, means “a directory for storing temporary files.”

If anyone doesn’t know, in the process of its operation the operating system itself or the programs installed into it for their own needs create exactly the temporary files necessary for correct installation or operation. The files in the Temp folder usually have the extension .tmp, some of them are deleted automatically, for example, upon completion of some process, some remain in the system, and if the process associated with them is in the active stage, say, running in the background, then It’s simply not possible to get rid of such files. So it turns out that the contents of this directory, in fact, are the most common computer garbage, which can and should be gotten rid of, but do this without harm to the system.

Where is the Temp folder in Windows?

Now a few words about where exactly you can find the temporary files directory. The fact is that the Temp folder in Windows is not the only one. Many will be surprised, they say, why have several folders in the system. Here it is worth paying attention to the use of multiplayer mode. The directory in which the files are saved is created for each specific user, not counting the main directory in the system itself.

Thus, as a rule, the Temp folder in Windows 7 can be located either in the root of the system partition (in most cases this is drive “C”), or in the system directory (Windows), or in the Local directory located in the AppData folder of the user partition (Users \"Username"). In Windows XP, the Local folder is named Local Settings.

In principle, in order not to rummage through the same “Explorer” for a long time, you can use the built-in search system, in which the string %Temp% is set as a criterion. This is done in order to find all existing directories that may be hidden. If the search is carried out in manual mode, you should enable the display of hidden objects in the “View” menu of the standard “Explorer” or any other file manager. By the way, some temporary files may also have this attribute.

How to clean the Temp folder using the simplest method?

If we talk about whether it is possible to delete the Temp folder from any location, let’s make a reservation right away: it is under no circumstances recommended to do this. Another thing is to clean up its contents. There are several ways to do this.

In the very simple version You should go into it, select all the files, and then delete. How to make the selection is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But, as you know, it is best to use the combination Ctrl + A, rather than marking with the cursor, and even more so by executing the corresponding commands from different main or additional menus.

But here a small problem may arise. The fact is that some files may be involved in some process, and you cannot simply delete them. First, you will need to shut down the active services that use them, but the easiest way is to not have to figure out which process is blocking the files, just restart the computer and try to delete again. But this method does not always work.

Disk Cleanup Tool

One of the most effective methods can be called the “native” tool of the OS that allows you to delete temporary files without damaging the system or currently running programs, applications and services.

To do this, use the disk properties menu, where you need to click on the cleanup button and select the items to be deleted. Is it possible to delete the Temp folder this way? No. As such, the directory remains on the disk, but its contents are completely cleared.

Cleaning via the command line

You can use and to clean out the temporary files directory, but entering long commands for each partition seems impractical.

The easiest way is to create an executable file with the .bat extension (for this you can use a regular Notepad and write the following commands in it:

DEL /F /S /Q /A "C:\Windows\Temp\*"

DEL /F /S /Q /A "C:\Temp\*"

DEL /F /S /Q /A "C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Temp\*"

Name - This method of launching a BAT file allows you to clear all folders that are present on the system without much effort. As practice shows, it is best to save such a file directly on the desktop in order to always have it at hand and execute it if necessary. this operation within just a couple of minutes.

Using third party utilities

Now a few more words about how the Temp folder is cleared. What it is is probably already a little clear. Let's see how to get rid of its contents using special programs, usually called optimizers.

Any such package has a special module for searching and deleting temporary files, and it makes absolutely no difference where they are located. And, as a rule, it is involved in cleaning and optimizing the system by default, although if you have the necessary knowledge, you can make your own customization. Let us explain using the simplest CCleaner utility as an example.

Here in the cleaning section you need to pay attention to the tabs located on the right side (Windows and Applications). In principle, to carry out deep cleaning you can select all items, including not only temporary files, but also the clipboard, system message history, etc. In fact, all this information can also be classified as temporary objects, or, more simply put, as ordinary computer garbage. Everything else is simple. We activate the analysis process, and after issuing the results, we confirm the deletion of files using the appropriate button. As you can see, nothing complicated. By the way, it is the use of such programs that allows for the most complete and safe cleaning.


Here, in fact, is a brief summary of everything on the topic “Temp folder: what is it and how to clean it.” Naturally, in this case, means of optimizing directories of this type themselves using settings were not considered. But, it seems, the average user, by and large, does not need this.

As for deleting these directories, as is already clear, this is not worth doing, although some users delete them without a twinge of conscience. But here, as they say, it’s a double-edged sword: for some, the system will automatically create a directory when rebooting, while for others it will crash altogether. So it’s better not to take risks, but to use either standard or third-party cleaning products. It will be much safer this way.

Don't forget to clean the Temp folder

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There are many options for cleaning the registry and unnecessary files of the operating system. special programs. Reg Cleaner, Reg Organizer, CCleaner - just a few free programs, which can be safely used to maintain the hygiene of the operating system. But not only the operating system requires constant care, the system hard drive also needs regular user attention. Piling up the system disk with unnecessary files can cause the system to freeze, it will work slower, and in the end, you will not be left alone by a system message stating that drive C is overloaded and requires active user participation in solving the problem.

System disk overload is far from an alien phenomenon for Windows 7 and 8. Both versions of the system require at least 16 GB of free disk space. Together with installed programs to the system disk, the volume of the latter quickly grows to 20-25 GB. For low-power office machines or old computers manufactured in the mid-2000s, this immediately affects their performance.

Freeing up space on the hard system drive is done manually. You can delete unused programs or transfer them to a non-system drive and reinstall them again. You can also free up space on your system disk by deleting unnecessary files from the Temp folder.

The purpose of the Temp system folder is to store temporary files. These could be program installers downloaded on the Internet, these could be unzipped files that you don’t even know about, these could be fragments of office documents, these could be various add-ons to programs that automatically end up in this folder. Ideally, the Temp folder is intended for temporary files, but such temporary files often turn into permanent ones, piling up unnecessary junk on the system drive.

For users who actively use a long-installed operating system, unaware of the existence of dead weight, the volume of the Temp folder can reach 4-5 GB. Notable numbers, right?

The Temp folder itself cannot be deleted. And it is unlikely that you will be able to destroy it if you do not have access to perform such an operation. But regularly deleting unnecessary files from this folder will relieve the load on the system disk.

The Temp folder is located on the system drive - usually drive C -, in the Windows folder. This is a general temporary folder, but there is also a user folder, it is located in the user folder (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local).

We delete temporary files from these folders.

2. If it contains the documents or files you need, transfer them to a non-system drive - drive D or E.

3. Select and delete all other files.

Now all that remains is to clean the user's temporary Temp folder.

2. Now you need to display hidden folders and files. To do this, in Windows 7, click on the Arrange button - Folder and Search Options.

In Windows 8 - go to the View tab - Options - Change folder and search options.

In the Folder Options window, go to the View tab and enable the Show hidden files and folders options and uncheck the Hide protected system files option.

4. Select all files (combination Ctrl keys+ A on your keyboard) and delete.

If during the deletion process the File is already in use dialog box appears, check the box next to Execute for all current items and click the Skip button.

If any files remain in this folder, leave them. The bulk of useless computer junk has been removed.

In the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems there are folders for storing temporary files of games and programs - Temp. When you correctly turn off the program, the temporary files are deleted, but if the work is stopped incorrectly (the lights are turned off, etc.), then the files remain on the computer and will have to be deleted manually.

Is it possible to delete the Temp folder? No, you can't! You can delete all the files located in it, but not the folder itself, otherwise the programs will not be able to install.

Temp folder

In order to clean the Temp folder in Windows 7 and Windows 8, you need to find it. To do this, open “Computer”, then “Local Disk C” - “Windows” - “Temp”. In this folder, select all the files and delete them.

If a message appears stating that a file cannot be deleted, skip it. This means that it was launched by the program and if you shut down correctly, it will delete itself.

This is how we clean the Temp folder in Windows 7, 8.

The second folder for storing temporary files is AppData Local Temp. Since it is hidden, you first need to enable the display of hidden files. To do this, go to Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization - Folder Options - go to the “View” tab. Check the box at the very bottom “Show hidden files, folders and drives”. Click OK.

Only now we can find the AppData folder. You need to follow the following path: “Computer” - “ Local disk C" - Users - Username (Admin, Petya, Vasya, etc.) - AppData - Local - Temp.

Select all the files in the Temp folder and delete them. If something cannot be deleted, then we simply skip these files.

There are a few more Temp folders you can find:

  1. Computer - Local disk - Users - UpdatusUser - Temp
  2. Computer - Local Disk - Users - All Users - Temp
  3. Computer - Local disk - Users - Default - Temp

Video on how to find the Temp folder and delete all files.

The Temp folder in Windows 10 is designed to store temporary files that are necessary for the operation of the system or some application. Unfortunately, the contents of this folder are not always cleared automatically after completing a specific task. Therefore, users often clean this folder manually. However, in order to remove unnecessary files from this folder, you need to know how to find the Temp folder in Windows 10.

How to get to the Temp folder on Windows 10?

There are several Temp folders in Windows 10. All of them are stored in different places, namely:

  • C:\Temp;
  • C:\Windows\Temp;
  • C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\.

To get to these folders, you can manually go to specified addresses or perform a few simple steps.

Method number 1. Using the Run line

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “%TEMP%”.
  • A folder with temporary files will open.

Method number 2. Using the Explorer address bar

In order to get to the Temp folder in Windows 10, you should open Explorer and enter “%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp” or “%TEMP%” (without quotes) into the address bar.

How to clear Temp folder on Windows 10?

You learned where the Temp folder is located in Windows 10. Now you can clean it. To do this, you should use the following recommendations.

Method number 1. Standard cleaning Temp

  • Open Explorer. Click right click mouse on drive C and select “Properties”. A small window will open. Click "Disk Cleanup".

  • Check the box next to “Temporary files” and click “Clear”.

  • We are waiting for the folder to be cleaned up.

Method number 2. Using .bat file

To create a .bat file, you should do the following:

  • Click “Start” and select “Notepad”.
  • In Notepad, paste the line “rd %temp% /s /q md %temp%”.

  • Save the file as “%appdata%\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\startup\cleantemp.bat”. So you create batch file, cleantemp.bat, in the Startup submenu of your Start Menu. The created bat file will be downloaded automatically.

Method No. 3. Using the Task Scheduler

  • Launch the Task Scheduler. To do this, go to “Control Panel”, “Administration” and select “Task Scheduler”.

  • A new window will appear. Select “Create a simple task”. We set any task name, and in the actions we indicate “forfiles.exe /p "%TEMP%" /s /m * /d -3 /c "cmd /c del /F /Q /A @file"" and "forfiles. exe /p "%TEMP%" /s /m * /d -3 /c "cmd /c rd /S /Q @file"".
  • Set the task execution time. The Temp folder will be cleared automatically.

It is important to note that the last two methods are suitable for cleaning the temporary files folder of only one user. If your PC has several profiles, then cleaning must be done for each profile separately.

How to move Temp folder in Windows 10?

In order not to go to the address: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\ every time, you can move the folder with temporary files to the directory top level, for example to the folder C:\Temp. To do this we do the following:

  • Calling up the system properties. A new window will open. In the menu on the left, select “Advanced system settings”.

  • A new window will open. Go to the “Advanced” tab and click on the “Environment Variables” button.

  • A new window will open. You can see two variables in it: TEMP and TMP. For both variables, click “Change” and enter a new value for the variable: “C:\Temp”.

  • We save the result.

After completing the above steps, the location of the folder with temporary files will change.

Is it possible to delete the Temp folder in Windows 7 or simply clean it?

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We all, sooner or later, encounter problems when working on a computer. It seems to us that our faithful assistant, for no apparent reason, begins to “be capricious.” He slows down without visible reasons, turns off and freezes.

I have already devoted quite a few articles to the problem when, and described in detail what actions need to be taken to fix the problem. One of the main actions in case of any problems with Windows OS is cleaning the computer.

Moreover, you need to clean not only system unit, I mean physically. It is also important to remove garbage from the operating system. The concept of garbage also includes temporary files saved in the system Temp folder.

In this connection, many people have a question: is it possible to delete the Temp folder completely? Perhaps, considering that after this temporary files will not accumulate and clog the system.

I’ll tell you right away – this is a mistaken opinion. Temporary files must be saved. Therefore, if you suddenly delete the Temp folder, the operating system will try to restore it.

Otherwise, there will be malfunctions in the operation of the entire system. Therefore, it is best not to delete the Temp folder. But you need to clean it regularly. And today I will tell you how to do this.

Clearing the Temp folder

The folder for storing temporary files can be located in different directories, and moreover, there is more than one temp folder on your computer. For example, the temp folder can be located in any of the following locations:

How can you find them, you ask? It's very simple. At the bottom of the screen, on the taskbar, there is a magnifying glass. Click on it and enter %Temp% into the search window. Naturally, without a dot at the end. Explorer will find the folder and display it in the search. Click on the folder and at the top you will see where it is located.

Click inside the folder and select all the contents using the Ctrl+A keys, and use the Delete button to clear the contents. I would like to warn you that not all files will be deleted. What the system requires cannot be deleted.

A window will pop up indicating that this file involved operating system. Don't be alarmed by this, just click skip and the system will move on to the next file.

As practice has shown, there can be from 3 to 5 non-deletable files in the Temp folder.

Temp folder in Windows

Using the method above, we cleared the temp folder for the user. In addition, there is a folder for storing temporary files for Windows OS. Finding it is easy, follow the path: Computer - Local disk - Windows - Temp.

Clean in the same way as I described above, that is, select and delete. Skip undeletable files. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. I described the simplest way cleaning Windows folders– Temp.


As you can see, it is not necessary to delete the temp folder, but it is advisable to clean it more often. However, if clearing the folder did not resolve your problem and the computer still slows down, then I advise you to look for a utility to fix system failures.

There are quite a lot of such programs on the Internet that help you find a problem and fix it. I advise you to first read about the program and its capabilities. Find out reviews from those who have already used the utility. Only after that download it to your computer.

One of these utilities is - Microsoft Windows Fix or MWFix. Personally, I once used it to identify errors on my computer.

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