Google account why is it needed. What is a Google account and how do I create one? Google capabilities. Main arguments to register

It is difficult to imagine a modern Internet user who does not have a dozen different accounts. Data storage and management is carried out using special accounts. They are required for mail, instant messengers, social networks and many other services. One of the most functional and useful accounts can be a Google account.

What is a Google Account?

A Google account, like any other, is your personal page. It stores your metadata, social profile information and internet content that you wish to keep. The account allows you to make purchases on the Internet, search for various information, and so on. The breadth of this list depends solely on what services and capabilities are provided by the company with which you registered. One of the most useful and necessary is the Google account. The company, known all over the world thanks to its search engine, today offers a huge range of services and owns a lot interesting services... To access them, you just need to log into a Google account. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How do I create a Google account?

In order to create a Google account, you need to visit one of the company's services and find the "Login" button there. Using it, you can go through the registration process. This procedure will not take long. It represents filling out one registration form:

  1. Name and surname.
  2. User nickname (login).
  3. Password.
  4. Date of Birth.
  5. Mobile phone... It is essential for protection and recovery.
  6. Alternate email address (if available).
  7. Captcha. You need to enter a code that will confirm that you are not a robot.
  8. And do not forget to check the box to prove that you have read the terms of use and agree to the company's policies.

The name and surname can be anything. It doesn't have to be true data. The login will also become your email address (more on that later). The password will be used to log in on a permanent basis. So remember it. The mobile phone should be specified as a real one, since Google may request verification, as well as restore a deleted Google account. You should also include an additional email address. It doesn't have to be a Google mailbox. Account registration is complete. There should be no problems with the rest of the items.

Features and supported services

When asked what a Google account is, users refer to many various services... After all, the company has so many of them that it cannot be counted. Everyone will find at least one reason for themselves to create such an account. After all, it is not only one of the most popular in the world, but also a huge database of videos, an application store for Android and many other useful services. Choose for yourself why it would be worth creating a Google account.

post office

Surely each of you has noticed email addresses ending with @ The service is assigned to the Google company. It is one of the most popular in the world. Mailing address will be created automatically exactly when registration is made on any of the Google services. Yes, even if you signed up for YouTube, you will still receive a box from Google. Mail supports push notifications to mobile devices, read reports, the ability to return a sent letter and a lot of third-party email clients.

YouTube and Music

The company "Google" is inextricably linked with a huge database of media content on the Web. The well-known YouTube service belongs to everyone and requires their account to work properly. Google account allows you to save videos, build a personal feed based on views, and post your own videos.

Another lesser known, but no less important service is Google play Music is a huge database of legal tracks (over thirty million), available for broadcasting for only 189 rubles per month. An account is required to run the service and download your collection. You need to pay to create collections, save music to your personal library and offline. Accrual is made using Google Wallet. It is a credit card payment and management system.

Google Play and Android

A well-known application store for all Android users Play Market also requires you to have an account. A Google Play account allows you to manage, archive, and sync data on your smartphone or Chromebook. different devices... Moreover, the user has access to a huge collection software for operating systems. All those applications that you see on devices are distributed through the Google Play Market. Just like with music, apps can be purchased using Google Wallet.

Organizer, storage and maps

Among the services there are also smaller, but useful ones. For example, a calendar. If you want to be in control of your schedule and have access to it on any platform, then a Google account is for you. Reminders and notes are also synced with the account. The Google Keep service is responsible for these capabilities.

For storage important information and files used Google drive - beautiful "cloudy" hDD... It can replace any other similar service. In "Google" photo albums were not spared either. Your memories will be in custody So \u200b\u200bwhen you are asked what a Google account is, you can safely say that this is your personal archive and virtual hard drive.

Another popular service is cards. They are literally used by the whole world. The company has a colossal database of the entire world, satellite imagery, traffic information and much more. All this is available without a Google account. But having an account will allow you to receive more relevant information (nearest cafes, gas stations, etc.) and save important places.


Among all the named and unnamed services, one more is lost - this is the social network "Google +". Quite an interesting project at first glance. But he did not find popularity with a large audience, as he simply could not compete with Facebook and Twitter. Google + is not only a social profile, but also a universal login tool. Just like Facebook, which is often used instead of registration, you can use this account.

Google now

At a certain moment, when the active growth of the Android operating system began, Google engineers, following the example of Apple, created their own voice assistant... It was named Google Now. This is a special service. It is able to provide the user with the most useful and relevant information. Your Google account collects information about you through various services. It is about the music you listen to, the places you visit, your favorite movies, food, websites, football teams.

Based on this data, a profile is created for you. And Google Now uses it to tell you when your favorite band's new album came out, how much movie tickets cost, what score did you play for the club you are a fan of, and so on. All this information is encrypted. It is not available to third party users. If you are not satisfied with this approach, you can always delete the account. It is almost impossible to recover a deleted Google account. Keep this in mind.


As you can see, it is not at all easy to answer the question asked at the beginning of the article. What is a Google Account? This is a whole world of services and products that reveal the Internet in all its glory, simplify interaction with it, and make it friendlier. A Google account today is more of a necessity than an opportunity. Going online once, you will surely stumble upon one of the company's products that you like. What can we say about "Android", the work of which is impossible if the account "Google Play" was not used to enter.

When a person buys a phone for Android, then after the first turn on he sees a dialogue in which to create google account... Many do not attach much importance to it, just enter the data and register. But Google account does not apply only to email gmailas it was originally. Its functionality is much wider!

The Google account that the user creates on Android can be used on any device, such as a tablet or computer. The account is key for all company products those. using 1 account, you can use mail, browser, Google drive, YouTube, although for some services it is not required.

Now I will try to briefly tell you about everything useful functions and the Google account services I use frequently:

1. Gmail

Of course there are many different services, for example Yandex and, etc. and I think they are all good, and I have an account in each of them. Gmail from Google has become the main one for me, because it is integrated into Android and after buying a new phone and logging into my account, I immediately receive my mail without additional settings... well and also Google is one of the leading companies in the field of IT

If you already use another mail, the address of which is known to everyone, then you should not switch to Gmail for no reason

In this service you can store all your contacts. If you save on your Android phone contacts in your google account , you can see them on any device where you are logged into your Google Account!

You can not be afraid of losing contacts - they are stored in cloud storage... And in this case, you do not need to copy contacts when buying a new phone or tablet, you just need to log into Google Account on the new device and turn on synchronization. And in a few seconds, all contacts are already on the new device.

Everyone has probably heard about the Google Play store, where you can download applications and games, a Google account is required for the store! Google Play store saves all data about your applications in your account. If you bought new phone and logged into the Google Play store with your Google Account, then you can find all the applications that you previously installed.

Besides paid apps are also linked to a Google Account, not a phone! And if it's time to change your phone, you just need to log into your Google Account on your new phone and paid games which you bought earlier can be downloaded for free!

4. Login to the Chrome browser

If you use the Chrome browser on your computer, you can sign in to your Google Account to chrome browser, then all your bookmarks, search history, saved passwords will be stored in your Google Account.

And if you reinstall Windows, or want to work on a different computer, just sign back in to your Google account and get all your bookmarks, settings and styling.

Previously there was a service Google Docs, now it has been combined with Google Drive ... Google Drive gives you the opportunity to store your documents, files, photos, videos on a secure cloud storage. Files can be viewed online in a browser, you can also edit documents, tables and presentations online, you can give access to files and folders to others google users to work together.

You can also install Google drive to the computer, in this case all your files from the Google drive are available on the computer in special folderwhich will automatically sync them with cloud storage.

6. YouTube

Yes, Youtube is one of the Google services, you don't need to register to watch videos. But if you log into a Google Account on YouTube, you can put likes or dislikes, comment on videos, add videos to your playlists or favorites.

For communication in social network Google+ (Google Plus) the previously created Google account is also sufficient. All you need to do is create your profile.

A single Google account will be used to sign in to Google+.

One account for all services

All the components I mentioned above make up less than 10% of all Google projects. Therefore, if you create a Google Account for yourself on an Android phone or on a computer, you will get access to all projects at once without the need to register separately in each service!

We continue to publish instructions of the "Android for dummies" genre, and today the topic of the instructions sounds like this: "How to add, set up and delete a Google account".

When turning on any smartphone for the first time, the user will have to create a new account or add an existing one. And if iPhone has AppleID, then Android has Google accounts. Today we will talk about why this is needed, how to add an "account", configure it or remove it.

Why do I need a Google account?

Despite the fact that we, in fact, create an email address in the corresponding system, we have much more functionality. Let's list the main services that can be used after registering a google account:

1) Gmail. It is convenient to use it in "Google phones" due to the fact that it is integrated into the software environment. In fact, to work with mail after purchasing a new smartphone, you will not need anything other than initial login (adding an account to the device);

2) Contacts. When added to smartphone contact phones there is an option to save them “In Google-account”. Thus, we no longer need to write down the same phone number ten times on different devices or transmit it via, say, Bluetooth. Now it's enough to simply add the corresponding google account to the required devices and enable synchronization of contacts;

3) Google Play. From a gaming point of view, this item is a priority. To install applications, games, download books and music from this service, you must have an active account on your smartphone. Paid applications will also be tied to it, so you will need to take care of such an account over time like the apple of your eye;

4) Google chrome... Such a handy little thing was introduced by the developers especially for those people who gave their preference to using this browser what's on a smartphone, what's on a PC or laptop. In fact, the use of the same account of what is there, what is there gives us the ability to quickly synchronize the bookmarks of web pages;

5) Google Drive. The cloud service from the company now allows you to store files in it different types... It can be text entries, music, video, tables. In general, anything you like. To quickly exchange files between a smartphone and a PC, I recommend installing the service on your computer;

6) Youtube. In general, Youtube refers to applications (services) that can work without active accounting. You can watch the video while doing this. But if we talk about such functionalitylike likes and dislikes, comments on videos and so on, then they will all be disabled;

7) Google Plus. I think there is no need to talk about the fact that it is simply impossible to use the social network from Google without having an appropriate account. Everything is clear here.

8) Others google appsas well as third party applications

How do I create a Google account?

Disclaimer: example shown on Android 6.0 with Flyme proprietary shell. First, let's try to add an existing email address.

1. If you turned on your smartphone for the first time, then regardless of android version and the shell, you will be prompted to enter your Google account information or create a new one. If you need to add an account to an already working smartphone, go to the settings and look for the item with accounts, where we select the add function. If you are launching a brand new smartphone out of the box, this step will be one of the first by default;

6. We are waiting for the verification of the data and, if successful, add the payment data (optional, needed for purchases on Google Play);

7. Voila! Account added to our device!

Now let's look at a more complex situation. Let's assume that we have not yet been registered with Google. Then you need to do the following:

1. Again we turn to the settings, if the device is already working, if this is the first turn on, then go to step 2.

7. If necessary, add a phone number (for password recovery, for example);

In fact, after adding an account, there is no need to carry out any tricky manipulations with it. Mail is configured separately, and it is desirable to do this through a browser on a PC. And we'll see what can be configured specifically on a smartphone. For this:

1. Go back to the settings, to the category with accounts and select the desired account;

2. We see a list of synchronized services;

3. Mark the necessary boxes;

4. In the right upper corner select the synchronization function.

As you can see, between two or more devices, you can sync data from the Google Fit app, other apps, calendar, and contacts. As for other programs ... It can be, for example, games. In the same Last Day on Earth you can restore progress by adding an account google recordsdirectly to which this progress was tied.

2. Go to the item with accounts;

3. Select the required account;

4. Using context menu select the “delete” function;

5. We confirm the deletion.

My friends, I welcome you again. I'm in a very positive mood, so I hope you are too. And today I want to tell you about one amazing thing, namely, what is a Google account for. And if you think you don’t need Google because you don’t use Gmail, then you are wrong.

The fact is that recently I was asked how to register on youtube in order to leave comments. They say that there is only the "Login" button, but there is no "Register" button. Well then I smiled. The person did not know that a single account was used for this video hosting. For some reason, many people still think that the account from this giant corporation is used only for e-mail. But now is not the beginning of the 2000s.

Google account is not easy mailbox... Yes, initially it was like that, but everything goes on, everything changes and is supplemented. This account will make it easier for you to surf the Internet and make it more convenient. This I guarantee you. And if you also use the Google Chrome browser, then this is generally gorgeous, since it will be even more convenient to work in this bundle.

So, now let's figure out what's what

post office

Well, since we have touched on this topic, then we should start with it. Yes, of course, by opening an account you will have your own mail. And this mail is excellent, there are no questions here. Everything is very fast and convenient. And today this mailer is one of the largest, along with Yandex and mail.


Do you like watching videos on YouTube? Then you also want to have an account from Google, because (if you don't know) YouTube itself belongs to Google, so there is one account for everyone (about different interesting facts you can read about YouTube). And what does this account give us?

  • Subscription management
  • Recommended videos based on your preferences
  • Continue watching a video that you haven't watched. It doesn't matter that you started watching the video on one computer, but decided to continue on the other. The main thing is to do this from under one account.
  • The ability to comment on the video
  • Creating your own channel with all the consequences
  • And much more...

Web developer tools

If you have your own website or blog, then you just need a Google account. Many useful services work on google.

And of course this is not the whole list, I just showed you the most basic for an example.


Also, perhaps I will include in the list. Thanks to the account from Google, you will automatically have an account in the social google networks+. I personally don't sit like that and don't use this service, but many people like it.


We all know that the Android mobile operating system is the brainchild of Google, so if you have an account, you will be able to freely download applications from the Play Market. And this is an important reason.


Among other things, an account is useful for searching, as it remembers what you were looking for and will already be tailored just for you. That is, for the search results, it can be built in a slightly different way, plus hints close to your preferences will appear. Works on all machines where you entered the account.

For example, when I was just going, I was looking for information on it, what and how. And now, if I try to enter in the search "gender ...", then in the prompt I will crawl out "The benefits of running." And if I log out, there will be no such prompt. Is the essence clear?

Cloud Disk

Now cloud storage has been popular for a long time, and of course Google is in trend. It also has its own cloud service - Google Disk, thanks to which you can store files on their server and you will have access to them from anywhere in the world, where there is Internet of course).

To be honest, I don’t use Google disk. Basically I use a mail cloud or a Yandex disk, and sometimes I also use a dubbox, though rarely.

Google docs

Another service that is full of usefulness. That's so to speak Microsoft Office online. That is, now you do not need to download documents, you can work with them online. This includes text, spreadsheet and presentation editors.


Service for creating blogs. You can create a blog on this platform, develop it and make money on it using the same adsense ( contextual advertising). I have noticed that many people choose this blogging platform, but for this purpose I would still recommend WordPress.

Google chrome

And of course, I can't help but mention the bundle with google browser Chrome. If we go to our account in the google chrome browser, then we can use our bookmarks and extensions on any computer. It's sooo handy feature... By the way, I talked about this in more detail in my. Read it. It is also very useful featureif you suddenly reinstall windows. You will not lose anything and you will not have to reinstall anything.

Well? There are also questions like "why do I need a Google account if I don't use their mail?" I think that now all questions will disappear by themselves. And if you have no questions and no Google account, then register a bullet! It's just a lifesaver in today's Internet realities. Moreover, you yourself will notice how the productivity of your work has grown.

Speaking of productivity. If you want to improve it and optimize work processes on the Internet and at the computer in general, I recommend that you look excellent video course about this theme. The course has an excellent presentation of the material, as well as the material itself.

Well, for today I have everything. I hope you enjoyed the article and now you will make sure that you have your own account. By the way, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog updates to always be aware of the most interesting things that happen on the blog. Well, I am waiting for you again at my place. Good luck to you. Bye Bye! May the force be with you).

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Smartphones based on the Android operating system are linked to a Google account. This allows users to be identified and data synchronized. It is often necessary to observe that some users manage to do without binding, depriving many of the capabilities provided by the Android operating system. How to create an account on your phone and take advantage of all the advantages and advanced functionality of this OS?

What is an account and how to create one

Installing on your windows computer, we create accounts (accounts) of one or more users so that each of them can customize the operating system to their liking. As for the Android operating system, it is structured differently, and each device is personal. And in order to remember the personification parameters, Google accounts are used. What are the capabilities of a Google account?

  • Synchronization of contacts with the Google cloud service;
  • Saving application settings;
  • Creation of conditions for migration with your data and contacts to other mobile devices;
  • Saving browser history and saving bookmarks;
  • Saving information about installed applications;
  • Identification in Google services - Youtube, Drive, Play Movies, Play Press, Play Music and many others;
  • Identification in the social network Google+.

Also, the Google account is used to identify players in the "Play Games" - a great opportunity to save your achievements in your account. If the user changes his smartphone or tablet, he can migrate to a new device with almost all his data - with mail, photos, videos, contacts and other information. Much of this is stored in cloud services, which ensures the preservation of free space on smartphones and tablets.

The most interesting option is saving the phone book. Previously, we had to transfer contacts almost by hand, copying not only names, but also additional data fields. As a result, the transfer took hours, and sometimes days.

There were also programs for synchronization, but they did not allow transferring between phones of different brands. Today, with most devices running on operating system Android, it only takes a minute to transfer contacts as they are stored on Google's servers.

How to create an account on an Android phone

To create an account on your Android phone or tablet, you can use your phone or computer. If you chose to register from a computer, go to the Google website, click on the "Sign in" menu and start creating a new account. The following data is indicated here:

  • Login and password;
  • Name and surname;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Mobile phone;
  • The country;
  • Alternate email address.

Mail and phone are used in the future to restore access to your account in case of password loss. After registration, the user receives an account in the form of an email address in the domain, for example, [email protected] As soon as your Google account is ready, you need to add it to your smartphone.

If you want to register an account via a smartphone or tablet, turn on the device, go to "Settings - Accounts»And click on the line with the Google icon. Next, the system will prompt you to create new account or enter the details of an existing account. We choose to create a new one and proceed to registration by analogy with the above instructions.

If you purchased new smartphone or a tablet, you can create a new account at the start of the device, having previously connected it to the Internet.

After you link your device to your Google account, all services and services will be automatically linked to this account. email (it has the same address as the account itself). And by setting up the synchronization of data and phonebook, you will ensure that all your files and contacts are securely stored in the Google cloud storage.