How to get mms from phone to computer. Setting up and sending mms from android. Why MMS is not sent from Android

In the overwhelming majority of cases, when a new SIM card is installed, the smartphone automatically receives the MMS and mobile Internet settings. But sometimes failures can occur, as a result of which the user has to manually set the desired parameters. In this article we will tell you how to set up MMS on Android.

To open MMC settings, you need to do the following:

Step 1... Run the application Settings and select the section " SIM cards and mobile networks».

Step 2... Please select SIM card, for which you want to configure MMC.

Step 3... Click the " Access points».

Step 4... Select an access point for MMS and in the next window, set the parameters necessary for correct reception and sending multimedia messaging.

MMS hotspot settings differ depending on different operators mobile communications... To save your time, we have collected links to the corresponding MMC settings for gadgets under android the largest providers in Russia and neighboring countries:

How to send MMS from Android

Previously (on push-button telephones), to send MMS, you had to select the appropriate option in the message menu. In modern smartphones, everything is much simpler: just attach, for example, a photo to a text message, so that it is automatically converted into a multimedia message. This works in the opposite direction - by deleting all multimedia files from the created MMS, you will turn it into an SMS message.


Setting up MMS on Android is very simple - just follow this guide and in a couple of minutes you will be able to send and receive multimedia messages on your smartphone.


In order to send sms messages to your computer, you need to connect to it in one way or another cellular telephone... There are three main ways to do this: via a data cable, via (bluetooth) and using an infrared port.

The easiest way to copy messages is to connect your phone to your computer with a data cable. It is included with many phones, but it can be purchased separately. Before purchasing, search the Internet for information on which cable is required for your device.

Connect your phone with a cable to your computer. The operating system should see the new device and report it. As a rule, after that you need to install a special program supplied on a CD with your cell phone and providing all the functions of the operation. For example, for nokia phones this is the "PC Suite" program. It can be downloaded from the manufacturer's official Russian-language website.

After installing the program, open it, select "Messages" from the menu. Wait for the data to update, then click desired folder - "Incoming" or "Outgoing". Check the message, click "File" - "Export", specify the save location and file type.

If you connect your phone to a computer via bluetooth, you just need to ensure that the connection is correct. Check that the bluetooth mode is on, insert the device itself into the USB port. The operating system detects the adapter and software installation starts. After its completion, the communication program window will open, select the item search for devices. When the phone is found, click on the device pairing section.

When the connection is established, find the "File Transfer" option, with its help you can copy information both to your computer and vice versa. It is recommended to set a password for bluetooth. Also, it is advisable to disable bluetooth when you are not using this option.

You can use the infrared port to transfer files from your phone to your computer, if your phone has one. An infrared communication device must be connected to the computer and set for it software... After the process is complete, an infrared adapter icon will appear in the computer tray.

Place the cell phone next to the adapter at a distance of about 30-50 cm from each other. There should be no objects between the devices, the infrared ports should be directed towards one another. If done correctly, the computer will detect the phone. Once the connection is established, you can copy the data you need to your computer.


  • how to receive SMS to a computer
  • Transfer SMS messages

Messages on a mobile phone sometimes represent important correspondence that it would be nice to keep on your computer or even print. Not every phone can do this, but iPhone owners can try one of the options.


If your iPhone is not, then there is only one option to copy SMS to your computer. Make a screen with messages (Power and Home at the same time), and then transfer them to your computer. This is not the most convenient way, especially if you need to copy a large number of messages.

There is a more interesting way for jailbreak, although you will need to install two programs to get things done. The first DiscAid program can be downloaded from the second SQLite Database Browser at

With both programs installed, connect your phone to your computer with via USB cable, launch DiscAid and open the Root Folder.

Open the folders User, Library, SMS in turn and click on the sms.db file.

As you may have guessed, the previously copied file contains your SMS, and to bring them into a readable form, you need to convert this file into a readable format. To do this, open the SQLite Database Browser and load the sms.db file into the program.

Select the menu File - Export - Table as CSV file.

Select the Message section and click the Export button.

Specify the location on your computer where you want to save the finished file. You need to add the csv extension to the file name so that the file is defined as excel spreadsheet.

Now you can open the resulting file and read your messages on your computer.


  • how to copy SMS from phone

There are several ways to print any messages, images and other information. The easiest way to print a message is to copy the text or picture that appears into a text editor and use the print function.


For an image using Microsoft Paint, the following procedure should be followed:
- open the file, the content of which is necessary;
- by pressing ALT + PRINT SCREEN save the required image of the window (active) to the clipboard;
- by pressing the Start button, find the Programs item, the Standard sub-item, and then call the Paint program;
- in the Edit menu, select the commands: Paste, Yes (you can view the required image before printing);
- select the Print command from the File menu.

The Kleptomania utility is used to highlight text (for example, program error messages) for further recognition. When using this program, follow these steps:
- select on the computer screen a rectangular area containing the message;
- after the program recognizes the text contained in the message, insert it with the Ctrl + V key combination into the text editing program;
- print the received (formatted) text by means of the selected program (usually menu items: File, Print, OK).

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When printing messages in graphic format, it is necessary to control the quality of the picture, since during the transfer of the image, the message may become "unreadable".

Tip 4: How to save messages from your phone to your computer

The memory of most SIM cards is limited to only thirty messages. Typically, phones have a much larger volume internal memory... In case your messages are full, but you do not want to delete them, you can save them on your computer.


Saving messages on a computer is possible if your phone is synchronized using a data cable. As a rule, the necessary components for this process - data cable, drivers, as well as software - are included in the phone package. If this is not the case, you need to get them. You can buy a data cable at a cellular store. In order to find the right one, it is enough to match the connectors on the phone with the connectors on the data cable. The included software disc is desirable, but not required. You can find them yourself.

Examine the technical documentation of your phone and find the address of the official website of the manufacturer. Go to it and download the drivers, as well as the software required for synchronization. Remember that software can do everything lineup, while the drivers should be right for your phone. Download and install these components, then connect your phone. It is necessary to carry out actions in this sequence, otherwise the device, i.e. your phone may not be detected by your operating system.

Connect your phone and launch the sync software. Make sure the program "sees" the phone. Highlight all messages stored in the phone memory, and then copy them to a file on your computer. Do not disconnect the phone from the computer until the operation is completed, otherwise data may be lost. Unplug your phone from the computer only after the copy completion message appears. It is advisable not to wait until the messages are full, but to periodically update the database and store it on the computer. This will protect your personal data in the event of theft or loss of your phone.

In some cases, the operating system notifies the user of various events or asks to confirm any actions. Such requests or messages are opened in a separate dialog box. There is no special form for saving them, however, the user can still save messages from the computer or view information about certain events.


"Take a picture" of your monitor screen with the message that appears. This can be done in different ways. Press the PrintScreen key on your keyboard. An image of your "Desktop" (and all available on it open folders, dialog boxes and others) will be copied to the clipboard.

Start any graphics editor and create new document... Typically, imaging applications automatically suggest a new document size that matches the size of the image on the clipboard. If not, set the dimensions yourself. Paste into a new document "Desktop", save the file in graphics format.

You can also take a photo of the message using special program, which captures an image like the PrintScreen key, but saves it to a separate folder as a finished image. There are many varieties of such programs. Install an application for capturing images from disk or download it from the Internet.

Run the application, specify the format and directory for saving the file and use hotkey (according to the program settings) to save the message from the computer. To view the resulting frame, go to the directory that you have chosen to save the files, and open the file you need using an application for viewing images or a graphics editor.

In the operating room windows system you can also get information about notifications and alerts by using Event Viewer. Call the Run command through the Start menu. In an empty field, enter eventvwr.msc without quotes or spaces and click OK or press Enter.

Another way. Open the menu via the "Start" button and select "Control Panel". In the Performance and Maintenance category, select the Administration section and left-click on the Event Viewer icon. In the dialog box that opens, select the notification you need and click on the button in the form of two sheets - the information will be copied to the clipboard. Insert it into any text editor and save.

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E-mail messages are exported using the corresponding menu item of the program you are using. Almost all mail clients have a similar algorithm of actions, the only difference may be in the message file formats. The Bat! the message list is in the same format as in Mozilla Thunderbird.

Today, many users prefer to use email to send media files, social networks, applications for communication. However, there are also adherents of the old model of sending photos and pictures, using the MMS system. Setting up a smartphone does not fundamentally differ from the method of setting up phones of the previous generation. Let's consider how to set up mms on Android in all available ways.

First of all, it is recommended to call the telecom operator and make sure that this service is active for the specified number. Paradoxically, the numbers of some regions are not able to send mms. Therefore, activating the mms system will be absolutely meaningless in this case.

It is recommended to call the operator and find out all the details for your number. If the service is available (the probability of which exceeds 95%), then the most in a simple way is a request for automatic mms settings. The settings are sent to the requested number, saved, after which the user can send media messages.

Contact the operator, name the exact phone model, as there are personal parameters for each brand and series, and order the settings. In some Android models, the automatic configuration system is not provided, "thanks" to which the user will have to download the service to manual mode... This will be discussed further.

We set up mobile Internet and MMS on the phone - algorithm:

  1. We activate mobile Internet through your carrier. Please note that some Androids provide for the use of two SIM cards. Therefore, when activating the Internet, you must select a specific number;
  2. Go to the smartphone menu by selecting the "settings" section;
  3. We visit the "wireless networks" window, select the "data transfer" item, activate this parameter;
  4. After that, we return to the "wireless networks" menu, go to mobile networks and select an access point;
  5. In this window, you must specify the SIM card that you will use in order to send and open received messages;
  6. We click on the selected SIM card, if after clicking in front of you two access points did not appear (separate for the Internet and separate for the MMC option), then you will have to add an access point yourself.

Please note that the data entered will be personal for each operator. There is no single universal mms tuning system. Let's consider how access points look for different communication providers.

How to send mms messages from Android - operator settings:

  • Megaphone - to receive the settings, you need to send a message to 5049. You will receive an automatic package of parameters. The user needs to open and save the sent settings, and feel free to use the service. When manual setting it is necessary to drive in the data indicated in the picture;
  • Beeline - to request an automatic package, you must use the number 06741015. You can also configure the mms option in the section personal account... Manual activation occurs as follows;
  • MTS - automatic setting available at 1234. Alternatively, you can use the Internet Assistant for configuration. Manual activation is as follows;
  • Tele2 - automatic setting will be available after calling the operator. Manual activation is filled in like this.

This is important: setting up mms is quite simple, regardless of which telecom operator you use. However, please note that the average cost of one message will be 7 rubles. Much more profitable to use modern technologies free of charge.

What is MMS? This question is asked by many mobile users. Despite the fact that now is far from zero years, this function is still actively used by many owners of mobile phones. The reasons for using MMS can be different: weak Internet speed on a smartphone (or its complete absence), an old model of a mobile phone that does not support modern programs, etc. In this regard, users often ask questions: "How to send MMS?", "How to transfer MMS from phone to computer?" etc. If you are reading this review now, then you are also probably interested in similar questions. Especially for you, we have created a publication that fully covers this topic. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it in order to get comprehensive answers to your questions and finally find out what MMC is!

MMS. What does this word mean?

As many might have guessed, MMS is an English-language abbreviation. It stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. By the way, the well-known word SMS is also an abbreviation and means Short Messaging Service.

What is MMS and how is it different from SMS?

We figured out the meaning, now let's go directly to the topic of the article. MMS is a multimedia messaging service. This function allows the user of a mobile phone to send and receive to his device not only text messages (as is the case with SMS), but also graphic images, audio files and videos.

While the size of an SMS message often does not exceed a few bytes, the size of an MMS message usually reaches 100 kilobytes. If a person wants to send a video to someone, then the size of the MMS will be much larger. But do not forget that 100 kilobytes is just an approximate parameter. The maximum file size you can send is determined by your provider subscription services, but it can be different for each subscriber.

Sending MMS messages

How to send MMS? Another question that is of great interest to many mobile subscribers. In fact, sending MMS messages is very simple procedurethat doesn't take long. A mobile phone user just needs to go to the "Messages" item on his gadget, select the MMS section, write a text (if necessary), attach a picture / song / video, select the person to whom he wants to send it, and then press " Send ".

It should be said that in order to use this function, the mobile device must support it and be properly configured.

The answer to this question will be even shorter than the previous one. To view the contents of the MMS-message that was sent to you, you need to go to the previously mentioned "Messages" item, then go to the "Inbox" section and select the MMS-ku that you need from the list. Now you know how to watch MMS. As you can see, this is not difficult. Understood? Moving on.


"How does MMS work on MTS?" Is another popular question among users. Well, let's try to answer it.

Like other providers of subscription services, MTS allows its users to send MMS messages to other mobile phones, tablets and e-mail addresses.

Sending one MMS will cost a subscriber 9.9 rubles (for residents Russian Federation). There is no charge for receiving incoming MMS.

MMS exchange is possible with MTS users, as well as with subscribers of other operators on the territory of the Russian Federation and other states.

Sending MMS is possible only with the "Mobile Internet" function.

When sending a multimedia message outside the Russian Federation, the traffic fee will be charged according to the roaming tariff. MMS delivery time to MTS is 72 hours. The size of one MMS in the MTS system is 500 kilobytes. Messages to numbers of other operators - 300 kilobytes.

How to manually set up MMS on a smartphone or tablet?

Setting up MMS on your device will go smoothly if you follow the following rules:

  1. IPhone OS: Settings - cellularCellular network data transmission.
  2. Android: Settings - Wireless networksMobile network - Access points (APN).
  3. WP: Settings - Data transfer - Add internet access point.

Print the following information:

  1. Standard APN settings: mms Username / Username / Login: gdata or leave an empty field.
  2. Password / Password / Pass: gdata or leave blank.
  3. APN type: mmsMMSC (home page address): http: // mmsc: 8002.
  4. Proxy server MMS (IP address):
  5. Port proxy: 8080.
  6. MCC: 250.
  7. MNC: 0.

To access the Internet, turn on data transmission:

  1. iOS: Settings - Cellular - Voice & Data - 2G / 3G / LTE.
  2. Android: Settings - Wireless networks - Mobile networks.
  3. WP: Settings - Data Transfer.

As you can see, in setting up MMS there is nothing supernatural. Follow the tips above and you will succeed!

Sending MMS from PC to mobile phone

Many users of the World Wide Web want to know how to send SMS or MMS from computer to phone. Surely someone will think that only some experienced hacker can do this, but not the average network user. In fact, almost everyone can send MMS from a computer. Moreover, it can be done absolutely free! The only thing that is required of the user is access to the Internet and the ISendSMS program, which allows you to send SMS and MMS from a PC to a mobile phone.

This program can be downloaded from the official website of the developers. It can be used to send both text and multimedia messages to phones of different operators from the CIS. Despite its ease of use, it has two disadvantages:

  1. When a message is received, the addressee will not display your phone number, which means that he may not know who sent him SMS / MMS.
  2. This program does not work on all mobile operators. Some suppliers mobile services have a good security system, which is why the user will not always be able to send a message to the number he needs.

How to send MMS online?

If you do not trust this program and simply do not want to download anything from the Internet, then we can offer you an alternative, namely, sending messages online. In the open spaces World wide web there are many services that allow you to send SMS and MMS through a browser without downloading any additional applications. But there are some drawbacks here: such sites may be unsafe for your personal computer, and therefore we recommend that you once again not take risks and do not use the services of suspicious Internet portals of this type.

But don't despair! Some mobile operators (for example, the previously mentioned MTS) allow you to send letters directly from their official website. This does not take much time, and the security of such a procedure is guaranteed by the mobile service provider itself. But this system also has its drawbacks: firstly, the user is given a strictly limited number of messages that he can send; secondly, he can only send text messages, which means that he will not be able to transfer MMS from a computer in this way; thirdly, a person can only send messages to the numbers of this mobile operator.

As you can see, all the proposed options have both their advantages and serious disadvantages. You can try each method yourself and choose the one that suits you best.

MMS and viruses

Not so long ago, all the owners android systems unpleasant news stirred up: the Stagefright MMS virus was actively spreading on the network, which penetrated smartphones, thereby giving hackers full control over these devices. At the moment, the hype about this has subsided a little, but do not forget that the danger of "infection" of the phone is almost always present. Every day, computer hackers create dangerous virusesthrough which they can access all your personal data.

But for now, let's focus on the Stagefright virus. It works according to the following principle: an MMS arrives on the Android user's phone, "infecting" operating system a virus that starts automatically sending the same message to numbers from your phone book. The worst thing is that even deleting a suspicious message will not help the user in any way. The fact is that all Androids have Hangouts installed by default, which, without the owner's knowledge, automatically processes all received SMS and MMS messages. Hence the question is brewing: how to remove MMS with a virus without harming your mobile phone? Can this be done at all? Well, let's figure it out.

Actually the simplest and the right way protection is replacing Hangouts with another text messenger. There are two ways to replace the default message sending and receiving application:

  1. It is carried out through the smartphone settings: "Settings - Wireless networks - More - SMS applications". It should be added that on different smartphones this algorithm may differ, but its essence always remains the same, namely: find a program for sending and receiving text and multimedia messages.
  2. It is carried out directly in the Hangouts application: "Settings - SMS - SMS exchange enabled".

If Hangouts is automatically installed in the list of programs for exchanging SMS and MMS messages, then go to any other application that is present in this list. In the event that, besides Hangouts, you have nothing else, you will have to find and download an alternative to this messenger yourself. Your best bet is to download apps from trusted directories ( Google playfor example) to avoid "infecting" your phone with malware. If you are already used to Hangouts and do not want to bother once again, then you can simply turn off automatic message reception.

Other meanings

Some people might be surprised, but the abbreviation MMS is very common and has more than one meaning. Now we will share with you other interpretations of this word:

  1. MMS (Multimission Modular Spacecraft) is a multipurpose modular satellite.
  2. MMS - wet autogenous grinding mill.
  3. MMS is a mechanized escort bridge.
  4. MMS is a motorized connection.
  5. MMS - soft magnetic alloys.
  6. MMS is an inter-municipal court.
  7. MMS - modeling mental abilities.
  8. MMS is a settlement in the Medvezhyegorsk region of Karelia.
  9. IMC - International Mathematical Union. A worldwide organization created for the collaboration of scientists working in the field of mathematics.
  10. MMS - International Music Council. Organization under UNESCO, created in Paris in 1949. It is made up of 16 international music organizations and music committees from over 60 countries.


Now you know what MMC is. We hope that the information presented in the article has fully helped you find answers to the questions that interested you most.

Today we will talk about how to send MMS from phone to computer and vice versa. The multimedia messaging service allows you to send such messages both to other mobile devices and to an e-mail address. It is possible to carry out such an operation without additional difficulties.


First of all, in order to resolve the issue of how to send MMS from phone to computer, make sure that the mobile device used supports this function... Information about this is obtained from the instructions for the device. In addition, the presence of the item of the same name in the phone menu indicates the support of the corresponding technology.

Technical support

Before sending MMS from the phone to the computer, we check if the corresponding service is active. We contact the service via a phone call technical support operator and ask the consultant the question we are interested in. If the need arises, we provide additional data that may be required by an employee of the company. If the service is not connected on the number used, we inform you about the desire to connect it, or activate the MMS on our own, taking into account the recommendations of the consultant.

Setting up

To send MMS to a computer, we check the correctness of the service parameters in the phone. If errors are found in them, we again contact the support service and inform the company employee about the model of the phone used. As a result, a system message will be sent to us, which contains the automatic configuration parameters.

From scratch

Before sending MMS from a phone to a computer, the function must be activated if it has not been used before. For this purpose, we restart the phone. Then, if necessary, we send an MMS message with any content to a free service number provided earlier by the operator. We are awaiting notification of the successful activation of the function.


We have finished with the preparatory part, and now we turn directly to the solution of the question of how to send MMS from phone to computer. If the selected operator provides the ability to send unlimited multimedia messages with an affordable subscription fee, we connect it.

We compose the MMS in the usual way, however, in the place of the addressee's number, enter email... If you cannot enter it, since numbers are typed instead of letters, we change the input mode on the phone. Most often, this is done by long pressing the Pound key. After completing all the actions described above, we send and wait for the completion of the operation. We clarify whether the message has reached the addressee. It should be borne in mind that MMS is often more expensive than SMS.

Display on PC

Now let's deal with the question of how to view MMC through a computer. In some cases, mobile users may be confused because their device does not support multimedia messaging. It can also take place software glitch, which does not allow opening the message. In such a situation, the question arises of how to view MMS through a computer.

To solve the problem, we connect the mobile device to the PC. All messages are in the phone's memory, so we need to go to the "Messages" section and find the desired item. In addition, to resolve the issue of how to download MMS to a computer, you can save the data to the one used in mobile device memory card. Next, connect the media to the PC and open the file. It is extremely problematic to solve the task without synchronizing the phone and computer. The connection between the devices is established by means of a special application that comes with the device. As soon as the specified software is installed and configured, we connect the phone to the computer using a USB cable.

Note that most mobile operators provide the ability to view MMS messages on their own sites. If you cannot open a multimedia message on your phone, it will receive an SMS with the location of the received multimedia file. Thus, we can view the data over the internet using the link provided. It should be remembered that attackers sometimes send special viruses to MMC that can read the personal information of the owner of the phone.


Let's take a closer look at how to save MMC to your computer. Bluetooth technology will help to do this. If your personal computer does not have a corresponding built-in adapter, you need to purchase an external one. Installing Bluetooth on the PC. If included installation disk insert it into the drive and install the device drivers. Next, we combine using wireless interface phone and PC. We transfer the necessary information.

Reverse action

We already know how to transfer MMC to a computer, but you can do the opposite. Next, we will look at the tools that will allow you to transfer a message from a PC to a phone. First, let's look at the capabilities of the iSendSMS program. With its help, any user of a personal computer can send multimedia and text messages to other subscribers. The application is easy to install and use - it is distributed free of charge. This tool allows you to create an address book, as well as save sent messages. The latter are placed in a special journal that can be viewed at any convenient time.

This approach is very convenient if the message was not delivered and needs to be sent again. TO interesting features programs can be attributed to the delivery function with user-definable time. Note, however, that this operation may not work with all mobile operators. The application interface is convenient and simple, proxy is supported. The tool contains a list of commonly used templates. The operator is automatically determined based on the phone number.

The second method of transferring multimedia messages from a computer to a phone is the use of special online resources. As far as the safety of this method is concerned, a randomly served link is assigned to each submission. It is almost impossible to guess her and thereby steal personal information. The address of the sent file goes only to the recipient.

The Otpravsms project has a clear and simple interface. It allows you to transfer applications, text documents, ringtones, videos, and images. This decision suitable for quickly downloading content to your phone or sending multimedia data to your interlocutor. Once the item has been uploaded, it is available as a web link. By going to its address, you can easily download the data.

To use the service, use the "Select file" function. We indicate the path to the object on the computer and mark it. Enter the recipient's phone number and send the message. You can work with files that do not exceed one megabyte. The loading system is very clear. So we figured out how to get MMS to a computer, as well as transfer it to a phone from a PC.