How to protect your computer from hacking. How to protect your computer from viruses How to protect your PC from outside interference

Computer viruses are a general term for programs that harm the system, steal personal data, or make computer work uncomfortable by displaying advertisements. Some malware is capable of encrypting data on hard drives, which can lead to their loss. In this article, we will talk about how you can protect your PC from these pests.

There are several ways to protect against viruses, and their differences lie in their effectiveness and expediency of use. For example, powerful anti-virus software designed for the corporate segment will not be suitable for the average home PC user, and if a number of conditions are met, you can do without an anti-virus altogether. Next, we will look at the different options in detail, and also talk about what to do in case of infection.

How viruses get onto a computer

In fact, there are only two options for malware to penetrate a PC – the Internet and physical media. They reach us through the network by downloading various files from dubious sources, sending infected email attachments, and also in more cunning ways. It's quite easy to avoid this - just follow simple rules, which we will talk about below.

With physical media - flash drives - you need to be much more careful. If attacks via the Internet are carried out at random, then the transfer of an infected drive may serve a specific purpose. Most often this is gaining control over your PC and (or) theft of personal data - logins and passwords from services and wallets or other important information.

Method 1: Antiviruses

The advisability of installing a paid antivirus is an individual question for each user. If the machine is used as a source of income, which means storing important information, projects, etc., then it is highly recommended to use paid licenses. In the same case, if the computer is intended for leisure and surfing, then you can get by with free product, for example Avast Free Antivirus or Avira Free Antivirus.

It is also worth mentioning that powerful paid programs create a significant load on the system. They constantly monitor processes in the background, checking hard drives and downloads from the web. This behavior can negatively affect performance, especially for weaker PCs.

Method 2: Windows System Tools

All modern versions of Windows, starting with XP, are equipped with a built-in antivirus program simply called “ Windows Defender» ( Windows Defender). This product has the necessary minimum of functions - real-time protection and scanning file system for virus detection. An obvious advantage of the program is that it saves the user from having to install additional software. The downside is low efficiency.

Windows Defender is perfect if no unlicensed programs are installed on your computer, you only visit trusted resources on the Internet, and the machine is used only as a means of entertainment and communication. In other cases, it is worth considering additional protection in the form of an antivirus.

Safety rules

Most of the key rules have already been stated above in one form or another, so let’s just summarize what has been said.

  • In all cases except exceptional ones, for example, if you have a very weak computer, you need to use additional protection in the form of an antivirus.
  • Use only licensed programs and visit trusted sites.
  • Do not use other people's flash drives. The information on your flash drives also needs to be protected from viruses.
  • If your computer is a source of income, then you need to use paid antivirus products.
  • Do regularly backups systems and important files to be able to restore them in the event of an attack.

What to do if infected

Even the “coolest” antiviruses are not able to provide one hundred percent protection. “Craftsmen” do not sleep, and new viruses do not immediately get into the database. If your PC is nevertheless infected with malicious code, then you can (need) do the following:

  1. First of all, make sure that an infection has taken place. It can be identified by certain criteria, as well as using virus scanners.
  2. If pests are found, clean them yourself using special utilities, and in case of failure, seek help from specialists on specialized resources.


Protecting your computer from viruses is a matter for which responsibility lies entirely on the shoulders of the user. When choosing a method, try to determine as accurately as possible how you will use the PC. Errors can lead to dire consequences in the form of loss of data, and possibly even money. If you can handle the first one with a backup, then no one will return the money to you.

Computer viruses cause a lot of trouble and problems to many users. And in the vast majority of cases, all of them have an antivirus installed. There is only one conclusion - the antivirus does not provide the necessary level of protection. This problem needs to be solved by comprehensively setting up your computer and learning the basics of security.

1. What you need to know about viruses

A virus is a malicious program created by an attacker. The purpose of the first viruses was the self-affirmation of their creators, and their action was to harm the computer. Today, the vast majority of viruses are aimed at illegally obtaining funds in one way or another.

In order to effectively protect yourself from viruses, you need to know how they work. The main tasks of viruses are to penetrate the user’s computer, ensure their launch, protect themselves from detection and removal, and carry out destructive actions.

2. Types of viruses

Viruses infect a computer in various ways and, depending on this, are divided into different types.

File virus

Infects other programs and files by adding its own program code. Thus, when you run an infected program or file, the malicious code. If you are infected with a virus system files, then the malicious code runs automatically every time the computer boots.


A worm is a self-replicating virus. Having penetrated the user's computer, the worm duplicates itself many times, placing many copies of itself in different folders with different names, which makes it difficult to remove. Worms can also be copied through local network into public folders on other computers, sending themselves via email, messaging programs and network attacks.

Double virus

Some viruses remove or make hidden files and user folders and replace them with malicious files with the same icons and names. The user tries to open them and runs malicious code. Such viruses are now found on flash drives.


Trojans are viruses that do not infect other files, but place their own files on the user’s computer. Often these files are located in folders operating system, disguise themselves as system files, are added to startup and run every time the computer boots. Identifying Trojans is more difficult because their actions are similar to other programs that also add their files to the system and run along with the computer.

False program

Some viruses are disguised as programs useful to the user, designed to download files from the Internet, watch videos on websites, improve computer performance, and even protect against viruses. The user installs the program himself, uses it, and is not even aware of its “undocumented capabilities.”

Also, such programs often try to get money from the user. For example, a false antivirus or program for eliminating errors in the system detects several dozen non-existent viruses or problems on your computer, some of them offer to fix for free, and the rest after purchase full version or sending SMS. This is a classic scam.

3. Actions of viruses

Regardless of the method of infecting a computer, viruses can perform various actions and, on this basis, are also divided into different types.

Display intrusive advertising in Internet browsers, spoofing the address home page, redirect users to various sites. They are installed as an additional program, plug-in or browser panel with other free programs or under the guise of something useful from the Internet.

Spies and keyloggers

Designed to steal confidential information and passwords. They monitor the user’s actions, search for confidential information on the computer, collect data entered from the keyboard, from the clipboard, take screenshots and send them to the attacker. The purpose of such programs is a variety of data. Numbers bank cards allow you to steal funds from a bank account. From hacked social network and Skype accounts, messages can be sent to your friends with an offer to download a file or visit a website. Mail can be used to send spam. License keys programs, account and property from online games can be sold.

Ransomware blockers

They block the operation of the operating system and display a message requiring you to send an SMS or pay a certain amount to some account. After this, it promises to unlock the computer. But in the vast majority of cases, unlocking does not occur. In order to remove such a virus and restore normal operation of the computer, you need to have some experience.

Ransomware blockers may report that you have allegedly violated license agreement Windows, introduce yourself law enforcement agencies(Ministry of Internal Affairs), show shocking pictures and obscene text.


All user files on the computer - documents, photos, videos, etc. - are quietly encrypted. When all files are encrypted, a message appears on the screen requiring you to send an SMS or pay a certain amount to some account. After this, it promises to decrypt the files. But in the vast majority of cases, decryption does not occur.

Encrypted files can only be restored from a backup copy. I recommend storing valuable files (documents, photos, etc.) on an external drive.


They spread to a large number of computers and provide an attacker with access to them. The virus does not manifest itself until it receives a special command. Infected computers (zombies) are used to organize large-scale attacks on the servers of enterprises and government agencies and send spam.


Provide access to the computer. Using them, an attacker can download various malware. As necessary, these programs can be removed or replaced by others.

4. Routes of penetration of viruses

Viruses can penetrate a computer in several ways - from an infected flash drive, CD/DVD, from the Internet and local computer network. In this case, various vulnerabilities in the operating system, programs, social engineering and phishing can be used.

Flash drives

Many viruses are spread using files on flash drives and external drives. It is enough to insert a flash drive into an infected computer and the virus will immediately appear on it. Then, when you insert a flash drive into a healthy computer, the virus is transferred to it. After this, the newly infected computer begins to infect other flash drives.

CD/ DVD-discs

Viruses can be transmitted via CD/DVDs. These can be either infected user files or viruses that have penetrated through a disc burning program.


There are many infected files and programs on the Internet; after downloading and opening them, the computer becomes infected with a virus. In addition, modern websites use scripts and other technologies based on program code to increase interactivity. Attackers create scripts designed to spread viruses. All you have to do is go to a website with such a script and the virus is already on your computer, even if you haven’t downloaded or installed anything.

Local network

If one of the computers connected to a local network with other computers turns out to be infected, then viruses from it can be transmitted to other computers through public folders or using network attacks. If your provider, in addition to Internet services, also has a local network, then the intensity of network attacks and the likelihood of infection will be high.

Vulnerabilities in the system

Network attacks are constantly carried out on user computers, which are possible both from the local network and from the Internet. They exploit various vulnerabilities in the operating system, network services and drivers. Special network packets are sent to the user’s computer, which lead to malfunctions of software components in order to seize control over them. They then create a loophole through which the virus enters the computer. To get infected, just connect your computer to a local network or the Internet; no user action is required.

Vulnerabilities in programs

Viruses can also enter a computer through various vulnerabilities in programs. This can be either network attacks on programs using the Internet, or various infected files. For example, malicious code could be embedded in Word file, Excel, PDF or any other. When an infected file is opened, control over the program is seized and the virus is further introduced into the system.

Social engineering

Many viruses are spread using email and Internet sites by convincing the user that he will receive something useful, valuable or interesting if he opens a certain file or goes to a certain site. If the user believes this and carries out the proposed action, then his computer will be infected with a virus.

Users are also sent emails, messages on social networks, Skype, SMS, and even receive calls asking them to provide some personal information. In this case, the attacker may pose as an employee of a bank, the support service of a website, or even a friend or relative.


Phishing is the spoofing of the address of a popular website in order to infect a computer with a virus or obtain confidential information.

Users receive messages allegedly on behalf of the administration of the site or social network where they are actually registered, with an offer to go to the site to resolve some issue and are offered a link very similar to the official address of the site. If a user clicks on this link, his computer becomes infected with a virus.

Attackers also create special websites that exactly replicate the authorization pages of official bank websites, postal services, social networks, online games, etc. The site address can also be very similar. Then it is sent to users email supposedly on behalf of the site, with some kind of notification and a link to go to the site. By clicking on the link, the user is taken to a fake authorization page, where they are asked to enter their username and password. After entering the password, it is sent to the attacker and the account is hacked, and the user is redirected to the real site and does not notice the substitution.

Once the virus has entered the computer, it is added to startup so that it runs every time the computer is turned on. Here are the main ways to auto-download viruses:

  • Task Scheduler
  • Windows Registry
  • Windows Services
  • Internet browser plugins and panels
  • Windows Explorer Plugins
  • Infected system files
  • Boot sector or disk partition
  • Alternate NTFS Streams
  • Network stack
  • Print pool
  • In addition, there are hundreds of so-called autorun points. The same virus can use several of them at once. This makes it much more difficult to identify and remove malware.

    6. Virus self-defense

    Almost any virus, having penetrated a computer and registered itself in startup, tries to protect itself from detection and removal in various ways.

    Automatic restart

    The easiest way to protect a virus is to run several independent processes that monitor each other. If one of the processes ends, the remaining one restarts it. This makes it difficult to disable the virus to remove it.

    Deletion protection

    Virus processes in computer memory monitor virus files on the disk and startup points. If the user or antivirus deletes the virus file or its autorun point, then the virus processes in memory immediately restore them. Also, the virus can self-repair every time you boot your computer.


    More advanced modern viruses use various ways camouflage.

    Often for protection virus files detection is encrypted, which prevents antivirus programs from detecting malicious code. When downloading, the virus code is extracted from an encrypted file and placed in the computer's memory.

    Polymorphic (mutating) viruses change their code every time they infect a new computer, and sometimes every time the computer is rebooted. This prevents the antivirus from identifying malicious code using already known signatures.

    Rootkits are special components included in the protection complex of modern viruses. They penetrate the kernel of the operating system and have the highest powers. Rootkits are designed to hide a virus from an antivirus program. For example, they can intercept antivirus calls to the disk and registry, remove virus file names and registry settings from the data stream, and transfer already cleaned data to the antivirus.

    Also, the virus itself can operate in kernel mode, where only the most important system components, such as device drivers, have access. From there, they can even fight antivirus programs.

    Antivirus neutralization

    Some high-tech viruses can successfully resist antivirus programs and completely or partially neutralize their algorithms.

    Most dangerous virus one that does not allow itself to be detected, does not cause problems in the operating system and lives on the computer for a long time in order to steal confidential information and user funds.

    7. Basic methods of protection against viruses

    I decided to divide the methods of protection against viruses and security threats into basic ones - mandatory for everyone, and additional ones - at the request of the user. In this section we will look at the main methods of protection, and in the next we will talk about additional ones.

    Modern viruses are high-tech programs with a complex of camouflage and self-defense that are difficult to detect and neutralize. Therefore, comprehensive measures must also be used to protect against them. This is an antivirus program that covers all possible ways penetration of viruses and adherence to safety principles when working on a computer. All this is not so difficult; it is enough to set up your computer well once and not break certain rules.

    7.1. File virus protection

    In order to protect yourself from viruses infecting files, it is enough to install any antivirus.

    Paid antiviruses provide high level protection against other security threats. It makes sense to purchase them if you are dealing with valuable confidential information or carrying out serious financial transactions. The best for Russian-speaking countries is Kaspersky Internet Security. If your computer is weak, you can purchase faster and lighter Dr.Web Security Space.

    From free, for the operating room Windows systems 7,8.1,10 I recommend Avast. For Windows XP – 360 Total Security or Avira. Both programs are fast, lightweight, and well suited for low-end computers. 360 Total Security has various additional functions - disk cleaning, monitoring Windows updates, webcam protection and is more suitable for those who like to understand everything. Avira contains all the necessary security elements and is more suitable for minimalists who do not want to delve into settings.

    Never disable your antivirus or open suspicious files no matter how much you want to. In the vast majority of cases, you will not get what you want and will only harm yourself.

    7.2. Protection against false and infected programs

    Use only popular, well-known programs. Download programs only from developer sites and popular well-known sites. Check all downloaded files on

    Avoid installing dubious programs, especially those that are found to be unwanted by Always select a custom installation and uncheck additionally offered components.

    7.3. Virus protection on flash drives

    The easiest way to protect yourself from getting your computer infected is through a flash drive. To do this, you need to disable autorun of flash drives in the Windows registry. I made a special file that sets the necessary parameters in the registry automatically and works with all Windows versions. All you need to do is run it and agree to make changes to the registry.

    In order for the changes to take effect, you need to restart the computer. After this, autorun of viruses from flash drives will be impossible. Please note that the autorun window will not appear when inserting flash drives. You can access the flash drive via Windows Explorer(My computer).

    You can download the file to disable autorun of flash drives in the “” section.

    7.4. Virus protection on CD/DVDs

    Autorun of CDs/DVDs could also be disabled in the registry. But the spread of viruses on disks is already rare and antiviruses easily block them. And disabling autorun of disks will cause a lot of inconvenience, since you will have to manually search for the autorun program on them. Therefore, I recommend not to bother with this.

    7.5. Protection against scripts in the browser

    For the Firefox browser there are very good plugin NoScript. After installing it, some sites may lose some functionality. But enough with a simple click mouse, add them to the list of allowed ones and their functionality will be restored.

    But you don’t need to add everything, just those sites that you absolutely trust. Then Internet security will be at a fairly high level.

    For Chrome browser There is a similar plugin called ScriptBlock. The principle of its operation is the same. On allowed sites, scripts are not blocked, but on others you will be safe.

    7.6. Protecting passwords in the browser

    All browsers allow you to remember passwords for websites the first time you enter them.

    This is convenient because you do not need to enter a password the next time you log into this site. But this is not safe, since the password from the browser can be stolen.

    For Firefox and Chrome browsers, there is an excellent LastPass plugin that also offers to save passwords as you enter them on sites, but stores them in secure storage. When entering sites, he inserts the login and password into the required fields, which is very convenient.

    Do not enter your passwords on other people's computers, as they may be infected with a spyware or keylogger.

    You can download the LastPass plugin in the "" section.

    7.7. Protection against social engineering

    Do not click on dubious advertisements on the Internet, especially flashing images with incredible promises. At best, you will end up on a site where they will trick you into buying something; at worst, you will end up on a site infected with a virus.

    Never download files or click on links from email messages if they come from recipients you do not know. No matter how tempting or harmless this message may be, in 99% of cases they want to deceive you!

    Also, do not open attachments or click on links from strange messages that came from someone you know (like look at my photo or download a cool program). Most likely, this means that your friend’s account has been hacked and is being used to send malicious messages. Contact your friend, ask if he sent you this message and warn about a possible problem.

    If the message you think may be of high importance (for example, from your bank), then call them. Do not tell anyone your passwords for banking operations, email, etc. Official representatives have no right to ask about this.

    Be selective on social networks, don’t add everyone who asks you to be your friend. These people may try to obtain your personal information, send you messages to infected, fraudulent sites, or simply bombard you with advertisements. If you see suspicious activity, remove these people from your friends list.

    Recently, attackers have also often used SMS and even calls for the purpose of deception. Do not send reply SMS or call to the indicated numbers, since for this money will be withdrawn from your account. Do not follow links in SMS, they are now used to spread viruses on smartphones. Check all the information on official telephone numbers and on official websites, and not according to the contact information that was sent to you.

    Recently, reports have become more frequent that something happened to your relative or that you won some very valuable prize (car, house, apartment, etc.) and they are asking you for money to settle some issues. Never trust such messages and check information through reliable channels. The main thing is to understand that no one ever gives anything to anyone for nothing. If you didn’t buy anything or register to participate in the promotion, then this is 99% a scam.

    7.8. Phishing protection

    To protect yourself from site spoofing through phishing, never click on links that are sent to emails. Open new page browser and go to the desired site from your bookmarks or enter the address manually.

    In all modern browsers There is built-in protection against phishing. If a site is determined to be phishing, then access to it is blocked.

    Similar blocking windows may appear when malware is detected on a website.

    But browsers can only detect fakes of the most popular sites or those sites that are blacklisted.

    Comprehensive paid antiviruses such as Kaspersky Internet Security and Dr.Web Security Space. Most popular free antiviruses also have phishing protection.

    7.9. Protection against system vulnerabilities

    To protect against vulnerabilities in the operating system, you must regularly install important updates, since these are mostly security updates. Go to Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Update\Customize Settings and check your update settings. I advise you to enable the installation of updates in automatic mode.

    Despite the fact that the official Windows support XP has been discontinued and for some older computers it is the only system that provides sufficient performance and functionality. There is a way to extend security updates for Windows XP until April 2019. For this I made a special file that enters Windows registry small change. All you need to do is run it and agree to make changes to the registry.

    After this, installation of security updates in Windows XP will last until April 2019.

    You can download this file in the "" section.

    7.10. Disabling unnecessary services

    Another generally accepted method of protection is to disable unnecessary functionality. If potentially vulnerable components are disabled, then an attack on them is impossible. First of all, this concerns Windows Services, which run on every computer and most often become targets for attacks. Many of them are not needed for normal operation computer, and disabling them also has a pleasant bonus in the form of increased system performance.

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    In order to disable unnecessary services, you need to go to the computer's control console. To do this you need to click right click mouse on the “My Computer” or “Windows” (in Windows 8.10) icon and select “Manage...”.

    Go to the Services section.

    Now you need to right-click on the service that you want to disable and select “Properties”.

    After that, set “Startup Type: Disabled” and click “OK”.

    Now when you turn on the computer, the service will not start.

    You can safely disable some services that are not network services. Also, if you do not have a local computer network, you can disable some network services. I have prepared a description of the most important services and recommendations for setting them up. You can download them in the "" section.

    7.11. Protection against program vulnerabilities

    To protect against vulnerabilities in programs, it is advisable to regularly update them to new versions. Most programs have a function to check for updates. As soon as an update for the program is detected, the user is prompted to install it. Do not neglect updating programs, especially those that work with the Internet (browser, Skype, torrent client, etc.).

    7.12. Protection against network attacks

    The best way to protect against network attacks is to disable unnecessary services, regularly update the operating system and programs in order to eliminate vulnerabilities that are used in attacks.

    But there are also programs specifically designed to protect against network attacks, called firewalls. The principle of the firewall is that it does not allow Internet packets to enter the computer that contain data not requested by the user. For example, if you enter the address of a site in your browser, you will receive Internet packets containing the contents of the site in response, and the firewall will allow them through. Infected Internet packets arrive on the computer without the user’s request and the firewall blocks them.

    Windows operating systems have their own built-in firewall called Firewall. If the system security is properly configured, it is usually sufficient. But there is also third party solutions, which are more advanced and reliable. If you have valuable information on your computer confidential information or you actively work with payment systems, then additional protection in the form of a good firewall will not hurt.

    The firewall is part of paid antiviruses, the best of which are Kaspersky Internet Security and Dr.Web Security Space. If you have such an antivirus, then your computer is reliably protected from network attacks and you do not need a separate firewall. In addition, such a solution will be the best in terms of compatibility of the antivirus with the firewall.

    Of the free ones, the most popular firewall is Outpost Firewall Free, which can be installed from the comprehensive antivirus package Outpost Security Suite FREE and used in addition to any free antivirus. The disadvantage of this solution is possible conflicts between the antivirus and the firewall.

    Most best way Protect yourself from attacks from the Internet or your provider’s local network by connecting your computer via a router. The router has hardware firewall functionality. It hides your computer from hackers and securely blocks all unsolicited Internet packets before they even reach your computer. In addition, the router protects to some extent motherboard from electrical breakdowns on the part of the provider, which happens quite often.

    But the router does not protect against attacks from infected computers connected through it to a home or office local network, but only against those that come from the Internet. Therefore, a software firewall must still run on every computer.

    7.13. System backup

    Even high-quality computer setup and adherence to security principles does not provide a 100% guarantee that some cunning virus will not penetrate the computer. But there is a remedy that will reliably protect you from the consequences of infection. This is a creation.

    Built-in tool Windows recovery is not effective enough. Firstly, it only protects the most important system files, and the virus may be located in other places. Secondly, viruses often penetrate the backup storage and are restored along with the system recovery, which brings down the entire backup system.

    In order to create a reliable copy of the system, you need to set up your computer from scratch and make full image drive “C” using a third-party program. Additionally, this will protect you from any failures in the system or software.

    One of best programs backup is Acronis True Image, it is paid. But there is a great one free alternative– Paragon Rescue Kit Free.

    To successfully back up your system and then quickly restore it, you need to follow a few simple conditions.

    User files should not be stored on the C drive, otherwise they will be lost when the system is restored. Please note that the files on the “Desktop” and in the “My Documents” folder are physically located on the “C” drive. Therefore, store all your files on another partition, such as the “D” drive.

    Do not install games on the “C” drive, as they take up a very large amount of space, which will make it difficult backup and system recovery. Install games on another partition, for example on drive “D”.

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    Detailed instructions for using backup programs are available on the developer’s websites in the “” section.

    7.14. File backup

    A backup copy of the operating system is designed to quickly restore the computer's functionality and completely eliminate viruses. But this will not protect your files if they are deleted or encrypted by a virus.

    To protect your personal files, you should back them up regularly. You can simply copy files to a flash drive or external drive standard means, but this is not so convenient and can take a lot of time. It is better to use efficient synchronization algorithms for this.

    For example, in the popular file manager Total Commander There is a directory synchronization function. Open the folder with your files on your computer disk in the left panel, and the folder on the flash drive in the right panel.
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    Go to the “Tools\Synchronize Directories” menu.

    Set all parameters as in the screenshot above and click the “Compare” button. After the comparison is completed, click the “Synchronize” button that becomes active.

    One of the best free programs, designed specifically for file synchronization, is . Its operating principle is similar, but it works even better.

    In the left panel, you specify the folders that you want to synchronize on the disk of your computer, and in the right panel, the folders on the flash drive or other location in which the backup copies will be stored. After this, first click the “Compare” button and then “Synchronize”. For example, I synchronize my folders with a disk on another computer over a local network.

    Synchronization takes significantly less time than copying files, since only new and changed files are copied. In addition, files that you deleted on your computer are deleted from the backup copy.

    Remember! The question isn't whether you'll lose your files if you don't back them up, but when...

    8. Additional methods of protection against viruses

    In this section, we will look at additional less popular protection methods that you can use as you wish. However, some of them can significantly strengthen your computer's protection.

    8.1. Protection against spies and keyloggers

    There are special programs for protection against spies and keyloggers. The most popular ones are Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free, Spyware Terminator. But all modern antiviruses already have protection against spies and keyloggers, and the use of several at the same time antivirus programs can lead to various problems.

    8.2. Phishing protection plugin

    If you are working with a large number social and payment services and want to have additional free protection, then you can install a plugin for anti-phishing protection. One of the most popular is McAfee SiteAdvisor, which supports Firefox browsers and Chrome. It does not require any configuration, but simply blocks phishing and some other malicious sites.

    Some antiviruses, such as Avast, add similar plugins to browsers. The link to the McAfee SiteAdvisor plugin is in the “” section.

    8.3. Protection using DNS servers

    There are special secure DNS servers to protect against malicious sites. One of the most popular free DNS servers in RuNet belongs to the Yandex company (

    It is enough to enter the address of a secure DNS server in the settings network card and all sites, before they load into your browser, will undergo a security check on the Yandex server. Several DNS servers are offered: without protection, with protection against malicious sites, and with additional protection against adult content (can be used on a child’s computer).

    In Windows XP, go to Start/Control Panel/Network and Internet Connections/Network Connections.

    In Windows 7, go to Start/Control Panel/Network and Internet/Network and Sharing Center/Change adapter settings.

    In Windows 8.10, right-click on the Start button and select Network Connections.

    Select Internet Protocol Version 4 and click the Properties button.

    Enter the addresses of Yandex DNS servers.

    After this, only verified safe sites will load in your browser.

    8.4. Working from a limited account

    If you're seriously concerned about computer security, it's a good idea to create a limited user account and work from there. This can be done easily through “Control Panel/User Accounts...”.

    After this, a password is set for the Administrator account and it is used mainly for installing new programs and configuring the computer.

    The fact is that a virus, having got onto a computer or just launched in a browser, receives the authority of the user who is in at the moment works at the computer. If the user works with administrator rights, then the virus will run with administrator rights and will be able to change any system files and registry settings. If you will be working under limited account, then if the virus does leak through a well-configured protection system, it will not be able to infect system files and register in startup, and it will be easier for an antivirus program to neutralize it.

    8.5. System cleaning

    Keep your operating system clean and tidy, then viruses will not be so comfortable in it. Use one of the popular programs to clean your system of garbage. They delete files from temporary folders systems, programs and browsers. Viruses often like to sit in these folders and malicious scripts. In addition, you will save disk space.

    For example, 360 Total Security antivirus has this functionality. I can recommend an excellent popular program. It monitors the cleanliness of the system and deletes temporary files every time the computer boots, a link to it is also provided below.

    9. Links

    Here you can download all the files that were mentioned in the article and will greatly help you in protecting your computer from viruses.

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    The times of harmless viruses and SMS banners blocking access to the desktop are far behind us.

    The trend of the last two years demonstrates increasingly tough steps by attackers to extort money from both corporate and private users. At refusal to pay the ransom(in the amount of 15,000 to 65,000 rubles), user data in some cases cannot be restored.

    Outbreaks of one or another variant of the virus cover computers around the world within a few days. Developers of anti-virus programs sometimes do not have time, and sometimes are simply not able to match the algorithm to the malware. Therefore, the main task of the user is to maximize the independent protection of a PC or laptop from a possible attack by fraudsters.

    Instructions given is universal against all types of malware and all versions of the Windows operating system (7, 8, 10).

    The rules must be applied as a whole. Compliance with individual items does not guarantee the safety of the system and private files from attacks by intruders.

    Instructions for protecting your PC and laptop from computer viruses

    All of the above measures do not require the user to have special skills or pay any funds. If you have any difficulties completing them, you can always contact

    I decided to write my own computer security instructions.

    1.Password selection.

    The word nemonic only sounds scary. With this help you can create long passwords that are very easy to remember and impossible to guess. They are much more reliable than a set of 8-9 random letters with numbers, and much easier to remember.

    Creating a mnemonic password is very simple. Choose a phrase that you will never forget. Any chorus of a song or quatrain that you already remember by heart will do.

    For example:

    Why does it exist in the world?
    Article one hundred thirty-four?
    It prevents children from loving,
    With whomever he can - he decides for them!

    If you write down all the first letters of this chorus, and the article number in numbers, you will get a wonderful 17-digit password: zsvms134dlmskmznr.

    Does it look complicated? You don’t even have to memorize it, just remember that these are all the first letters from the chorus of the song, which you already know.

    Zachem Sushetvuet V Mire
    Detyam Lyubit Meshaet,
    S Kem Mojno - Za Nih Reshaet!

    It’s even better to write down one word in a row in its entirety. For example, the word statya: zsvmstatya134dlmskmznr. You've got a giant 22-letter password that you can't guess or spy on, but you'll never forget.

    From one chorus you can collect dozens of strong passwords, for example, highlighting not the first, but the last letter in the words: mtea134mttsmoaht. But it’s better to choose a different quatrain for each new password.

    Disclaimer: Do not under any circumstances use the quatrain from my example. After this article, he will be the first to be punched. Choose yours, something not too famous.

    2. Encrypt data on your computer.

    The police hacked Navalny's email via a seized computer. They committed a malfeasance (who is surprised by this?), but this is not an excuse for carelessness. If Navalny had encrypted the data, the investigative committee, in the embrace of the hacker Hell, would have fidgeted, but would not have extracted anything.

    Remember, the system password does not protect you from anything. What you enter when you turn on the computer is a meaningless trick. It only protects data encryption.

    This can be done in a couple of clicks using built-in tools, here are step-by-step instructions.

    It’s best to download TrueCrypt on a PC. It’s also very easy to set up.

    Once you have encrypted your entire system, you can rest assured that without a password, not a single file of yours can be read. For you, it will just look like a normal login. Only unlike the system password, these programs reliably protect your data.

    Disclaimer: When encrypting your disk, remember that if you lose your password, you will have no way to access your files. This is the essence of encryption.

    3. Do not link your phone number to your accounts.

    I have seen activists paranoidly remove the batteries from their phones before a meeting, but without hesitation entering their cell number in case of “password recovery.” Your phones are already being tapped, reading SMS is even easier. One password request on the phone + interception of SMS and your mail is compromised. The simple secret of cool hackers from the “E” center.


    Finding out your mother's maiden name is not easy, not incredibly easy. It will take about 3 clicks for me; the “E” center has one single call.

    Finding out the name of your pet is also a trivial task. For example, at the post office Yulia Sazonova has the question “the name of my dog.” I figured it out in 10 minutes. Julia, change the question and password at the same time.

    By the way, her mother’s maiden name is London. The question is how easily such things can be calculated.

    It's best not to enter a security question at all. If some service insists on it, enter deliberate nonsense (long!), which is impossible to find.

    5. Do not link different accounts to each other (especially Facebook and mail).

    Thus, by taking away one account, all of them will be taken away from you at once.

    6. NEVER use Russian email providers.

    All Russian providers electronic services report to law enforcement agencies and will hand over your account upon request.

    7. Make the most of your browser's incognito mode.

    Cookie interception is one of the most common methods of hijacking. In incognito mode, all new cookies are automatically deleted after closing the window.

    It was safety101. The very basics of prevention, accessible to everyone. The next two points are a little more advanced. If you do them too, your online presence will be bulletproof.

    8. Get a VPN abroad.

    In 2000, the then Directorate “K” obliged all telecom operators to install the SORM system. Since then, intelligence agencies can monitor all your activities on the Internet with one keystroke.

    A VPN is an encrypted tunnel (signal) to a remote computer. All you really need to know is that with it your activities will become completely opaque to your provider, and therefore to Russian intelligence services and hackers. With a VPN, it’s safe to use open Wi-Fi, go online from unfamiliar places, and not worry that your signal will be intercepted by a sniffer.

    All reliable VPNs are paid, but they are worth the money. I strongly advise you not to use free services, they are slow and in most cases they are sweet traps.

    I use VyprVPN, I got it with my giganews account. But there are even more reliable providers:

    VPN will secure all your equipment. Not only computers can work via VPN, but also iPhones, iPads, and Android phones.

    Everything is set up very simply: instructions for iPhone/iPad, instructions for Macintosh, instructions for Windows7, instructions for Android

    Once everything is set up, you won't need anything else. Everything will work as before, you won't notice the difference. Only you will be protected.

    An additional bonus is reliable protection against the new censorship law. Whatever resources United Russia and Ilya Ponomarev decide to block, all sites banned in Russia will remain available to you. You will also have several foreign IPs to choose from in different parts of the world. It will become impossible to track you directly online, since your trail will lead to other countries.

    9. Make a secret mailbox that no one will know about.

    My public mail This address is 7 years old, all my letters come here, all my accounts are registered to it. But this is just a screen, I don’t use it. All letters from it are automatically sent to a completely different address, and from this mailbox they are immediately automatically deleted. Autoforwarding like this on Gmail is very easy to set up

    I also respond to letters from a secret address. Let's call it None of my addressees knows this, because the public address is spoofed (written) in the body of the letter. This is also very easy to configure in the same gmail

    Thus, for me there is no mail, this is a technical address that I distribute to the network. I log into it once every six months to change the password and that’s it. But for everyone else, there is no address to which I write mail, use Google, and so on.

    Of course, if someone gets hold of your public address and examines your settings, they will also know your secret address. But in front of him will be pristine mail, because your entire archive is stored in a completely different place. (Unlike the fools who advise never storing archives, I understand well how important it is to save everything.) While the hacker is frantically breaking your secret mail, you will have time to calmly return the public address and move the archive to a new location.

    10. Don't be a fool.

    Do not write down your password on a piece of paper or text file. Do not use the same password on different accounts. Don't log into other people's computers. Do not download dubious files, do not respond to phishing. And also forget to your wife that a chatterbox is a godsend for a spy.

    PS: I deliberately did not explain how things work, but only how to work with them. My task was to write the most accessible practical guide. For the same reason, I did not describe other more advanced means of protection. There are many of them, they are reliable, but they seriously affect usability.

    Once everything is set up, you won’t notice any difference in usability at all. I have armed you, if they continue to break you, then you are fools.