Computer information modeling. Presentation "Computer modeling" (grade 10) in computer science - project, report Presentation on the topic of presentation of computer modeling

Currently, modeling is an integral part of
modern fundamental and applied science, and in terms of importance it
approaches traditional experimental and theoretical methods
scientific knowledge.
The purpose of the course is to expand students' understanding of modeling as a method
scientific knowledge, about the use of a computer as a tool for research activities.
The modeling process requires mathematical calculations,
which in the vast majority of cases are quite complex. For
development of programs that allow modeling of a particular process, from
students will need not only knowledge of specific languages
programming, but also proficiency in methods of computational mathematics. At
In studying this course, it seems advisable to use packages
application programs for mathematical and scientific calculations,
aimed at a wide range of users.

Computer modeling, which emerged as one of the areas
mathematical modeling with the development of information computer
technology has become an independent and important area of ​​application
computers. Currently, computer modeling in scientific and
practical research is one of the main methods of cognition.
Without computer modeling it is now impossible to solve major
scientific and economic problems. A technology has been developed for studying complex
problems based on the construction and analysis using computational
techniques of mathematical model of the object being studied.
This research method is called computational
experiment. Computational experiment is used practically in
all branches of science - in physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, ecology, even
such purely humanities as psychology, linguistics and philology,
In addition to scientific fields, computational experiments are widely used in
economics, sociology, industry, management.

Webinar plan:
1. Computer modeling as a scientific method
2. Classification of models
3. Basic concepts of CM
4. Stages of computer modeling

1. Computer modeling as a method of scientific knowledge
The Computer Modeling course is a new and rather complex course in
cycle of information disciplines. To the extent that the KM course is
an interdisciplinary course for its successful mastery requires the presence of the most
diverse knowledge: firstly, knowledge in the chosen subject area - if
we model physical processes, we must have a certain level
knowledge of the laws of physics, modeling environmental processes - biological
laws, modeling economic processes - knowledge of the laws of economics, except
moreover, because computer simulation uses almost the entire apparatus
modern mathematics, knowledge of basic mathematical
disciplines - algebra, mathematical analysis, theory of differential equations,
mathematical statistics, probability theory.
To solve mathematical problems on a computer, you must be proficient in
full use of numerical methods for solving nonlinear equations, systems
linear equations, differential equations, be able to approximate and
interpolate functions. And, of course, fluency is assumed
modern information technology, knowledge of programming languages
and proficiency in application development skills.

Conducting a computational experiment has a number of advantages over
so-called natural experiment:
- VE does not require complex laboratory equipment;
- significant reduction in time spent on the experiment;
- the ability to freely control parameters, arbitrary them
changes, up to making them unrealistic, implausible
- the possibility of conducting a computational experiment where
full-scale experiment is impossible due to the remoteness of the study area
phenomena in space (astronomy) or due to its significant
extension in time (biology), or due to the possibility of introducing
irreversible changes in the process being studied.

CM is also widely used for educational and training purposes.
CM is the most adequate approach to studying subjects
natural science cycle, the study of quantum mechanics opens up wide opportunities
to understand the connection between computer science and mathematics and other natural and social sciences.
The teacher can use ready-made computers in the lesson.
models to demonstrate the phenomenon being studied, be it movement
astronomical objects or the movement of atoms or a model of a molecule or
growth of microbes, etc., the teacher can also challenge students to develop
specific models, by modeling a specific phenomenon the student will not only master
specific educational material, but will also acquire the ability to pose problems and
tasks, predict research results, make reasonable estimates,
highlight the main and secondary factors for building models,
choose analogies and mathematical formulations, use the computer
to solve problems, analyze computational experiments.
Thus, the use of CM in education makes it possible to bring closer together
methodology educational activities with research methodology
work, which should be of interest to you as future teachers.

2. Classification of models
Depending on the means of construction, they distinguish following classes models:
- verbal or descriptive models are also called in some literature
verbal or text models (for example, a police report from a scene
incidents, Lermontov's poem "Silent Ukrainian Night");
- full-scale models (model of the Solar system, toy boat);
- abstract or symbolic models. Mathematical models that interest us
phenomena and computer models belong precisely to this class.
You can classify models by subject area:
- physical models,
- biological,
- sociological,
- economic, etc.
Classification of the model according to the mathematical apparatus used:
- models based on the use of ordinary differential equations;
- models based on the use of partial differential equations;
- probabilistic models, etc.

Depending on the purposes of modeling, there are:
- Descriptive models (descriptive) describe the objects being modeled and
phenomena and, as it were, record a person’s information about them. An example would be
model of the solar system, or model of the movement of a comet in which we
we simulate the trajectory of its flight, the distance at which it will pass from the Earth
We have no ability to influence the comet's movement or movement
planets of the solar system;
- Optimization models serve to search the best solutions at
subject to certain conditions and restrictions. In this case, the model
includes one or more parameters available to our influence, for example,
the well-known traveling salesman problem, by optimizing his route, we reduce
transportation cost. Often it is necessary to optimize the process in several ways
parameters at once, and the goals can be very contradictory, for example,
headache of any housewife - how to feed tastier, more calorie and cheaper
- Game models (computer games);
- Training models (all kinds of simulators);
- Simulation models (models in which an attempt is made to more or less
complete and reliable reproduction of some real process,
for example, modeling the movement of molecules in a gas, colony behavior
microbes, etc.).

There is also a classification of models in
depending on their changes over time. There are:
-Static models - unchanged over time;
- Dynamic models - the state of which changes
over time.

3. Basic concepts of CM
Model is an artificially created object that reproduces in a certain
the form of a real object - the original.
Computer model - representation of information about the system being modeled
computer means.
A system is a set of interconnected elements that have properties
different from the properties of individual elements.
An element is an object that has properties that are important for modeling purposes.
In a computer model, the properties of an element are represented by the values ​​of the characteristics of the element.
The relationship between elements is described using quantities and algorithms, in particular
computational formulas.

The state of the system is represented in a computer model by a set
characteristics of elements and connections between elements.
The structure of the data describing the state does not depend on the specific
state and does not change when states change, only the value changes
If the states of the system functionally depend on some
parameter, then a process is called a set of states corresponding
orderly change of parameter.
Parameters in the system can change either continuously or discretely.
In a computer model, the change in a parameter is always discrete. Continuous
processes can be simulated on a computer by selecting a discrete series
parameter values ​​so that successive states are less than
differed from each other, or, in other words, minimizing the time step.

Statistical models are models in which
information about one state of the system is provided.
Dynamic models - models in which
information about system states and shift processes
states. Optimization, simulation and
probabilistic models are dynamic models.
In optimization and simulation models
the sequence of state changes corresponds to
changes in the simulated system over time. IN
in probabilistic models, the change of states is determined
random variables.

4. Stages of computer modeling
Modeling begins with the object of study. At stage 1, laws are formed,
managers of the research, information is separated from reality
object, essential information is formed, unimportant information is discarded,
the first step of abstraction occurs. The transformation of information is determined
problem to be solved. Information that is essential for one task may turn out to be
insignificant for the other. Loss of essential information leads to
incorrect solution or does not allow you to get a solution at all. Accounting
unimportant information causes unnecessary complexity and sometimes creates
insurmountable obstacles on the way to a solution. Transition from real object to
information about it is meaningful only when the task is set. At the same time
the formulation of the problem is refined as the object is studied. That. at stage 1 in parallel
processes of purposeful study of the object and clarification of the task are underway. Also on
At this stage, information about the object is prepared for processing on a computer.

A so-called formal model of the phenomenon is constructed, which contains:
- A set of constants, constants that characterize the modeled
the object as a whole and its components; called statistical or
constant model parameters;
- A set of variables, changing the value of which can be controlled
behavior of the model, called dynamic or control
- Formulas and algorithms connecting quantities in each state
modeled object;
- Formulas and algorithms describing the process of changing states of the simulated

At stage 2, the formal model is implemented on a computer,
suitable software for this, a solution algorithm is built
problem, a program is written that implements this algorithm, then written
the program is debugged and tested on specially prepared test benches
Testing is the process of executing a program in order to identify
errors. Selecting a test model is a kind of art, although for this
Some basic principles have been developed and successfully applied
Testing is a destructive process, so it is considered that the test is successful,
if an error is found. Check the computer model for compliance
original, check how well or poorly the model reflects the main
properties of an object, it is often possible with the help of simple model examples, when
the result of the simulation is known in advance.

At stage 3, working with a computer model, we directly carry out
computational experiment. Let's explore how our model will behave in that
or in another case, given certain sets of dynamic parameters, we try
predict or optimize something depending on the given
The result of the computer experiment will be information
model of the phenomenon, in the form of graphs, dependences of some parameters on others,
diagrams, tables, demonstration of a phenomenon in real or virtual time

Information modeling on modern stage development
computer science is impossible without the involvement technical means, first of all
computers and telecommunications, without the use of programs and
algorithms, as well as ensuring the conditions for the use of these funds for
specific workplace, i.e. achievements of science called ergonomics.
Ergonomics is the science that studies the interaction between man and machine
in specific conditions of production activity in order to
rationalization of production.
Ergonomic requirements are:
in the optimal distribution of functions in the “man-machine” system;
rational organization of the workplace;
compliance of technical means with psychophysiological, biomechanical and
anthropological requirements;
creating optimal conditions for human life and performance
indicators of the working environment;
mandatory compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements
to working conditions.

V.V. Vasiliev, L.A. Simak, A.M. Rybnikov. Mathematical and
computer modeling of processes and systems in the environment
MATLAB/SIMULINK. Textbook for undergraduate and graduate students. 2008
91 pp.
Computer simulation of physical problems in
Microsoft Visual Basic. Textbook Author: Alekseev D.V.
Author: Orlova I.V., Polovnikov V.A.
Publisher: University textbook
Year: 2008

Anfilatov, V. S. System analysis in management [Text]: textbook / V. S.
Anfilatov, A. A. Emelyanov, A. A. Kukushkin; edited by A. A. Emelyanova. – M.:
Finance and Statistics, 2002. – 368 p.
Venikov, V.A.. Theory of similarity and modeling [Text] / V.A. Venikov, G.V.
Venikov. - M.: Higher school, 1984. - 439 p.
Evsyukov, V. N. Analysis automatic systems[Text]: educational and methodological
guide for implementation practical tasks/ V. N. Evsyukov, A. M.
Chernousova. – 2nd ed., Spanish. – Orenburg: IPK GOU OSU, 2007. - 179 p.
Zarubin, V. S. Mathematical modeling in technology [Text]: textbook. for universities /
Ed. V. S. Zarubina, A. P. Krischenko. - M.: Publishing house of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, 2001. –
496 pp.
Kolesov, Yu. B. Modeling of systems. Dynamic and hybrid systems [Text]:
uch. allowance / Yu.B. Kolesov, Yu.B. Senichenkov. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2006. - 224 p.
Kolesov, Yu.B. Systems modeling. Object-oriented approach [Text]:
Uch. allowance / Yu.B. Kolesov, Yu.B. Senichenkov. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2006. - 192 p.
Norenkov, I. P. Fundamentals computer-aided design[Text]: textbook for
universities / I. P. Norenkov. – M.: Publishing house of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, 2000. – 360 p.
Skurikhin, V.I. Mathematical modeling [Text] / V. I. Skurikhin, V. V.
Shifrin, V.V. Dubrovsky. - K.: Technology, 1983. – 270 p.
Chernousova, A. M. Software automated systems
design and management: textbook [Text] / A. M. Chernousova, V.
N. Sherstobitova. - Orenburg: OSU, 2006. - 301 p.

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Specialist. programs

“Beginnings of ELECTRONICS” is a program that represents electronic designer, which allows you to show in detail on the monitor screen the process of assembling various electrical circuits. "Electronics Workbench" is one of the most famous packages for schematic modeling of digital, analog and analog-to-digital electronic circuits high complexity.

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Currently, computer modeling in scientific and practical research is one of the main methods of cognition. Without computer modeling, it is now impossible to solve major scientific and economic problems.

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A computational experiment is an experiment on a model of an object on a computer, which consists of calculating other parameters of the model based on some parameters and, on this basis, drawing conclusions about the properties of the phenomenon described by the mathematical model. Computational experiment is used in: Physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, ecology Psychology, linguistics, philology Economics, sociology, industry

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Advantages of conducting a computational experiment

No complex laboratory equipment is required. The time spent on the experiment is significantly reduced. The ability to freely control parameters, change them arbitrarily, up to giving them unrealistic, implausible values. The ability to conduct a computational experiment where a full-scale experiment is impossible.

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A wide variety of objects can act as models: images, diagrams, maps, graphs, computer programs, mathematical formulas, etc. Modeling is the process of replacing a real object with the help of a model object in order to study a real object or transmit information about the properties of a real object. The replaced object is called the original, the replacing one is called the model.

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Goals and objectives of the course “Computer Modeling”

As a result of development academic discipline the student must be able to: work with professional application software packages; use reference, regulatory and technical documentation together with the capabilities of computer modeling programs when studying the characteristics of radio-electronic devices and their components; graphically present and analyze diagrams of the characteristics of radio-electronic devices and their components; apply means computer technology for calculating structural elements and diagrams of characteristics of radio-electronic devices and their components; analyze electrical diagrams electronic instruments and devices. choose measuring instruments and equipment for testing electronic devices and devices, setting up and adjusting electronic devices and devices, testing electronic devices and devices using virtual laboratories.

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As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student should know:

mathematical methods for calculating various radio-electronic devices and their operating modes; capabilities and features of the “Beginnings of Electronics” and “ElectronicsWorkbench” programs; physical processes during the operation of radio-electronic devices; design features and operating principles of various radio-electronic devices, types of radio-electronic devices; methods for calculating structural elements and diagrams of characteristics of components of radio-electronic devices.

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Modeling as a method of cognition

Modeling is a method of cognition that consists of creating and researching models 11/17/2017

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A model is a new object that reflects some essential properties of the phenomenon or process being studied.

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Model (French word modele, Italian word modelo, Latin word modelus) – measure, sample

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The same object can have many models, and different objects can be described by one model

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Man: Doll Mannequin Skeleton Sculpture Real Object - Original Models

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The properties of an object that the model should reflect are determined by the stated purpose of its study.

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Classification of models by presentation method:

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    Material models –

    Reproduce geometric, physical and other properties of objects in material form Example: Globe (model of the globe) - geography

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    Information models –

    Represent objects and processes in the form of diagrams, drawings, tables, formulas, texts, etc. Example: Drawing of a flower - botany, formula - mathematics

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    Classification of models by area of ​​use:

    Training models; Experienced models; Scientific and technical models; Game models; Simulation models.

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    Classification of models taking into account the time factor:

    Static; Dynamic. If the model takes into account changes in the properties of the modeled object over time, then the model is called dynamic, otherwise static. Examples: dynamic: wind-up toys; static: globe; soft toys; textbooks.

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    Classification of models by area of ​​use: Biological; Historical; Physical; Etc.

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    Modeling as a method of cognition What a person’s attention is drawn to (object, phenomenon, process, relationship) for the purpose of studying is called an object. To study an object and solve a problem, it is necessary to build a model of a given object. A model is created by a person in the process of cognition of the surrounding world and reflects the essential features of the object, phenomenon or process being studied. Modeling is a method of cognition that consists of creating and studying models. Any model is not an absolute copy of its original; it only reflects some of its qualities and properties. The properties of the model depend on the purpose of the simulation. Models of the same object will be different if they are created for different purposes. Examples: periodic table, atomic structure model, model crystal lattice, skeleton model, dummies, models technical devices etc. Next Back

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    Classification of models Material models are material copies of modeling objects. Examples: globe, doll, robot, building models, dummies. Next Back Let's consider the most common characteristics by which models are classified: purpose of use (educational models, experimental, simulation, game, scientific and technical); field of knowledge (biological, economic, sociological, etc.) Method (form) of presentation Time factor According to the computer science textbook by N. Ugrinovich for grade 9

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    Information models Next Back Let's consider information models from the perspective of methods of presenting information: mental representation of an object (coding alphabet - a system of concepts, carrier - the human nervous system, brain); verbal presentation of the model using natural spoken language (form of presentation - oral or written message. Examples: instructions, literary works); figurative expression of the properties of the original with the help of images (drawings, films, geometric models) Figurative-sign Iconic Figurative-sign Structural models Drawings Plans Maps Graphs Tabular Network In the form of graphs Other Mathematical Logic Program texts Other

    Slide 29

    Types and types of models Next Back Types and types of models Full-scale Information Technical: Car, airplane, etc. Globe, mannequin, dummy, model of a building, etc. Verbal Graphic Tabular Mathematical Description of the modeling object in natural language Tables of the object-property, object-object type . Binary matrices Maps, diagrams, drawings, graphs Quantitative characteristics and relationships between them General properties of models Modeling objects: - material objects; - natural phenomena; - processes Limitation of the model: - reflects only part of the properties of the modeling object Ambiguity of the model: - Various models one object, created for different purposes. Purpose of the model: - limited replacement of a real object; - using a model to predict the behavior of a real object According to the computer science textbook by I. Semakin for grade 9

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    Formalization Next Back What is formalization? This word is the essence of information modeling. The information model describes the modeling object in the form of any signs: letters, numbers, cartographic elements, mathematical or chemical formulas, etc. The most formalized science is mathematics. Formalization is the process of building information models using formal languages. Formalization is the result of a transition from the real properties of a modeling object to their formal designation in a certain sign system.

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    Computer models Next Back According to I. Semakina’s computer science textbook for grade 9 Computer models (information models implemented on a computer) Numerical methods: Arithmetic methods for solving any math. tasks Computer mathematical model Computational experiment: Calculation of the state of a modeling object using a mathematical model Visual presentation of results: Use computer graphics and multimedia to present calculation results Real-time control: Fast computer models running at the speed of the physical controlled process Computer simulation model State simulation real system with stochastic (random) behavior of its elements Queuing systems Transport systems

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    Classification of information models

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    Classification of information models:

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    IN tabular model a list of objects or properties of the same type is placed in the first column (or row) of the table, and the values ​​of their properties are placed in the following rows (or columns) of the table

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    Table of type "Object-property"

    One line contains information about one object or event

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    Table of type "Object-object"

    Reflect connections between objects

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    Double matrix table

    Reflects the qualitative nature of the connection between objects

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    Tabular Information Models

    Static price of individual computer devices (1997)

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    Dynamic computer price change

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    A graph is a means of visually representing the composition and structure of a circuit

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    A hierarchical model is a system whose elements are related to each other in a relationship of nesting or subordination. A hierarchical model is a graph in which the vertices are interconnected according to the one-to-many principle

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    Hierarchical information models

    Static Classification of Computers Pocket Desktops Super Computers Workstations Personal Computers Portable

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    Dynamic Family tree of the Rurikovichs (X-XI centuries) Izyaslav Vsevolod Svyatoslav Yaroslav the Wise Boris Gleb Svyatoslav Yaropolk Vladimir

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    Network model– a graph in which the vertices are interconnected according to the many-to-many principle

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    Network information models

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    A semantic model is a graph, which is based on the fact that any knowledge can be represented as a set of objects (concepts) and connections (relationships) between them.

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    “One day in the cold winter I came out of the forest.”

    One day I came out of the forest in the cold winter season. What did I do? Who? Where? When? Which one?

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    Graphic models

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    The purpose of modeling: creating a menu of simple elements for constructing various objects from them Modeling tool: Paint Work progress: 1. Create a menu of simple elements, taking into account the shape and size as much as possible. 2. Create an object from simple elements. 3. Save the result in your own folder. Construction of graphic models Menu elements Object: Mosaic Menu elements Object: geometric ornament Menu elements Menu elements Menu elements: Object: topographic map Object: electrical circuit Menu elements: Object: interior Menu elements: Object: floral ornament Menu elements: Object : construction made of blocks Object construction made of bricks Next Back

    Slide 50

    Geometric models Next Back Make a ribbon geometric pattern. Elements used: Lines: solid and broken: straight, broken, wavy Geometric shapes: square rhombus triangle circle semicircle oval semi-oval and other simple shapes Computer version: graphic editor PAINT. Examples of expected results:

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    Simulation in spreadsheets

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    Many objects and processes can be described by mathematical formulas that relate their parameters. These formulas are the mathematical model of the original. Using them, you can make numerical calculations with different parameter values ​​and obtain quantitative characteristics of the model. Calculations, in turn, allow us to draw conclusions and generalize them. The spreadsheet processor provides a tool for calculating the quantitative characteristics of the object or process under study and takes on all the labor-intensive work of calculations. This topic highlights four main stages of modeling: problem statement, model development, computer experiment, analysis of simulation results.

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    MODELING SITUATIONS TASK Calculation of the number of rolls of wallpaper for pasting a room Stage I. Statement of the problem Description of the problem A store sells wallpaper. The names, length and width of the roll are known. Conduct a study that will automatically determine the required number of rolls for covering any room. The dimensions of the room are specified by the height (h), length (a) and width (b). Please note that 15% of the area of ​​the walls of the room is occupied by windows and doors, and when cutting, 10% of the area of ​​the roll is spent on scraps. The purpose of the modeling is to establish a connection between the geometric dimensions of a specific room and the selected wallpaper sample. Analysis of the object Modeling object is a system consisting of two more simple objects: rooms and wallpaper. Each of the objects included in the system has its own parameters. The connection between system objects is determined when setting the number of rolls for covering a room.

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    Stage II. Model development Information model

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    Mathematical model When calculating the actual area of ​​the roll that will be used for pasting the room, you need to discard 10% of the actual area for scraps. The calculation formula is: Sp=0.9*l*d, where l is the length of the roll, d is the width of the roll, * is the multiplication sign. When calculating the actual wall area, the non-glued area of ​​windows and doors is taken into account (15%) Scom = 0.85*2*(a+b)*h The number of rolls required for gluing a room is calculated by the formula where one spare roll is added.

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    Computer model For modeling, we will choose a spreadsheet environment. In this environment, information and mathematical models are combined into a table that contains three areas: initial data - controlled parameters (uncontrolled parameters are taken into account in the calculation formulas); intermediate calculations; results.

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    Task Fill out the calculation table according to the sample. Enter formulas into calculation cells.

    Slide 58

    Stage III. Computer experiment Modeling plan Carry out a test calculation of the computer model using the data given in the table. Calculate the number of rolls for the premises of your apartment. Change the data of some wallpaper samples and monitor the recalculation of the results. Add lines with samples and supplement the model with calculations using new samples. The results of the experiment are presented in the form of a report in a text editor. Modeling technology 1. Enter test data into the table and compare the results of the test calculation with the results given in the table. 2. Enter the dimensions of the rooms in your apartment one by one and copy the calculation results to text editor. 3. Write a report. Stage IV. Analysis of modeling results Using the table data, you can determine the number of rolls of each wallpaper sample for any room.

    Slide 59

    Simulating the Holland test in a spreadsheet

    View all slides


    some simplified likeness of a real object

    • Real time original

    may no longer exist, or

    he doesn't really exist

    Reasons for resorting to building models:

    2.The original can have many properties and relationships. To deeply study a property, it is useful to abandon less significant ones without taking them into account at all

    Reasons for resorting to building models:

    3.Organil is either very large or very small

    4. The process is very fast or very slow

    5. Exploring an object can lead to its destruction


    The process of building models for research and study of objects, processes, phenomena

    Purpose of modeling

    Purpose of the future model. It determines those properties of the original that must be reproduced in the model





    Physical similarity of an object

    Description of the modeling object





    • Storm
    • Earthquake
    • Economic
    • Development of the Universe
    • Globe
    • Toys
    • Layouts


    Full-scale models

    Information models








    The properties of the model depend on the purpose of the simulation. Models of the same object will be different if they are created for different purposes.

    Types of Information Models

    objects and processes





    Verbal description in natural language






    Property object



    Description in the language of mathematics




    Information model– a set of information that characterizes the properties and states of an object, process, phenomenon, as well as their relationship with the outside world.

    One and the same object can be associated with different information models (verbal, mathematical, tabular, graphic); it all depends on the purpose of the simulation.








    Verbal model is a written or oral representation of an information model using natural language.

    Examples of verbal models:

    • information in textbooks
    • works of fiction
    • texts describing algorithms
    • text description of objects and processes







    Mathematical model- description by mathematical formulas of the relationships between the quantitative characteristics of the modeling object.

    Examples of mathematical models:

    • model of rectilinear body movement
    • mathematical model of the oscillation period of a spring pendulum








    Tabular Information Model is a model in which objects or their properties are presented in the form of a list, and their values ​​are placed in the cells of a rectangular table.

    Types of tabular models:

    • object-property tables
    • object-object type tables








    Graphical information model is a visual way of representing objects and processes in the form of graphic images.

    Examples of graphical information models:






































    D. Elov

    Art. Ozernaya

    Podgornaya village


    Relationship: "connection dear"

    (symmetrical connections)

    • Elements of the system, depicted as ovals, are called peaks
    • The connections between elements are called relationships
    • edge– symmetrical connection
    • arc– asymmetrical connection

    Directed graph

    Initial peak

    Lev Nilych


    "to be a grandfather"


    Ultimate peak


















    Temperature chart





    • Example of an object-property table

    Home Library Database


    Belyaev A. R.

    Amphibian Man

    Curwood D.

    Turgenev I. S.

    Vagabonds of the North

    Novels and stories

    Olesha Yu. K.


    Belyaev A. R.

    Star KEC

    Tynyanov Yu. N.

    Tolstoy L. N.

    Belyaev A. R.

    Novels and stories


    • An example of an object-object table

    Database "Achievement"

    Alikin Peter

    Botov Ivan

    Volkov Ilya

    Galkina Nina

    Information modeling technique








    object analysis



    Learn: notes in a notebook,

    § 13,

    Create your own family tree (Graphical model)

    • What properties of real objects are reproduced by:
    • Models of products in a store; Dummy
    • Models of products in a store;
    • Dummy
    • Give an example of material and information models of an aircraft
    • Make different models:
    • Square of the Human Straight Line
    • Square
    • Straight line
    • Human

    4. Build graphical model (schedule) Petina’s academic performance for the year (in quarters) for the following subjects: physics, chemistry, algebra, geometry.

    Petya's ratings:

    physics – 5 4 4 5

    chemistry – 3 4 3 4

    algebra – 4 4 3 4

    Stage I Statement of the problem. Stage I Statement of the problem. According to the nature of the formulation, all problems can be divided into three groups: The first group includes tasks in which it is necessary to study how the characteristics of an object will change under some influence on it: “what will happen if?..”. For example, will it be sweet if you put two teaspoons of sugar in tea? The second group of problems has the following formulation: what impact must be made on the object in order for its parameters to satisfy some given condition? This formulation of the problem is often called “how to do it so that...”. For example, what volume must a balloon filled with helium be in order for it to rise upward with a load of 100 kg? The third group is complex tasks. An example of such an integrated approach is solving the problem of obtaining a chemical solution of a given concentration. This stage characterized by two main points: description of the task; defining modeling goals; 3.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    COMPUTER SIMULATION A.N. Petrova, teacher of special disciplines at Rzhev College

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    Initially, the topic “Mathematical Modeling” was chosen by me when the computer base of the “Computer Science” subject consisted largely of the Qbasic programming language. With the advent of modern PCs, this topic naturally moved into the topic of “Computer Modeling.” The concept of computer modeling is closely related to such model names as: mathematical model; economic model; simulation model; interactive; computer experiment model; etc. And this is natural, since the computer and modeling are closely related to each other. In fact, every teacher, to one degree or another, engages in modeling.

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    Omitting the theoretical calculations of the concept of models, we can give the following modeling scheme: The original object is a prototype, the original modeling is the process of creating a model, the modeled object is a substitute object

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    The basis of varieties computer models serve such system concepts as image, sign, characteristics. modeled object (substitute object) Image Sign Characteristics Figurative models: dummies, models, photographs, drawings, drawings, etc., provided that there are no inscriptions or other signs on them Sign models: models based on artificial languages ​​(music signs, language of mathematical formulas - mathematical modeling, language of chemical formulas, etc.) Information models: models using a set of characteristics

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    Depending on the behavior and state, models can be: Animated (computer animation); Imitative: imitating movement imitating the process of solving a problem using random numbers(Monte Carlo method) Interactive (models in which an interface is added - communication between the computer and the PC user).

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    For the most part, we are dealing with mixed models. This, first of all, is connected with the purpose of modeling, which, in turn, determines one or another degree of formalization of the modeling object. For example: ...modeling graphic object– “CIRCLE” - Using the Fill tool, we get the “BALL” model

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    The environment in which models “live” may be different. In this case, the model takes on a different variety. For example, the same models as Paint or Word objects (autoshapes), in the Qbasic environment, as programming objects, can be transformed from a simple animation model of a moving ball into a simulation-animation model of the structure of our solar system or a simulation-animation model of the structure atom or Brownian motion (depending on the purpose of the simulation). MODEL AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECT

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    Having mastered the Qdasic DVIG.BAS algorithm for simulating the movement of graphic primitives, students continue to model with great interest, creating more and more complex simulation models. At the same time, there is an increase in interest in the programming language, in its deeper study: (organization of cycles with simultaneous reproduction of previous program designs. Changing parameters, selecting movement trajectories, the student actively works on numerous calculations. I will give examples of some works of the second year of studying programming (7 grades) cvetfr4.bas, cvetfr6.bas, skv318.bas

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    Students who became acquainted with the techniques of simulation-animation computer modeling in the lower grades continue to be interested in this topic in high school. There is an emerging interest in illustrative models that imitate the sound of a typewriter and use text functions ALEKS.bas, the first steps are being taken towards creating interactive models in dialogue mode PavelM1.bas

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    For almost every computational problem on a particular topic, I try without fail, after setting the problem, before algorithmization, to move on to building a mathematical model of the problem, for example, on the topic “One-dimensional arrays. Search for mini-max. Fixing the index” Mathematical model of the problem “SEARCHING MIN/MAX IN A ONE-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY” n – number of elements in array A A(i) – element of array A(i) i=1,n; A(i) = RND*100 MIN - minimum element of array A; IMIN - index (position) of the minimum element in array A; MAX - maximum element of array A; IMAX - index (position) of the maximum element in array A; A(1), initially MIN = A(i), if A(i)< MIN, для i=1,n; 1, первоначально IMIN = i, если A(i) < MIN, для i=1,n; A(1), первоначально MAX = A(i), если A(i) >MAX, for i=1,n; 1, initially IMAX = i, if A(i) > MAX, for i=1,n;

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    On topics related to two-dimensional arrays, in addition to the usual mathematical models of problems, students, under my guidance, create interactive and animated demo versions of problems such as “CARRIAGE CAR”, “Storage Luggage”, models that are different from standard information models (characteristics of the type Value, Name), with the addition of a description of behavior and interface, become the above-mentioned models (KAMBAG.bas, VAGVAG.bas). On the same topics: interactive models “Solving a system of linear equations using a matrix method (Gauss method)”, “Identification of material by Young’s modulus”).

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    The topic “Generating random numbers” is well illustrated by solving problems: “Calculating the number π” and “Calculating the area of ​​an arbitrary figure” with the creation of a simulation model of the solution.

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    For this task, students can complete a competitive work on modeling a simulation model of a graphical mini-editor to create an arbitrary figure, the area of ​​which must be determined. LITKIN On the topic “Sound and Graphics”, a large number of animation models were created under my leadership. These developments were demonstrated at one of the open lessons. There was a non-standard lesson “Conference of Young Professionals”. The mathematical model “Method of approximate extraction of roots” was submitted to the city scientific and practical conference (3rd place). Good results are obtained when modeling in the PowerPoimt environment: intensification of the study of working with objects in this environment; improving the skills of formalizing the model. link Nadya While getting acquainted with the Paint graphic editor, a student can become familiar with the construction of a complex model, composing, for example, a complex drawing with repeating primary simple objects (cutting, copying, rotating...).

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    Paint design is a type of modeling (Professor N.V. Makarova) modeling

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    The lessons on modeling page fragments with built-in animation objects turn out to be interesting. For example, after an integrated school lesson in 9th grade “Introduction to the electronic encyclopedia of astronomy,” students learned how to model various pages: “What do we know about the Moon?”; “Planets of the solar system and their satellites”; “Planets in numbers” Mass; Diameter; Surface temperature; Duration of sidereal day; Orbital period. “Comets”; Etc.

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    Modeling the page “What do we know about the Moon?” (in PowerPoint environment) The Earth's shadow near the Moon has a larger angular size than that of the Moon, so the Moon's crossing of this shadow can last tens of minutes. First, the Moon on the left is touched by the barely visible penumbra of the Earth (for an observer on the Moon standing in the penumbra, the Sun is partially blocked by the Earth). The Moon's crossing of the penumbra lasts about an hour, after which the Moon is touched by a shadow (for the same observer on the Moon, in the shadow, the Sun is completely blocked by the Earth). Insert  Movies and Sound

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    Modeling in Excel environment Electronic environment Excel tablesperfect tool for mathematical modeling, as it quickly and masterfully performs labor-intensive work on calculating and recalculating the quantitative characteristics of the object or process under study. Modeling in spreadsheets is carried out according to a general scheme, which distinguishes four main stages: problem formulation, model development, computer experiment and analysis of results. For example, the task “Solving linear equations using the method inverse matrix” Statement of the problem: Solving a system of linear equations using the specified method Modeling – selection of the necessary formulas for solving the problem using the inverse matrix method and algorithmization of the problem (formalization of the problem). Computer experiment – ​​testing a problem with various initial data. Analysis of the results obtained - has a solution been found that satisfies the conditions of the problem?

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    This task, according to the classification of Professor A. N. Makarova, can be classified as a task that has the following generalized formulation: what effect must be exerted on the object so that its parameters satisfy some given condition. This group of tasks is often called “how to do so that...”. This group of tasks included such tasks that I had already tested at Excel computer workshops in previous years of study, such as “Solving a system of linear equations with the Search for Solutions tool”, “Modeling the recognition of a situation where a point hits a X,Y coordinates to a specified area using the method conditional formatting and constructing a diagram”, “Modeling objects (house, chess) in Excel using cell formatting and a simple macro”, “Solving systems of nonlinear equations using the Search for Solutions method”, “Modeling the recognition of intervals of a function in which the function is not defined”

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    Currently I am working on modeling interactivity in Word, on animation models in Excel circle/bubble, on modeling surfaces in Excel using trigonometric functions povdiagr, over mathematical modeling logical functions, using SDNF and SKNF, mat. modeling of logical inference, logical functions according to Gost combinational circuits (Webb elements, Schaeffer fragms

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    Hypertext modeling Hypertext (non-linear text) is an organization of text information in which the text is a set of fragments with explicitly indicated associative connections between these fragments. The associative connection between fragments is called a hyperlink, which can be written explicitly using a special hypertext markup language HTML documents(Hyper Text Markup language) or by declaring a hyperlink in a particular application (PowerPoint, Word) One of the promising areas for the development of hypertext systems is hypermedia technology - a combination of hypertext technology and multimedia technology (integration of text, graphics, sound, video). Examples of the development of hypermedia applications are various electronic publications - reference books, encyclopedias, training programs.

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    Modeling the page “What do we know about the Moon” in Word 2000 Professional Select a word  Insert  Hyperlink…

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    Modeling using the hypertext markup language HTML (Hyper Text Markup language) Suppose it is necessary to develop a model of a document in which the structure of tasks can be immediately demonstrated by their implementation in the environment required for them, for example, in the Excel environment. For this, you can choose the simplest text editor Notepad (Notepad) , enter text using descriptors with the appropriate parameters Close the working window of the Notepad application with the extension .htm In this case, the document will take the form of an icon Internet Explorer When you launch the “head HTM text”, work with tasks will be implemented via a chain of hyperlinks

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    The above material demonstrated the most striking developments in modeling with the aim of teaching schoolchildren modeling skills in various environments of the subject “INFORMATICS”, i.e. category of computer modeling “MODEL AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECT”: Model as an object of programming; Model as an object in the word processor Word; Model as a tabular object Excel processor; Model as object graphic editor Paint; Model as a file with HTML code; Model as a PowerPoint object

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    TARGETED MODELING Research work on computer modeling carried out with a particular student (or group) involves guidance, assistance and control over a complex set of preliminary works related to target computer modeling: Analysis of the problem statement, description of the problem Development of a clear main goal of the modeling; Formalization of the task and, as a consequence, development of clear intermediate goals. Often the goals (main and intermediate) are to answer clarifying questions in accordance with the statement of the problem; Analysis and study of various possible modeling environments, comparing their advantages and disadvantages in order to make a final decision on the choice of modeling environment; Computer modeling with repeated testing of the model Choosing a method for presenting the model

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    Target modeling, depending on the set and intermediate goals, the novelty of the material and its volume, can be very long in terms of execution time. For example, computer simulation of the educational electronic manual “Working in an environment standard application Windows Paint”, made by student Vladimir Mashkovtsev (11th grade 2003/2004) and submitted to the city practical conference in 2004. (3rd place) lasted one year and included the following set of works:

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    Stage I. Statement of the problem (formal): Development of an electronic manual for working in the environment of the graphic editor Paint. The first basic requirement: simplicity and ease of use of the electronic manual. Formalization of the task: The modeling prototype must meet modern requirements for the development of an electronic manual - it must be based on the use of hyperlinks, have either a standard Web design or its own (unique), have the property of interactivity. The user must be able to simultaneously use the electronic manual and the Paint graphic editor (type of manual “ Read  Done”). The interface of the manual must meet the requirements of transition to any structural part of the manual and return to the starting point; Transition and return points must carry a clear, unambiguous load. Stage II. Modeling in accordance with the formalization of the problem in the hypertext markup language HTML Stage III. Multiple computer experiment (model debugging) Stage IV. Analysis of results. “Running in” of the electronic manual in basic and elective computer science lessons (the Manual has received universal recognition).

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    II. Technical 0.5 academic year acquisition of skills in working with video equipment; acquiring skills in drawing up scenario plans; acquiring skills in digitizing footage, testing in practice; acquiring the skills of creating a script image; acquisition of installation skills II. Technical 0.5 academic year acquisition of skills in working with video equipment; acquiring skills in drawing up scenario plans; acquiring skills in digitizing footage, testing in practice; acquiring the skills of creating a script image; acquisition of installation skills

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    Stage III (working) included all other stages of modeling: modeling, computer experiment (debugging the model) and, finally, analysis of the results. The duration of work on the video project was two academic years. The work was twice submitted to the city scientific and practical conference (2003/2004 academic year - 3rd place; 2004/2005 academic year - 1st place). The interactive video project was timed to coincide with the anniversary (400 years) of the Nilo Stolobenskaya Hermitage Monastery, was called “Island of Spiritual Consolation” and was demonstrated at school lessons on Orthodox Culture

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    Brief conclusions: Computer and modeling are closely related to each other. The basis of the varieties of computer models are such system concepts as image, sign, characteristics. Depending on the behavior and state, models can be animated (computer animation), simulation (simulating movement, simulating a real computing process, replacing it with a process based on pseudo-random numbers (Monte Carlo method), interactive (models in which an interface is added - connection between the computer and the PC user). The environment in which the models “live” can be different. In this case, the model also takes on a different variety - this is a very fertile ground, because it opens up the enormous creative potential of children. there are sparks of computer creativity in them, one might expect good results children in the future (Vova Fedorov, Alyosha Semenov, Igor Ogarev, Sasha Katkov, Anya Yudashkina, Yura Nikitin, Roman Suvorov, Pavel Alekseev, Volodya Mashkovsky, Seryozha Polozov, Sasha Korolevsky, Nadya Sysolyatina, Seryozha Mikhailov, etc.). Computer modeling can, in addition, be considered as a powerful tool for motivating learning and self-learning in the subject of Computer Science, as it encourages students to independently search for deeper knowledge in this area and apply it in practice in the process of numerous computer experiments. As a result, repeated prizes at city Olympiads in computer science and city scientific and practical conferences.

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