Android freezes how to restart TV. How to restart Android if it freezes? How I rebooted my frozen phone with a non-removable Samsung A3 battery

Overwhelming majority modern gadgets released on the basis of the Android operating system. There is not a single OS that does not give errors, or short-term crashes do not occur in it, so you should remember how to restart your smartphone on an Android. This will help get rid of problems with the program if it was an accidental error.

How to reboot on android

Android is a good option for managing mobile devices, but it often crashes, freezes, errors. In the worst case, the device stops responding to any actions from the user, so you need to know how to restart your android. To do this, you can use several tools that are provided by the creators of the phone or tablet themselves. There are two main variants of this procedure:

  • standard- does not imply data loss, removal of programs from the gadget;
  • hard reset - a full restart with a factory reset, all data from the phone is lost (the sd card is not affected), applications are deleted.

Easy reboot without data loss

This option, how to make a reset on an android, is well suited if the error in the software is not fatal, the phone just started to "slow down" or freeze when performing certain tasks, but still functions. This is not to say that these are rare cases, but they are not critical and are easily corrected. Option one, how to restart android:

  1. Press and hold the power button (power button) for a few seconds.
  2. Wait for the dialog box to appear. It usually suggests “off”. "go to offline mode"Or" restart "the phone.
  3. Click on the required item and wait for the device to restart.

Note that the speed at which menus appear may vary depending on the complexity of the system error. In some cases, you have to wait from 5 to 10 seconds. This option helps all modern phone models (Samsung, Fly, Sony, HTC, etc.), provided that the screen displays information and the phone responds to keystrokes. If this does not happen, and you do not want to lose data from the device, you can use a more radical method - remove and reinsert the battery. These actions will restart your device.

Hard restart android with deleting data and applications

In case of serious system failures that could cause third party applications, viruses or errors when performing some operations, you need to know how to hard restart an android. This method implies a complete cleaning of the device, resetting to factory settings: all your data from the device will be completely, irrevocably erased. Therefore it is recommended to do backup all contents from the device's memory (this does not apply to the sd card).

This behavior is often caused by various "trash" that is formed during the operation of the operating system. Procedure how to do hard reset on android is no different, whether you have Lenovo, Samsung or Sony. The algorithm remains the same:

  1. Go to the device settings menu.
  2. Find the item that has the name "Backup and reset".
  3. Click on "Reset data". The name may be slightly different, for example, "Reset to factory settings".

This option will return your Android to its original state, as if you just bought it from a store. All residual files, broken applications and other "trash" will disappear, the system will function correctly again, without freezes or crashes. All your data, logins, passwords, downloaded applications will be erased. You can use this function only if you can turn on the phone and go to the menu. If this is not possible, you should use the Recovery menu.

Reboot Android on Phone or Tablet via Recovery

Sometimes a tablet or smartphone freezes so much that it is not possible to enable them. With such problems, you need to know how to completely restart your android. There is a special Recovery Mode, which is launched using a combination of function buttons on the unit. For different models devices can be programmed with different combinations and sequence of pressing, you can find them on the official websites of the developers or in the instructions. Typically, the volume and power buttons are programmed to press simultaneously. How to reboot android on phone:

  1. Clamp the required combination for your smartphone model.
  2. In the menu that appears, movement is carried out by the buttons to decrease, increase the volume.
  3. Find the line "Wipe Data" or "Factory Reset", confirm the selection with the power button.
  4. Wait until the system is restored to its original state.

Video: how to make a hard reset on android

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Today we will talk about rebooting devices running the Android operating system. These can be phones, tablets, SmartTV, eBooks, smart watch and so on. The most simple ways (using the power button) and more advanced options (such as Recovery or scheduled reboot). In any case, the question of how to restart Android will be fully disclosed. Let's get started.

Let's look at several reasons why a reboot is imperative. These include:

  • Scheduled restart. Any operating system, including Android, accumulates a lot of temporary files over time and slows down. In order to lighten the OS and return it to its original state, you just need to restart the gadget.
  • System crash. Sometimes, and this is no secret to anyone, one of the applications or even the elements of the firmware freezes and takes the smartphone out of a working state. Only a reboot often helps to fix such a bug;
  • Access to additional features. You may also need a reboot, for example, to access the recovery. What it is and what it is for, we will talk a little below.

So, after a few lines of theory, we propose to get down to business, namely, considering ways to reboot the phone.

Reboot Android

So, let's get down to our instructions. Below you will find several ways to reboot Android. Choose the one that suits you best and try to bring it to life. For a better understanding, we will briefly tell you where this or that option is more suitable.

Using the power button

Using the power button, in most cases, you can implement 2 options for resetting your device at once. It should be understood that such a reset is not a so-called hard or Hard Reset - it simply restarts the phone with or without shutting down the operating system.

Normal restart

This option can help when you just want to reboot the device. This will help clear rAM... The operation is performed as follows:

  1. Press and hold the power button on the unlocked device. Otherwise, no reaction will follow or a completely different function is activated. For example, in a Xiaomi phone, after holding the power button and the screen off, the camera starts up.

  1. From the menu that appears on your screen, select the desired item. Here it looks like this.

Note that there are several additional functions here: flight mode, shutdown and silent mode.

Hard reset

The next option does not work on all devices (Lenovo, Fly, etc.), but on a good half for sure. It consists in the fact that when your device freezes and does not react to anything, you force it to reset. To do this, you just need to hold down the power button and hold it until the device is reset. Very convenient for gadgets with a non-removable battery.

Be careful: using this method may result in loss of unsaved data. For example, if you worked with a program and dropped the gadget in the process, the project and all related materials will be permanently deleted.

Using settings

Next, let's consider an even more radical method, which involves returning the device to factory settings. Moreover, it can be produced both with full formatting memory, and without it. However, first things first.

  1. All the steps below will be shown on the example of a smartphone based on Android7 and a proprietary MIUI 9 add-on above it. First, by dropping the notification line, go to the device settings.

  1. Next, we need to scroll down the contents of the window a little and select the item called "Advanced Settings".

  1. The next step is to go to the menu item "Restore and reset".

  1. Before performing operations with the software installed on the phone and the user's personal data, it is imperative to make a backup of the system. Below we will tell you how to do the same through Recovery, but for now we tap on the item "Local backups».

A local backup is an archive into which all the data needed to restore the current state of our firmware is packed. It is stored in the internal memory of your phone, but for greater security it is better to move it to a PC or to the cloud.

  1. In order to start creating a copy, press the button indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Tap on "Start" again.

  1. We are waiting for all the elements to be packed and saved in the device's memory.

  1. Done. Operation was successfully completed. We just have to click the "Finish" button.

As a result, the archive with all the files for recovery has been saved and, as we said, it is better for you to move it to your computer.

If we click on the backup name, the restore menu will open. Here you can activate either a separate restore of system settings or programs. There is also a general mode: to start it, set both checkboxes to the active positions. As soon as the "Restore" button is pressed, the backup will unpack and overwrite the existing data.

Be careful: the existing software settings will be overwritten irrevocably.

After we are done with the backup, you can go directly to the factory reset. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the restore and reset settings again, turn the contents of the window to the very bottom and click on the last item called "Reset settings".

  1. Then you can choose one of the modes.

Here is their explanation:

  • personal data: the device is reset to the factory state, however, the user's personal data is not affected;
  • erase SD card: deletes everything, including user files.

When your option is highlighted, click the button marked in the screenshot below.

The cleaning process will take some time, but once completed, you will receive your device as it was when you purchased it.

In pure Android, without various shells and launchers, the process looks like this:

  1. Open the device menu. In the 7th Android, this is done by lifting the bottom line up.

  1. Tap on the gear icon.

  1. Scroll down the list and select an item indicated on the screen.

  1. Data are backed up here automatically. You need to configure it in the first paragraph. You can also enable auto-recovery right there. The main thing is to have a working Google account and connect it to your phone. When the preparation is over, click on the line that says "Reset settings".

  1. Will open new screenwhich will have a single button. It also displays information about the attached account and a warning that all data will be lost. If you have already saved them, you can proceed with the reset.

So we saw the dignity xiaomi phones: unlike "naked" Android, here you can do a general reset without deleting user data.

Using third-party software

We have smoothly approached one more question - automatic reboot in time and reboot into a special mode. They can be implemented using third-party software. Let's take a look at how this is done.

Let's set up our smartphone so that it reboots itself at night and frees up memory.

  1. Go to the store Google play and find there an application called "Scheduled Restart". When this is done, press the button labeled "Install".

  1. We are waiting for the installation of the program to come to an end.

  1. Done. The program is added to main screen our gadget. Let's not waste time and launch it.

  1. The utility looks something like this, although its appearance can be customized by changing the pre-installed skins. You can find them in the settings. In order for everything to work, you need to perform the first manual reboot. The fact is that by default, in new versions of Android, it can only be executed on behalf of the administrator, respectively, you, or rather the program, will need Root rights. That is why we posted this way towards the end of the article, because not everyone has such an opportunity.

  1. A countdown of 5 seconds will begin so that, if necessary, we can cancel the operation.

  1. When the timer counts down for the last second, you will be prompted to grant administrator privileges. If you do not have Root, then an error will simply appear. The action must be allowed. Be careful: after that the device will immediately reboot.

  1. After restarting the device, open the program again and select the reboot frequency. We recommend specifying a daily routine.

  1. Next, you need to set the time when the phone turns off and on again. It is important to choose exactly that period of the day or night when you do not use the device or do it the least intensively. In our case, it is a deep night. Use the plus and minus to set the desired value. It can also be entered from the keyboard.

That's all. Now your Android will automatically reboot every day and work much more stable.

Attention! It so happens that over time, the right to access the administrator account is automatically revoked from the program. If this happens, add it to your Root Manager's whitelist.

Let's consider another option using third-party software. This time we are pursuing a slightly different goal, namely, to reboot into a special mode. But let's be sequential and sort things out in order.

  1. First, download the utility itself called "Reboot (Material design)". This can be done in Play Store... Like the previous this application requires Root access.

  1. As usual, we are waiting for the end of downloading the APK and its subsequent installation.

  1. When the program is ready to go, just launch it. The shortcut should automatically be added to the home screen.

  1. We will immediately be asked to provide administrator privileges. We do this by tapping on the item indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Here is the main menu of the program. There are several familiar modes and not quite. Let's consider them in more detail.
  • recovery. Reboot into a special mode, which must be installed separately. Moreover, it can be of two types, official (present by default) and modified. The latter has a wider functionality (analogue of BIOS on a PC). Needed, for example, for gadgets without a power button;
  • bootloader. A regime that prepares him for acceptance new firmware via cable;
  • safe mode.
  • All modes are in front of you:

    Attention! Some of these modes may not be available and may not work on individual devices.

    Through Recovery

    Below we will consider at once 2 options for working with this function. Custom and standard recovery will be described. Let's get started.

    Standard Recovery

    Standard recovery can be started either using the program discussed above, or by holding down a combination of buttons when turning on the device. In both cases, the result will be the same. All stock Recovery is different and depends on the phone model. The combinations of buttons for launching them are also different.

    Recovery is before you samsung phone... As you can see, here you can restart the firmware mode, apply an update via ADB or from a memory card, reset to factory settings, remount system partitions, view the log of work or turn off the device.

    Working with custom TWRP

    Custom recovery has gained immense popularity among advanced users. Moreover, it is constantly being updated. In order for such a menu to appear on your phone, you need to flash it, and this is a topic for a separate article. We'll just look at how to reset.

    1. Anyone in a convenient way reboot into Recovery. Further, in order to secure your data, we tap on the "Backup" tile.

    1. Selecting the objects to be saved. We recommend installing them as we did in the picture below. To start copying, move the slider all the way to the right.

    1. The copying process has begun, its log is displayed in the same window.

    1. After the backup has been created and saved in the phone's memory, you can proceed directly to the reset. To do this, go back to the TWRP main menu and click on "Cleanup".

    1. There are several controls here. The first is the user data formatting button. Be careful, it will delete all of your photos, music, videos and even the backup you recently created. It is better to move it to a PC or laptop beforehand. Secondly, there is a selective cleaning mode, we will talk about it later. And thirdly, standard cleaning - to start it, move the slider to the right.

    1. Now for selective cleaning. We mark the areas of memory that we want to format with checkmarks and drag the slider to the right.

    Here we have to explain something:

    • Dalvik / ART cache. System application cache. Recommended for cleaning first;
    • System. Firmware area. If you format the partition, the device will not start (you need to install a new firmware).
    • Data. Application data;
    • Device memory.
    • Cache. System cache;
    • MicroSD. Memory card;
    • USB OTG. USB flash drive connected via OTG.

    This is how it all looks.

    Since the control interface here is touch-sensitive, if the latter does not work, it will not work to use the mode.

    Summary and comments

    That's all. We have fully reviewed all the ways to reset and reboot an Android smartphone. We hope you found our article helpful. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. As far as possible, we will help each of our readers.

    Important! Before proceeding with the reset or other manipulations on system files, user data or applications, be sure to back them up!

    Video instruction

    For completeness, we suggest you watch a training video on a similar topic.

    Android smartphones are prone to various crashes. Most often, users encounter freezes, and in the most difficult cases, devices become inoperable - for example, an endless loading of the operating system begins to appear. How to reboot your Android phone? Several simple tools are provided for this. In our review, we will consider the following reboot methods:

    • No data loss and no application uninstallation;
    • Full reboot, deleting data and applications.

    The former will help with partial freezes or incorrect operation of the OS, and the latter will restore the functionality of Android in case of fatal failures (if it is impossible to load).

    Reboot without data loss

    Have you found that your Android device has frozen and stopped responding? This happens quite often. This is due to the imperfect softwareand many versions of mobile devices - with some of them, the operating system and applications malfunction. Periodic "freezes" are quite normal, so there is no need to get upset.

    How to restart Android and get the phone back to work? The easiest way is to send your device to reboot. To do this, hold down the power button and do not release it until the shutdown menu appears on the screen. You will find three points here:

    • Turn off;
    • Offline mode;
    • Reload.

    Select the last item, confirm the reboot and wait for it to complete. In some cases, it takes up to 10 seconds or more before the above menu appears., depending on the severity of the "freeze". If you suddenly change your mind about sending your smartphone to reboot, select the cancel option.

    Sometimes the "freeze" character turns out to be such that the device refuses to respond to the clamping of the power button. In this case, release the button, press it again and hold it longer.

    If this does not help, we shoot back cover, take out battery, wait a few seconds and install the battery back. We turn on the phone and wait for it to turn on completely - now you can use your device.

    How to completely restart Android

    Is your device behaving incorrectly, constantly "freezing" or "slowing down"? Often, the problem is solved with the help of applications for cleaning memory - during the operation of the Android operating system, a lot of junk accumulates in the phone. By cleaning out the debris, we can return the device to its former speed. If this does not help, you should resort to a hard reboot to delete all data.

    How to completely reboot Android, whether you have Samsung, Fly, LG or a smartphone from any other brand in your hands? To do this, go to "Settings - Backup and reset" and select "Reset data". This operation will return the smartphone to its factory state.... It will also delete the data encryption file on the memory card - if you use encryption, then you will not be able to access your data after a reboot.

    In order not to lose important data, regularly back up your devices and use cloud servicesstoring data on external servers.

    Is your smartphone so hung up that it can't start? In this case, you should return it to the factory settings via Recovery Mode. To do this, turn off the smartphone, then press the power key and the "Volume down" key - after turning on you will be taken to a special service menu... Here you need to select the item "Wipe Data / Factory Reset" and wait until the phone is reset to factory settings.

    Many other keyboard shortcuts can be used to access Recovery Mode. For example, the power button and the Home button, the power button and both volume buttons, sequential button presses, etc. Detailed instructions to enter Recovery Mode for your smartphone, you should search in specialized forums.

    Many modern users mobile phones face problems such as freezing or incorrect work devices. Often, to solve such problems, it will be enough just to restart the gadget. However, if this action is not performed correctly, all stored information may be deleted and other errors may appear. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, you need to know the existing methods of rebooting mobile phones, which primarily depend on the operating system of the phone and its model.

    Android is considered the most popular and well-proven operating system to control gadgets. However, despite the positive characteristics, devices running on Android often freeze and knock out various errors. In this case, the most common problem is that mobile device completely stops responding to any actions performed by the user. To fix this problem, it will be enough to properly restart the gadget. This can be done in the following ways, which were provided by the creators of the mobile phone:

    With the preservation of information

    This option is the simplest, which is used in the event of a partial freeze of the device. That is, when the phone is functioning, but starts to slow down when performing certain functions... To reboot your mobile phone in this way, you must do the following:

    • hold and hold (usually 2-3 seconds is enough) the power button;
    • wait for the dialog box to appear. It is in it that the user will be asked to turn off the phone, change the existing mode, or restart the device;
    • select and click on the restart button, and wait for the device to restart.

    When performing the above actions, it should be borne in mind that the speed at which a dialog box appears for a further reboot primarily depends on the complexity of the problem that has arisen in the system. Often, such a menu appears after five to ten seconds. It is also worth knowing that such a reboot can only be performed if the phone responds to button presses and is able to display information on the screen.

    If there are no such conditions, and it is a pity to lose the saved data, then you can try to pull out and reinsert the battery. But again, it all depends on the device, since in some devices the battery is built-in, and there is no way to get it.

    With deletion of all saved data

    And returning to standard settings... This method is considered more stringent, and is used for serious system failures... Various viruses or third-party applications can lead to such problems. The method with the deletion of all data will completely clear the device, while only the factory initial settings will remain.

    Therefore, before making such a reboot, it is necessary to copy all the necessary files from the gadget.

    To hard reboot the device and reset all data, you need to do the following:

    • go to phone settings;
    • find and click on the item called "reset and archive";
    • in the menu that appears, open the "data reset" item. In this case, the name of the item may change, it all depends on the model of the gadget.

    After completing the above actions, all unnecessary and malicious junk will be removed, and the Android on the smartphone will be returned to initial settings... This will allow the device to work correctly, without any freezes. However, if the phone cannot be turned on and entered the menu, this reboot option is considered impossible.

    This reboot option is suitable for those gadgets that are frozen and do not turn on. Special function called Resover Mod allows you to start the phone using a certain combination of buttons on the device. At the same time, it is worth knowing that each model has its own individual combination, which consists of various combinations and sequence of pressing buttons.

    Such a code is usually written in the operating instructions for the device or on the official websites of the manufacturer. Often (in many models) the Resover cipher is the simultaneous pressing of two buttons - switching the volume and turning on the power. The reboot is done as follows:

    • depending on the model of the gadget, a certain combination of buttons is clamped;
    • in the menu that opens, move the cursor using the button that controls the sound;
    • select the line "factory reset" or "wipe data";
    • confirm the selection with the power button, and wait for the restart.

    The power key on any device is very important. Since with its help you can not only turn on or turn off the phone, but also lock it or restart it.

    In this regard, many users believe that if the phone is frozen and the power button does not work, then it is not possible to restart it. However, this opinion is considered erroneous. Because there are the following ways to restart your phone without the power key:

    Many experts recommend immediately after purchasing a smartphone to install the "power switch to volume button" application on it, which allows you to replace functionality power button, on the volume control button. However, the phone must have a physical volume key.

    Currently, there are a very large number of smartphones, of a wide variety of models. And each individual model has its own reboot nuances. Below are the most common phone models and tips for restarting them:

    1. Samsung. The simplest and the right way, this is to simultaneously press the power key and the volume down (decrease) button, and hold for about ten seconds.
    2. Lenovo. It is rebooted with the power button, which must be held for about two seconds to turn off the phone, then wait fifteen twenty seconds, and using the same key to turn on the gadget.
    3. Fly. A combination of three keys is provided for this model (volume "plus and minus", and power supply). In this case, all three keys must be pressed simultaneously. After that, the screen will display the Receiver menu, with which you can restart the device.
    4. Asus. In order for a dialog box to appear for restarting, you need to hold down and hold the volume button (to decrease) and the volume button (to increase) for a few seconds, after which the menu you need to restart should open.
    5. НTC. For such a model, it will be enough to hold down the volume button (to increase) and the power key. Then wait for the mobile phone to restart.
    6. Nokia. It is necessary to simultaneously hold down all the physical buttons that are located on the side of the smartphone. These are the keys for lock, volume control, power, and camera.
    7. Meise. To reboot such phones, you need to hold down the lock and volume keys for twenty seconds.

    In case your Android device does not work correctly, and you are sure that there are no other ways to fix the problem, at any time you can use the hard reset procedure - a hard reboot of the system and returning the device to the factory state. Hard Reset can be done in several ways. From this article you will learn how to Hard reset (hard reboot) on Android, three different ways. As an example, I used hTC phone EVO 3D, with installed operating room android system 4.0.3.
    In order to make a hard reset, you need:

    Hard reset. First way:

    1) Go to Menu - Settings - Memory;

    2) Select a sub-item Factory reset, after which a dialog box will appear indicating which data will be deleted as a result hard reset;

    3) If you are really sure that you need to do a hard reset, you should tap on the item Reset phone settings... Otherwise, press back;

    4) After the previous point is completed, the system will once again ask if you want to reset the settings and delete all personal information, as well as all downloaded applications beyond recovery;

    5) If you confirm, the hard reboot procedure will start.

    Hard reset. Second way

    In the dialer, dial the code *2767*3855# ... Attention! After you have entered the code, the device will restart immediately. Deletes all data in the built-in memory, the data on the memory card remains (but for safety reasons it is recommended to remove the memory card from the phone).

    Hard reset third way

    Enter the mode. for example, HTC does it like this:
    1.First, the phone must be turned off. If the device freezes and you cannot turn off the power using the standard button, then just stick out / insert the battery. Wait until all function buttons go out.
    2. Next, on the device, you need to simultaneously hold down the following keys: the power button ( Power) and decrease the volume level (-).
    3. You will see a menu in which you should select the item " Factory reset (clear storage) ". The cursor moves through the list using the volume control swing, and the desired item is selected by pressing the power button ( Power).

    4. Next, you need to reboot the system, that is, restart the phone. To do this, select the appropriate item in the menu or hold down the power key ( Power).
    5.After the performed operations, the device will turn on with already cleared data and with factory settings.