Virtualbox installation of Windows XP. Windows Vista: installation over Windows XP; hardware change

Greetings. I decided to write today about how to install Windows XP... They just brought me a computer, so old, already. RAM 256 MB, Celeron processor, hDD 40 GB. Well, what? Where there is, XP is the most for him.

It's just that everyone is already writing about installing Windows 8, but I have something to do with the old days. Well, okay, I think that XP will still live, because whatever you say it is a good OS and many still work with it. Just want to apologize for the pictures, I took pictures on a 15-inch monitor, and also on a phone. Ideally, of course, you could install Windows XP on a virtual machine and make beautiful screenshots, but I have a living example :).

Preparing to install Windows XP

Important! Make sure that there is no important information on the C drive (the disk on which you have or was installed the operating system). Desktop and folder "My documents" is stored on drive C. If there is information, you can copy it to drive D using boot disk.

If everything is fine, then move on. Put installation disk with Windows XP into the computer drive and restart the computer. If after the start of the download at the bottom of the screen you will see the download (the points will move), then everything is fine. Quickly press any key (did not have time :), restart the computer again) and you can proceed to the beginning of the installation.

Well, if you didn't boot from the CD, and the computer started to boot as usual with hard disk, or an error appeared through which you undertook to reinstall the operating system, it means that you do not have the boot from the drive in the BIOS in the first place. I already wrote an article about that, but in this computer the BIOS was different from what is described in the article.

Go to the “Boot” tab.

Click “ Boot Device Priority ”.

Using the "Enter" and "Top" "Down" keys, set the first CD / DVD, then the hard disk, etc. Now press F10 and save the changes. The computer will restart and start loading the CD. We press any button and go to the beginning of the installation.

Windows XP installation process

As soon as you pressed any key, we see this:

Here you have to wait, well, nothing can be done, we are waiting :).

In this window press “Enter”.

We accept license agreement by pressing the F8 key.

As you can see, I have already found an old version of Windows XP and you can try to restore it, but I think you also need it clean install, so press “Esc”.

We select the partition on the hard disk where we want to install the operating system. As a rule, this is C:, select it and press “Enter”.

We confirm the setting with the "C" key.

Here you need to choose how the section will be formatted. I recommend choosing FAT and not fast. We press "Enter". We confirm the formatting by pressing the "F" key.

We are waiting for the partition on the hard disk to be formatted.

Copying files from the disk will start immediately, wait again :(.

You can immediately configure the language and keyboard. Click "Next".

Enter your name and organization name. Move on.

We adjust the time and date. Click "Next".

We are waiting again, just don't go far :).

I left "Common parameters" and clicked Next.

You can register with Microsoft. But I refused. Let's continue.

We indicate users by the computer.

Congratulations! Windows XP installation is complete.

All friends, the installation is complete and you can start using the computer. I also want to note that I installed the simplest build of Windows XP. You may also have an assembly, for example, from ZWER, where the installation process may be slightly different. For example, in this version I also entered the key, forgot to take a picture. And in the assembly from ZWER, there seems to be no such item. Well, if it asks for a key, then look for it in a text file that you most likely downloaded with a disk image.

Well, that's all. Good luck friends!

Virtualbox is an intuitive virtual machine, that is, a program with which you can run additional operating systems as part of the work of the main one installed on a hard disk or SSD. Windows XP is an old, but time-tested and, in a sense, still relevant, lightweight and familiar operating system. By installing it on a virtual machine, you can solve a variety of tasks.

What is it for

First, a little terminology. The operating system you are currently working on and reading this text is called the host. The OS installed and running within the host system is called the guest OS. Installing ex-pi on Virtualbox can serve different purposes. Even if your work windows system XP, a guest copy can come in handy too. Here are some popular uses for this feature:

  • Installing and running "Windows" programs in a different environment (OS Ubuntu, Debian, etc.).
  • Using old applications and games that do not work on new systems (7, 8.1 or 10).
  • Testing potentially dangerous applications (the guest OS is isolated from the host system if no shared folders are created).

Here are at least three reasons why windows installation XP to a virtual machine is not a meaningless idea. After all, you can just practice for the sake of self-education. Virtualbox is cross-platform and runs on most operating systems. The only rule for her correct work - availability of a good supply of system resources. That is, to run Windows XP as a guest system, there must be at least 500 MB of unused random access memory and a more or less unloaded processor.

Step-by-step deployment of the guest OS

The first step is to download Virtualbox from the official website. Let's assume that your host system is one of the latest Microsoft operating systems, 8 or 10. Installing Virtualbox is no different from installing any other program, except that in the process it may display a message that the software has not been tested with this version of the operating system. Don't mind him. It may appear up to 3-5 times, just continue with the installation.

The program interface on different OS is slightly different, but, in general, it looks something like this:

You must have a CD or image windows disk XP in ISO format. But first you need to create the virtual machine itself. For this:

  • Click the Create button.
  • In the drop-down menus, select the type and version of the OS, and also give the machine an arbitrary name (nothing depends on it, except for the name in the window title).

  • Click the Forward button.
  • Now specify the amount of RAM available to the guest system. The default values \u200b\u200bare sufficient to run Windows XP itself, but not enough to run programs. If your RAM size allows, move the slider to at least 512 MB, or better to 1024 (the green zone is the most comfortable values \u200b\u200bfor working together host and guest).

  • Click Next.
  • Create a virtual hard disk for the guest. Everything is indicated in the screenshots.

It is important to note: by choosing a fixed hard drive you will automatically create a file of the specified size on your real hard drive. A dynamic hard disk will grow in proportion to the Windows XP installed on it (with the installation of new programs and so on).

  • After clicking on the “Create” button, the virtual machine will be ready.

You can look into the settings by clicking on the "Configure" button.

For example, in the "Display" section on the "Display" tab, you can add virtual machine video memory or enable 2D or 3D acceleration to improve video quality or use 3D applications. But usually the default settings are enough to run Windows XP.

Now make sure that the OS disk is in the drive or the disk image is in some folder. Click the Run button. The following windows will open:

If you are using the disc in the drive, just click “Continue”. If the image is in .iso format, then go to the folder icon and select your image and also click the "Continue" button. The installation of the operating system starts. It is no different from the one that can be produced for real iron. For those who have forgotten, here are the highlights.

Next, the formatting of the virtual hard disk will begin, copying the installation files and rebooting, at the moment of which you DO NOT press any buttons. This is the only way to guarantee that the installation of the OS on Virtualbox will open, and not start preparing for the installation again, as in the screenshots. Ideally, after a reboot, you will see a window like this:

Entering the key, computer owner name, time zone, and other information will vary depending on which Windows XP you have, so this issue will not be covered.

There is only one point worth noting. The Virtualbox window can capture the mouse cursor (not always) and it becomes inaccessible for other actions. To "return" it, hold down the right Ctrl on the keyboard and click the left mouse button.

After the installation of the system on Virtualbox is completed and you see the desktop, install the guest OS add-ons for better screen resolution and full operation of the “guest” operating system.

Install and reboot.

Also, if you need shared folders between host and guest, follow these steps.

Select the desired folder. For example, this is a certain folder called Downloads located in the Documents. Save the result and open command line in the guest system. Enter the command:

net use x: \\\\ vboxsvr \\ Downloads

where x is the drive letter, and Downloads is the name of the folder created in the previous step. Hit Enter. If successful, a network drive X will appear in the “My Computer” section, through which the files located in the Downloads folder of the host system will be available.

This completes the installation. You can use Windows XP in parallel with your main operating system.

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The legendary and beloved Windows XP has not been supported by Microsoft for more than a year, but it continues to be quite popular among users. The reason for this is its amazing stability and performance, plus a convenient and well-known interface.

If for some reason you decide to return to this version of the OS from Microsoft or are faced with the need to restore its operability, then it will be useful for you to remember how to install Windows XP.

What is required

First, let's figure out what you need to have on hand to successfully install Windows:

In addition, if you do not have an installation disc, you will need special software to create one. Fortunately, such utilities are distributed free of charge, and therefore there should be no problems with downloading them.

If you don't have an installation disc, you need to create one. To do this, it is better to use Windows XP SP3, downloaded from a reliable source and not burdened with a huge number of additional programs and features.

Ideally, if the downloaded assembly will be as close as possible to the original distribution. Then the chances that the system will be installed and will work correctly are very high.

You can create an installation disc using any program that supports burning ISO images. Take the DeepBurner utility as an example.

Alternatively, you can use the UltraISO utility, which will also write the distribution to disk without any problems. Another option is Ashampoo Burning Studio.

BIOS setup

After creating the disc (if you did not have the original media), you need to change the BIOS settings by adjusting the boot order.

Place the disc into CD / DVD-ROM and restart your computer. Open BIOS. This can usually be done using the F2, Delete, or F12 keys. The specific key must be listed on start screenthat appears immediately after starting the computer.

Depending on the BIOS version, the location and name of the sections may change. In any case, look for the item called "BOOT".

The "BOOT" section can be visible or hidden in other sections - for example, in "Advanced BIOS Features".
You need to set the boot priority: the first should be the drive, then the HDD. Changing the boot order in the BIOS is done using the PageUp / PageDown keys or arrows on the keyboard.

Press F10 to exit BIOS, saving the new system boot parameters.

System installation

After exiting the BIOS and rebooting, you will be taken to a screen that says "Press any key to boot from CD". Follow the request and press any button on the keyboard.
The installation menu should appear on the screen, where you can, how to install - in manual mode or automatically. It is recommended to select manual mode.

Will appear blue screen labeled "Install Windows". Wait for the system configuration check to complete.
On the next screen, you will see the installer's greeting. Press "Enter" to go to the Windows installation.
A "License Agreement" will appear (if you are using an official distribution, not an assembly like Zver). Press F8 to accept the terms of the agreement.
If you already have system partition, select it. If you have a new hard drive, you will have to create new sectionwhere will be copied windows files... To perform this procedure, press the "C" key.
Select formatting in NTFS (Fast) and run it. During the formatting process, all files stored on the system partition will be erased, so make sure there is no important data on it.

After the end of formatting, copying of Windows files will begin.
When the files are copied, the computer will restart.

Attention! When starting the computer, you must choose to boot from the C drive, otherwise you will restart the system installation process.

Next, the installation of the system on the computer will begin. You only need to specify some parameters, for example, language:
After a while, another window will appear asking you to enter your name. It can be anything.
Enter license key product if you have one. When using various free assemblies, you usually do not need to specify a license key.
Enter the computer name and password if you want to protect the system from unauthorized access.
Change the time, date and time zone if they are incorrect.
Wait for the installation to complete - it usually takes about 40 minutes.
After that, you will see the welcome and long awaited Windows desktop with the familiar hills.

Installing drivers and useful programs

Sometimes additional programs are installed right after the Windows installation process is complete. This usually happens when installing not the original distribution, but an assembly downloaded from the Internet.
After finishing the system installation, go directly to the driver installation. Install first software motherboard and network card, then add drivers for your graphics card and other hardware. Remember to restart your computer after installing the next driver package.

The main problem when installing software on Windows XP is system compatibility. Many programs and device drivers simply won't get up correctly, which will lead to incorrect work computer. Therefore, it is important to choose the right software, taking into account the version of Windows and its bit depth.

After installing all the components necessary for correct operation, you can proceed to configuring other parameters - for example, appearance... Install a theme on Windows XP if you want to make your system different from others or modernize a little.
Want to add handy gadgets to your desktop? Install gadgets on Windows XP and manage their location on the desktop. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not overload the system with outwardly attractive "chips" that are not of any practical benefit.


Now you know how to install Windows XP from disc. Finally, let's go over the main points once again, which must be remembered when installing the system, if you want everything to go smoothly.

Use the original distribution kit or an assembly as close as possible to it. You don't need to install various super-assemblies that are crammed with additional programs and functions.

Prepare a driver disk for your motherboard and network card in advance. Find out in advance if your hardware is compatible with Windows XP; if you have new computersome problems may arise.
If you absolutely do not like latest versions OS from Microsoft, think better about installing Windows 7. "Seven", although it is also not supported anymore by Microsoft, is a more modern system, and therefore there will be much fewer problems with hardware compatibility when using it.

Windows XP is a good option for installing on a netbook, on a weak desktop computer, or on a laptop from many years ago.
The Windows XP operating system, despite the fact that it was released in 2001, is still well suited to work on low-power, outdated computers. More modern operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 make more serious demands on the computer hardware.

In times windows creation XP used CDs to install the operating system, which were inserted into the CD / DVD drives of the computer. The era of portable USB flash drives has not yet arrived, so Microsoft has not provided a tool to install a system with bootable flash drive.

Installing Windows XP through a USB flash drive takes place in three stages:

  • Creating a bootable USB flash drive.
  • Choosing to boot from a USB flash drive in the computer BIOS.
  • Installing Windows XP on a computer from an installation flash drive.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive with Windows XP

To create a bootable USB drive, we use a free winSetupFromUSB program... We also need a clean USB stick to write to the system USB stick.

There is a detailed article on my website. Read the article, write down the operating system on the USB flash drive according to the instructions.

Boot priority selection in BIOS

Insert the USB flash drive with Windows XP into the USB connector, and then turn on the computer. Immediately after starting the PC, you must press a specific key on the keyboard to enter bIOS settings to select the priority of booting from a bootable USB flash drive or DVD drive.

On different devices different keys or keyboard shortcuts are used.

After starting the computer, testing the equipment begins, at this time you need to quickly press the key to enter the BIOS. The most commonly used keys are "Del", "F2" and "F8" for fast boot.

Work in the BIOS is carried out using the keyboard keys. The BIOS window explains in English which keys you need to use to configure.

In the AMIBIOS settings, enter the Advanced BIOS Features menu, where you need to select the first boot uSB devices the disc by moving it to the first position.

AMI BIOS ver.3.31a

In others bIOS versions open the Boot tab, select USB stick, install it as the first boot device if installing from a USB flash drive. Please select DVD driveif installing from disk.

Save the settings and then exit the BIOS. Immediately after that, the computer will boot the system from an installation flash drive or from a CD / DVD disc if an optical disc is used to install Windows XP.

If you didn't manage to enter the BIOS in time, it's okay: restart your computer again, and then try again.

How to install Windows XP from a USB flash drive

In the first window with the inscription "Press any key to boot from CD" you need to press any key on the keyboard.

To create a USB flash drive, we used the WinSetupFromUSB program, so the MultiBoot USB window will open on the screen, in which you need to select « Install Microsoft Windows XP SP3 x86 - Russian version ".

If you install from a disk, then the window above does not come out.

The installation of Windows XP begins. After loading required files the Windows XP Professional Setup window opens. Required Press any keyotherwise the installation will not start.

Press the " Enter»To start the installation of the operating system.
All suggested options:
1. Proceed to install windows xp (Enter key)
2. Restore Windows (Key R)
3. Exit the installer (F3 key)

We accept the license agreement by clicking on the button " F8».

If the system is already installed on the computer, the window will display the hard disk partitions. It is possible to remove all partitions and install the system in an unallocated area, (be careful, after deleting a partition or formatting it, you will lose all data) or select an existing system partition for installation.

We will install Windows XP to an unallocated area. In the unallocated area, if necessary, you can create an additional non-system disk partition (partition D - for storing data).

An unallocated area is selected on our computer. To start the Windows installation, you need to click on " Enter».

  • Format the partition in NTFS (Fast).
  • Format the partition on NTFS.

This window may suggest formatting to the FAT file system, do not consider this option.

You can choose any of these NTFS formatting options. In the first case, the formatting of the partition will be faster.

The system partition is being formatted.

The system copies the files to the Windows installation folders.

Upon completion, the computer will restart.
Next, a window will appear with the inscription "Press any key to boot from CD", in this time we don't press anything!

The installer displays information about the features of the operating system. It will take some time to install Windows XP, the approximate time until installation is complete is displayed in the Windows Setup window.

On top of the system wizard window, windows open for configuring certain parameters.

In the window " language and regional standards"Select a language, click on the button" Further". In Russified windows versions XP, Russian is selected by default.

In the next window, be sure to enter “ Account name ", for example Alexander.

You can enter anything you want. This name will be displayed on the system as the computer username.

If you are a regular user, " name of the organization» do not enter.

In the Product Key window, enter the key for your copy of Windows. (this window may not come out - depends on the build of Windows XP ). You can skip this step, the system can be activated later, after the installation is completed on the computer.

If you did not enter the key in the previous window, in the window " Error"Click on the button" No».

In the next window enter “ Computer name"For example Dell, and admin password... If you will not use a password, leave the corresponding fields blank, and then click on the button " Further". If necessary, you can set the administrator password later.

In the window " Time and date setting»- select time, date and time zone.

The Windows XP Setup window opens again.

In the next window “ Network parameters»Select« Common parameters».

In the window " Workgroup or domain"Click on the button" Further"Without changing anything.

The Windows XP installation window will open again.

The installation of the operating system continues for some time. After the installation is complete, the computer will restart.

A welcome window will open, and then Windows XP will start.

Windows XP installation is complete.

Enter BIOS, select your computer's hard disk drive (HDD) as the first boot device. Next, install the necessary drivers on your PC. You can have the drivers on the disk that came with the computer, or you can go to the official website of the equipment manufacturer and download the necessary drivers from there. More about this in the article: “. This article contains links to the official websites of manufacturers motherboards and video adapters.

In contact with

If you decide to install Windows XP on your computer, then first of all do the following.

Copy all the information you need from your hard drive to floppy or CD drives. Otherwise, you may lose it irretrievably.

Check for drivers for sound card, modem and printer.

Remember or write down the Windows XP activation key.

Check your computer for viruses.

Disable your antivirus software, or Windows XP installation may fail.

When installing Windows XP on old computer check if a BIOS update is available. If not, then you must abandon the installation.

Then insert the installation CD into the drive. The startup wizard will offer you a choice: install Windows XP or check the system for compatibility (Fig. 2.1).

Figure: 2.1. Start Windows XP installation.


Currently, there are many CD-ROMs with different installation options for Windows XP Home Edition and Professional. Some CDs run the installation program, in which you need to press one button - and all operations for formatting, installing updates, checking the computer components for compatibility with operating system, pre-setting, choice file system (FAT32 only) will be executed in automatic mode.

After installation, you need to adjust the time and install the missing drivers - and the computer is ready to work. Despite all this, I strongly recommend that you carefully read this book, since in most cases you will have to choose the sequence of actions yourself (Fig. 2.1). And if it suddenly fails during installation, then you will know what to do.

So, in the one shown in Fig. 2.1 in the window, select Check system compatibility. Windows XP supports a fairly extensive set of hardware, but it will not be superfluous to examine hardware your computer. After verification, you will see on the screen the whole truth about your computer.

If the check is successful, you can install the operating system. But it may happen that the processor, video card or modem are hopelessly outdated, or there are simply no suitable drivers for them on the installation CD.

If the checking program does not like the processor, video card, or any other device vital for your computer, then you should refuse to install Windows XP. True, the program can offer to connect to the Internet and show the path to the manufacturer's website, where new drivers may be located. I certainly don't know how reliable your phone line is and how stable your internet connection is - so see for yourself. In general, if any failure occurs during the installation process, which is highly undesirable, then you can continue the installation after turning off the computer power (for example, the next day or after a week). However, there is a small chance that your computer will not start at all.

If the checking program does not like your modem, printer or some other not essential device (of course, these devices are important, but the computer can work without them, but, for example, without a processor, it cannot), then you can do one of the following actions:

Abort the installation;

Continue the installation by connecting to the Internet to download drivers and updates;

Proceed with the installation by dropping the internet connection.

You can install the drivers yourself later (see the section "Installing video card drivers").

The next step in the installation is to select a file system. I talked about the file system above, since at the time of installation you should clearly understand whether you will format the hard disk in FAT32 or NTFS.

Installing Windows XP as an update

You can not format the hard drive, but install Windows XP as an update to Windows 98, 98SE, Me, NT or 2000. But remember that a lot of "garbage" from old and deleted programs will remain on the hard disk, and, most likely, some errors of the previously installed operating system, there will be many duplicate files that take up disk space. At the same time, do not forget that updating the operating system is the most safe way install a new version of Windows.

And if you are doing this exciting business for the first time, then choose the update.

In addition, if you have enough free hard disk space and Windows XP does not have Service Pack 2 (SP2), then after updating the operating system, if it fails, you can uninstall Windows XP and return to the original operating system from which the update was made. Most of the programs installed before the Windows update will be retained.

If the upgrade was performed from Windows 98, 98SE, or Me, the cancellation can be performed even if the second Service Pack (SP2) is available.

For uninstall windows XP follow these steps.

1. Start restarting your computer. Press and release the F8 key during the boot process. This will load the operating system into safe mode - not all drivers will be loaded.

2. Log in using an administrator account. On Windows XP account the administrator is assigned by default.

3. Run the command Start? Control Panel, and then double-click the Add / Remove Programs icon.

4. In the list installed programs locate Uninstall Windows XP and click Uninstall. The screen will ask you: Are you sure you want to remove Windows XP? In response, click the Yes button.

The Windows XP operating system will be removed from the computer, and after restarting you will be able to work with the previous system. If you do not find Uninstall Windows XP in the list of installed programs, you will have to return to your favorite version of Windows by running Setup from the command line.


Update is possible with using Windows 98, 98SE, Me, or NT Workstation 4 (SP6). Windows 2000 Professional can only be upgraded to Windows XP Professional.

Further installation of Windows XP is so easy that it takes away the pleasure of clicking Yes. All you have to do is sit back and watch commercials about the merits of the Windows XP operating system.


Do not worry if your computer periodically does not show signs of life for 10-15 minutes during installation, maybe even more if the components are old. He did not "hang", he just thought.

The installation program is designed in such a way that no errors occur during writing to the hard disk. If, for example, you have an old hard drive, then the installation speed will be reduced to the point at which the hard drive is able to save information normally. And where do you rush, sit and train willpower.

Some impatient users bring computers to the workshop with half installed Windows... On average, installing Windows XP takes 1.5 hours, but it can take significantly longer.

When updating the operating system when there is a lot of free space on the hard disk, it is useful to copy setup files to drive C: or any other drive if you have more than one. Then the installation will go faster and there will be no errors during installation due to possible malfunctions the old CD-ROM drive, and when adding any components, there will be no need to insert the CD with the operating system, since the installation files packed by the archiver are always on the hard drive.

If you want to participate in the installation process (and not just watch it) and the distribution kit allows you to manually select components (regardless of whether it is a complete installation or an update), then choose Manual selection windows components XP. Then you can safely turn off Accessibility, Internet Games and in general everything that you do not need in your work. If you have a copy on the C: drive or the Windows XP installation CD, you can install any program later.

Single OS Installation - Windows XP

Installing a new operating system is more difficult than updating, so let's dwell on this option in more detail.

Installation process

Let me remind you that you need to check your computer for viruses, disable antivirus software, find out if a BIOS update is available, copy all the information you need from your hard drive to floppy or CD disks, check for drivers and remember the Windows XP activation key.

1. Insert the Windows XP CD into the drive. Do one of the following, depending on your CD configuration.

Restart your computer. The boot program will go to test the Boot from CD drive and something similar to DOS will appear on the screen.

Use the cursor keys (? And?) And Enter to select the desired action: Emergency Boot ( useful functionif the computer cannot boot from the hard drive), Boot from C: drive (select this option if you change your mind about installing Windows XP) or Install Microsoft Windows XP.

The installation process begins. Try not to miss the corresponding message, otherwise you will have to restart your computer again. 30 seconds are given for reflection. This is quite enough, especially since if you press any key, then further time is not limited. The interval of 30 seconds is the control time. (For example, if you or your child mistakenly rebooted the computer with the Windows installation CD in the drive.) If you do not take any action within 30 seconds, the computer will boot normally.


Some computers may not be able to boot from CD automatically. In this case, you need to reconfigure the computer BIOS.

Run the automatic installation of Windows XP (see Fig. 2.1).

Some CDs support both. If you choose the first option, the installation is controlled by programs built into your computer's processor. If there were serious problems with the previous operating system, then choose the first option.

The installation process with the support of the Startup Wizard is controlled using the operating system instead of which you want to install Windows XP. The initial steps with the startup program are easier.

Further actions are no different for the first and second options.

2. In the shown in fig. 2.1 in the window, select Check system compatibility. Three options will be available in the new window further action (fig. 2.2).

Figure: 2.2. The second step of installing Windows XP.

We choose Automatic system check. You should click on Compatibility Web Site if you have a reliable Internet connection. It should be noted that this procedure will not take much time.

3. The More about the installation process section (see Figure 2.1) provides reference material and recommendations for installing Windows XP. All installation instructions should be read carefully prior to installation. This item may not appear in the installation window.

4. The item Installing additional Windows components (see Fig. 2.1) is convenient if you have Windows XP installed and the CD from which the installation was made is saved. In the process, for example, a game of Spider Solitaire or a mail program Outlook Express was deleted by mistake. Do not reinstall the system because of this! Select Install additional Windows components, check the necessary boxes and click Next (Fig. 2.3). You can, of course, install the missing components from another Windows XP CD, but I would not advise taking risks.

Figure: 2.3. Installing additional Windows components.


There are more reliable way repair additional Windows XP components. Open the Add or Remove Programs window from the Control Panel, click on the Add Windows Components button on the left, check the box for the program that you accidentally uninstalled, and click Next. If the operating system does not like your CD, a warning will appear stating that this component cannot be installed. If everything is ok, the program will be installed.

The Windows Components Wizard window will look the same no matter how you invoke it.

5. The item Performing other tasks (see Fig. 2.1) is needed only for experienced users: it allows you to install remote control Desktop, home or small network, etc. (Figure 2.4).

Figure: 2.4. Performing other tasks.

Let's skip it. By the way, this item may be missing.

6. Click in the window shown in fig. 2.1, on the item Installing Windows XP. The Windows XP Setup Wizard window will open (Fig. 2.5).

Figure: 2.5. Selecting the type of installation.

You can select one of the following options from the Installation Type drop-down list.

New installation.

Repair Windows XP. Choose this option if Windows XP is installed but does not work well. Recovery must be performed from the same CD from which the installation took place. Computer settings and your data, except for drivers and video card settings, should be preserved, but it will not be superfluous to copy all personal files to floppy disks before restoring. Some programs will need to be reinstalled.

7. If you selected the New installation type and clicked Next, the license agreement will appear on the screen. Read it and accept or reject the terms of the agreement. You must accept the terms of the agreement to proceed with the installation. We accept them.

8. The next window displays the conditions for re-creating partitions on the hard disk. Repartitioning is useful when combining several small partitions into one larger one, or when installing multiple operating systems (in which case you should create multiple partitions, since each version of Windows is installed on a separate volume). If you need to break into sections, follow the instructions. This procedure is described in more detail in Sec. "Installing two OS".

9. Select the file system and the desired formatting method (fast or slow), and then press the Enter key. If you select the Format disk option, all information from the hard drive will be deleted. No "old sores" will be inherited.


During volume formatting, files are deleted and the hard drive is checked for bad sectors... Most of the time is spent checking the hard drive. If the quick format mode is selected, the files are deleted from the partition, and the hard disk is not scanned for bad sectors. This mode should only be used if you are sure that the hard disk is working properly, as recording system files to damaged areas of the hard drive will lead to the inability of the operating system.

Disconnecting the computer from the network while formatting the disk can cause serious malfunction.

10. The program will format the hard drive, copy the original installation files and restart the computer. The installation of Windows XP will then continue.

11. In the Configure software ownership field, enter your name.

12. The installation program may ask you to enter a key, but in some versions registration will be required at the first windows startup XP.


The 25-character code is written down on paper prior to installing Windows. The code can be on the box of the installation CD or in a file on that CD. Often such documents are marked with # or called Read me, Readme, Serial.

13. Enter and remember (or better write down somewhere) the administrator password.

14. Set the date and time.

15. In the Workgroup or Domain window, click Next.

16. The Windows XP installation process will continue. When the installation is complete, the computer will restart and you can start working.

Certain items may be missing on some installation CDs. Sometimes only the Windows XP Installation item is present. The fewer the choices, the easier it is to install Windows. However, some experienced users like to configure everything on their own, especially since the default settings are not always suitable for work and you still have to change them. However, if you accidentally confuse the current year out of excitement, then nothing terrible will happen. You can change it to the desired year at any time convenient for you after installing the operating system, since most of the parameters can be changed and adjusted. The main thing is not to confuse the file system.

If you have problems with your CD-ROM drive, the installation can be done using six floppy disks. Bootable floppy disks must first be downloaded from the Microsoft website ( When copying, be sure to sign or remember the floppy disk numbers. When all the disks are ready, insert the first one into the floppy drive and restart your computer. The Windows XP installation process will begin. After finishing work with the first disc, a message will appear on the screen that you need to insert the second disc. Insert the second floppy disk, etc.

Formatting, partitioning, file system selection and other settings are the same as when installing from CD.

Service Pack

Some distribution CDs allow you to install service packs without reinstalling or updating Windows XP. The Service Pack can also be downloaded for free from the Internet.

Operating systems are created by people, and people, as you know, can make mistakes. During the operation of the system, errors appear, and programmers find ways to eliminate them. For elimination possible mistakes and there were service packs: Service Pack 1 and 2.

If you already have Windows XP operating system installed on your computer, which works without failures, then you should not change the system because of the new package that has appeared. You can install the Service Pack on an existing Windows XP. All service packs are installed in the order of their numbering. Installation of SP2 is allowed without first installing SP1.

Consider the merits of the second package windows updates XP (Service Pack 2).

Improving the search and exchange of information on the Internet thanks to new technologies.

- You can block most pages that open without your permission, which gives you more control and improves your web performance.

- Outlook Express uses a new Attachment Manager that isolates files from the contents on the hard drive when they are opened. This prevents the possibility of infecting the system with a virus or other dangerous code.

- New built windows firewall Turned on by default, it helps protect your computer from viruses and Internet attacks.

Simplify and accelerate the management of security settings and updates with the Security Center windows securitydesigned specifically for Windows XP.

The latest Microsoft software and hardware developments: new drivers and updates will help you work more efficiently and safely with Windows Player Media, with DirectX, etc.

To install SP2, you need a computer with Windows XP, a CD-ROM drive (if you are installing from a CD-ROM), a processor with a frequency of at least 233 MHz, 64 MB or more of RAM, and 900 MB of free hard disk space.


Service packs for various versions of Windows have been released before. They were called the same: SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4. If you have Windows XP installed on your computer, then the service packs must be specifically for Windows XP. Look, don't be confused.

Installing two OS

Before installing two operating systems, you must understand that each operating system takes up valuable disk space and file system compatibility issues may arise. Each operating system is an independent world that lives by its own laws and requires its own software.

For example, you have installed and configured a driver for a video card in Windows XP Professional. Start the second operating system (assume Windows 95) and install the driver for the video card compatible with Windows 95. You have installed Microsoft Word in Windows XP, run Windows 95 and install Word compatible with Windows 95. All optimization settings and preventive maintenance for each operating system are carried out separately, according to their own rules.


Drivers and programs must be compatible with the version of Windows on which you install them.

Not all older programs work in Windows XP Professional. Some members of your family may have a preference for a particular version of Windows. Perhaps these are the only reasons why it is worth installing two operating systems.

Installing two or more operating systems with the FAT file system must be installed in the following order: MS-DOS, Windows 95 or 98, and then Windows XP. You understand that it is not necessary to install all modifications of Windows, but versions that were released earlier are installed first.

Installation of two or more operating systems with the NTFS file system is performed according to the same criteria as with FAT - first, the versions that were released earlier are installed.

But before installing two or more operating systems, you need to create multiple volumes. Of course, your computer's hard drive may have been partitioned long before you decided to install Windows XP, and you just want to replace one of your installed operating systems with Windows XP. Then the installation proceeds in exactly the same way as described in Sec. "Installing one OS - Windows XP", taking into account all that has been said about file systems. But we'll look at how you can split one hard drive into two or more partitions and how to merge existing partitions using the partitioning and disk formatting tools built into Windows XP Setup.

Read Sec. "Installing one OS - Windows XP" to the eighth point.

The creation of new sections is a very important operation, therefore all actions are commented in detail and explained on the screen during its implementation.

Using the cursor keys (? And?), You can select a section or free area. Press the D key to delete the existing partition, and then the L key to confirm the deletion of the partition (or press the Enter key followed by L if it is a system partition). Repeat the above steps as many times as you want to delete sections.

Press the C key to create a new partition based on the free space and enter the required size of the new partition (for example, 8 MB). Press Enter to create the maximum partition. If you need to create additional partitions, then repeat this procedure as many times as you want to create sections.

Use the cursor keys (? And?) To select the partition where you want to install Windows XP. Then you need to press the Enter key and select a formatting method.

Leave the current file system.

Formatting a partition using a file fAT systems "Fast".

Formatting a partition using the FAT file system.

Formatting a partition using the NTFS "Fast" file system.

Formatting a partition using the NTFS file system.


Not every installation disc supports all five formatting options.

Press Enter.

If several operating systems are installed on the computer, then you can select one of them to be loaded by default. To do this, after installing all operating systems and restarting the computer, find the My Computer icon on the Desktop, click on it right click mouse and select in context menu Item Properties. In the window that opens, go to the Advanced tab and in the Startup and Recovery area, click the Options button. The Startup and Recovery window will open (Fig. 2.6).

In the Operating system loading area of \u200b\u200bthe window that opens, from the Operating system loaded by default list, select the necessary system, after which at the bottom of the window press the OK button. Now when you turn on or restart your computer, the selected operating system will load.

To manually edit the order and set the default bootable operating system, stay in the Startup and Recovery window. In the Boot operating system area, to the right of the Edit boot list manually inscription, click the Edit button and make the necessary changes in the window that opens. But be careful when manually editing the boot parameters - your computer may not start at all. If you do not quite understand how to edit the boot parameters manually, then remember this setting and never change it (or even open it).

or manually enter the desired time during which it will be possible to select any system installed on your computer. After this time, the default Windows system will boot.

Installing video card drivers

After installing Windows XP, it is advisable to install the video card drivers. The graphics card drivers that come with Windows are not the best option.

Take the CD that you purchased with your graphics card and insert it into your drive. Find required driver and install it. You can also download the driver from the Internet, extract it from the archive into a separate folder and install it on your computer.


A device driver is a small piece of software that allows the operating system to communicate with specific components on your computer (modem, printer, video card, etc.). Drivers are a very important part of your computer. Windows XP includes advanced driver checkers to ensure maximum system stability. Like any program, drivers are outdated and need to be replaced with newer ones. It is advisable to change the video card drivers once a year, and for the mouse you can always use the driver installed with the operating system.

If you are not exactly sure about the correctness of your choice, you can prompt your computer to select the required driver located on your CD, floppy or hard disk.

Executing the Start command? Control panel and in the window that opens, double-click on the System icon. The System Properties window will open (Fig. 2.7).

Figure: 2.7. Properties of the system.

Go to the Hardware tab and click the Device Manager button. In the window of the same name, click on the "+" sign to the left of the Video adapters item, and then right-click on the name of the video card (for example, NVIDIA GeForce2 MX / MX 400). In the context menu that appears, select the Update driver item.

In the opened window of the hardware update wizard, you can set the switch to Automatic installation or Install from a specified location. If the driver is on a floppy disk, then select Automatic installation. If the driver is on a CD or hard drive, then set the switch to the position Install from a specified location. Click the Next button.

If the driver is on the CD, then you can select Search on adjacent media, and if on the hard disk, select Include this search location. Click the Browse button, specify the folder with the drivers and click OK.

The computer will choose itself best driver and install it. It may happen that all the offered drivers for one reason or another will not work. In this case, you need to find others. You can, of course, install the drivers forcibly, but I do not advise you to experiment - Windows knows what it is doing.

Drivers in Windows XP are checked before installation for compatibility with the operating system and for reliability during operation. Verified device drivers provide the most reliable performance for maximum system stability.

Drivers of all devices are installed and updated in a similar way.


If you experience any problems with your computer (suddenly there is no sound, the printer does not want to print files, etc.), open Device Manager. Devices with incorrectly installed drivers will be marked. In this case, you need to reinstall the drivers.

You should understand that the cause of the malfunction can be anything: you mute the sound on the taskbar or forgot to refuel the printer cartridge. But before taking your computer for repair, check the device drivers.