Hard reset android 5. How to reset to factory settings on android. From the Recovery menu

In devices based on operating system Android has a section with which you can reset the settings (Hard Reset) of a tablet or smartphone, which, by the way, we are talking about. Some users are wondering what will happen.

A factory reset is necessary for the user if, for example, he wants to get the device in its original form, since when the settings are reset, absolutely all data is deleted, including photos, videos, applications and other files, and the system returns to its original state, including all settings. It is for this reason that it is necessary to make a backup - saving data in case you still have to do a Hard Reset. Phone numbers can be restored with google accountif this information is synced with your account.

There are other reasons for a factory reset as well. So, the device may start to work slowly, slowdowns, glitches, etc. appear. If this is associated with any application, it is advisable to delete it and check the system's performance, but if you do not know what the matter is, you can reset the settings.

So the only drawback of a factory reset is data loss, which the system warns about. Some users do not know this, and then they wonder where all their photos, musical compositions, videos, etc. have gone. We repeat once again - if you need this data, before resetting, transfer it somewhere else, for example, to a computer or cloud storage... After the reset, you can download them back to your device.

Below you will learn about what reset, hard reset and wipe are, what it is for and in what cases it will be useful to you. Also, we will show you how to reset the settings on Android to return your phone or tablet to a new state by removing all applications and personal information from it.

What is Wipe and when is it needed

Wipe (from the English "wipe" - "erase", "wipe") is the clearing of the Android device's memory from user data.

Resetting device settings may require:

  • to solve problems with Android: the smartphone slows down, errors often occur.
  • when selling the device or handing it over for repair (so that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands);

There are 2 types of Wipe: full and partial. In case of complete, all information is erased, in case of partial, a separate memory area is cleared.

How to make a wipe on an Android smartphone or tablet

Reset settings from the menu Settings

For example Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 GT-S7272.

Sign in Settings:

Open the section Accounts.

Select item Backup :

In chapter Personal data choose Data reset:

Click the button delete everything:

After that the smartphone will be rebooted. All applications, notes, files, logins and passwords in the device memory will be deleted. The device will be restored to the store state.

Important! The data on the memory card is saved when reset! Remember to format the memory card separately if you want to delete all of your data.

Resetting settings from the Recovery menu

The recovery menu offers you a choice: do a factory reset, delete the cache, or install updates.

Wipe Data / Factory Reset - removal of all applications and data (cache, accounts), except for photos, videos and music on the memory card.

Wipe Cache Partition - delete temporary application files.

To reset device settings:

  • use the volume keys to highlight the item Wipe Data / Factory Reset;
  • press the power key:

  • Hover over Yes - delete all user data;
  • Press the power button to reset the settings:

This happens often: over time, the system of your Android device gets clogged, your smartphone or tablet starts to work slowly, and many errors constantly occur. For some, this may be an excellent reason to replace the gadget with more new model, but this option is not necessary at all. If the problem is only in the system, then you just need to return to the factory settings.

Factory settings "Android": what is it?

You need to understand this literally: the smartphone will return to the state in which it was released for sale. All user files will be erased, except those stored on the memory card. But such an operation can give your device a new life. And the files can be copied to removable media in advance, so the loss will be small.

How do I reset the settings using the interface?

In order to restore the factory settings of "Android", you do not need any special applications or knowledge of programming languages. Such an operation is initially built into the interface of your device, and it is quite easy to start it.

Of course, the interface of a smartphone or tablet will be different depending on the device model and android version, however, using the example samsung phones you will understand? where can you find this function approximately.

  1. On your Samsung smartphone, go to Settings (Android Settings), then to Accounts and open the Backup & Reset section.
  2. In this section, you can enable / disable archiving, auto-recovery, including reset data. Click on "Factory data reset".
  3. You will see a warning that all information, including account information, will be deleted from the device memory. google entry and downloaded applications. Confirm data reset.
  4. The device will reboot. After the next power-up, the factory settings of "Android" will be restored.

On early versions "Android" (up to 2.1) such an option as data reset? is located in the "Confidentiality" section.

How to restore settings on Android using Recovery?

If your smartphone or you can reset the settings through recovery mode.

Again, recovery mode is on different models runs differently. But the principle of switching on is the same: you need to hold down certain keys, including the device. See what kind of keyboard shortcut you need for your model in the user manual, or ask the technical support question on the manufacturer's website. On smartphones Samsung recovery mode starts as follows:

  1. Turn off the device if it is on.
  2. Press the volume up key.
  3. Without releasing the volume key, press the Home key.
  4. Without releasing both buttons, press the power key.
  5. Keep the keys pressed until Recovery mode starts.
  6. Select wipedata / factoryreset - this will completely reset the "Android" settings from your device.

If, for example, you have a smartphone Sony Xperia Z, then you need to start recovery like this:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Press the power button and when the indicator located at the top of the phone above the display lights up, press the volume up or down key several times.

Sync and Recover Data on Android

There is a way that will help you quickly install applications that are lost due to a factory reset. Instead of remembering and separately searching for each application by opening Play Market, just go to "Menu / My Apps". Next, click on the "All" tab. You will see a list of all the applications you have previously installed.

Before deleting the settings on the Android device, it is highly recommended to enable synchronization. Thanks to synchronization, you can easily recover all your lost data.

So that in the future you can gmail mail and calendar entries, turn on syncing for your account. Go from the options menu to the "Accounts" section and check the options you need.

Photos can be restored if you have a Google+ account. All captured images will be automatically uploaded to the server. In addition, the user will be able to access their own photos from any other device.

Android Mail

After the settings are deleted on the device running the Android system, you may want to re-configure your mail. As it was said, when you return to the factory state, in addition to user files and applications, everything is also erased from the memory of the smartphone or tablet. accounts... If you did not have synchronization turned on before resetting the settings, then you will have to restore all user options manually. But there is nothing wrong with that. Setting up mail on Android is done through a special application.

The factory version implies the state of the device after purchase, that is, the memory is not completely eliminated. You will have at your disposal built-in applications with which the smartphone went on sale. You will need the Mail app now.

Mail setup instructions

So, setting up mail on Android is carried out as follows. After launching the application, you will be prompted to either create new account, or add an existing one, to which your "Android" phone was linked. The settings should be as follows:

  1. Enter your account details (login and password).
  2. Select the protocol for connecting to the mail service. This is required to confirm the password. It is best to specify POP 3.
  3. Next, you will need to specify the domain mail client... For instance, mail server from Google would look like this: pop.gmail.com. And the Yandex server: pop.yandex.ru. On Android devices it is most convenient to use mail from Google.
  4. Set the parameters for outgoing emails. You must enter the name that the outgoing server uses. This is done according to the same principle by which you specified the domain of the mail client. For example smtp.gmail.com.

In the same way, you can optionally add an additional mailbox.

How to reset settings via recovery on an android is an important question. Technology is susceptible to breakdown: problems arise both in hardware components and software... Android devices are no exception. Sometimes there are problems that prevent turning on or provoking a constant reboot. If the device does not start up due to a software failure, you can full reset.

For this use engineering menu - recovery. It is part of the android system and performs the function of processing information related to the OS. It is important to be able to use this function when flashing the device or restoring via factory reset.

To get into the engineering menu, you need to turn off the device, making sure that it is charged. If the gadget has not been launched, put it on charge for two hours. Then, you need to hold down a certain combination of buttons. The latter depends on the smartphone model, but always includes the power key and one of the volume controls. The simplest way determine the combination for your phone - see the documentation, if saved, or on the network.

The buttons are held pressed, waiting for the device to turn on. First, the manufacturer's logo will appear on the screen, then the image of the android. After a short period of time it will be replaced context menu with multiple functions.

On some devices, when loading recovery, a lying android appears and the phrase No Command is written. In this case, you need to hold down the volume up button for 10 seconds, after which you press the power key.

How to factory reset a device using Android recovery

Getting into the engineering menu, the user sees a menu consisting of a list of available commands. Appearance may vary depending on the smartphone model, but its functionality remains the same. They switch between the items with the volume keys, and press the power button to select.

Resetting the android to factory settings through recovery is performed by the factory reset function:

  1. Start this function by pressing the power key.
  2. Read the information provided by the system, agree to the removal of all personal data from the device.
  3. Select the option to delete all files - delete user data.
  4. A list of words no and yes opens. Click on yes to start cleaning. The system may ask for another confirmation.
  5. During the execution of the command, the corresponding information will appear on the screen.
  6. At the end of the process, the phone will reboot. If the system returned to the main menu, select Reboot to manually restart Android.

Resetting an android via recovery is a simple process that takes no more than 10 minutes. With its help, the phone is cleaned of debris, malware... This also entails the loss of personal files, but they can be restored through special utilities... In addition, if the phone turns on, it is recommended that you create a cloud or physical copy of the information before cleaning.

This article will detail the reset process in the operating room. android system, describing in detail all the options and their nuances.

What is a factory reset for?

After a factory reset, the Android device is completely cleared of user-preinstalled programs. This process can solve the following problems:

● Not correct work and occurrence system errors

● Occurrence of malfunctions after receiving root rights

● Problems after flashing, namely the transition from the original firmware to the bone

● Poor performance after updating the operating system

● In order to erase personal data when the device is sold

Resetting the settings in the Android system is called wipe, which in English means - wipe, wipe. For many, a similar term is familiar, which is called formatting. They are actually the same process.

Types of hard reset

Resetting settings on Android OS can be divided into two types - full and partial. The first one removes all data and programs on the device or in selected partitions. The second allows you to delete a specific directory, that is, a folder.

Modes from which you can wipe on Android
● Settings menu
● Menu recovery
● Menu Bootloader... It is necessary to use funds fastboot
● Using the hardware reset button if provided by the developers

How to reset settings on Android

Option one: settings menu

Go to the settings menu, then go to the Restore and Reset option. Then you can check the box Clear SD card, which will erase the data stored on the memory card, including all programs and files. The information stored in the phone's memory will also be deleted.

Option two: hardware button

Use a thin paperclip or similar object to reset. Using a paper clip, hold down the reset button for 15-30 seconds. The settings will be reset to factory settings.

Option three: recovery menu

Before proceeding to the description, remember how to get into the recovery menu. To do this, turn off the power, then hold down the Home key and the volume up button simultaneously with the power button. On different devices there may be different key combinations. Moving through all the menus is carried out by decreasing and increasing the volume, and the choice of one or another action with the power (power) key. You can also use personal computer and a program that is universal for all devices. But first it's worth it.

Now about the wipe itself through the recovery. You can perform a full reset of the settings both through the standard and through the custom menu. The advantages of performing this action through the recovery menu are more flexible options than the settings menu.

Two types of reset are available as standard.

wipe data / factory reset - will delete all data stored in sections DATA and CACHE, the folder where the program data is located will also be deleted. Using this method will permanently delete all your applications and their root directories, personal settings, but media files such as pictures, videos and music will be saved.

Wipe cache - temporary information about the functioning of programs and applications will be erased. This method is required when system malfunctions occur.

Has similar items. When problems appear on your device in working with programs, it is recommended to try WIPE DALVIK CACHE... This action is available in the advanced menu. After applying it, all programs and data will not be deleted.

If all else fails and the problems still terrorize your device, then you should do WIPE DATA / FACTORY RESET... The custom recovery menu provides some additional features... To access them you need to transfer to the menu MOUNTS AND STORAGE... There is a function that allows you to wipe any section of the system.

Learn more about wipe on Android

The information below will help anyone who wants to know a little more about wipe.

Not true

Often on the Internet, especially on sites dedicated to Android topics, there are guides for flashing and obtaining root rights. These instructions tell you what to do a factory reset, describing it in the following way: wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format data.

All this is incorrect, since people do not understand the entire structure of the recovery menu and do not know file structure Android systems.
By doing wipe data / factory reset the data section, which contains the dalvik cache directory, is deleted. That is, some manipulations will be unnecessary. It should be noted that the terms wipe and format imply the same concept. The whole point is that this statement can be verified in the section system / xbinwhere you won't find files format, but only find the file wipe.

The subtleties of performing wipe on Android

Many users are wondering when to reset the settings - before flashing the device or after? The answer is obvious - it's best to do the wipe before, since many firmware include a built-in function to automatically reboot the system after installation. In the case when the firmware has wipe files uploaded in the data section, you need to pay attention to how the system will function after loading, if it is bad, execute wipe data.

A little about other subtleties when performing a factory reset on Android

Based on the observations of many experts, it became clear that a feature of the popular CYanogenMod custom firmware is a script that is part of the installation process from the recovery menu. This script initially backs up the system files, and then, after the end of the flashing, restores them. As a consequence, errors can sometimes occur. Hence, if you decide to use cyanogenMod firmware, and also have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat updater-script is, and that the script executing this backup is located in it, then before starting the firmware process, you should complete the format system. That's all.