How to install windows 7 ultimate from a flash drive. Installing Windows from a flash drive via BIOS. What you need to prepare before you start

When purchasing a new computer or laptop, as a rule, in specialized stores, the buyer can immediately take advantage of the paid installation service on the purchased PC operating system, as well as some programs, including antivirus programs.

Working according to the standard scheme, the specialist in this case will install the OS by default, without splitting the volume hard drive into sections. As a result, the system local disk will contain the OS, a software package, and all kinds of multimedia files that are completely unrelated to the system.

And when the time comes for the next OS reinstallation, the user may forever lose all data on this computer. Of course, before this you can copy the contents of the disk to another medium, but you need to take into account that the decision to reinstall the OS is not always made in advance, as in the case of a sudden failure, the so-called ““ (complete system failure without the possibility of its recovery).

Therefore, you should learn how to install Windows yourself. In fact, this is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner, and even more so it will save money, gain the necessary knowledge in working with a computer and protect yourself from troubles with the loss of valuable information on your hard drive.

How to remove windows 7 and install windows 7: necessary steps before installing the OS

So, it is important to emphasize that during the installation process, immediately before changing the OS, all information located on the system local drive C will be erased. Therefore, the necessary data will have to be transferred either to another local disk or to external media (CD, flash drive, removable storage or reserve hard drive).

Accordingly, all files displayed on the desktop will also disappear, and the work of the previous installed programs in the future will be impossible, since before installing a new OS, drive C must be subjected to full formatting, thereby eliminating not only old data and system errors, but even unwanted virus software, if any (and often it is viruses that cause system failure; in fact, they are developed for these purposes).

The next step is to have a Windows OS (in this example, Windows 7) recorded as an image on the media. On the question of where to purchase this software:

  • buy a licensed version at a computer store;
  • download the OS distribution from the Internet;
  • overwrite the OS image from another external media or borrow it from friends for a while.

You should immediately determine the bit depth of the operating system: 32 or 64 bit.

To find out which one is in at the moment installed, go to the Start menu - Computer - click right click mice on the general background - Properties.

Also, you need to write down or remember the total size of the local drive C and the number free space on it. This is done so as not to confuse the partitions with each other when reinstalling the OS.

Then, it is advisable to make sure that disks with drivers for the equipment are available (or driver versions may be stored on the PC, on another local drive).

The driver is the necessary software for launching and further stable operation special PC equipment: input/output system (monitor; manipulators - keyboard, mouse, gamepad, etc.; sound and video card), external equipment (printer; scanner; block uninterruptible power supply etc.)

If there are no drivers, you can successfully download them from the network even after installing the OS.

In case of reinstalling the OS, the user should know that Windows, recorded as an image on the media, gives the latter the name “bootable” ( boot disk or bootable USB flash drive). And, since the operating system image is written to special regime, then the entire memory capacity of the bootable media is intended exclusively for Windows, and installation of the system is possible only through displaying and changing the settings of the “heart of the computer” - the BIOS.

The initial stage of installing Windows 7: BIOS settings

If the OS image is on bootable media has already been purchased and the system capacity is known, then you can begin the installation process.

When working with a boot disk, we use the disk drive; if the OS is on a bootable USB flash drive, include the latter in the appropriate USB connector and reboot the system.

As soon as the familiar title image of the motherboard logo appears on the monitor, we begin to repeatedly press a certain key to display the BIOS, most often it is the “Delete” or “F8” key. However, there are other options: “F1”; "F2"; "F3"; "F10"; "F12". In any case, in order not to waste time guessing the right button, just look carefully at the commands indicated at the bottom of the screen when the computer boots, where the “hot keys” for calling not only the BIOS, but also the menu are located general management system.

If the user did not manage to press the BIOS key at the right time, you should wait until the system boots and reboot it again, trying again. A successful press is accompanied by a special sound signal and displays the general BIOS menu on the monitor screen.

So, the BIOS menu has opened, now you need to select the “Advanced BIOS” item.

In the next window we find a list of priorities when loading the PC system, as well as connection statuses of individual equipment. In this list, it is important to select the primary priority column “First Boot Device", opposite which is written "Hard Disk", that is, the settings determine that when the system boots, the first priority reading of information occurs through the hard disk data, in particular the registry and local drive C.

But in order for the PC system to bypass loading the old one copies of Windows started scanning and processing information from the boot disk, for this you will have to change the primary priority of reading data. We replace the “Hard Disk” request with “CDROM” if the image of the new copy of the OS is written to a CD and to “USB-HDD” if we are installing the operating system from a flash drive.

As for the older BIOS version, then the changes in the settings are almost similar, although the overall appearance of the interface is different.

There is also an “Advanced” menu here, and switching the priorities for the primary reading of information is in the “Boot” menu.

Selecting a volume to install Windows 7

Now you should wait for the menu to appear Windows installations 7 while the system copies data from the boot disk.

As soon as it appears, select “Install Windows 7”;

architecture (bit size) - in accordance with the currently available one (or based on the performance of the processor and video card during initial installation);

installation type - complete;

We accept the terms of the license agreement.

In the menu that appears with sections for installing Windows, by volume type and size, we find the one that is currently local system disk C (just for this purpose it was necessary to write down the volume of this disk before installation).

Let's start formatting it: select the required volume and click on the "Disk Setup" - "Format" button - in the warning message, click "Ok" and "Next".

Provided that the OS is being installed for the first time, in the menu with partitions, only one of the main volumes will be indicated with a size equal to the volume of the entire hard drive. In this case, through the “Disk Setup” button you will need to delete this partition and in its place create a new one with a size of 100 GB, which will later become the system one local disk. You should install a copy of Windows on it. The remaining large part of the hard disk capacity will fill the niche of another volume, which we will also create next to the first. Thus, we were able to divide the hard drive into partitions.

When you click on the “Next” button, the automatic process of unpacking OS files and installing components and updates will begin, which will take approximately 30 minutes until completion. Each further stage of installation will be accompanied by a reboot of the PC to save and accept the data.

Completing the installation of OS Windows 7

At the final stage, before the new copy of Windows 7 is displayed on the desktop screen for the first time, in the system settings windows that appear, you will need to enter: user name; OC product key; your account password, optional; interface language and keyboard layout. Next, the system will reboot again and then the desktop will open in a low resolution of 800*600 pixels. You can then remove the boot disk (or bootable USB flash drive).

Then, in order for all components and system updates to take effect, we find a shortcut with the Windows activator on the desktop and open it.

After activating the OS, we reboot the system into manual mode and again call the BIOS, where we return the priority to the hard drive “Hard Disk” in reverse order; save the changes using the “F10” key and confirm the actions with the “Y” and “Enter” buttons.

So, the new operating system is installed on the PC, all that remains is to connect the necessary drivers and update them to more recent versions via the Internet.

Installing Windows 7 from a USB flash driveit doesn’t work, help, I looked up everything I could on the Internet, I don’t have a DVD drive, I live in the area, I have no one to ask for advice and I need to prepare for exams, I wrote to everyone, no one answered me.That’s it, no more, no less, let’s try to help, and the most impatient can read at the end of the article the advice that helped our girl install the operating system.

Installing Windows 7 from a USB flash drive

Let's start at the very beginning of why you and I might fail.

  • Firstly, it is difficult to understand the girl, she does not have a DVD drive, it may not be in the netbook, almost all netbooks support booting from a USB device and she simply cannot change the boot priority from the hard drive to the flash drive, then read our articles and another one. Or she has a simple computer without a disk drive and the motherboard installed in it does not support booting from a USB device, but let’s hope that it’s not all that tragic.
  • I once observed how a user without proper experience... installed Windows 7 from a flash drive to your netbook. He suffered failure after failure, as it later turned out due to an incorrectly prepared Windows 7 distribution kit on his flash drive, read how, which details how to prepare a distribution kit with Windows 7 on a flash drive in nine simple and free ways.
  • Use only original builds of Windows 7 from Microsoft, and you will get rid of many problems, it could also be the flash drive itself, if it is many, many years old, try replacing it. The process itself installing Windows 7 from a USB flash drive, no different from usual, let’s take a look at our article.
  • Try also changing the USB port into which you insert the flash drive; it is advisable to use the one located directly on motherboard, read
  • The flash drive must have a capacity of at least 4 GB; all your files from it must first be copied to a safe place, because it will be formatted.
    You should also prepare your netbook for installing Windows 7 from a flash drive, from the partition on which you will install the operating system, you also need to copy all the data to a secluded place, it will be formatted like the flash drive.
  • Friends, if you have new computer, laptop, netbook with USB ports 2.0, as well as USB 3.0 and you decide to install Windows 7 on it from a bootable USB flash drive, then you need to know that you need to insert the flash drive into USB port 2.0, since Windows 7 does not support USB 3.0 (ports are usually colored blue). If you insert a bootable USB flash drive into a USB 3.0 port, the installation of Windows 7 will end with this error.
    "Not found required driver for floppy drive optical disks. If you have a floppy disk, CD, DVD or USB flash drive with this driver, insert this media"
  • You may also be interested in our other interesting articles: and.

And lastly, a method for creating a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7 in just four steps from Microsoft, Windows utility 7 USB/DVD Download Tool, this method is not in the article on our website “How to Make a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7”.
Download the utility from the direct link Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool; by the way, it can also create an installation DVD.

Requires Microsoft . NET Framework 2.0 (download)
We launch the program, then click Browse and specify ISO file Windows image 7

We remind you that attempts to repeat the author’s actions may lead to loss of warranty on the equipment and even to its failure. The material is provided for informational purposes only. If you are going to reproduce the steps described below, we strongly advise you to carefully read the article to the end at least once. The editors of 3DNews do not bear any responsibility for any possible consequences.

During operation, the utility deploys the OS image (in fact, it stupidly unpacks the archive) directly to a removable drive. This will turn out much faster, but upon first boot you will have to carry out the standard system setup procedure: select language settings, time zone, create users, and so on. And this is completely small fee for speed.

When you launch PWBoot (with administrator rights, of course), you will be prompted to either install a clean OS on a USB drive, or patch it already installed system, if you are going to transfer it to external drive. You will also have to “roll” the patch after installing service packs and, possibly, some Windows updates. Working with the program is incredibly simple, so there’s almost nothing to tell. Nevertheless, there are still a couple of nuances.

Firstly, PWBoot stubbornly refuses to work with Cyrillic. If your Windows 7 installation image supports the installation of several OS editions at once, then you need to select the one you need. How to do this? Using the ImageX utility (see above), launched with the info parameter and specifying the path to the wim file.

imagex /info x:\path\to\install.wim

In the command output, look for the Image Index item and the version description that follows it. In PWBoot, the versions appear in the selection list in the same order as they appear in the command output.

Secondly, there are two installation options to choose from - directly on external storage(with its mandatory formatting) or in virtual disk VHD format. The second option is much more interesting, but, unlike the first, it definitely requires Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise. More precisely, these editions support booting from VHD. In fact, there will be only one file on the disk in which all your work will take place. At the same time, in the OS loaded from VHD, physical disk will also be visible. Interestingly, the speed of the system inside the VHD is almost the same as when working directly from the drive.

In general, using VHD provides a lot of advantages. Firstly, any self-respecting person can work with this format. virtual machine, and its support is built right into Windows 7. You can regular means create, edit, mount VHD disks and work with differential images (in fact, diff for an entire disk). This gives rise to such opportunities as the presence of several Windows installations on one logical volume, easy rollback of changes in the system, convenience and speed of OS deployment on many PCs at once, and so on.

Let's return to PWBoot. At the next stage, you need to specify the location and name of the future VHD container. Naturally, it must be on an external USB drive. Please note that the disk must have an NTFS file system (FAT32 is not suitable due to file size restrictions) and sufficient free space. The program itself will offer to make a minimum disk size, but it is better to allocate as much as you need for software, documents and everything else. A VHD disk can be made dynamic (expandable) by checking the appropriate box. That is, physically it will occupy exactly as much information as it contains. In general, to save space, you can enable this option, but at the same time lose a little in performance.

All that remains is to select the disk where the bootloader will be installed (that is, an external USB drive), check the Update bootcode and Add boot entry to BCD checkboxes, change the description of the item if desired boot menu and click Install. All, further actions The program will perform the installation itself. This usually takes no more than ten minutes, but a lot depends on the speed of the USB drive itself.

After installation, it is advisable to lighten the system a little - remove unnecessary components, disable non-critical services, turn off hard drive indexing, and generally try to avoid any operations associated with a heavy load on the drive. It is also useful to defragment the external drive by connecting it to another system. The problem with the swap file also remains unresolved - you can use the DiskMod driver to create it on a USB drive, you can abandon it altogether, but it is better to manually set its location on the normal HDD of the machine on which ours is running portable Windows 7.

Volume C: is an HD container that is physically located on volume E:

Finally, it is worth mentioning an interesting development called VBoot. It is a bootloader based on GRUB, but with support for direct booting from VHDs. And it doesn’t have to be Windows. The site, for example, has ready-made Ubuntu builds. In general, it’s a ready-made and convenient solution, but, of course, it’s paid - from $79 per license. By the way, Windows 8 will have a built-in ability to transfer your entire work environment to a USB drive and boot directly from it. In the meantime, you will have to be content with the above method. Good luck with your installation!

This instruction on how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive will be interesting and quite viable on any desktop computer and laptop. You just need to download Windows 7, make a bootable USB flash drive and change the boot order in your BIOS by moving the USB to the top. According to the screenshots below, it will not be at all difficult to install Windows 7 from a bootable USB flash drive.

This is a guide about using a USB flash drive, how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive on a computer or laptop. Usage USB flash drives useful if your system unit does not have a CD or when you do not have an installation disk with the operating system.

How to create a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7

When formatting a flash drive, select system file FAT32 from the dropdown list, then click Start. Remember that Formatting erases everything on it.

Download Windows 7

To download the image Windows disk 7, Open the Windows 7 download page, scroll down, enter the Windows 7 product key and click the Verify button, select the language, bitness and click Confirm. If you do not have a Windows 7 product key, you will need to purchase one before you can download Windows 7.

If you don't want to spend money, then Download Windows 7 SP1, you can from our website using direct links from the official website:

If you are interested in another edition of Windows 7, Home Premium or Ultimate, you can use the Windows ISO Downloader program.

Burning from an ISO image of Windows 7 to a USB flash drive

Setting up the computer BIOS to boot from a flash drive

Insert the flash drive with Windows 7 into the USB port of your computer. Restart your computer. If the computer is turned off, press the power button to turn it on. Quickly press the enter key Computer BIOS.

Your computer's BIOS key will vary depending on the manufacturer, but typically it will be one of function keys(for example F2, Esc or Del). You can check your computer's BIOS key online or in the manual that came with your computer.

Step by step process: How to install Windows 7 from a USB flash drive?

After rebooting, the computer will boot from the flash drive. This will start the Windows 7 installation process. Select your language, time format and keyboard layout.

Install Windows 7

In the window below, select Operating System.

I agree with the terms of use. Select the "I agree" checkbox, and then click Next.

Select Full installation.

Select the partition to install. Select the partition in which you want to install Windows 7, follow the "Disk setup" link.


All files stored on this drive will be lost.

Click "Ok" to start installing Windows 7 from the USB flash drive.

Wait while Windows completes installation. Your computer may restart several times during this process, and the installation may take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the speed of your computer.

Follow the onscreen instructions after installing Windows. You will be asked to create a few more preferences (for example, your language, name account, address email etc.).

When prompted, enter the product key that came with your computer or installation disk, enter and click Next.

Perhaps it will be useful.

Record Russian windows version 7 maximum on a flash drive for later installation maximum Windows 7 via a USB flash drive to a laptop or PC, any user can do it. To do this, first you need to download the ISO image of Windows 7 maximum torrent for the flash drive. Windows 7 Ultimate is released in two versions, 32 bit and 64 bit. Very convenient, our images of Windows 7 ultimate 2017 with the most latest updates SP1 from Microsoft, in addition, after our original image of the maximum Windows is installed, on the desktop you will see the activator key for windows 7 64 maximum and plus a driver pack for updating and installing drivers for windows 7 in Russian for your device.
A Windows 7 flash drive is a clean image of the operating system that is always at hand or in your pocket. Boot windows flash drive 7 maximum will replace calling an adjuster at any time hardware to your home or on a trip with a laptop to service center, and this is some kind of money and time.

Burning a maximum Windows 7 iso image to a bootable USB flash drive

To record iso image with Windows 7 maximum on a flash drive for further installation of the operating system on a laptop or PC computer, you need to download Windows 7 for installation from a flash drive using the links above. Images for installing Windows 7 on a USB flash drive are no different from images for installing via DVD.
Of course, you need a flash drive with a size of at least 4 GB. And we need a program that will make a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7 from our image and your flash drive. For these purposes, we recommend three programs to choose from.
Rufus is a program that will create a bootable USB flash drive with a clear interface. There will be no problems with this softom.
WinNTSetup portable is one of the most popular programs of its kind for creating bootable and installation USB media.
Ultra ISO - universal program to work with images, it will write your iso image both to a DVD and a flash drive.

Installing Windows 7 from a USB flash drive

Installing Windows 7 from a flash drive is no different from installing Windows 7 from the official one. DVD disc, you just need to specify the priority in the BIOS when booting the system from a USB flash drive. Or, when you turn on your laptop or computer, call the BOOT menu. This is done literally immediately after pressing the power button on the laptop or PC, within 2 to 5 seconds.
Most often, the F12 key is used to call up the boot device selection menu, but there are manufacturers who use their own key combinations. To get into boot menu For example Samsung laptop you need to press Esc (only once!). If you press Esc at least twice, the boot menu will close as soon as it opens. Therefore, you need to somehow calculate and clearly hit the right time by pressing the boot menu key. For those who are not experienced, this may not be easy to do.
Calling the boot menu on HP laptops is also unusual. First you need to press the Esc key, then the service menu laptop. In it we select the desired item (by pressing hotkey). To call the boot menu on an HP laptop, press the F9 key.
Below is a table of hot buttons for calling the boot menu for different manufacturers and device types.

If you have questions, suggestions and wishes, write in the comments below. No one will be left unattended.